House Speaker John Boehner to Harry Reid: "Go f*** yourself."

Great, FINALLY Boehner grows a pair. Too little too late.

This is growing a pair???

This is absolutely childish. It's a childish response to Reid's childish accusastions.

We are supposed to be adults, why do we have overgrown children leading both parties?!

Growing a pair and being intelligent are not the same. It does take some balls to say that to the majority leader in the senate, no matter who you are.

And yes, we have overgrown children in office in Washington from obama to the most junior congressperson.
Well, who doesn't want to say that to Reid..?

I kinda hope during the state of the union address, Obama gets the same treatment, it's only fair considering...:lol:
Po', po' babies. 6Nov12 and now this.:badgrin:
What exactly do you think "this" is? Some boys exchanged some harsh words in the hallway?

So the fuck what?

A bunch of old bitties hanging around the knitting circle have better gossip than "this".

"This" is what is important to you and so many others?

Damn, no wonder our country is in the shithole.
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Great, FINALLY Boehner grows a pair. Too little too late.

This is growing a pair???

This is absolutely childish. It's a childish response to Reid's childish accusastions.

We are supposed to be adults, why do we have overgrown children leading both parties?!

Growing a pair and being intelligent are not the same. It does take some balls to say that to the majority leader in the senate, no matter who you are.

And yes, we have overgrown children in office in Washington from obama to the most junior congressperson.

No it doesn't. Any idiot can say that to the majority leader in the Senate, even to the President. It takes absolutely no freaking guts at all.
Sweet! It doesn't get any better than this. House Speaker John Boehner obviously has no class.

TRENDING: Boehner’s White House F-bomb – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - For all the stalemate in the fiscal cliff negotiations, there were some heated moments, too.

A Democratic source familiar with one particular exchange told CNN that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell were sitting on a sofa in the White House.

House Speaker John Boehner breezed in and his first words to Reid were "Go f*** yourself."

Boehner's comment came after Reid took to the Senate floor on Thursday and characterized the House speaker's handling of his chamber as a "dictatorship."

Reid responded to Boehner's confrontational tone by laughing

If I was in the same room with Reid, I'd tell him the same thing.
Republicans have a history of this kind of classless behaviour. Just like Cheney and Leahy.

Republicans are just thugs in suits.

mmm.. blow jobs & cigar tricks in the oval office, the pinnacle of most Democrat voters aspirations.
Sweet! It doesn't get any better than this. House Speaker John Boehner obviously has no class.

TRENDING: Boehner’s White House F-bomb – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - For all the stalemate in the fiscal cliff negotiations, there were some heated moments, too.

A Democratic source familiar with one particular exchange told CNN that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell were sitting on a sofa in the White House.

House Speaker John Boehner breezed in and his first words to Reid were "Go f*** yourself."

Boehner's comment came after Reid took to the Senate floor on Thursday and characterized the House speaker's handling of his chamber as a "dictatorship."

Reid responded to Boehner's confrontational tone by laughing

Harry Reid deserves much worse.

A severe beat-down for one.

So if Boehner told that little penis to go F himself it was well deserved.
Yeah, honestly, I'm not really too offended by this.

Reid was kind of being a dick with the whole "dictator" thing.

He kind of deserved it.

If I was "Boner", I'd have told him to f**k himself too.

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