House UFO hearing


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021

As soon as most of us see “UFO” we might tend to relegate the information to the garbage bin. Here, we might expect to find a post on the topic in the “conspiracy” forum because “conspiracy” is too often mis-associated with “conspiracy nut” rhetoric.

But here, we had a very open and public Congressional hearing with some people of experience and stature. And remarkably, it was fairly bi-partisan.

Almost makes me wonder why we (the American people) are suddenly being given more than just a tiny drip of information on the topic.

Is it possible that the government is now trying to prepare us all for some bigger news? I’m not talking about any SCI fi crap like a pending invasion. I just mean some news that we aren’t in fact all alone in the universe.

As soon as most of us see “UFO” we might tend to relegate the information to the garbage bin. Here, we might expect to find a post on the topic in the “conspiracy” forum because “conspiracy” is too often mis-associated with “conspiracy nut” rhetoric.

But here, we had a very open and public Congressional hearing with some people of experience and stature. And remarkably, it was fairly bi-partisan.

Almost makes me wonder why we (the American people) are suddenly being given more than just a tiny drip of information on the topic.

Is it possible that the government is now trying to prepare us all for some bigger news? I’m not talking about any SCI fi crap like a pending invasion. I just mean some news that we aren’t in fact all alone in the universe.

Bread and circuses. This sudden UFO thing is a distraction from something. Not sure what that "something" is right yet.

As soon as most of us see “UFO” we might tend to relegate the information to the garbage bin. Here, we might expect to find a post on the topic in the “conspiracy” forum because “conspiracy” is too often mis-associated with “conspiracy nut” rhetoric.

But here, we had a very open and public Congressional hearing with some people of experience and stature. And remarkably, it was fairly bi-partisan.

Almost makes me wonder why we (the American people) are suddenly being given more than just a tiny drip of information on the topic.

Is it possible that the government is now trying to prepare us all for some bigger news? I’m not talking about any SCI fi crap like a pending invasion. I just mean some news that we aren’t in fact all alone in the universe.
Maybe not so much bigger news as a bigger lie. Now that more and more people are rejecting wokeism there needs to be a new quasi-religion to replace it.

E.T. on a cross.

There has actually been talk of a secret project called Project Blue beam around for decades. It would purportedly use a combination of secret military technology and Hollywood special effects to fake a UFO invasion, or a high profile convincing public encounter anyway. This way the government gets to blame all kinds of things on ET instead of taking responsibility for it. And the result is a new religion or culture which worships or abhors fake brothers from another planet. If you think about it this type of mass social manipulation has been used with many other mediums in the past. You create a controversy and enforce people to choose sides. I believe the same thing happened in Roswell in 1947. That laid the grid work for UFO culture for the next 75 years. You have the people who believe it was swamp gas or a weather balloon.... And then you have the people who believe it was Little Green Men from outer space.... When in fact it was our own Big brother in Washington all along. Of course you know that at exactly the same time (1947) thousands of ex-nazi scientists were working for our government in the intelligence community and for the newly created space program. That type of divisive propaganda has "Nazi" written all over it, and most likely devised to help the United States government cover what they were really developing out there under the desert. To this day we all believe that conventional rocket science is still the backbone of space travel. Most likely our government has developed the ability to manipulate space-time and has kept that completely secret from the public aside from ambiguous glimpses here and there which are never really explained.
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Maybe not so much bigger news as a bigger lie. Now that more and more people are rejecting wokeism there needs to be a new quasi-religion to replace it.

E.T. on a cross.


As soon as most of us see “UFO” we might tend to relegate the information to the garbage bin. Here, we might expect to find a post on the topic in the “conspiracy” forum because “conspiracy” is too often mis-associated with “conspiracy nut” rhetoric.

But here, we had a very open and public Congressional hearing with some people of experience and stature. And remarkably, it was fairly bi-partisan.

Almost makes me wonder why we (the American people) are suddenly being given more than just a tiny drip of information on the topic.

Is it possible that the government is now trying to prepare us all for some bigger news? I’m not talking about any SCI fi crap like a pending invasion. I just mean some news that we aren’t in fact all alone in the universe.
Watch this..or the gazillions of similar videos on YouTube... And tell me that a world superpower with a multi-trillion dollar black budget couldn't pull off something light years past this in the skies. They could even fake a close encounter of the third kind from a distance with the help of CNN, complete with government officials meeting the occupants of a "landed" spacecraft on a military base or something. Thank God American UFO culture has grown up quite a bit and realizes that our government is capable of so much more than we realize... And that is NOT a good thing.

Maybe not so much bigger news as a bigger lie. Now that more and more people are rejecting wokeism there needs to be a new quasi-religion to replace it.

E.T. on a cross.

There has actually been talk of a secret project called Project Blue beam around for decades. It would purportedly use a combination of secret military technology and Hollywood special effects to fake a UFO invasion, or a high profile convincing public encounter anyway. This way the government gets to blame all kinds of things on ET instead of taking responsibility for it. And the result is a new religion or culture which worships or abhors fake brothers from another planet. If you think about it this type of mass social manipulation has been used with many other mediums in the past. You create a controversy and enforce people to choose sides. I believe the same thing happened in Roswell in 1947. That laid the grid work for UFO culture for the next 75 years. You have the people who believe it was swamp gas or a weather balloon.... And then you have the people who believe it was Little Green Men from outer space.... When in fact it was our own Big brother in Washington all along. Of course you know that at exactly the same time (1947) thousands of ex-nazi scientists were working for our government in the intelligence community and for the newly created space program. That type of divisive propaganda has "Nazi" written all over it, and most likely devised to help the United States government cover what they were really developing out there under the desert. To this day we all believe that conventional rocket science is still the backbone of space travel. Most likely our government has developed the ability to manipulate space-time and has kept that completely secret from the public aside from ambiguous glimpses here and there which are never really explained.
I think you meant Project Blue Book.
It makes sense that consciousness is Human a Condition. UNIQUE!!!


As soon as most of us see “UFO” we might tend to relegate the information to the garbage bin. Here, we might expect to find a post on the topic in the “conspiracy” forum because “conspiracy” is too often mis-associated with “conspiracy nut” rhetoric.

But here, we had a very open and public Congressional hearing with some people of experience and stature. And remarkably, it was fairly bi-partisan.

Almost makes me wonder why we (the American people) are suddenly being given more than just a tiny drip of information on the topic.

Is it possible that the government is now trying to prepare us all for some bigger news? I’m not talking about any SCI fi crap like a pending invasion. I just mean some news that we aren’t in fact all alone in the universe.
I think you are on to something. Also, the Webb telescope has been seeing fully formed galaxies where previously they believed no such structures existed.

The important point here really is that while Asia has this innovation and investment in making their cities exciting, new and wonderful places to be, you see no such similar effort being made anywhere in America. Our cities are in decay now or stagnation at best after the ruination of decades of crazy leftwing socialist progressive ideologies being placated to.

The USA is now a follower, a distant follower, and not even a good one at that because our leaders have been bilking the nation for ages, enriching their own personal deep pockets at the expense of the American people.

Bread and circuses. This sudden UFO thing is a distraction from something. Not sure what that "something" is right yet.
Besides our border being flooded by another type of alien, cocaine in the White House, the absolute disaster and loss of US military equipment in the Ukraine, or the legal woes of the 'first family'?

Most likely liberals just want to make sure when our intergalactic masters arrive, we get their pronouns right.
Mighty waste of space if we were alone. Which we are not. The secrecy bullshit needs to end.
Mighty waste of space if we were alone.

Actually mathematically impossible. So, the real question is how many and how far apart so that one of us might actually ever meet the other.

Apparently, the sky is abuzz, and we are the last to find out about it.

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