House Republican Predicts Half of GOP Supports Ousting Liz Cheney as Conference Chair

They are criminals, NAZI. Trump was right to feel threatened because they were trying to stage a coup. Didn't you know that it's illegal to spy on the opposition candidate? In fact, it's illegal to spy on any American without a legal warrant
There was no coup. Just law enforcement doing what we pay them to do. One person falsified a FISA warrant and was charged with that. It’s true. The system identified the criminal and prosecuted him.

The judicial system resists thugs like Trump telling it to arrest people because Trump feels they did something wrong.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”

Go ahead and send a strong message to female voters. Republicans tolerate no dissent. Especially after suburban women were a major reason for Biden's victory.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”

Ms. Cheney should really be thrown out of the caucus, and stripped of her committees. If she can't be counted on, she can caucus with Pelosi and Biden.

And maybe Republicans should officially call themselves the Nazi Party. No dissent is tolerated. That is exactly why Biden won.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”

Some of these fucker still don't get it, they are not there in a personal capacity, they are called representatives for a reason, they are there to represent the views of those that elected them. If they can't do that, they need to fucking resign and make room for someone that will.


That is for the voters of Wyoming to decide.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”

Ms. Cheney should really be thrown out of the caucus, and stripped of her committees. If she can't be counted on, she can caucus with Pelosi and Biden.
Yeah, be loyal no matter what it costs the country.
Cheney is the one shitting on her constituents and shitting on the country. She needs to go, and she will be removed if she doesn't go voluntarily.

That is for Wyoming voters to decide. They did not choose you to make that decision for them. She showed she cares for this country by doing the right thing. You are the ones shitting on our country.
They are criminals, NAZI. Trump was right to feel threatened because they were trying to stage a coup. Didn't you know that it's illegal to spy on the opposition candidate? In fact, it's illegal to spy on any American without a legal warrant
There was no coup. Just law enforcement doing what we pay them to do. One person falsified a FISA warrant and was charged with that. It’s true. The system identified the criminal and prosecuted him.

The judicial system resists thugs like Trump telling it to arrest people because Trump feels they did something wrong.
Tell it to someone dumb enough to swallow it, NAZI. It was a coup. They spent months planning it.
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Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”
Poor snowflakes. Of course, we know what trumpanzees think of women who don't toe their line quietly and submissively.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”

Ms. Cheney should really be thrown out of the caucus, and stripped of her committees. If she can't be counted on, she can caucus with Pelosi and Biden.
Yeah, be loyal no matter what it costs the country.
Cheney is the one shitting on her constituents and shitting on the country. She needs to go, and she will be removed if she doesn't go voluntarily.

That is for Wyoming voters to decide. They did not choose you to make that decision for them. She showed she cares for this country by doing the right thing. You are the ones shitting on our country.
They've already made their decision known.

Wyoming Republican's Message to Representative Cheney

Wyoming Republican's Message to Representative Cheney
January 13, 2021

The wind in Wyoming has been horrendous today—with gusts up to 65 miles per hour. That is nothing compared to the whirlwind created by Representative Cheney’s announcement that she would be voting to impeach President Trump, and her subsequent follow-through of doing just that.

There has not been a time during our tenure when we have seen this type of an outcry from our fellow Republicans, with the anger and frustration being palpable in the comments we have received. Our telephone has not stopped ringing, our email is filling up, and our website has seen more traffic than at any previous time. The consensus is clear that those who are reaching out to the Party vehemently disagree with Representative Cheney’s decision and actions.

Considering the overwhelming interest in this issue the Wyoming Republican Party leadership felt that it was important to share with Representative Cheney the nature of the comments and outcry we have received.

  • By announcing her decision to vote for impeachment Representative Cheney denied President Trump due process; she judged the “evidence” before it was presented and refused to listen to the arguments made.
  • Wyoming voted for the reelection of President Trump by a margin of 70% to 30%. 195,000 Wyomingites voted for President Trump. Representative Cheney is in Washington, DC to represent Wyoming’s interest, not the interest of the beltway elites.
  • President Trump did not incite anyone to riot. Read the transcript of what he said and watch the video.
  • We have watched the leftists and progressives in this country riot, burn, kill, maim, loot and destroy cities and communities for 7 months, often with Democrat leaders egging them on, bailing them out and refusing to condemn their actions.
  • Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the “worst thing ever in our history” (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda.
  • The Democrats are using this to smear the entire conservative movement and all Republicans. By voting to impeach, Representative Cheney is helping them in that effort.
  • Wyoming’s way of life and our entire economic future is under attack. We count on our elected officials to protect us. This move to impeach President Trump shows that we have a real reason to fear what is going to happen under the Biden administration.
  • This move to impeach President Trump makes it that much more difficult for our country to solve the serious problems we have, including Chinese and Iranian aggression, our overwhelming debt, and the catastrophic response to covid19.

These are only some of the themes of the comments we have received. We as a Party respect our elected officials and assume that they will respect and represent their constituents. We are receiving the message loud and clear that what happened yesterday is a true travesty for Wyoming and the country.
Tell it to someone dumb enough to swallow it, NAZI. It was a coup. They spent month planning it.
Know why no one was ever charged with this garbage?

Because to do so, you’d actually have to go before a judge and make a case without lying or hyperbole before judges who know the law.

See, on social media, or TV, or (especially) a crowd of thousands of supporters you can say whatever lies you want. No consequences. But you try that in court, it’s not going to fly.
That is for Wyoming voters to decide. They did not choose you to make that decision for them. She showed she cares for this country by doing the right thing. You are the ones shitting on our country.

The right thing? Are you out of your mind? Again, she chose to vote for impeachment with no evidence, no investigation, no lawyers present, no crime, and no impeachable offense. So what is right about that?
Good, glad to see Trump's continued ruin of the Republican party.
It's "ruined" only from the point of view of NAZIs like you.

You NAZIs are the ones destroying the Republican Party.

You have things half ass backwards.

If the 70 million plus Trumpsters are forced out of the party by Rep. Cheney, the party will be out of power for a hundred generations until it can be rebuilt.

Its the lady from Wyoming that is threatening the party's existence, as no political party can last that long in the "wilderness".
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”

Some of these fucker still don't get it, they are not there in a personal capacity, they are called representatives for a reason, they are there to represent the views of those that elected them. If they can't do that, they need to fucking resign and make room for someone that will.


That is for the voters of Wyoming to decide.

I'm sure they will, but she also represents the caucus and she ignored 96% of them. She should resign as caucus chair.

You moved the goalposts.

Since when is “doing anything to” a president a prosecutable offense in this country? It was for the commies.

No, I didn't move anything. Look, I'll even quote my very own post # 70.

So what person did President Trump tried to have prosecuted that did nothing to him, but simply because he didn't like them?
You did by adding the condition of “did nothing to him” onto my statement which you were directly replying to.
Funny how Trump has been trying to get his justice department to prosecute people he doesn’t like.
Furthermore, the additional qualifier you added is nonsensical since “doing something” to him is not sufficient reason to prosecute someone in a just society.
You did by adding the condition of “did nothing to him” onto my statement which you were directly replying to.

No, I asked a simple question is all, which of course you didn't really answer.

Furthermore, the additional qualifier you added is nonsensical since “doing something” to him is not sufficient reason to prosecute someone in a just society.

They spied on him for no reason other than he was the opponent of Hillary. They got FISA warrants by bullshitting on the application. Of course he wanted them to be thrown in jail. Wouldn't you?
You did by adding the condition of “did nothing to him” onto my statement which you were directly replying to.

No, I asked a simple question is all, which of course you didn't really answer.

Furthermore, the additional qualifier you added is nonsensical since “doing something” to him is not sufficient reason to prosecute someone in a just society.

They spied on him for no reason other than he was the opponent of Hillary. They got FISA warrants by bullshitting on the application. Of course he wanted them to be thrown in jail. Wouldn't you?

He doesn’t get to throw in jail as a result of his very poor judgment in choosing who to associate with. The fact that this could be a rationale for doing so demonstrates how unfit he is for office.

Again, they spied on people around him who were acting suspicious or were completely corrupt.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”
That's ok, all the Democrats and many of the republicans support ousting every republican representative that supported the insurrection.
They won't do it, remember if one of those traitors go down. They all go, fine with me.
They all should. Every single one who embraced the crazy conspiracy theories spread by tRump and the RWNJ infotainment sphere are guilty of inciting insurrection and sedition, making them ineligible for public office.
Why not just arrest 75 million Trump voters?
Because they are chicken shit.
He doesn’t get to throw in jail as a result of his very poor judgment in choosing who to associate with. The fact that this could be a rationale for doing so demonstrates how unfit he is for office.

Again, they spied on people around him who were acting suspicious or were completely corrupt.

Right, but anybody committing a crime did it years before Trump even ran for office, and they didn't spy on them then.

If I ever tried to sell a bridge to somebody, I'd make sure it was a liberal because you people will believe anything.

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