House votes to block Syrian refugees

LINK: Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill - Breitbart

Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill

"Senate Democrats plan to filibuster legislation passed by the House on Thursday that seeks to pause the resettlement of Syrian refugees."

(Can you say 'Go Nuclear'? Then again, we ARE talking about ass-kissing McConnell. He'll help kill it.)

Yeah, despite the WH and FBI admitting there is no way to thoroughly vette these 650,000 refugees into the U.S., especially before the end of the year the way Obama said he wants, WHY DELAY?! It's not really like Democrats / Obama / Hillary CARE about our National Security and / or protecting US citizens!

Liberal es:
1. Illegals
2. Potential Terrorist / Terrorists
3. Black Lives Matter
4. All other American citizens
Who is claiming Obama wants 650,00 refugees into the country before the end of the year, which is about a month away? I thought the suggestion was 10,000 by next year.
10,000 Syrian refugee already arrived over a week ago in Louisanna. They are here. The plan is for 100,000 refugees to come to America each year.

BREAKING: They’re Here! First Load of 10,000 Syrian ‘Refugees’ Has Arrived in New Orleans… | Top Right News
when I think of terrorist I visualize white Christian punk Eric Rudolph ..he bombed the Atlanta Olympic Park
...this POS was assisted by Christians in North Carolina to evade Justice...
"Tapping into heightened security fears after the Paris terrorist attacks, House Republicans — joined by many Democrats — rebuffed President Obama on Thursday and overwhelmingly approved legislation that would in effect halt the resettlement of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the U.S."

House votes to block Syrian refugees despite White House veto threat

Good let the ISIS sympathizer stew in his own bile. Obama has an uphill battle on screwing the American people this time.
He'll easily screw anybody because all he has to do is veto the bill. It's not going to cost Hillary the election.

Did you know that 60% of Americans wanted to keep Jewish refugees out of the US before WWII?

Did you know about as many people wanted to keep out Chinese, Irish, Italian, and Vietnamese/Cambodian refugees?

Do you want to admit that ISIS has scared 60% of Americans into abandoning what our country was founded on?
Those other refugee groups were not screaming Death To America! and blowing up school buses.
Radical Islamofascists are determined to take over the world.
Got any news clippings of Vietnamese refugees strapping explosives on themselves and blowing up a plane over DC in the name of Buda?
Thought not.
The guys who blew up planes were from Saudi Arabia, not Syria.

The terrorists love guys like you. Because they know you'll do their work for them. You'll be afraid forever, and you'll try to get others to be afraid. The other reason they need you, is to hate the Muslims who had nothing to do with any of it. That way they can have their Muslim VS The West war.

Too bad you're not as smart as they are.

They're playing you.
Too bad you're not smart enough to read. I used "radical Islamofascists" NOT Syrians in my post.
I hope none of your family is visiting Times Square when the "radical Islamofascist" blow it up.
As for being 'afraid' I crap bigger than any sand monkey I've ever met. ISIS wants to take over the world. They aren't going to take the part I live on.
Congress with a bipartisan vote just voted to close the door on Obama's cousins. If he vetoes the bill and a terror attack happens on US soil before the next election the DEMs have lost.
LINK: Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill - Breitbart

Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill

"Senate Democrats plan to filibuster legislation passed by the House on Thursday that seeks to pause the resettlement of Syrian refugees."

(Can you say 'Go Nuclear'? Then again, we ARE talking about ass-kissing McConnell. He'll help kill it.)

Yeah, despite the WH and FBI admitting there is no way to thoroughly vette these 650,000 refugees into the U.S., especially before the end of the year the way Obama said he wants, WHY DELAY?! It's not really like Democrats / Obama / Hillary CARE about our National Security and / or protecting US citizens!

Liberal es:
1. Illegals
2. Potential Terrorist / Terrorists
3. Black Lives Matter
4. All other American citizens
Why do you believe you can get away with such obvious dishonesty and lies? To be veto proof the Senate needs 66 votes. Hence, the legislature is not veto proof. Both facets of your OP are false.
LINK: Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill - Breitbart

Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill

"Senate Democrats plan to filibuster legislation passed by the House on Thursday that seeks to pause the resettlement of Syrian refugees."

(Can you say 'Go Nuclear'? Then again, we ARE talking about ass-kissing McConnell. He'll help kill it.)

Yeah, despite the WH and FBI admitting there is no way to thoroughly vette these 650,000 refugees into the U.S., especially before the end of the year the way Obama said he wants, WHY DELAY?! It's not really like Democrats / Obama / Hillary CARE about our National Security and / or protecting US citizens!

Liberal es:
1. Illegals
2. Potential Terrorist / Terrorists
3. Black Lives Matter
4. All other American citizens
Who is claiming Obama wants 650,00 refugees into the country before the end of the year, which is about a month away? I thought the suggestion was 10,000 by next year.
10,000 Syrian refugee already arrived over a week ago in Louisanna. They are here. The plan is for 100,000 refugees to come to America each year.

BREAKING: They’re Here! First Load of 10,000 Syrian ‘Refugees’ Has Arrived in New Orleans… | Top Right News
Read the link. It is a bullshit title designed to draw careless people like you into the propaganda.
I'm not so sure - there has been precious little terrorist activity among the many refugees the US has taken in.
All we need is one event.

Nothing is risk free or 100% guarenteed and to expect that is just plain stupid. We are more likely to be killed by home grown gun violence than by a terrorist attack. Should we work on banning more guns? We are more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a terrorist...should we start offering major bribes to the weather gods?

At what point should fear overule our humanitarian impulses?

You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

No refugees are American citizens. Neither were the Jewish refugees during WW2, yet we refused them admittence over anti-semitism, and fears of Nazi and Communist infiltrators.

They died

The Jewish people fleeing Nazis were threatening to blow things up in America and chanting death to America? No, they weren't you sack of shit.

You stupid fuck. Irrelevant fallacy. Red herrings. You fucking bring up the dumb fucking democrat talking point cause you are a thoughtless puppet. Worthy of zero respect.

If I could smear my shit in your face I would. Know that.

You filthy deranged scumbag bag of shit.

I'm not interested in your fecal obsessions - keep it to yourself please.

In the meantime, study a bit of history - in particular, the fear of Nazi and Communist infiltrators among the refugees. Islamic Terrorism is the fear now - Communist and Nazi terrorism was the fear then.

If you can provide a lucid response, I'm interested - otherwise, take your meds.
Disagree. We fucked up Iraq which led to subsequent instability We have a responsibility to, at least, Iraqi refugees if not to more. We have the space, we have organizations willing to undertake it. We have the moral obligation.
I am dealing with today not yesterday and seeking safety rather than inviting risk.

Just like they did yesterday. Some things never change unfortunately. That's the politics of fear.
Not fear, but caution.

When you look at the refugee process - it's two years of vetting and checking.

We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US and "the plans of the third were barely credible"

We are not like the European continent and are isolated from the direct influx of refugees by an ocean.

The most common arguments against resettling more Syrian refugees, made by some Republican presidential candidates and members of Congress, is that the resettlement program could be a path for infiltration into the United States by ISIS or other terrorists. But the refugee resettlement program is the least likely avenue for a terrorist to choose. Refugees who are selected for resettlement to the United States go through a painstaking, many-layered review before they are accepted. The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, State Department, and national intelligence agencies independently check refugees’ biometric data against security databases. The whole process typically takes 18-24 months, with high hurdles for security clearance.

The United States is protected by geography from the inflow of asylum seekers who are entering Europe, mainly through Greece and Italy. Almost 600,000 have arrived in Europe so far this year—as many as 1 million may have entered by year’s end. The majority are unquestionably refugees. Germany and other European states have not invited them or agreed in advance to accept them—the refugees have just arrived, after dangerous journeys across the sea and overland. But European states are bound by their international obligations not to return them to danger. The United States, by contrast, has the luxury of choice of which refugees to admit through its resettlement program, from Syria, Iraq, or elsewhere. How robustly will it exercise that choice?

Rational "caution" would tell us this is not where we need to concentrate our efforts, rather we should look at other avenues of entry that are a higher risk for ISIS infiltration than the refugee process.

So yes, the politics of fear.
For you it is fear, the practice today of vetting is not adequate it is really that simple, I say caution. If there is any hate or fear it is coming from you.

No hatred or fear from me, simply a logical look at things. It's amazing how quickly logic goes out the window when the fear becomes the overriding emotion.
LINK: Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill - Breitbart

Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill

"Senate Democrats plan to filibuster legislation passed by the House on Thursday that seeks to pause the resettlement of Syrian refugees."

(Can you say 'Go Nuclear'? Then again, we ARE talking about ass-kissing McConnell. He'll help kill it.)

Yeah, despite the WH and FBI admitting there is no way to thoroughly vette these 650,000 refugees into the U.S., especially before the end of the year the way Obama said he wants, WHY DELAY?! It's not really like Democrats / Obama / Hillary CARE about our National Security and / or protecting US citizens!

Liberal es:
1. Illegals
2. Potential Terrorist / Terrorists
3. Black Lives Matter
4. All other American citizens
Who is claiming Obama wants 650,00 refugees into the country before the end of the year, which is about a month away? I thought the suggestion was 10,000 by next year.
10,000 Syrian refugee already arrived over a week ago in Louisanna. They are here. The plan is for 100,000 refugees to come to America each year.

BREAKING: They’re Here! First Load of 10,000 Syrian ‘Refugees’ Has Arrived in New Orleans… | Top Right News

I hope the wingnuts don't start lynching them. They've been through enough.
Who is claiming Obama wants 650,00 refugees into the country before the end of the year, which is about a month away? I thought the suggestion was 10,000 by next year.

OBAMA did...the other day. You could have watched it on the news, but I guess you want a link:

LINK: Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill - Breitbart

Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill

"Senate Democrats plan to filibuster legislation passed by the House on Thursday that seeks to pause the resettlement of Syrian refugees."

(Can you say 'Go Nuclear'? Then again, we ARE talking about ass-kissing McConnell. He'll help kill it.)

Yeah, despite the WH and FBI admitting there is no way to thoroughly vette these 650,000 refugees into the U.S., especially before the end of the year the way Obama said he wants, WHY DELAY?! It's not really like Democrats / Obama / Hillary CARE about our National Security and / or protecting US citizens!

Liberal es:
1. Illegals
2. Potential Terrorist / Terrorists
3. Black Lives Matter
4. All other American citizens
Who is claiming Obama wants 650,00 refugees into the country before the end of the year, which is about a month away? I thought the suggestion was 10,000 by next year.
10,000 Syrian refugee already arrived over a week ago in Louisanna. They are here. The plan is for 100,000 refugees to come to America each year.

BREAKING: They’re Here! First Load of 10,000 Syrian ‘Refugees’ Has Arrived in New Orleans… | Top Right News
Read the link. It is a bullshit title designed to draw careless people like you into the propaganda.
I'm not looking at the title but the content. I've not heard any reports about 650,000 refugees. The number I've read is 100,000 per year. That is what I just posted. Read it again.
As for calling me careless?
I'm not the advocating the admission of 100,000 Syrian refugees who cannot be properly vetted, Camp.
LINK: Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill - Breitbart

Senate Democrats Plan to Filibuster House Refugee Bill

"Senate Democrats plan to filibuster legislation passed by the House on Thursday that seeks to pause the resettlement of Syrian refugees."

(Can you say 'Go Nuclear'? Then again, we ARE talking about ass-kissing McConnell. He'll help kill it.)

Yeah, despite the WH and FBI admitting there is no way to thoroughly vette these 650,000 refugees into the U.S., especially before the end of the year the way Obama said he wants, WHY DELAY?! It's not really like Democrats / Obama / Hillary CARE about our National Security and / or protecting US citizens!

Liberal es:
1. Illegals
2. Potential Terrorist / Terrorists
3. Black Lives Matter
4. All other American citizens
Who is claiming Obama wants 650,00 refugees into the country before the end of the year, which is about a month away? I thought the suggestion was 10,000 by next year.
10,000 Syrian refugee already arrived over a week ago in Louisanna. They are here. The plan is for 100,000 refugees to come to America each year.

BREAKING: They’re Here! First Load of 10,000 Syrian ‘Refugees’ Has Arrived in New Orleans… | Top Right News

I hope the wingnuts don't start lynching them. They've been through enough.
I would hope no one would lynch anyone.
I hope the Dems keep this up right up until the election. Once again the Dems are going against public opinion. We may well be into the year before all of Trump's votes get counted. The American people are fed up and are listening.
Ummmm, one likes to exercise her Constitutional right to own guns, believes in God, doesn't mind if you DON'T...

The other believes YOU and everyone else should be beheaded, burned alive, or killed various other ways if you refuse to convert to her religion, is a terrorist, would kill you for a spoonful of Humas, and is a TERRORIST

Thanks for the demonstration of how Libs are CLUELESS and can't tell the difference between an American citizen and a terrorist, which is why people like you and Obama should not be allowed to do 'background checks' on 'refugees' and let them come into the US based on your
gut feeling' or 'hunch'!
'60 Minutes' Exposes The 'Sovereign Citizens' As The Nation's Most Serious Domestic-terrorism Threat
But because right-wing talkersonly want to discuss terrorism as a "Muslim" phenomenon, we're getting a badly skewed understanding of the nature of terrorism.

Here's that map -- and many of these indeed involve crimes committed by self-described "sovereign citizens":


Click on map to see interactive version.
domestic terrorism,Patriot movement,Right-wing extremism,right-wing violence,sovereign citizens
[QUOTE="Camp, post: 12856248, member: 44680"

Why do you believe you can get away with such obvious dishonesty and lies? .[/QUOTE]

Just reporting what CNN said this a problem with it? Talk to CNN...

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