How are these comments from the "Red Guard" Communists any different from common liberals?

Are these statements any different from mainstream leftism today?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Timestamps for video below:

0:36"Why do you care about a fucking zygote?" PaintmyHouse and his ilk comes to mind

0:41 "Your racist white middle class agenda!" All we need is hater pub dupes and it could be franco is his ilk

0:12 "Free Abortions on demand without apology!" hazlnut and his ilk has said how he desires driv-thru abortion clinics

"I kill my kids" --- I'm sure MSNBC will give her a gold medal. They even have post-birth abortion supporters on MSNBC.

The most important part of the video is the product that Alex Jones apparently developed with top scientists that is talked about in the last 1/3 of the video. Have you bought this stuff yet The2ndAmendment? Alex seems to think it's very important. Here's his testimony from the video:

"The globalist social engineers are not just targeting us with propaganda, they are manipulating our genetics. We are being targeted at every level by estrogen mimickers that lower our testosterone and other hormones and natural compounds that the body needs. After consulting top doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists and others, we have developed what I believe is the ultimate, non-GMO, organic super male vitality formula. Sourced from powerful organic herbs and then concentrated for maximum potency."

That sounds pretty important. You InfoWars followers should throw money at Alex Jones before he runs out of his AMAZING product! :rofl:
The most important part of the video is

The most important part of the video is what these leftists do. Nice deflection.

I had you off ignore for only a half hour. Now you're back on ignore.

And for the record, I purchased my non-gmo cucumber seeds from Infowars. Here's a pciture from TODAY of the vine trellises that I built complete with an irrigation system (you can see the water pouring down from the pipes up top) whose plans came from an urban gardener that Alex Jones interviewed a couple of weeks ago.
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The most important part of the video is

The most important part of the video is what these leftists do. Nice deflection.

I had you off ignore for only a half hour. Now you're back on ignore.
Yeah the most important part of the video is what multi-millionaire Alex Jones, champion of the right, was able to get TWO TEENAGERS to sarcastically say after doing his best to piss them off! :rofl:
The most important part of the video is

The most important part of the video is what these leftists do. Nice deflection.

I had you off ignore for only a half hour. Now you're back on ignore.

And for the record, I purchased my non-gmo cucumber seeds from Infowars. Here's a pciture from TODAY of the vine trellises that I built complete with an irrigation system (you can see the water pouring down from the pipes up top) whose plans came from an urban gardener that Alex Jones interviewed a couple of weeks ago.
TWO TEENAGERS to sarcastically say after doing his best to piss them off! :rofl:

They have tattoos of Lenin and Stalin on their arms. They are being serious, not sarcastic. And their comments are 100% identical to what mainstream leftists say today, sarcastic or not. Are you implying that everything leftists says are said in sarcasm? That's the hole you've dug yourself.
TWO TEENAGERS to sarcastically say after doing his best to piss them off! :rofl:

They have tattoos of Lenin and Stalin on their arms. They are being serious, not sarcastic. And their comments are 100% identical to what mainstream leftists say today, sarcastic or not. Are you implying that everything leftists says are said in sarcasm? That's the hole you've dug yourself.
I don't use abortion and never have. I only had 4 kids that I know of, so I did my part...
Hmm that's the most unbiased video I've ever seen. Definitely.

That's the point. I took the video of the worst possible liberal group, but when they talk at any length, they say the exact same things as mainstream leftists.
You don't even know more than one political philosophy?
It's the exact same philosophy.

"Racist white middle class agenda"
I see you only have one file for a brain...
TWO TEENAGERS to sarcastically say after doing his best to piss them off! :rofl:

They have tattoos of Lenin and Stalin on their arms. They are being serious, not sarcastic. And their comments are 100% identical to what mainstream leftists say today, sarcastic or not. Are you implying that everything leftists says are said in sarcasm? That's the hole you've dug yourself.
Oh no those scary teenagers! Imagine what multimillionaire Alex Jones could get grade schoolers to say if he provokes them enough?! Someone get him to a Kindergarten classroom ASAP!!! And then buy his products to stop globalist social engineers!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Btw I thought you had me on ignore you dumb fuck! :lmao:
TWO TEENAGERS to sarcastically say after doing his best to piss them off! :rofl:

They have tattoos of Lenin and Stalin on their arms. They are being serious, not sarcastic. And their comments are 100% identical to what mainstream leftists say today, sarcastic or not. Are you implying that everything leftists says are said in sarcasm? That's the hole you've dug yourself.
Oh no those scary teenagers! Imagine what multimillionaire Alex Jones could get grade schoolers to say if he provokes them enough?! Someone get him to a Kindergarten classroom ASAP!!! And then buy his products to stop globalist social engineers!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Btw I thought you had me on ignore you dumb fuck! :lmao:
He's still green behind the ears on memory skill..
if he provokes them enough?!
Btw I thought you had me on ignore you dumb fuck! :lmao:

I do, I'm hitting "show ignored content" for this thread, so you can keep digging.

No one provoked them. The entire 3 hour video is available from infowars.

They came from their shitholes and attacked the pro-life rally.

You're acting as if these liberals are "provoked victims."

They are Maoists, Leninists, Satanists, abortionists, Marxists, death worshippers.

And EVERY SINGLE WORD out of their mouth was identical to mainstream lefties today, as evidenced here on USMB.

Look at how defend them. You're triyn gto make rabid foaming at the mouth assailants into "poor provoked victims."

They are ADULTS.

And their TATTOOS and LEXICON tells us that THEY KNOW EXACTLY what they are saying and doing.

Why don't you just say "Hail Satan" and be done with it?
if he provokes them enough?!
Btw I thought you had me on ignore you dumb fuck! :lmao:

I do, I'm hitting "show ignored content" for this thread, so you can keep digging.

No one provoked them. The entire 3 hour video is available from infowars.

They came from their shitholes and attacked the pro-life rally.

You're acting as if these liberals are "provoked victims."

They are Maoists, Leninists, Satanists, abortionists, Marxists, death worshippers.

And EVERY SINGLE WORD out of their mouth was identical to mainstream lefties today, as evidenced here on USMB.

Look at how defend them. You're triyn gto make rabid foaming at the mouth assailants into "poor provoked victims."

They are ADULTS.

And their TATTOOS and LEXICON tells us that THEY KNOW EXACTLY what they are saying and doing.
Man there's just no getting through to you. Alex Jones has an agenda, and that agenda is to make money. He just duped you into buying his stupid product, that's no better than any other similar product, by showing you an extremely edited video of a few people that were provoked into using what is clearly sarcasm. And/or they were idiots.

If you watch late night TV shows, hosts like Jimmy Kimmel send employees out all the time to get ridiculous soundbytes out of people. This is no different. Take a step back and reflect man.
He just duped you into buying his stupid product, that's no better than any other similar product, by showing you an extremely edited video of a few people that were provoked

Define provoked. Then tell us how they were provoked.

Btw, Alex Jones sells the Marketmore Organic Cucumbers. They are not his product, he's simply a vendor of them. I got them in bulk discount form infowars.

Good day scumbag, and this is truly why you're in ignore.

0% contribution at best.

Derailment and shitslinging at worst.

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