Houston Police Chief has a message for Trump “on behalf of police chiefs of this country: if you don’t have something constructive to say, shut up!"

Fuck the Houston Police chief. He's a disgrace to be telling the President of the United States to shut up. What the fuck is wrong with that asshole. Just do your job and turn those illegal aliens over to ICE.
Nah. Drumpf is a fat incompetent fuckup. He should shut his fucking mouth unless someone gives him the OK to read from a teleprompter.
If you live in an urban area you better know your enemy before you scoff him. Many of you promote those rural people as fat toothless rednecks. Keep thinking that way. Remember, TV show the worse of that group. But very rarely shows the worse of African American ghettos in fun shows. We get to see it at times like these. Blaming everyone while not taking any responsibility is just be ass kissed. And the white people who go to far in that, need to be held to judgement when the time comes and this ends.
Fuck the Houston Police chief. He's a disgrace to be telling the President of the United States to shut up. What the fuck is wrong with that asshole. Just do your job and turn those illegal aliens over to ICE.
Nah. Drumpf is a fat incompetent fuckup. He should shut his fucking mouth unless someone gives him the OK to read from a teleprompter.
If you live in an urban area you better know your enemy before you scoff him. Many of you promote those rural people as fat toothless rednecks. Keep thinking that way. Remember, TV show the worse of that group. But very rarely shows the worse of African American ghettos in fun shows. We get to see it at times like these. Blaming everyone while not taking any responsibility is just be ass kissed. And the white people who go to far in that, need to be held to judgement when the time comes and this ends.
Believe me. I have zero illusions about who my enemy is. I learned long ago who my enemy is. White racism.
what James Baldwin, WEB DuBois, Toni Morrison, Cornel West, and Martin King all understood was the importance of E Pluribus Unum. if blacks cant breathe, everyone cant breathe. only when we embrace each other and tell the truth about how black deaths is a fetish for white people, who are addicted to black death, we will never solve the problem
You are insane. Get help.
Floyd was killed in Minnesota. Why would CNN travel to Texas to ask a Police Chief about it? Is CNN traveling the Country during a pandemic trying to generate unrest and anger against the President of the United States? What's going on?
Floyd was killed in Minnesota. Why would CNN travel to Texas to ask a Police Chief about it? Is CNN traveling the Country during a pandemic trying to generate unrest and anger against the President of the United States? What's going on?
Has nothing to do with where Floyd was killed it has something to do with the riots across the nation.
Floyd was killed in Minnesota. Why would CNN travel to Texas to ask a Police Chief about it? Is CNN traveling the Country during a pandemic trying to generate unrest and anger against the President of the United States? What's going on?

Ever think it's because that is where one of the protests was happening, and they wanted to report on it, which is why they talked to the police Chief.
now liberals will start liking cops?

Says the looter and rioter enabler.

me or the cop?

I think he meant you Basque. Mike likes to accuse people of things that he thinks they might do because he believes they are liberals.
‪BREAKING: Illinois Governor Hefty JB Pritzker just said Trump’s “got to go,” live on CNN

I used to live in Houston. It’s PD is so liberal they had to form a White Officers Association just to defend themselves. The WOA won several lawsuits in a row against the slime balls running the HPD.

now liberals will start liking cops?

Says the looter and rioter enabler.

me or the cop?

I think he meant you Basque. Mike likes to accuse people of things that he thinks they might do because he believes they are liberals.

i noticed
now liberals will start liking cops?

Your “protestors” are now attacking Texas Childrens Hospital...a cancer treatment center for children. They have treated my daughter several times beautifully and professionally. In fact the “protestors” always got free treatment I’m sure.

What does your thug-escorting Houston Police Chief have to say now? Any new breathless reports scumbag?

now liberals will start liking cops?

Your “protestors” are now attacking Texas Childrens Hospital...a cancer treatment center for children. They have treated my daughter several times beautifully and professionally. In fact the “protestors” always got free treatment I’m sure.

What does your thug-escorting Houston Police Chief have to say now? Any new breathless reports scumbag?

Thanks for posting that.
I got to be downtown tonight, and I guess I better leave early because it looks like a bunch of streets we'll be blocked.
There are a few good cops. Too few to be honest.

Yes, there are many good police officers out there, too bad it's the idiots that fuck it up for everyone.

Today, on Inside Edition, I saw a couple of things that made me a bit hopeful. One was several thugs breaking a window to get into a shop, and a woman got in front of them, trying to stop them from breaking in. They threw her aside, but she at least tried.

I also saw video of a bunch of protesters in front of a police station, and they all took a knee. The police saw this, and apparently agreed that this latest incident was wrong, and they took a knee as well. They started at each other for a few seconds, then the protesters got up and left, because they felt they had been heard.

Saw a sheriff who took off his riot gear, said he'd rather lead a parade than put down a riot, and everyone got onboard and was peaceful.

Saw a cop that got separated from the group, and protesters surrounded him to keep him safe from others, until the police could come get him.

Then there was my favorite.................some idiot was breaking up the sidewalk (in protest apparently), and the others went over, subdued him, and dragged him over to the police for arrest.

Yes, there are good people everywhere, too bad the idiots are mixed in, because it's the bad that people usually remember, not the good.
I saw that one where they dragged dude over to the cops. That was hilarious.
If Trump were to take Acevedo's advice, Trump would never talk again...

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