How Bad did the Ds screw themselves with Kavanaugh?

Nope. Absolutely not. Normal females do not in any way identify with, or want to be associated with, the lunatic screeching harridans they ‘promoted’.
It's not that, it's the image it created. If one is partisan, one can can paint it anyway you want. The US has a low attention span. For anyone watching TV (or you tube segments) the protesters broke up what should have been just a routine thing. It became a spectacle. Commercial TV lives for that it attracts new viewers and revenue. After the fact, it's still being talked about. The Kavanaugh after effect is something we may not all agree on, but it will be remembered by many women.
Nope. Absolutely not. Normal females do not in any way identify with, or want to be associated with, the lunatic screeching harridans they ‘promoted’.
It's not that, it's the image it created. If one is partisan, one can can paint it anyway you want. The US has a low attention span. For anyone watching TV (or you tube segments) the protesters broke up what should have been just a routine thing. It became a spectacle. Commercial TV lives for that it attracts new viewers and revenue. After the fact, it's still being talked about. The Kavanaugh after effect is something we may not all agree on, but it will be remembered by many women.
I don’t disagree with much of that, but you said ‘they did promote the "female" brand’, when in fact all they did was promote the lunatic female fringe brand.

To many women their behaviour is simply shameful and embarrassing and they absolutely do not identify with, or want to be associated with, that ‘brand’. Women aren’t an homogenous group, and they don’t all fit in with these loony tunes or their ‘brand’, I assure you.
The Ds are being presented as a lynch mob nationwide to great effect. This is the year that the job exodus from the Blue Wall will really take off due to state and local corporate taxes and regulation differentials. Kavanaugh really is the likely deciding vote to make sanctuary status unconstitutional and really hurt the Ds at the state and local levels.

Without all of the solicited perjury, a more narrow focus and letting the house Ds taking the blame for large peaceful protests could the Ds have prevented the current backlash among independents and energizing the R base?

I don't know the answer to that question but throwing away an automatic mid-term correction is about as stupid as anyone can get.

I think they pulled their shenanigans close enough to the election to where it will still be fresh in people's minds when they pull the lever in a month.
Yeah, but how can professional politicians even Ds engineer something this stupid on purpose?
Part of the reason I can't dismiss what Feinstein and Ford are saying happened. If you were making up something, it wouldn't be this messed up.

Really Old Lady? Ever hear of the Duke Lacrosse team? How about Twana Brawley? How about what they did to that guy they claimed bombed the Olympics? And the list goes on, and on, and on.

Here is what you do not get------------------> How do we know they are lying, or reasonably sure they are lying?

ANSWER--------------> Because the evidence that was given was created to insure it could NOT be verified in either direction.

EXAMPLE----------> You used to have a blue couch, I seen it. No I did not! Yes you did! Well where was it? I don't know. When? I don't remember. Which house did I have it in? Don't remember that either. Do you have any other people who can testify to it? Nope, but I know you had one, and now you have to prove you didn't!

You see, because I assume you are female, you automatically seem to take the woman's side. But let us change the question from what he was accused of, to stealing a car. Now then, would you convict anyone of a stealing a car without even a report of a stolen car to back up the accusers story? And then, any witnesses that are claimed to see someone stealing the car proclaim-------->It never happened as far as I know.

And now, I will ask you one more question, and it really goes to everyone reading this.

QUESTION-------------> How many DIVORCED people do you know with children and of those, how many of those divorced couples with children do you know that the children in YOUR OPINION should have the children living with the husband? Of those, how many of those men have custody of their children?

Not many, if ANY I will bet.

Why is that?

Because in CIVIL court, also the women are always to be believed, correct! And now, you want to make that the same for job interviews, or in criminal investigations?!?!?!?!?!

And before you answer, remember this caveat----------> most men have been married twice, and what does the CURRENT wife think of the former wife-) Would the current wife go into court and testify her husband is a "mean bastard" if the former wife said he was?

Wait, wait...……… what you are telling me if you would not is-------------> you got the only man in the country who got SCREWED over, and all these women who are ex wives are pure as the wind driven snow, lolololol.

And I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you too!
If the election this year causes a net loss of nine D seats then confirmations will get much easier and the judiciary and Justice department will go much further right and the antics the Ds have gotten away with at the state and local level are in big trouble

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