House Votes To Delay Obamacare By One Year; Checks To Senate Democrats - Shutdown '

No need to explain. Like Black Navel said the Dems are running the show so there won't be one.

oh there will be one and the republicans will take the hit for it ... we all know that .. so does theses whiny ass clown republicans here know it ...they are trying their damnedest to try and save face here... losing big time

Why do the democrats on this board remind me of new marketing grads who can't find a job?
Third World here we come. They should delay it, and then scrap it or at least dramatically change it. The Mandate has to go. It's simply Un-American.

Third world countries have health insurance?

Since when?
Yeah, it's clear they should at least delay it. And they should eliminate the Mandate all-together. If it goes as is, it's gonna be a monumental disaster. Just wait till Thousands of loyal Obamabots get a visit from the IRS Gestapo. They're gonna be shocked at what their Dear Leader has done to them.

They already are. The unions were squarely in Obama's camp. And they are among the ones protesting Ocare most loudly.
Today's Tennessean details that the state programs to insure lower income people and people with small businesses will end because of Ocare.
If they eliminate the mandate then it all goes to hell. The numbers rely on coercing healthy young people to buy more insurance coverage than they need, subsidizing older sicker people.

Unfortunately, most loyal Obamabots are low-information people. They're shockingly uninformed. When the IRS Gestapo comes calling, they will be completely shocked. They have no idea what they're in for.
And for the love of God, someone tell that pampered Millionaire Communist Reid, that the Medical Device Tax does need to go. It's absolutely ludicrous.
There are logical reasons for a delay. Voters understand this.


Obanacare is ready and moving forward with or without Republicans. Democrats are not going to help you all with your stupid attempts at repealing it.

Good luck with it. :cuckoo:

More useless talking points. That is all any liberal has to offer on this subject.

Are you okay with Obama arbitrarily allowing big companies to break law by delaying their participation for one year?

Are you okay with congress, the president and the IRS getting exempt?

Since Obamacare is a mess and implementing it right now is going to result in total chaos, why not delay it until they can come up with something that works? Obamacare, as is, will not work and will not be sustainable.
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Obanacare is ready and moving forward with or without Republicans. Democrats are not going to help you all with your stupid attempts at repealing it.

Good luck with it. :cuckoo:

More useless talking points. That is all any liberal has to offer on this subject.

Are you okay with Obama arbitrarily allowing big companies to break law by delaying their participation for one year?

Are you okay with congress, the president and the IRS getting exempt?

Since Obamacare is a mess and implementing it right now is going to result in total chaos, why not delay it until they can come up with something that works? Obamacare, as is, will not work and will not be sustainable.


The delay on the mandate is a compromise action. A common sense move. I am OK with the move.

The Congress, the President and the IRS have not gotten an exemption. There is nothing to be OK about there.

Are you OK with telling that lie over and over....even though you know it is untrue? Huh? Are ya? Huh?
Obanacare is ready and moving forward with or without Republicans. Democrats are not going to help you all with your stupid attempts at repealing it.

Good luck with it. :cuckoo:

More useless talking points. That is all any liberal has to offer on this subject.

Are you okay with Obama arbitrarily allowing big companies to break law by delaying their participation for one year?

Are you okay with congress, the president and the IRS getting exempt?

Since Obamacare is a mess and implementing it right now is going to result in total chaos, why not delay it until they can come up with something that works? Obamacare, as is, will not work and will not be sustainable.


The delay on the mandate is a compromise action. A common sense move. I am OK with the move.

Are you ok with big business getting delays and exemptions while they are unavailable to 'common folk'? Where does this fit into the Democratic ethos?
It's in Reid and Obama's hands right now.

If they government shuts down, it's their fault.

Not that shutting the government down is such a bad idea.

Obama and Reid want the shut down. They see it as something to blame on the Republican House so they can use it in the elections next year. Their worse nightmare is that Republicans cave and send them a clean Continuing Resolution.

I think it will backfire on them. Only the left base will be listening to them, and they are not going to vote for Republicans next year anyway.

I actually think that the left is scared to death that Republicans for once won't cave and obama will have to eventually cave.
as Clinton did in 1995-6.

THAT is their worst nightmare.

That's why we see this screaming hysteria both by the LSM and by leftard parrots over the internet.
More useless talking points. That is all any liberal has to offer on this subject.

Are you okay with Obama arbitrarily allowing big companies to break law by delaying their participation for one year?

Are you okay with congress, the president and the IRS getting exempt?

Since Obamacare is a mess and implementing it right now is going to result in total chaos, why not delay it until they can come up with something that works? Obamacare, as is, will not work and will not be sustainable.


The delay on the mandate is a compromise action. A common sense move. I am OK with the move.

Are you ok with big business getting delays and exemptions while they are unavailable to 'common folk'? Where does this fit into the Democratic ethos?

Apples and oranges. Silly attempt.

But I am glad you caught Ted's interview this morning too. Good job!
A second vote by the GOP to keep government funded and functioning.

Will the Democrats keep allowing the GOP to show them up in this way????

The delay on the mandate is a compromise action. A common sense move. I am OK with the move.

Are you ok with big business getting delays and exemptions while they are unavailable to 'common folk'? Where does this fit into the Democratic ethos?

Apples and oranges. Silly attempt.

But I am glad you caught Ted's interview this morning too. Good job!

Translation: I am for whatever Obama and Reid say.
The senate should just pass this as well. Delaying Obamacare is the next best thing to repealing it. It's a mess and they are not ready for people to sign up. We need military funding or bring all our troops home as those are the only two choices. I also like the medical device repealing as that would hurt so many people.

The ball is in the Dems court now and they can prevent a shutdown by making the smart choices, which are to delay Obamacare, fund the military and give the little people a break.

If the government gets shut down, it will be totally on the Dems for putting their selfish agenda above what is best for the country.

The GOP trash needs to get their heads out of their asses and realize who runs the show, and that's the democrats.

We have a democratic senate, and a democratic presidency. The affordable care act passed, was found constitutional by the supreme court, and is the law of the land, deal with it.

yep....the house is just a rubber stamp for the WH and senate


The delay on the mandate is a compromise action. A common sense move. I am OK with the move.

Are you ok with big business getting delays and exemptions while they are unavailable to 'common folk'? Where does this fit into the Democratic ethos?

Apples and oranges. Silly attempt.

But I am glad you caught Ted's interview this morning too. Good job!

Not sure what you mean. I don't watch TV.

What's silly about it? Why should businesses get a break, but not individuals? How does this work with independent contractors?
Are you ok with big business getting delays and exemptions while they are unavailable to 'common folk'? Where does this fit into the Democratic ethos?

Apples and oranges. Silly attempt.

But I am glad you caught Ted's interview this morning too. Good job!

Not sure what you mean. I don't watch TV.

What's silly about it? Why should businesses get a break, but not individuals? How does this work with independent contractors?

Great question!

Contrary to popular conservative belief, corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE. The individuals who own corporations, the board, stockholders, etc. JUST LIKE A GC, are still subject to the individual mandate. They have to get coverage like everyone else.

The employer mandate is not the same thing as the individual mandate. That is why your question is silly.
Apples and oranges. Silly attempt.

But I am glad you caught Ted's interview this morning too. Good job!

Not sure what you mean. I don't watch TV.

What's silly about it? Why should businesses get a break, but not individuals? How does this work with independent contractors?

Great question!

Contrary to popular conservative belief, corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE. The individuals who own corporations, the board, stockholders, etc. JUST LIKE A GC, are still subject to the individual mandate. They have to get coverage like everyone else.

The employer mandate is not the same thing as the individual mandate. That is why your question is silly.

So why should employers, e.g. corporations get a break when average citizens do not? How does that square with Dem ideology?
Not sure what you mean. I don't watch TV.

What's silly about it? Why should businesses get a break, but not individuals? How does this work with independent contractors?

Great question!

Contrary to popular conservative belief, corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE. The individuals who own corporations, the board, stockholders, etc. JUST LIKE A GC, are still subject to the individual mandate. They have to get coverage like everyone else.

The employer mandate is not the same thing as the individual mandate. That is why your question is silly.

So why should employers, e.g. corporations get a break when average citizens do not? How does that square with Dem ideology?

do you really need to ask that question

you know the answer already

as long as the party supports the large corporation

they too support the large corporation

hell if the admin gave the Koch brothers the break

they would all of a sudden hold their collective breaths

and agree that it is a good thing
Not sure what you mean. I don't watch TV.

What's silly about it? Why should businesses get a break, but not individuals? How does this work with independent contractors?

Great question!

Contrary to popular conservative belief, corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE. The individuals who own corporations, the board, stockholders, etc. JUST LIKE A GC, are still subject to the individual mandate. They have to get coverage like everyone else.

The employer mandate is not the same thing as the individual mandate. That is why your question is silly.

So why should employers, e.g. corporations get a break when average citizens do not? How does that square with Dem ideology?

Silly, it's acceptable when libs do it!

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