House votes to overturn Obama immigration order.

I think all potential immigrants should be diverted to the Mexican border and just come on over. Make sure they don't learn or make any effort to learn English.
Does that include the "OTM" [other than Mexican] such as Yemenis, Iranians, Libyans and other ISIS sympathizers that have been coming in with the Mexicans ?
I think all potential immigrants should be diverted to the Mexican border and just come on over. Make sure they don't learn or make any effort to learn English.
Does that include the "OTM" [other than Mexican] such as Yemenis, Iranians, Libyans and other ISIS sympathizers that have been coming in with the Mexicans ?
Yep. The point is the absurdity in the entire issue. If the democrats want to appear so sympathetic then let everyone in.

Under Bush, the majority of immigrants that the U.S. sent home were simply “returned.” Nobody took their fingerprints or put a permanent mark on their immigration records. Instead, U.S. authorities put them on buses and sent them back across the border. Between 2001 and 2008, there were over 8.3 million of these informal “returns,” according to the Department of Homeland Security. There were, by contrast, just 2 million “removals.” Those are the more formal deportations—the ones that go through some form of individual review, with an officer if not a judge, and become part of deportees’ permanent records.

But in the second half of the Bush administration, DHS decided to up the number of “removals” and limit the number of “returns.” The government hoped to deter immigrants from sneaking back into the country by making it clear that the U.S. knew who they were—and could punish them more harshly if they showed up again. Under Obama, DHS has stuck with this policy. Between 2009 and 2012, the number of deportations and informal returns was roughly the same—about 1.6 million each. Add up all the relevant numbers, you’ll see removals are on track to end up higher under Obama than Bush (Lind’s point in Vox) but that removalsplus returns will end up higher under Bush than Obama (Davis’ point in The Federalist).

Deportations Under Obama vs. Bush Who Deported More Immigrants The New Republic
Bush had a swinging door policy, under Obama, the door is a lot harder to get through a second time.

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