House Republican Predicts Half of GOP Supports Ousting Liz Cheney as Conference Chair

Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”
That's ok, all the Democrats and many of the republicans support ousting every republican representative that supported the insurrection.
They won't do it, remember if one of those traitors go down. They all go, fine with me.
They all should. Every single one who embraced the crazy conspiracy theories spread by tRump and the RWNJ infotainment sphere are guilty of inciting insurrection and sedition, making them ineligible for public office.
Why not just arrest 75 million Trump voters?
Because they are chicken shit.
74 million.

And shrinking.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”
That's ok, all the Democrats and many of the republicans support ousting every republican representative that supported the insurrection.
They won't do it, remember if one of those traitors go down. They all go, fine with me.
They all should. Every single one who embraced the crazy conspiracy theories spread by tRump and the RWNJ infotainment sphere are guilty of inciting insurrection and sedition, making them ineligible for public office.
Why not just arrest 75 million Trump voters?
Because they are chicken shit.
74 million.

And shrinking.
Poll: 17% of Biden Voters Would Have Abandoned Him if They Knew About Stories the Media Censored
Right, but anybody committing a crime did it years before Trump even ran for office, and they didn't spy on them then.

If I ever tried to sell a bridge to somebody, I'd make sure it was a liberal because you people will believe anything.
So you’re going to deny that Manafort was deeply involved with corrupt Russian funded Ukrainian politicians? He was compromised. Flynn was selling influence to the highest bidder and showing his face at Russian funded propaganda dinners in violation of military regulations. Papadopolous was being recruited by Russian agents. Page was already almost recruited by Russian agents, the only reason he wasn’t was because the FBI told him.

Oh, and this just so happens to be at the exact same time as unprecedented Russian interference in the US election specifically to benefit Trump and during which Trump is both denying the interference happened and talking about how much he likes Russia.

And by the way, it was investigated for years and the only criminal charges were for someone nobody had ever heard of for doing something that the “deep state” IG told them he did a year before charges.

So Trump can be mad about people investigating his campaign but he doesn’t get to jail people for his own idiocy that result in the investigation.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”

Some of these fucker still don't get it, they are not there in a personal capacity, they are called representatives for a reason, they are there to represent the views of those that elected them. If they can't do that, they need to fucking resign and make room for someone that will.

Actually, our Founders saw the Senate as the place where reasonable people would put the brakes on a misinformed and misdirected crowd of voters. When even the senators are bamboozled by the grifter, we got problems.

Holding tight to Trump is not the answer. Finding popular policies that will appeal to these folks is fine-- that's what they're supposed to do. But continuing to kiss Donald's ass is not not necessary and in the long run it won't help them individually. Trump's name is mud and he's earned it. Time to flush him, folks, and go back to acting like you live in the oldest and strongest democracy in the world, where if we lose we get working on the next time, not taking out our AR's.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

She's a backstabber just like her father. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it. As for Jeb just wait until 2024 all the RINO's will come out, Jeb, Kasich, Romney.
He could put us through this again.

I see. So you think that's what the founders created impeachment for? Read your Constitution. Impeachment is an action against a representative for a high crime or misdemeanor which Trump didn't do either this time or last. Impeachment is not to get even with a political foe or to stop them from running for office again.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”
The hive mind prevails.
He could put us through this again.

I see. So you think that's what the founders created impeachment for? Read your Constitution. Impeachment is an action against a representative for a high crime or misdemeanor which Trump didn't do either this time or last. Impeachment is not to get even with a political foe or to stop them from running for office again.
Ray, Trump is EXACTLY the kind of guy the Founders included impeachment for, and they would want him stopped from abusing the office again. I think he should have been removed the last time. Since he got away with that one, he escalated to the spectacle we've witnessed for the past three months. Ukraine was a clear example of what he would do to win, but the Repubs found him to be too popular to stop, and got the entire right to ignore it by hollering FAKE NEWS..
So you’re going to deny that Manafort was deeply involved with corrupt Russian funded Ukrainian politicians? He was compromised. Flynn was selling influence to the highest bidder and showing his face at Russian funded propaganda dinners in violation of military regulations. Papadopolous was being recruited by Russian agents. Page was already almost recruited by Russian agents, the only reason he wasn’t was because the FBI told him.

Oh, and this just so happens to be at the exact same time as unprecedented Russian interference in the US election specifically to benefit Trump and during which Trump is both denying the interference happened and talking about how much he likes Russia.

And by the way, it was investigated for years and the only criminal charges were for someone nobody had ever heard of for doing something that the “deep state” IG told them he did a year before charges.

So Trump can be mad about people investigating his campaign but he doesn’t get to jail people for his own idiocy that result in the investigation.

What Manafort did was on his own accord, not on behalf of President Trump. He only worked for Trump a couple of months. He was charged with a series of crimes like money laundering, bank fraud, tax evasion, and similar crimes; nothing to do with Trump and he was doing these things for a couple of years before Trump. Flynn was basically charged with lying to the FBI, also known as a process crime. Comey lied to him when Flynn asked if he should have his lawyer present, and Comey replied that they just want to ask him some off the record questions; that it wasn't an official investigation or inquiry. Then Comey went on a television interview and laughed at how easy it was to set up Flynn.

Popadopolous was charged with agreeing to getting information from the Russians on Hillary Clinton. Then it turns out that Hillary and the DNC got information from the Russians on Trump for that phony dossier. Why wasn't Hillary charged with anything?

The FISA warrants were obtained by lies. Now that Trump declassified some of the material, it is now known that Comey and the deep staters knew all along the Steele dossier was as phony as a three dollar bill, and they used it anyway to spy on Trump. Like I said, it's not a wonder why Trump wanted everybody associated with the warrants arrested and charged. Do you know where you would be if you lied to a court? You'd be charged and in jail or prison.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”
Say good night Liz, you still have your house seat for the moment. We will see what happens in the 2022 primary provided the incoming dictatorial assholes in DC don't abolish elections.
Liz Cheney is a POS turncoat....she is hated in Wyoming with reason! :mad:

Liz Cheney suffers impeachment vote blowback at home: 'Couldn't win a primary today for dog catcher'

Let's hope that those people in Wyoming have a long memory.
Great idea. Trump won't be around to direct the crazies in the GOP, so kicking out anybody with a little sense will finish destroying the smoldering pile that Trump left. Put Louie Gohmert in her position. That's the way to do it.

Liz Cheney’s father was a God-send who rebuilt a depleted intel infrastructure even Obama knew not to fuck with it.
He could put us through this again.

I see. So you think that's what the founders created impeachment for? Read your Constitution. Impeachment is an action against a representative for a high crime or misdemeanor which Trump didn't do either this time or last. Impeachment is not to get even with a political foe or to stop them from running for office again.
Ray, Trump is EXACTLY the kind of guy the Founders included impeachment for, and they would want him stopped from abusing the office again. I think he should have been removed the last time. Since he got away with that one, he escalated to the spectacle we've witnessed for the past three months. Ukraine was a clear example of what he would do to win, but the Repubs found him to be too popular to stop, and got the entire right to ignore it by hollering FAKE NEWS..

Give me the high crime or misdemeanor. Give me the law broken this time or last.

Remember the new standards set by the commies in 2022 when we get the House back. Republicans will impeach Biden twice because he smiled the wrong way. If the Democrats can use mind reading or Thought Police as a reason for impeachment, then anybody can do the same thing.
So you’re going to deny that Manafort was deeply involved with corrupt Russian funded Ukrainian politicians? He was compromised. Flynn was selling influence to the highest bidder and showing his face at Russian funded propaganda dinners in violation of military regulations. Papadopolous was being recruited by Russian agents. Page was already almost recruited by Russian agents, the only reason he wasn’t was because the FBI told him.

Oh, and this just so happens to be at the exact same time as unprecedented Russian interference in the US election specifically to benefit Trump and during which Trump is both denying the interference happened and talking about how much he likes Russia.

And by the way, it was investigated for years and the only criminal charges were for someone nobody had ever heard of for doing something that the “deep state” IG told them he did a year before charges.

So Trump can be mad about people investigating his campaign but he doesn’t get to jail people for his own idiocy that result in the investigation.

What Manafort did was on his own accord, not on behalf of President Trump. He only worked for Trump a couple of months. He was charged with a series of crimes like money laundering, bank fraud, tax evasion, and similar crimes; nothing to do with Trump and he was doing these things for a couple of years before Trump. Flynn was basically charged with lying to the FBI, also known as a process crime. Comey lied to him when Flynn asked if he should have his lawyer present, and Comey replied that they just want to ask him some off the record questions; that it wasn't an official investigation or inquiry. Then Comey went on a television interview and laughed at how easy it was to set up Flynn.

Popadopolous was charged with agreeing to getting information from the Russians on Hillary Clinton. Then it turns out that Hillary and the DNC got information from the Russians on Trump for that phony dossier. Why wasn't Hillary charged with anything?

The FISA warrants were obtained by lies. Now that Trump declassified some of the material, it is now known that Comey and the deep staters knew all along the Steele dossier was as phony as a three dollar bill, and they used it anyway to spy on Trump. Like I said, it's not a wonder why Trump wanted everybody associated with the warrants arrested and charged. Do you know where you would be if you lied to a court? You'd be charged and in jail or prison.
It’s not surprising how much you got wrong in this post. But suffice to say most of your knowledge on this is false, probably because you’ve been lead to believe these false things because the truth is inconvenient to Trump.
He could put us through this again.

I see. So you think that's what the founders created impeachment for? Read your Constitution. Impeachment is an action against a representative for a high crime or misdemeanor which Trump didn't do either this time or last. Impeachment is not to get even with a political foe or to stop them from running for office again.
Ray, Trump is EXACTLY the kind of guy the Founders included impeachment for, and they would want him stopped from abusing the office again. I think he should have been removed the last time. Since he got away with that one, he escalated to the spectacle we've witnessed for the past three months. Ukraine was a clear example of what he would do to win, but the Repubs found him to be too popular to stop, and got the entire right to ignore it by hollering FAKE NEWS..

Give me the high crime or misdemeanor. Give me the law broken this time or last.

Remember the new standards set by the commies in 2022 when we get the House back. Republicans will impeach Biden twice because he smiled the wrong way. If the Democrats can use mind reading or Thought Police as a reason for impeachment, then anybody can do the same thing.
I don't see it that way, I'm not a lawyer, but I know when something is seriously wrong. You need to repeat Boy Scouts.
Her days are numbered. She must be getting political advice for Jeb Bush.

One House Republican predicted Wednesday that as many as half of the House Republican conference might vote to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the House Republican Conference chair.
Politico’s Melanie Zanona reported that one House Republican not affiliated with the House Freedom Caucus said as many as half of the House Republican Conference may support ousting Cheney as the third-ranking Republican over her support for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Cheney rebuffed calls for her to resign or be ousted from her position in House Republican leadership.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she told Politico Wednesday. “This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”
She continued, “But our nation is facing an unprecedented, since the Civil War, constitutional crisis. That’s what we need to be focused on. That’s where our efforts and attention need to be.”
That's ok, all the Democrats and many of the republicans support ousting every republican representative that supported the insurrection.
They won't do it, remember if one of those traitors go down. They all go, fine with me.
They all should. Every single one who embraced the crazy conspiracy theories spread by tRump and the RWNJ infotainment sphere are guilty of inciting insurrection and sedition, making them ineligible for public office.
Why not just arrest 75 million Trump voters?
Because they are chicken shit.
74 million.

And shrinking.
Lol, you keep telling yourself that!
I don't see it that way, I'm not a lawyer, but I know when something is seriously wrong. You need to repeat Boy Scouts.

Never been a boy scout and never a lawyer either. But you don't need to be a lawyer to understand the Constitution. The Constitution explicitly states that impeachment is punishment when a representative commits a high crime or misdemeanor. There was no high crime when Trump asked another leader to "do him a favor." There was no impeachable offense when Trump asked his supporters to protest legally and peacefully.

Now let's look at the so-called evidence. Before we do that, I want to remind you that every word in the English language has a definition.

The Communists decided that when Trump asked Zelensky for a favor, he really meant Ukraine wouldn't get their US aid unless Zelensky complied. Yet nowhere in the transcript did Trump even hint at that. The key word here is "favor" and as I said, all words in the English language have definitions.

[ fey-ver ]

See synonyms for: favor / favored / favoring on
Something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.

The most recent phony impeachment: The FBI reported that the Capital riot began 20 minutes before Trump gave his speech, even if he did tell people to riot. Therefore there is no possible way that whatever Trump said in his speech incited the riot. In fact, the FBI contacted the Capital police warning them the day before this might take place according to their investigations. When the Capital police asked the Commie Mayor for assistance from the National Guard, she refused the request. The assailants came equipt with face shields and zip lock handcuffs. That means this was not a spontaneous act. It was planned as the FBI stated.

But Piglosi knew this. She lied that it was Trump who incited the rioters, just like the commies lied about a video nobody seen leading to the US embassy attack that killed three Americans. So she led an impeachment based on a lie just like the first impeachment.

You think you know when something is seriously wrong, but I know when something is seriously wrong. When a commie leader impeaches a President for exercising his first amendment rights, that's definitely wrong.

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