How are Christians treated in Palestine?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
I think this author nails the Muslim intolerance and extent to which some people are in denial of it.

How are Christians treated in Palestine?

In the West Bank, thousands of Palestinian Christians were ethnically cleansed from Beit Jala and other neighborhoods during the Infitada...mainly so that PLO/Fatah members could use their homes as bases to shoot into the windows of neighboring Jewish homes. The total number of Palestinian Christians in the West Bank have decline ridiculously since 1997--a drop of nearly 30%, with the decline in Christians of Gaza to about 20%. Christian Churches have been firebombed, stormed, and their bibles burned by Muslim extremists. Cities like Bethlehem, which have been Christian-majority for two millenia, are becoming more and more Islamicized, and the PA is cracking down on the Christian tourism that many Christians in those cities depend on for their livliehoods. One of the few Christian schools in the Territories--Zahwa Rosary School--has been bombed by jihadists...more than once. They aren't just attacked because of Israel's actions...but whenever something happens to disturb the larger Islamic world. When the Danish cartoons broke, Palestinian Churches were burned. Yes, pressure from the Israeli-Arab conflict has squeezed the Christian populations...but there is only so much that Muslim fanatics can blame on Israel.

In Gaza, the situation is probably more severe. Hamas has made explicit efforts to treat them as second class citizens, and not 'true' Gazans.They've been digging up Christian cemetaries in the area, claiming that the Christian bodies are 'polluting' the "Muslim" land.

Palestinian Christian women are also in a bit of a predicament. If they don't wear hijabs, they stick out, and, being a clear minority, it is easy for them to be disrespected. There were reports of Christian girls coming home from Christmas celebrations in the area with skin splotched red all over from pinch marks.

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