House votes to block Syrian refugees

A lot of us /are/ trying to use our heads, and we're called racists for it. Sorry, the whole thing is 100% coming off as the PC police going off the deep end - that "looking like we're friendly" is vastly more important than the safety of American lives. Likely why so many Dem's defected and voted for the House bill.
"America stands for importing people who despise Americans!!!"

How do you know these refugees despise Americans?

How do you know they don't? Im sure many do
A lot of us /are/ trying to use our heads, and we're called racists for it. Sorry, the whole thing is 100% coming off as the PC police going off the deep end - that "looking like we're friendly" is vastly more important than the safety of American lives. Likely why so many Dem's defected and voted for the House bill.
"America stands for importing people who despise Americans!!!"

How do you know these refugees despise Americans?

THIS is How Many Terrorists ISIS Claims Are Hidden Among Syrian Refugees
Palestinian/Muslims leaving Israel expressed their gratitude to the majority Christian nation of Lebanon and all was peaceful....temporarily. Once they had large numbers the bombings and killings began. They set up checkpoints on roads in Lebanon and those found not to be Muslim were dragged out of their cars and executed. The capitol city of Beirut, once considered the Paris of the Middle-East, was ruined in war between Christians fighting for survival and Muslims wanting an Islamic government.
Wake up!
Of course. But it doesn't require a total suspension of a well functioning program in order to revisit. That's the politics of fear over rational thought.
To me that is safe practices.

That would be like looking at the Colorado Theatre Shooting and banning all guns until we figure out how to prevent crazy people from obtaining them and wreaking carnage.
no that would be like not allowing Syrian refugees into US until we come up with a better way to vet.

There is no evidence showing we need a "better way to vet" because our vetting has worked thus far. Reassess it and double check it sure but there is no need to halt the whole program when the program has worked very well to date.

The Director of the FBI explained in detail that the way we did vetting for other refugees is not going to work with the refugees coming from Syria. The FBI can't check names and details against a database because the information they are getting out of Syria is so spotty. It's why he's covering his ass by saying he's leery about vetting for Syrian refugees even though he's an Obama appointee.

Too Funny;

You admit there is no information and yet you still think the process is going to work. This would be like me giving you a padlock that requires four sets of numbers to open. Inside the locked box is the antidote to the poisons you just consumed.. No further information is available.... Good luck opening the lock!
Syria hasn't had an effective government in about 10 years. How the fuck do they know who these people are? Most of them were little kids when the government lost control, and don't tell me intelligence services that could preempt the attack on Paris have any clue whatsoever.

Some people are idiotic in their self-righteousness.
To me that is safe practices.

That would be like looking at the Colorado Theatre Shooting and banning all guns until we figure out how to prevent crazy people from obtaining them and wreaking carnage.
no that would be like not allowing Syrian refugees into US until we come up with a better way to vet.

There is no evidence showing we need a "better way to vet" because our vetting has worked thus far. Reassess it and double check it sure but there is no need to halt the whole program when the program has worked very well to date.
This is what the House wants, "The bill would require the FBI director to certify a background investigation for each refugee -- and several top security officials including the DHS secretary to certify that each refugee is not a security threat to the U.S. -- before a refugee from Iraq or Syria can be admitted." Why do you have such a problem with that?

Because no one can certify that 100% - on ANY refugee.

The process, as it stands now, has worked well - there is no need to halt the entire program to satisfy irrational fears. Re-examine it, sure.

But what would be accomplished by "The bill would require the FBI director to certify a background investigation for each refugee -- and several top security officials including the DHS secretary to certify that each refugee is not a security threat to the U.S."? Nothing. There is already an extensive background check done - asking for an additional layer of burueacracy does nothing to make it any more secure - except that it places the onus for guaranteeing something that can never be guaranteed 100% with ANY refugee on the backs of individuals who might be less likely to let anyone in for fear of repercussions?
I never said 100% we have been down this road already:rolleyes:
That would be like looking at the Colorado Theatre Shooting and banning all guns until we figure out how to prevent crazy people from obtaining them and wreaking carnage.
no that would be like not allowing Syrian refugees into US until we come up with a better way to vet.

There is no evidence showing we need a "better way to vet" because our vetting has worked thus far. Reassess it and double check it sure but there is no need to halt the whole program when the program has worked very well to date.
This is what the House wants, "The bill would require the FBI director to certify a background investigation for each refugee -- and several top security officials including the DHS secretary to certify that each refugee is not a security threat to the U.S. -- before a refugee from Iraq or Syria can be admitted." Why do you have such a problem with that?

Because no one can certify that 100% - on ANY refugee.

The process, as it stands now, has worked well - there is no need to halt the entire program to satisfy irrational fears. Re-examine it, sure.

But what would be accomplished by "The bill would require the FBI director to certify a background investigation for each refugee -- and several top security officials including the DHS secretary to certify that each refugee is not a security threat to the U.S."? Nothing. There is already an extensive background check done - asking for an additional layer of burueacracy does nothing to make it any more secure - except that it places the onus for guaranteeing something that can never be guaranteed 100% with ANY refugee on the backs of individuals who might be less likely to let anyone in for fear of repercussions?
I never said 100% we have been down this road already:rolleyes:

That's what the proponents of the Bill are demanding.:rolleyes:
Syria hasn't had an effective government in about 10 years. How the fuck do they know who these people are? Most of them were little kids when the government lost control, and don't tell me intelligence services that could preempt the attack on Paris have any clue whatsoever.

Some people are idiotic in their self-righteousness.

Speaking of idiotic people, you do realize that we have a completely different vetting process for accepting refugees than Europe...yes?

Surely you can find something besides Pam Geller, who has a reputation for posting lies?
Syria hasn't had an effective government in about 10 years. How the fuck do they know who these people are? Most of them were little kids when the government lost control, and don't tell me intelligence services that could preempt the attack on Paris have any clue whatsoever.

Some people are idiotic in their self-righteousness.

Speaking of idiotic people, you do realize that we have a completely different vetting process for accepting refugees than Europe...yes?
You need information to vet. Except for a few of their leaders and some guys with British accents, we haven't got a clue. It's not like the have the sign of Cain on their foreheads. Only Obama and his idiot minions would think that.

Surely you can find something besides Pam Geller, who has a reputation for posting lies?

Why dont you refute the facts she presents?

Surely you can find something besides Pam Geller, who has a reputation for posting lies?
Syria hasn't had an effective government in about 10 years. How the fuck do they know who these people are? Most of them were little kids when the government lost control, and don't tell me intelligence services that could preempt the attack on Paris have any clue whatsoever.

Some people are idiotic in their self-righteousness.

Speaking of idiotic people, you do realize that we have a completely different vetting process for accepting refugees than Europe...yes?
You need information to vet. Except for a few of their leaders and some guys with British accents, we haven't got a clue. It's not like the have the sign of Cain on their foreheads. Only Obama and his idiot minions would think that.

The FBI acknowledges that there is a risk and they will work hard to mitigate it - no one wants to let in terrorists, but we, as a country should also try to do the right thing and not turn them away as we did with the Jewish refugees. Where's the right balancing point?

Things to know about Syrian refugees and the vetting process

Administration officials have acknowledged that checking the accuracy or authenticity of documents provided by refugee applicants against foreign government records can be especially difficult involving countries that don't cooperate with the U.S. government, such as Syria. It can also complicate U.S. efforts to check foreign government records for local arrests or lesser bureaucratic interactions, such as bank records, business licenses or civil filings. "We do the best we can with the information we have," one U.S. official said.

FBI Director James Comey told Congress weeks ago that the FBI sees a risk with Syrian refugees and "we will work hard to mitigate it." He said the biggest challenge is that a background check is as only as good as the information available. "That's the challenge we are all talking about, is that we can only query against that which we have collected. And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home but ... there will be nothing show up because we have no record on that person," Comey said.

There are also alot of lies promoted about this group of refugees - that they are mostly "fighting age men", that they have no documentation, that they are mostly uneducated rubes. According to this articles, the Syrians, as a group tend to have extensive documentation and the vetting process itself is time consuming and pretty extensive.

As for concerns about potential refugees lacking documents to prove who they are, the administration officials said Syrians as a population tend to provide extensive documents involving their day-to-day lives. They often arrive with family histories, military records and other information that can be useful for American authorities investigating them.

Refugees who spent years waiting for approval to come to the United States said authorities asked detailed questions repeatedly in multiple interviews, including pressing them about their backgrounds and reasons for fleeing Syria. Nedal Al-Hayk, who was resettled in suburban Detroit with his family after a three-year wait, said officials interviewed him and his wife in separate rooms, asking repeatedly and in different ways where they were born, where their parents were born, what they did before and during the war or whether they were armed, part of a rebel group, supportive of the government or even politically outspoken.

In addition- the refugee process to come into America is the least likely avenue for a potential ISIS jihadist to pursue:

The process has no guarantee of approval and takes so long - Syrians wait nearly three years for approval to come to the U.S. - that experts said it would be a longshot for an extremist group to rely on the refugee program as a way to sneak someone into the United States. The Islamic State group has had far more success appealing to people already living inside the United States to commit or conspire to commit violence.

I think when you look at all that - and yes, reexamining each step of the way is appropriate - it's a pretty good program. It's inaccurate to compare to refugees entering Europe because the system is very different.

And what would be the real effect of this proposed legislation....? Given the virulent political rhetoric coming out of this, I think this is what is desired.

House Republicans are proposing changes to the refugee vetting process that would include more background checks from the FBI. The proposed legislation, which could be voted on as early as Thursday, would halt refugee processing while the new protocol is established. The bill would require that the heads of the FBI, Homeland Security Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence certify that each refugee being admitted would not pose a threat. It could have the practical effect of keeping refugees out of the United States entirely.


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