House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress

I am not in favor of canceling history
No one is in favor of ‘canceling’ history – and this vote does no such thing.

The statues will be relocated to appropriate venues.

The treason and war crimes committed by the leaders and participants who made war against the United States in an effort to keep enslaved Americans in bondage will never be forgotten; this infamous period of American history will forever be remembered so that the tragedy of slavery and lawless rebellion will never be repeated.
I am not in favor of canceling history
No one is in favor of ‘canceling’ history – and this vote does no such thing.

The statues will be relocated to appropriate venues.

The treason and war crimes committed by the leaders and participants who made war against the United States in an effort to keep enslaved Americans in bondage will never be forgotten; this infamous period of American history will forever be remembered so that the tragedy of slavery and lawless rebellion will never be repeated.
What would be the "appropriate venue"?
When is the best time to remove statues of treasonous racists from the halls of government?

I would say now is the best time.

  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
Then Republicans should be in favor of it.
So you're saying you want to remove the busts of all the Founding fathers? Weren't they all treasonist racists?
I am not in favor of canceling history
No one is in favor of ‘canceling’ history – and this vote does no such thing.

The statues will be relocated to appropriate venues.

The treason and war crimes committed by the leaders and participants who made war against the United States in an effort to keep enslaved Americans in bondage will never be forgotten; this infamous period of American history will forever be remembered so that the tragedy of slavery and lawless rebellion will never be repeated.
Lincoln is the one who committed treason, moron. Nowhere does the Constitution say it's OK for the federal government to invade a state to outlaw slavery.
It's symbolic, and that's OK. Symbols can be important. See 'American Flag'. The Star of David. The Cross.

These statutes are symbols that those states that put 'em there thought were important at the time. Whether any northern or 'Yankee' views objected to 'em going up at the time, I dunno.
But times change. Dynamics change. And the Lost Cause myth has been debunked. If any of these men actively sought to tear apart the United States....out they go. Good riddance. Put 'em in a park for such traitors. (visiting Budapest a couple of years ago, our friend informed us that all of the Communist symbols...and the two cities were rife with 'em.....but the big well known statues and stars were all removed and set up in a park just for them. I dunno if it is a private park or a state park. )

True this, from poster 'bendog':

"Jefferson Davis and James George have no business being remembered in the capital."


  • Interesting....... erase our country's history. Pretty sure that the Communists did similar.
  • "Erasing history changes nothing but your feelings."
  • "Maybe it is the fact that history is being cancelled"
  • History can't be changed or cancelled; it is what it is. To think otherwise exposes the lack of education of the proponent.
  • When I was taught history we used stuff called books. Statues not so much.
Would Germany hold onto the swastika? Not many Germans found national socialism offensive even when the holocaust was clearly "doing its thing." Davis never repudiated slavery. George led what became Jim Crow. They may not have been any more evil than their fellow white citizens at the time, but it has to be offensive to many citizens for their statues to represent the state today.

I think I saw Missouri was taking out Thomas Hart Benton's statue for Truman. Benton was a primary mover of westward expansion in the 19th cent. I'm sure native americans don't revere him, but his life's work was not to directly dehumanize them.
Many Germans were most likely not aware of the Holocaust. Also remember when that movement started, they were suffering as a nation. It is incredible that in a few years they had the most powerful military on earth and all working. Hitler had his own currency with no outside interference.
Interesting that 120 Republicans voted against this campaign to tear down these statues of Democrats and erase our country's history.

Pretty sure that the Communists did similar.

House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress and replace a bust of Chief Justice Roger Taney with Thurgood Marshall - despite opposition from 120 Republicans​

  • Bill will remove statues and busts of Confederacy supporters from Congress
  • It includes a bust of Roger Taney, the U.S. chief justice best known for his Dred Scott pro-slavery decision
  • The statue of the President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis will also go
  • Democrats were unanimous in their support for the bill and were joined by 67 Republicans, with the bill passed by a vote of 285-120.
  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
View attachment 507268

Jefferson Davis and James George have no business being remembered in the capital.
Says who?
Pretty sure that the Communists did similar.
This is a lie.

The vote reflects the will of the people as conducted by their elected representatives.
Are you another one of those low-IQ people who, when they think someone is incorrect, call them a liar?

Do you not see that the sentence begins "Pretty sure?" That means it is my opinion.

Anyway, you are the one who is misinformed. Let me educate you, instead of calling you a liar...

In China's cultural revolution, Maoists went around the country eradicating the country's past.

Marxists like you (that's an assumption on my part; perhaps you are simply a clueless keyboard warrior who had too much soy today) are doing it today in America...

Those who engaged in lawless rebellion against the United States, those who betrayed their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, those who fought to keep Americans enslaved, and those who committed heinous war crimes are in no manner entitled to have their images venerated in the people’s House.

The removal of those images is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

No history is being ‘canceled,’ no traditions ‘lost’ – the treasonous infamy of those who sought to destroy America will always be remembered, must always be remembered, as a sad and tragic period in America’s history.
When is the best time to remove statues of treasonous racists from the halls of government?

I would say now is the best time.

  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
Then Republicans should be in favor of it.
“When is the best time to remove statues of treasonous racists from the halls of government?”

Probably when you have a Kenyan
Question for you....Will all the senseless theatrics improve black behavior?

Can't speak to this changing anything, but I'm sure black Democrats will be happy to know that slaveholders are not standing watch over these halls any longer. Can't say how Tim Scott will feel.

I am not in favor of canceling history, nor am I in favor of exalting treasonous racists. I don't think you'll find statues of Rommel and Guderian in the Reichstag.
Jefferson and Washington were both slave holders, moron.
When is the best time to remove statues of treasonous racists from the halls of government?

I would say now is the best time.

  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
Then Republicans should be in favor of it.
“When is the best time to remove statues of treasonous racists from the halls of government?”

Probably when you have a Kenyan
Question for you....Will all the senseless theatrics improve black behavior?

Can't speak to this changing anything, but I'm sure black Democrats will be happy to know that slaveholders are not standing watch over these halls any longer. Can't say how Tim Scott will feel.

I am not in favor of canceling history, nor am I in favor of exalting treasonous racists. I don't think you'll find statues of Rommel and Guderian in the Reichstag.
Jefferson and Washington were both slave holders, moron.

Trust won't be long before they are demanding that their statues and their history be removed as well.......
When is the best time to remove statues of treasonous racists from the halls of government?

I would say now is the best time.

  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
Then Republicans should be in favor of it.
Trying to hide the evil democrats past?

How 1984 of you
Interesting that 120 Republicans voted against this campaign to tear down these statues of Democrats and erase our country's history.

Pretty sure that the Communists did similar.

House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress and replace a bust of Chief Justice Roger Taney with Thurgood Marshall - despite opposition from 120 Republicans​

  • Bill will remove statues and busts of Confederacy supporters from Congress
  • It includes a bust of Roger Taney, the U.S. chief justice best known for his Dred Scott pro-slavery decision
  • The statue of the President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis will also go
  • Democrats were unanimous in their support for the bill and were joined by 67 Republicans, with the bill passed by a vote of 285-120.
  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
View attachment 507268

I can almost assure you that the Communists didn't have a vote to remove confederate statues.
Interesting that 120 Republicans voted against this campaign to tear down these statues of Democrats and erase our country's history.

Pretty sure that the Communists did similar.

House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress and replace a bust of Chief Justice Roger Taney with Thurgood Marshall - despite opposition from 120 Republicans​

  • Bill will remove statues and busts of Confederacy supporters from Congress
  • It includes a bust of Roger Taney, the U.S. chief justice best known for his Dred Scott pro-slavery decision
  • The statue of the President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis will also go
  • Democrats were unanimous in their support for the bill and were joined by 67 Republicans, with the bill passed by a vote of 285-120.
  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
View attachment 507268

Our tax dollars at work!

Democrats: 21st century Nazis
Interesting that 120 Republicans voted against this campaign to tear down these statues of Democrats and erase our country's history.

Pretty sure that the Communists did similar.

House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress and replace a bust of Chief Justice Roger Taney with Thurgood Marshall - despite opposition from 120 Republicans​

  • Bill will remove statues and busts of Confederacy supporters from Congress
  • It includes a bust of Roger Taney, the U.S. chief justice best known for his Dred Scott pro-slavery decision
  • The statue of the President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis will also go
  • Democrats were unanimous in their support for the bill and were joined by 67 Republicans, with the bill passed by a vote of 285-120.
  • 'Let me state a simple fact. All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats,' House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote
View attachment 507268

There were no democrats in the confederacy. The democratic party is an American party, the Confederatecy was a different country. It is disingenuous to contenue telling this lie.
Its heartening to see so many republicans reach out to protect the statues of the dirty dems they despise so much.
Perhaps its a sign of a new bipartisan politics in the US ?
Maybe it is the fact that history is being cancelled Tammy Twinkletoes

England brought slavery here you ass hole. We should cancel you
England did not bring slavery here, whites did. Plenty of history has been cancelled in this country, this is why whites like yourself want to cancel the 1619 Project, but complain when non american symbols of fascism are removed or cancelled.
Its heartening to see so many republicans reach out to protect the statues of the dirty dems they despise so much.
Perhaps its a sign of a new bipartisan politics in the US ?
Maybe it is the fact that history is being cancelled Tammy Twinkletoes

England brought slavery here you ass hole. We should cancel you
England did not bring slavery here, whites did. Plenty of history has been cancelled in this country, this is why whites like yourself want to cancel the 1619 Project, but complain when non american symbols of fascism are removed or cancelled.
We were an English colony long before 1776. Everyone was a British Subject then Marc. It started from there..............................Didn't the 1619 project mention these were English, not American in 1619...............LOLOLOLOL

And MLKs statue is white. Made in China Odummer approved, and people are now livid........................................lololol

You think whites are the only ones to enslave people Marc. That is why your argument does not stick

Finally got you. Would you please comment on my Hunter thread in Race/Relations please. Been waiting for you. I see you prefer a special prsonal invitation. Also substitute Don Jr for sayin the big N too
Its heartening to see so many republicans reach out to protect the statues of the dirty dems they despise so much.
Perhaps its a sign of a new bipartisan politics in the US ?
Maybe it is the fact that history is being cancelled Tammy Twinkletoes

England brought slavery here you ass hole. We should cancel you
England did not bring slavery here, whites did. Plenty of history has been cancelled in this country, this is why whites like yourself want to cancel the 1619 Project, but complain when non american symbols of fascism are removed or cancelled.
Black people sold the slaves into slavery, so in reality BLACK PEOPLE started slavery.

Should we ban black people?
The statues should stay. Next to each one we'll put a larger statue of William Tecumseh Sherman. Sherman will have his arm raised, holding a club, looking as if he's about to bring it crashing down on the Confederate statue's head. Remind everyone that The South Lost the War! That's history, too.
Its heartening to see so many republicans reach out to protect the statues of the dirty dems they despise so much.
Perhaps its a sign of a new bipartisan politics in the US ?
Maybe it is the fact that history is being cancelled Tammy Twinkletoes

England brought slavery here you ass hole. We should cancel you
England did not bring slavery here, whites did. Plenty of history has been cancelled in this country, this is why whites like yourself want to cancel the 1619 Project, but complain when non american symbols of fascism are removed or cancelled.
Black people sold the slaves into slavery, so in reality BLACK PEOPLE started slavery.

Should we ban black people?
They just can't admit that. Once they saw Roots and Toby being captured by white people who couldn't possibly follow them in their territory, that is the narrative.

In fact it is racist to insist black tribal leaders sold their enemies.(who they enslaved themselves, but found a human life to be very profitable to white dude) They sold their own derelicts and trouble makers too.

Could they add that smackgob bit of reality in the year 1619?

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