How a large part of Mexico looks like


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
[ame=]Living in a Mexico City Garbage Dump - The Road to Juan's House - Mexican Poverty - YouTube[/ame]

America by 2070
America by 2070

Yeah, it's gonna get pretty bad unless we make some serious changes to our immigration policies, treatment of illegals and do a better job controlling our borders. But I don't see that happening. America has always prided herself on being the melting pot of the world, yet what often happens is that the minority culture, rather than coexisting with the dominant culture, attempts to impose themselves (usually in a negative way) on the majority. We already see what's taking place in France, Britain and Russia. The citizens in European nations aren't simply upset that immigrants are afforded jobs when the natives languish in unemployment, but that these new arrivals refuse to assimilate to the dominant culture. They cling to their own degenerative ways and, rather than elevating themselves to the level of their host nation, expect for the natives to lower themselves to their level. They forget they're guests and act like they now own the country.
America by 2070

Yeah, it's gonna get pretty bad unless we make some serious changes to our immigration policies, treatment of illegals and do a better job controlling our borders. But I don't see that happening. America has always prided herself on being the melting pot of the world,.

The melting pot story is a myth. Until 60 years ago lots of immigrants came here but they were white europeans. All these illiterate third world loser immigrants we get now is a new thing.
America by 2070

Yeah, it's gonna get pretty bad unless we make some serious changes to our immigration policies, treatment of illegals and do a better job controlling our borders. But I don't see that happening. America has always prided herself on being the melting pot of the world,.

The melting pot story is a myth. Until 60 years ago lots of immigrants came here but they were white europeans. All these illiterate third world loser immigrants we get now is a new thing.

You mean like the clip below shows? Rather than being thankful they no longer live in a war-torn, drought-plagued, famine- and disease-riddled country, but have at their disposal all the luxuries and comforts of American society, this is how they show their appreciation.

[ame=]Somali Immigrants make video attacking whites in MN and put their names in it (low IQ) - YouTube[/ame]
Fuck that shit. That's the very reason I carry conceal every where I go. I hate fucking liberals and their bullshit policy's.

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