How Bad did the Ds screw themselves with Kavanaugh?

Dem politicians are desperately trying to stay in good graces with a radial leftist mob that could turn on them in an instant.
The Ds are being presented as a lynch mob nationwide to great effect. This is the year that the job exodus from the Blue Wall will really take off due to state and local corporate taxes and regulation differentials. Kavanaugh really is the likely deciding vote to make sanctuary status unconstitutional and really hurt the Ds at the state and local levels.

Without all of the solicited perjury, a more narrow focus and letting the house Ds taking the blame for large peaceful protests could the Ds have prevented the current backlash among independents and energizing the R base?

I don't know the answer to that question but throwing away an automatic mid-term correction is about as stupid as anyone can get.
If Democrats take control of the House, these threads will be fun to come back to.
While the activists outbursts during the Kavanaugh hearing is something I would not do, it made for good TV. In a negative sort of way, the MSM latched on to that. People crave seeing such things. Simply put, it's entertainment. Nonetheless, it actually spread their message. That's the way TV works. Now, the MSM is concentrating on the med-term elections. Trump and McConnell have boasted the protestors antics have bolstered the GOP's status by an average of 6%.(+/-) That was a bit hasty and premature. The outbursts apparently did have an effect on women over all, least ways according to most pollsters.

So, if one is going to ask: "How Bad did the Ds screw themselves with Kavanaugh?" Overall? They failed to promote the "democrat" brand but they did promote the "female" brand.
In political terms, the circus the Democrats put on doomed the red state Democrats and guaranteed Republicans control of the Senate for at least two more years, and guaranteeing President Trump will be able to appoint anyone he likes to any vacancy in the next two years. The greater damage it did was to create skepticism about genuine claims of sexual assault, so thinking women will not have been as happy as you seem to be to see demonstrators trying to obstruct the Senate.
There is compelling evidence the Democrats manufactured evidence to try to defeat Kavanaugh. They had Ford's letter before the hearing and throughout 45 days of hearings they never once talked about it, clearly showing they did not consider her credible, but as soon as the hearings ended and the committee was about to move to a vote, they suddenly claimed to believe Ford.

Do you have a link to this "compelling evidence"?

I do.

3rd Brett Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick has history of legal disputes

Dimms brought up Swetnick's accusations last Thursday. I call that using manufactured allegations without any evidence.

Dimms fucked up, they know they did. Don't double down on stupid and just hope you don't get accused of rape.
There is compelling evidence the Democrats manufactured evidence to try to defeat Kavanaugh. They had Ford's letter before the hearing and throughout 45 days of hearings they never once talked about it, clearly showing they did not consider her credible, but as soon as the hearings ended and the committee was about to move to a vote, they suddenly claimed to believe Ford.

Do you have a link to this "compelling evidence"?
If you had kept up with the hearings as they occurred or were clever enough to use Google, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question.
Yeah, but how can professional politicians even Ds engineer something this stupid on purpose?
Part of the reason I can't dismiss what Feinstein and Ford are saying happened. If you were making up something, it wouldn't be this messed up.
Yeah, but how can professional politicians even Ds engineer something this stupid on purpose?
Part of the reason I can't dismiss what Feinstein and Ford are saying happened. If you were making up something, it wouldn't be this messed up.
So you are saying every time some one tells you a really bad lie, you assume they are telling you the truth?
It's a logical phallacy built upon the assumption that a 15 year old girl who was assaulted, or at least had the hell scared out of her, would report it immediately and recall date location wall colors etc. When, in fact, anyone with a clue knows all that is untrue. What happened is uncertain. But Ford did not do a hit job, as she's told the same story for years privately. And Kavenaugh lied about his extracurricular activities.

And this is why women are breaking roughly 2-1 for the dems.
No one has any more evidence that the Dems manufactured the allegations against Kavanaugh than anyone has evidence that Kavanaugh assaulted Dr. Ford.

This is certainly true enough OL.

But if the FBI were to take a look at Feinstein and Ford's computers and phones, if it was a conspiracy to defame Kavanaugh- it could indeed be proven.

I'd love to see an investigation into this.

Is it possible that the Dems manufactured this? Sure- if fact I'd say its pretty likely.

What are the chances that Mr. Kavanaugh would have just happened to pick someone to rape who happened to become a high-powered, super-connected, pussy hat wearing Anti Trump Warrior? Since I really don't believe a lot in coincidences, I'd say close to zero.
high-powered, super-connected, pussy hat wearing Anti Trump Warrior?
That's not what I heard about her. At all. An average Democrat who had made a few modest contributions and attended one march, signed one petition about an issue that hit close to home. For a college professor, that is NOT at all radical.

You could be right of course, but there is no evidence of it, not yet.
Yeah, but how can professional politicians even Ds engineer something this stupid on purpose?
Part of the reason I can't dismiss what Feinstein and Ford are saying happened. If you were making up something, it wouldn't be this messed up.
So you are saying every time some one tells you a really bad lie, you assume they are telling you the truth?
I am saying exactly what I said. Don't twist it around.
And this is why women are breaking roughly 2-1 for the dems.

And this is why men are roughly 3-1 for the GOP.

P.S. The Dem's Kavanaugh gambit may not be as damaging to them in House races, where organized special interest groups can have a greater impact. The prospect of a hyper-partisan Dem House and GOP Senate is not a promising one.
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Yeah, but how can professional politicians even Ds engineer something this stupid on purpose?
Part of the reason I can't dismiss what Feinstein and Ford are saying happened. If you were making up something, it wouldn't be this messed up.
So you are saying every time some one tells you a really bad lie, you assume they are telling you the truth?

If you are a leftist of course you do.
Yeah, but how can professional politicians even Ds engineer something this stupid on purpose?
Part of the reason I can't dismiss what Feinstein and Ford are saying happened. If you were making up something, it wouldn't be this messed up.
So you are saying every time some one tells you a really bad lie, you assume they are telling you the truth?
I am saying exactly what I said. Don't twist it around.
lol You said, "If you were making something up [lying], lit wouldn't be this messed up." Clearly, this means it sounds so unbelievable to you that you assume it is true. I was just asking you if this rule holds all the time for you or if it only applies to this case.
No one has any more evidence that the Dems manufactured the allegations against Kavanaugh than anyone has evidence that Kavanaugh assaulted Dr. Ford.

This is certainly true enough OL.

But if the FBI were to take a look at Feinstein and Ford's computers and phones, if it was a conspiracy to defame Kavanaugh- it could indeed be proven.

I'd love to see an investigation into this.

Is it possible that the Dems manufactured this? Sure- if fact I'd say its pretty likely.

What are the chances that Mr. Kavanaugh would have just happened to pick someone to rape who happened to become a high-powered, super-connected, pussy hat wearing Anti Trump Warrior? Since I really don't believe a lot in coincidences, I'd say close to zero.
high-powered, super-connected, pussy hat wearing Anti Trump Warrior?
That's not what I heard about her. At all. An average Democrat who had made a few modest contributions and attended one march, signed one petition about an issue that hit close to home. For a college professor, that is NOT at all radical.

You could be right of course, but there is no evidence of it, not yet.
How do you know, they scraped whatever she posted on the web. I would like to ask one of her students, if she talked like a little girl when she is teaching class.
They failed to promote the "democrat" brand but they did promote the "female" brand.

Nope. Absolutely not. Normal females do not in any way identify with, or want to be associated with, the lunatic screeching harridans they ‘promoted’.

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