House Speaker Boehner’s New Budget Proposal


Jun 1, 2011
House Speaker John Boehner’s new budget proposal would require deep cuts in the years immediately ahead in Social Security and Medicare benefits for current retirees, the repeal of health reform’s coverage expansions, or wholesale evisceration of basic assistance programs for vulnerable Americans.
The plan is, thus, tantamount to a form of “class warfare.” If enacted, it could well produce the greatest increase in poverty and hardship produced by any law in modern U.S. history.

Statement: Robert Greenstein, President, on House Speaker Boehner
Boy that will get them lots of votes in the Tea Party.
Too bad the right does not believe in spinning cuts.
I think everyone should read this, with eyes wide open. LOL! 'Immediate' means within 10 years to start. From the get go both sides agree that SSI, Medicare need to be changed to keep them solvent. Raising the age is step one.

I for one would be happy if step 1 was announced to be means testing benefits, once the insured had their 'premiums' returned to them over time. Thus the rich elderly, of which there are many, would recoup what they paid in, but if they lived longer than that, it payments would cease.
Thus the rich elderly, of which there are many, would recoup what they paid in, but if they lived longer than that, it payments would cease.

SS is an insurance plan not an investement plan, if that rich why should they be able to draw any SS following your rationale?
Thus the rich elderly, of which there are many, would recoup what they paid in, but if they lived longer than that, it payments would cease.

SS is an insurance plan not an investement plan, if that rich why should they be able to draw any SS following your rationale?

If it were an investment plan, they could have opted out. It's confiscated earnings, never sold as a tax.
SS payments are based on actuarial tables based on the amounts paid-in and is solvent thru 2037. So a few minor tweaks should make SS viable over the long term.

Medicare is totally fucked-up. There are no limits, they don't deny service to those who didn't pay in, and that needs to change. Those of us who paid in had better have access to the same quality of care that we afforded past retirees. DC better figure out how to make Medicare viable before it goes insolvent in 2017.
In short, the Boehner plan would force policymakers to choose among cutting the incomes and health benefits of ordinary retirees, repealing the guts of health reform and leaving an estimated 34 million more Americans uninsured, and savaging the safety net for the poor. It would do so even as it shielded all tax breaks, including the many lucrative tax breaks for the wealthiest and most powerful individuals and corporations.

is there any question about who this is engineered for?
The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.
The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.

No it does not ensure anything.
Both rating agencies have stated numerous times that merely passing a debt ceiling increase would not do anything to stop a credit rating reduction, in fact without REAL spending cuts included - it would increase the likelihood of a lower credit rating.
The credit rating is not made on whether or not the debt ceiling is raised - rather it is based on the likelihood of America defaulting at some point in the future - which is virtually certain.

Neither plan thus far actually reduces spending at all. Only PROPOSES spending cuts, which going by the history of congress never following through in "future" spending cuts in the last 30 years - it is basically 100% sure they will not follow through.
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The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.

What is "Reid's plan" exactly? No mention of it anywhere. Reid's plan seems to be to do nothing.
The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.

What is "Reid's plan" exactly? No mention of it anywhere. Reid's plan seems to be to do nothing.

Rieds plan uses gimmicks. The obvious opposition is it interferes with Obumbles reelection chances. The source that dems are using about the downgrade is a dnc lapdog
The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.

What is "Reid's plan" exactly? No mention of it anywhere. Reid's plan seems to be to do nothing.

Rieds plan uses gimmicks. The obvious opposition is it interferes with Obumbles reelection chances. The source that dems are using about the downgrade is a dnc lapdog

I have yet to see mention of a "Reid Plan."
The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.

What is "Reid's plan" exactly? No mention of it anywhere. Reid's plan seems to be to do nothing.

Reid's plan would heavily cut the tune of about 1 Trillion of his 2.7 Trillion in cuts over ten years...

Boehner, Reid release dueling budget plans - The Hill's Floor Action
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The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.

What is "Reid's plan" exactly? No mention of it anywhere. Reid's plan seems to be to do nothing.

Reid's plan would heavily cut the tune of about 1 Trillion of his 2.7 Trillion in cuts over ten years...

Boehner, Reid release dueling budget plans - The Hill's Floor Action

Absolutely not - there is not one dime of defense cuts that are not already in place.
This is the deception part of the Dem plan that I mention in another thread.
He is counting already existing reduced spending with the winding down of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars that is going to happen regardless of his plan or anyone else's.
This is trickery at it's finest.
The Boehner's plan would lower our rating and increase interest rates. Reid's plan would allow the US to keep it's AAA rating. It's not liberal bias, it's MATH.

What is "Reid's plan" exactly? No mention of it anywhere. Reid's plan seems to be to do nothing.

Reid's plan would heavily cut the tune of about 1 Trillion of his 2.7 Trillion in cuts over ten years...

Boehner, Reid release dueling budget plans - The Hill's Floor Action

So IOW Reid's plan gives it to us all in the ass. No wonder Seawytch is in favor of it.
In a nutshell...

Dem plan counts the automatic reduction of defense spending due to the war in Iraq/Afghanistan winding down - this will happen regardless of what passes and is disingenuous at least to try and claim it as a part of a "plan". It contains no language to reduce the debt ceiling in the future (the single largest thing to consider as this more than ANYTHING forces reduced spending).

End result - spending would increase not decrease.

Republican plan is smoke and mirrors. Their definition of "immediate" - is 10 years. It kicks the can down the road again, but it does contain some murky language to relowering the debt ceiling - but from what I understand has no time table to do so - so therefore would probably never happen.

End result - not much.
House Speaker John Boehner’s new budget proposal would require deep cuts in the years immediately ahead in Social Security and Medicare benefits for current retirees, the repeal of health reform’s coverage expansions, or wholesale evisceration of basic assistance programs for vulnerable Americans.
The plan is, thus, tantamount to a form of “class warfare.” If enacted, it could well produce the greatest increase in poverty and hardship produced by any law in modern U.S. history.

Statement: Robert Greenstein, President, on House Speaker Boehner


I now know I can add the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities to the list of places that is willing to outright lie in order to scam money from people.

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