House votes to block Syrian refugees

Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
Right thing in your opinion. Until the US can develop a means to effectively vet these folks it is best to keep them away.

The vetting process is adequate. Where it needs to be addressed is in other areas such as tourist visa's etc. The refugee system is one of the best vetted.

We made a serious mistake turning away refugees in the past. We should not repeat it.

How can it be "adequate" when they have no papers and we cant get any info from the country they left?
You just going to take their word for it?

Do you think our intelligence and security people are that incompetent? Really?

When the Director of the FBI says that they can't do an adequate job of vetting refugees coming out of Syria...I take him at his word.
Not US responsibility. The US needs to prepare better then allow.

Disagree. We fucked up Iraq which led to subsequent instability We have a responsibility to, at least, Iraqi refugees if not to more. We have the space, we have organizations willing to undertake it. We have the moral obligation.
I am dealing with today not yesterday and seeking safety rather than inviting risk.

No problem. I'm dealing with TODAY and learning from YESTERDAY.
Yea next thing is they will want to be instructed on how to fly a plane. I learned from yesterday as well.
You guys have to know what you're dealing with in this person CAIR's mission is to make any criticism of muslims into discrimination...This is what "Coyote" CAIR girl does all over this board. The David Horowitz video i posted speaks for itself but this person "Coyote" defended and supported her. This is where she is. She has no credibility at all... None

Wow...that's very imaginative. Got a link that shows I supported her statements?
"Tapping into heightened security fears after the Paris terrorist attacks, House Republicans — joined by many Democrats — rebuffed President Obama on Thursday and overwhelmingly approved legislation that would in effect halt the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S."

House votes to block Syrian refugees despite White House veto threat

Good let the ISIS sympathizer stew in his own bile. Obama has an uphill battle on screwing the American people this time.
What's the deal with asking refugees be certified? I have not heard a reason why this stops immigrants.
Other than we don't have a clue to their background that is

What do you mean by "certified" and how does that differ from the present system?
I have not read the final version, but I heard the show stopper was having a bigwig sign off they were OK.
Yup. Basically it was put to the supporters of bringing Syrians to the US that the heads of the agencies had to personally take full responsibility if any Syrians ended up committing a terror attack on the US.
At that point the 'bigwigs' decided they all needed to take a two week holiday. Metaphorically.
If Obama vetoes the bill and there is a terror attack by Syrian refugees Obama will be impeached and the DEMs will lose next year.
Nothing is risk free or 100% guarenteed and to expect that is just plain stupid. We are more likely to be killed by home grown gun violence than by a terrorist attack. Should we work on banning more guns? We are more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a terrorist...should we start offering major bribes to the weather gods?

At what point should fear overule our humanitarian impulses?

You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

No refugees are American citizens. Neither were the Jewish refugees during WW2, yet we refused them admittence over anti-semitism, and fears of Nazi and Communist infiltrators.

They died
Not US responsibility. The US needs to prepare better then allow.

Disagree. We fucked up Iraq which led to subsequent instability We have a responsibility to, at least, Iraqi refugees if not to more. We have the space, we have organizations willing to undertake it. We have the moral obligation.
I am dealing with today not yesterday and seeking safety rather than inviting risk.

Just like they did yesterday. Some things never change unfortunately. That's the politics of fear.
Barry can't seem to get it through his head that ISIS isn't going to fight "fair"! They will use the refugee crisis to slip their operatives into Europe and the US to commit more attacks like the ones that took place in Paris. His number one job is protecting America from attack but he's so caught up in the politics of this that he can't admit that there is a danger there and act appropriately.
It's curious that we are being assured that the vetting will take 18 months yet Obama wants the refugees in the country now. How many Syrian refugees have already landed in the country in the last couple of months.
The vetting process is adequate. Where it needs to be addressed is in other areas such as tourist visa's etc. The refugee system is one of the best vetted.

We made a serious mistake turning away refugees in the past. We should not repeat it.
We should until we get a handle on ISIS and how they work. Obviously we are not as adept at detecting terrorist activity as we thought we were this is a good measure for the time being.

I'm not so sure - there has been precious little terrorist activity among the many refugees the US has taken in.
All we need is one event.

Nothing is risk free or 100% guarenteed and to expect that is just plain stupid. We are more likely to be killed by home grown gun violence than by a terrorist attack. Should we work on banning more guns? We are more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a terrorist...should we start offering major bribes to the weather gods?

At what point should fear overule our humanitarian impulses?

You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

I hope it's vetoed.

I wonder if internment camps are next? The might be if you listen to the Republicans.
We should until we get a handle on ISIS and how they work. Obviously we are not as adept at detecting terrorist activity as we thought we were this is a good measure for the time being.

I'm not so sure - there has been precious little terrorist activity among the many refugees the US has taken in.
All we need is one event.

Nothing is risk free or 100% guarenteed and to expect that is just plain stupid. We are more likely to be killed by home grown gun violence than by a terrorist attack. Should we work on banning more guns? We are more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a terrorist...should we start offering major bribes to the weather gods?

At what point should fear overule our humanitarian impulses?

You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

I hope it's vetoed.

I wonder if internment camps are next? The might be if you listen to the Republicans.

The last time "internment camps" were used in this country...a Democratic icon sat in the Oval Office, so spare me the hyperbole.
We should until we get a handle on ISIS and how they work. Obviously we are not as adept at detecting terrorist activity as we thought we were this is a good measure for the time being.

I'm not so sure - there has been precious little terrorist activity among the many refugees the US has taken in.
All we need is one event.

Nothing is risk free or 100% guarenteed and to expect that is just plain stupid. We are more likely to be killed by home grown gun violence than by a terrorist attack. Should we work on banning more guns? We are more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a terrorist...should we start offering major bribes to the weather gods?

At what point should fear overule our humanitarian impulses?

You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

I hope it's vetoed.

I wonder if internment camps are next? The might be if you listen to the Republicans.
Internment nonsense.
You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

No refugees are American citizens. Neither were the Jewish refugees during WW2, yet we refused them admittence over anti-semitism, and fears of Nazi and Communist infiltrators.

They died
Not US responsibility. The US needs to prepare better then allow.

Disagree. We fucked up Iraq which led to subsequent instability We have a responsibility to, at least, Iraqi refugees if not to more. We have the space, we have organizations willing to undertake it. We have the moral obligation.
I am dealing with today not yesterday and seeking safety rather than inviting risk.

Just like they did yesterday. Some things never change unfortunately. That's the politics of fear.
Not fear, but caution.
"Tapping into heightened security fears after the Paris terrorist attacks, House Republicans — joined by many Democrats — rebuffed President Obama on Thursday and overwhelmingly approved legislation that would in effect halt the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S."

House votes to block Syrian refugees despite White House veto threat

Good let the ISIS sympathizer stew in his own bile. Obama has an uphill battle on screwing the American people this time.
He'll easily screw anybody because all he has to do is veto the bill. It's not going to cost Hillary the election.

Did you know that 60% of Americans wanted to keep Jewish refugees out of the US before WWII?

Did you know about as many people wanted to keep out Chinese, Irish, Italian, and Vietnamese/Cambodian refugees?

Do you want to admit that ISIS has scared 60% of Americans into abandoning what our country was founded on?
Those other refugee groups were not screaming Death To America! and blowing up school buses.
Radical Islamofascists are determined to take over the world.
Got any news clippings of Vietnamese refugees strapping explosives on themselves and blowing up a plane over DC in the name of Buda?
Thought not.
Any American Muslim with an ounce of common sense would be completely behind strict vetting to keep ISIS terrorists from entering the US and committing violent acts because THEY will be the community that will be most affected by such an attack! It's unfortunate but a fact of life. If attacks like Paris continue then there will be a backlash against all Muslims.
"Tapping into heightened security fears after the Paris terrorist attacks, House Republicans — joined by many Democrats — rebuffed President Obama on Thursday and overwhelmingly approved legislation that would in effect halt the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S."

House votes to block Syrian refugees despite White House veto threat

Good let the ISIS sympathizer stew in his own bile. Obama has an uphill battle on screwing the American people this time.
He'll easily screw anybody because all he has to do is veto the bill. It's not going to cost Hillary the election.

Did you know that 60% of Americans wanted to keep Jewish refugees out of the US before WWII?

Did you know about as many people wanted to keep out Chinese, Irish, Italian, and Vietnamese/Cambodian refugees?

Do you want to admit that ISIS has scared 60% of Americans into abandoning what our country was founded on?

Why is you leftist morons all have the same stupid talking points? :slap: I sure hope you liberals run on letting thousands of unvetted male muslims into the country. You'll loose in a landslide:thup:
Romney by a landslide!
"Tapping into heightened security fears after the Paris terrorist attacks, House Republicans — joined by many Democrats — rebuffed President Obama on Thursday and overwhelmingly approved legislation that would in effect halt the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S."

House votes to block Syrian refugees despite White House veto threat

Good let the ISIS sympathizer stew in his own bile. Obama has an uphill battle on screwing the American people this time.
He'll easily screw anybody because all he has to do is veto the bill. It's not going to cost Hillary the election.

Did you know that 60% of Americans wanted to keep Jewish refugees out of the US before WWII?

Did you know about as many people wanted to keep out Chinese, Irish, Italian, and Vietnamese/Cambodian refugees?

Do you want to admit that ISIS has scared 60% of Americans into abandoning what our country was founded on?
Those other refugee groups were not screaming Death To America! and blowing up school buses.
Radical Islamofascists are determined to take over the world.
Got any news clippings of Vietnamese refugees strapping explosives on themselves and blowing up a plane over DC in the name of Buda?
Thought not.
The guys who blew up planes were from Saudi Arabia, not Syria.

The terrorists love guys like you. Because they know you'll do their work for them. You'll be afraid forever, and you'll try to get others to be afraid. The other reason they need you, is to hate the Muslims who had nothing to do with any of it. That way they can have their Muslim VS The West war.

Too bad you're not as smart as they are.

They're playing you.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
why do we owe any of them passage unimpeded to our land?
Just one comment from one Facebook page:

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I was always rooting for you when you were running for the DEM nomination, and when you were running for Congress. Now, because of this vote, you have lost all my support.

You capitulated to a bunch of bigots, and racist. You allowed yourself to be persuaded by fear. A fear that we all know is situational, and based out of false presumptions. You, yourself came from a family of immigrants, and one can only assume that your family faced the same prejudice that current Muslim refugee's are facing. I am at a lost for words. I'll try my best to campaign against you next year."
Rep. Pete Aguilar

Hope you have other careers to go back to my little bed-wetters...
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
Listen, you anti American, anti human scum, the Jewish people had not declared WAR on us and were not a threat to security and safety, as Muslims are. Jewish terrorists were not flooding our borders. The Jewish people were victims of religious persecution, as the CHRISTIANS of the middle east are today. In the analogy of wwII\today's Islamic created crisis, YOU are on the side of the assholes like fdr who helped Hitler and blocked the Jews from entering our country by refusing to acknowledge their special refugee status..
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Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
Right thing in your opinion. Until the US can develop a means to effectively vet these folks it is best to keep them away.

The vetting process is adequate. Where it needs to be addressed is in other areas such as tourist visa's etc. The refugee system is one of the best vetted.

We made a serious mistake turning away refugees in the past. We should not repeat it.
We should until we get a handle on ISIS and how they work. Obviously we are not as adept at detecting terrorist activity as we thought we were this is a good measure for the time being.

I'm not so sure - there has been precious little terrorist activity among the many refugees the US has taken in.
that statement alone is our point. You didn't say, there has been zero activity, nope you state precious little, that implies bubba there has been. So, how many and what is the percentage from the few that have come in that make up the precious little? Now multiply that by the numbers, and nope they ain't coming in.

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