How are we going to stop the liberal war on free speech and conservative voices?

Grampa Murked U, this is not a Freedom of Speech issue, it's a cultural/socio-political issue.

The Regressive Left is going to do everything it can to control what is heard, seen and read. And because it has near total control of social media, popular culture and education, and because it has a lion's share of the media, they get what they want.

Nothing they're doing is illegal or unconstitutional, per se, although it clearly flies in the face of the spirit of the First Amendment. But remember, those same people say the Constitution was written by rich white slave rapists anyway, so who cares.

I don't see anything that will change this. They're going for it now.

Right, they were banned for being Pro-Trump. Communists/Democrats despise our Constitution. They want it scrapped. This Facebook move is very predictable. The guy who runs it, is a huge Democrat donor. He's been systematically banning Trump supporters since the Election. He's a real POS.
At least like most conservatives you’re consistent at being ignorant and stupid.

Facebook is a private company, not a government entity, and at liberty to edit content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

And how Factbook might edit its content endangers neither the Constitution nor free speech.

Blah Blah Blah. The guy who runs it is a big Dem Donor POS. To hell with em.
or the progressive left will have no voices in opposition and then take over via apathy from the right.

Fine, if they want to play political oppressor then they have to be required to state that publicly, and have concrete rules for who they will de-platform.

Sounds good to me. The free market will decide their fate.

So even if a neutral version of facebook or a right leaning one comes into being, then we get more balkanized, more separated, and our current cultural war may go from cold to hot.
or the progressive left will have no voices in opposition and then take over via apathy from the right.

Fine, if they want to play political oppressor then they have to be required to state that publicly, and have concrete rules for who they will de-platform.

Sounds good to me. The free market will decide their fate.

So even if a neutral version of facebook or a right leaning one comes into being, then we get more balkanized, more separated, and our current cultural war may go from cold to hot.

So, if we embrace one platform and co-opt it as "the commons", regulated by government, do you think that will make the culture wars less contentious? Really?

In my view, the biggest problem with the culture wars is that we're trying to use government to mitigate them. The more we turn these social values concerns into legal issues, the more important it becomes for activists to control government. The more we expand "the commons" the more we're going to be arguing about what the rules of the commons should be.
or the progressive left will have no voices in opposition and then take over via apathy from the right.

Fine, if they want to play political oppressor then they have to be required to state that publicly, and have concrete rules for who they will de-platform.

Sounds good to me. The free market will decide their fate.

So even if a neutral version of facebook or a right leaning one comes into being, then we get more balkanized, more separated, and our current cultural war may go from cold to hot.

So, if we embrace one platform and co-opt it as "the commons", regulated by government, do you think that will make the culture wars less contentious? Really?

In my view, the biggest problem with the culture wars is that we're trying to use government to mitigate them. The more we turn these social values concerns into legal issues, the more important it becomes for activists to control government. The more we expand "the commons" the more we're going to be arguing about what the rules of the commons should be.

The problem is the other side will use government to take over regardless of whatever controls non-progressives try to put on it.

We give up social media platforms, then whole new generations will grow up hearing on their message, and then the demographics shift will be very very real.
Grampa Murked U, this is not a Freedom of Speech issue, it's a cultural/socio-political issue.

The Regressive Left is going to do everything it can to control what is heard, seen and read. And because it has near total control of social media, popular culture and education, and because it has a lion's share of the media, they get what they want.

Nothing they're doing is illegal or unconstitutional, per se, although it clearly flies in the face of the spirit of the First Amendment. But remember, those same people say the Constitution was written by rich white slave rapists anyway, so who cares.

I don't see anything that will change this. They're going for it now.

Right, they were banned for being Pro-Trump. Communists/Democrats despise our Constitution. They want it scrapped. This Facebook move is very predictable. The guy who runs it, is a huge Democrat donor. He's been systematically banning Trump supporters since the Election. He's a real POS.
At least like most conservatives you’re consistent at being ignorant and stupid.

Facebook is a private company, not a government entity, and at liberty to edit content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

And how Factbook might edit its content endangers neither the Constitution nor free speech.
/——/ Yet libs want Rush and Fox News off the air.

Yet contards want CNN and ABC and well- everyone but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his fellow travellers off the air.

I've never called for that. I know CNN and ABC are Democrat Fake News, but i'm not calling for them to be forced off the air. However, Communists/Democrats frequently call for Limbaugh and Fox News to be censored, or outright banned.

This latest Facebook move represents dirty Democrat Authoritarianism perfectly. Those two women are big Trump supporters, and Zuckerberg is a shameful bigtime Democrat Donor. Folks should dump Facebook. Period, end of story.
or the progressive left will have no voices in opposition and then take over via apathy from the right.

Fine, if they want to play political oppressor then they have to be required to state that publicly, and have concrete rules for who they will de-platform.

Sounds good to me. The free market will decide their fate.

So even if a neutral version of facebook or a right leaning one comes into being, then we get more balkanized, more separated, and our current cultural war may go from cold to hot.

I can't a see social media platform having much success if they only cater to people they agree with. Can you imagine how dull they place would be if the only thing you could do is preach to the choir? Buy, hey, it's their business, if they wish enact foolish policies that cost them members and money then so be it.
Grampa Murked U, this is not a Freedom of Speech issue, it's a cultural/socio-political issue.

The Regressive Left is going to do everything it can to control what is heard, seen and read. And because it has near total control of social media, popular culture and education, and because it has a lion's share of the media, they get what they want.

Nothing they're doing is illegal or unconstitutional, per se, although it clearly flies in the face of the spirit of the First Amendment. But remember, those same people say the Constitution was written by rich white slave rapists anyway, so who cares.

I don't see anything that will change this. They're going for it now.

Right, they were banned for being Pro-Trump. Communists/Democrats despise our Constitution. They want it scrapped. This Facebook move is very predictable. The guy who runs it, is a huge Democrat donor. He's been systematically banning Trump supporters since the Election. He's a real POS.
At least like most conservatives you’re consistent at being ignorant and stupid.

Facebook is a private company, not a government entity, and at liberty to edit content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

And how Factbook might edit its content endangers neither the Constitution nor free speech.
/——/ Yet libs want Rush and Fox News off the air.

Yet contards want CNN and ABC and well- everyone but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his fellow travellers off the air.

I've never called for that. I know CNN and ABC are Democrat Fake News, but i'm not calling for them to be forced off the air. However, Communists/Democrats frequently call for Limbaugh and Fox News to be censored, or outright banned.

This latest Facebook move represents dirty Democrat Authoritarianism perfectly. Those two women are big Trump supporters, and Zuckerberg is a shameful bigtime Democrat Donor. Folks should dump Facebook. Period, end of story.

This is how Totalitarians operate, first they silence the dissenters (censorship), then they take away their ability to defend themselves and then they round-up the dissenters…... the Dems are going down a dark road
Right, they were banned for being Pro-Trump. Communists/Democrats despise our Constitution. They want it scrapped. This Facebook move is very predictable. The guy who runs it, is a huge Democrat donor. He's been systematically banning Trump supporters since the Election. He's a real POS.
At least like most conservatives you’re consistent at being ignorant and stupid.

Facebook is a private company, not a government entity, and at liberty to edit content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

And how Factbook might edit its content endangers neither the Constitution nor free speech.
/——/ Yet libs want Rush and Fox News off the air.

Yet contards want CNN and ABC and well- everyone but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his fellow travellers off the air.

I've never called for that. I know CNN and ABC are Democrat Fake News, but i'm not calling for them to be forced off the air. However, Communists/Democrats frequently call for Limbaugh and Fox News to be censored, or outright banned.

This latest Facebook move represents dirty Democrat Authoritarianism perfectly. Those two women are big Trump supporters, and Zuckerberg is a shameful bigtime Democrat Donor. Folks should dump Facebook. Period, end of story.

This is how Totalitarians operate, first they silence the dissenters (censorship), then they take away their ability to defend themselves and then they round-up the dissenters…... the Dems are going down a dark road

Totalitarians operate by expanding the scope and power of government. They turn social issues into legal issues, and the use the power of law to force compliance.
or the progressive left will have no voices in opposition and then take over via apathy from the right.

Fine, if they want to play political oppressor then they have to be required to state that publicly, and have concrete rules for who they will de-platform.

Sounds good to me. The free market will decide their fate.

So even if a neutral version of facebook or a right leaning one comes into being, then we get more balkanized, more separated, and our current cultural war may go from cold to hot.

I can't a see social media platform having much success if they only cater to people they agree with. Can you imagine how dull they place would be if the only thing you could do is preach to the choir? Buy, hey, it's their business, if they wish enact foolish policies that cost them members and money then so be it.

have you ever been to the Democratic Underground message board?

Have you ever been in a bar in Manhattan?

People love their echo chambers.
or the progressive left will have no voices in opposition and then take over via apathy from the right.

Fine, if they want to play political oppressor then they have to be required to state that publicly, and have concrete rules for who they will de-platform.

Sounds good to me. The free market will decide their fate.

So even if a neutral version of facebook or a right leaning one comes into being, then we get more balkanized, more separated, and our current cultural war may go from cold to hot.

I can't a see social media platform having much success if they only cater to people they agree with. Can you imagine how dull they place would be if the only thing you could do is preach to the choir? Buy, hey, it's their business, if they wish enact foolish policies that cost them members and money then so be it.

have you ever been to the Democratic Underground message board?

Have you ever been in a bar in Manhattan?

People love their echo chambers.

Only a couple times. I found it dull and predicable.
Right, they were banned for being Pro-Trump. Communists/Democrats despise our Constitution. They want it scrapped. This Facebook move is very predictable. The guy who runs it, is a huge Democrat donor. He's been systematically banning Trump supporters since the Election. He's a real POS.
At least like most conservatives you’re consistent at being ignorant and stupid.

Facebook is a private company, not a government entity, and at liberty to edit content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

And how Factbook might edit its content endangers neither the Constitution nor free speech.
/——/ Yet libs want Rush and Fox News off the air.

Yet contards want CNN and ABC and well- everyone but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his fellow travellers off the air.

I've never called for that. I know CNN and ABC are Democrat Fake News, but i'm not calling for them to be forced off the air. However, Communists/Democrats frequently call for Limbaugh and Fox News to be censored, or outright banned.

This latest Facebook move represents dirty Democrat Authoritarianism perfectly. Those two women are big Trump supporters, and Zuckerberg is a shameful bigtime Democrat Donor. Folks should dump Facebook. Period, end of story.

This is how Totalitarians operate, first they silence the dissenters (censorship), then they take away their ability to defend themselves and then they round-up the dissenters…... the Dems are going down a dark road

All part of the Communist Agenda. It's an Agenda that's been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished.

If you haven't seen the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down', you should. It's currently airing on Amazon Prime. It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. Great doc. Check it out when you have some time.
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.
I thought there was only a war on Christmas?

Free speech does not mean there are no consequences for what you say
You can still pay a price
All part of the Communist Agenda. It's an Agenda that's been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished.

Yep. Now they want government control of social media.
All part of the Communist Agenda. It's an Agenda that's been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished.

Yep. Now they want government control of social media.

Oh yeah, that's what these sham hearings are all about. Big Brother to the rescue again. He knows what's best for us. ;)
All part of the Communist Agenda. It's an Agenda that's been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished.

Yep. Now they want government control of social media.

Oh yeah, that's what these sham hearings are all about. Big Brother to the rescue again. He knows what's best for us. ;)

That's what it's all about.
I don't think much can be done about it.

My only response is to point out that these are not LIBERALS who are engaging in the authoritarian behavior, since such authoritarianism is not a liberal ideal. These are lock step leftists who are so utterly conformist that they resemble fascists more than they do liberals.
All part of the Communist Agenda. It's an Agenda that's been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished.

Yep. Now they want government control of social media.

Oh yeah, that's what these sham hearings are all about. Big Brother to the rescue again. He knows what's best for us. ;)

That's what it's all about.

Yup, Big Brother's gonna rescue us again... By censoring and spying on us more on Social Media. He's always there to 'help' us. :eek-52:
All part of the Communist Agenda. It's an Agenda that's been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished.

Yep. Now they want government control of social media.

Oh yeah, that's what these sham hearings are all about. Big Brother to the rescue again. He knows what's best for us. ;)

That's what it's all about.

Yup, Big Brother's gonna rescue us again... By censoring and spying on us more on Social Media. He's always there to 'help' us. :eek-52:

Isn't that the point of calling Zuckerberg before Congress for his ring-kissing?
The idiots on both ends of the spectrum are basically identical.

Utterly conformist -- check
Arbitrary and rigid in their views -- check
Completely dogmatic -- check
Lacking individual thought -- check
Seeing the world in binary -- check
Warring against any view that diverges from their own in any way -- check
Attributes even the slightest disagreement as a sign a person is an enemy combatant for the other team -- check

yep. Looks the same to me.

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