How About Arresting The Mastermind Responsible???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The commission investigating the Parkland Massacre actually came out with a common-sense recommendation....

"Commission Investigating Parkland School Shooting Recommends Arming Teachers

Unanimously approved, the 446-page report contained several recommendations, among which was arming teachers who volunteer to undergo training to carry a weapon."
Commission Investigating Parkland School Shooting Recommends Arming Teachers

2. Unfortunately, in this fear-of-Liberals atmosphere, they never pointed the finger of guilt at the single most important factor in the entire slaughter, the man who instituted the policy that cowed school officials, bribed the police department, and facilitated Nikolas Cruz's ability to pass the background check, and buy the gun.

3. In addition to being the top funder of world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, Hussein Obama was the facilitator of Nikolas Cruz’s purchase of the weapons he used to slaughter 17 innocent, defenseless human beings.

It was almost as though Obama walked Cruz into the gun store, and said ‘see that this young man gets whatever he needs…..’

4. In typical misguided Liberal logic, rather than address the behavior problem of minority youth, the Obamunists decided to simply pretend it doesn’t exist….and insist that normal folks also play along.

The Left conspired to hide the out-of-proportion disruption of public schools by minority students.

The Obama administration threatened any school that disciplined black and Hispanic students beyond the rate of white and Asian kids, with DoJ racial charges.

The Obamunists bribed police, with grants to their departments, to overlook charges that should have been brought against minority youth.

This resulted in Nikolas Cruz being able to pass a background check, and purchase weapons used to kill 17 innocents.

How about recommending the arrest of the mastermind behind the massacre, ...

....Barack Hussein Obama.

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