House Speaker John Boehner Ended His Career If?


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, if true? He is gone!!!

Boehner Pelosi Teamed Up to Use Netanyahu as Cover for Vote


The liberal Democraps are going to provide him with cover if the conservatives in the GOP try to oust him as Speaker.

Is there some reason he is the best asshole buddies with the Dims?

Gee. Tough one.
John Boehner was trained and educated by the Jesuits - he won't be going anywhere - the Republican Catholic Jesuits are in alliance with the Democrat Catholic Jesuits - they are entrenched in both camps - thoroughly infiltrated to the very top.

Society of Jesus Calls on Jesuit Alumni in Congress to Protect Central American Children Crossing U.S. Border

The Society of Jesus in the United States (the Jesuit order) is making a personal plea to the 43 Congressional representatives who graduated from U.S. Jesuit high schools and colleges to “uphold the dignity of the human person and the sacredness of human life” when considering policy solutions to address the influx of children fleeing violence in Central America.
In a letter to Speaker John Boehner, (Xavier University) copied to Jesuit alumni in Congress, Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, S.J., president of the Jesuit Conference, called on Congress to uphold the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (TVPRA).
Fr. Smolich’s letter follows a letter earlier this summer from 1,200 Jesuit school alumni to fellow alumni in the U.S. House calling for immigration reform.
Currently, most unaccompanied minors detained by Border Patrol agents are handed over to the Department of Health and Human Services, which coordinates their care and provides an opportunity for children to tell their story to an adult they can trust. As part of his response to the increase in the number of children arriving at the border, President Obama asked Congress to consider weakening the TVPRA in order to fast-track deportations of children. Now, House leadership is seeking to change the law, which would allow a single Border Patrol agent to render a deportation decision and quickly deport a child back to his or her home country.
As you can see they Vatican and their Jesuit operatives are busy involving themselves in American politics. America is suffering tremendously as a result.
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The problem with Congress is TPM nitwits, not Boehner or Pelosi; it's the TPM that needs to go.
The problem with Congress is TPM nitwits, not Boehner or Pelosi; it's the TPM that needs to go.

Yo, you are full of Bull Crap, like most idiots who have no clue:fu:!! If anybody needs to go? Its the elites who like to control every aspect of the American People! The Tea Party are just people who are fed up with the CRAP going on in Washington, that means both Parties! The Tea Party is not going anywhere, they intend eventually, to get those ones who live in Congress, and the Senate, and are too comfortable in their positions, the HELL out of Washington, period! You idiots out in La La Land need to open your idiot eyes, and realize nothing is going to change if you keep putting Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, McConnell, and the rest of the idiots who are just making a good living off the backs of you and me, period!



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