How bad does the gop need Chris Cristie

You will learn that the far right, such as Redfish, will not accept polls, surveys, commentary and good material as evidence that should be considered.

If Cruz runs in the primaries, he will get his ass kicked.

40% of americans identify themselves as conservatives, 20% as liberals, and 40% don't give a shit. Sadly, the last two presidential elections have been decided by the "don't give a shits".

We know that you want Hillary to be president, your credibility would improve if you were honest about who and what you are.

Redfish, the great majority of those conservatives consider you reactionaries as freaks of the far right.

If you don't want HRC, go with Christie.
LOL ~~ It's Only You Libs that are pushing and pinning your hopes on Chris Christie. You might as well put a D after his name. It's the only votes he will Ever Get!!
The ONLY Way Chis Christie has a political career is with the Dems.
I don't know a single GOP or TEA party that even talks about Chris Christie in any sort of Positive way..You Libs are So off base :cuckoo:

How Bad does the GOP need Chris Chrispie?? NOT at All...
But Please continue spending Money on the Loser CC ~ Idiots don't know Chris Christie has less than a snowballs chance in hell of getting the nomination.
Chris Christie is DEAD to ME ~~~~~ Hahahahahahhaaaa.....
You will learn that the far right, such as Redfish, will not accept polls, surveys, commentary and good material as evidence that should be considered.

If Cruz runs in the primaries, he will get his ass kicked.

40% of americans identify themselves as conservatives, 20% as liberals, and 40% don't give a shit. Sadly, the last two presidential elections have been decided by the "don't give a shits".

We know that you want Hillary to be president, your credibility would improve if you were honest about who and what you are.

Redfish, the great majority of those conservatives consider you reactionaries as freaks of the far right.

If you don't want HRC, go with Christie.

exactly what makes me far right? wanting lower taxes? wanting more individual freedom? wanting a balanced federal budget? being opposed to obamacare?

are those "far right" concepts in your feeble mind?

HRC (her royal ****) will not be the dem nominee, neither will Christie be the repub nominee. to assume so is nothing but mental masterbation.
40% of americans identify themselves as conservatives, 20% as liberals, and 40% don't give a shit. Sadly, the last two presidential elections have been decided by the "don't give a shits".

We know that you want Hillary to be president, your credibility would improve if you were honest about who and what you are.

Redfish, the great majority of those conservatives consider you reactionaries as freaks of the far right.

If you don't want HRC, go with Christie.

exactly what makes me far right? wanting lower taxes? wanting more individual freedom? wanting a balanced federal budget? being opposed to obamacare?

are those "far right" concepts in your feeble mind?

HRC (her royal ****) will not be the dem nominee, neither will Christie be the repub nominee. to assume so is nothing but mental masterbation.

You are hiding behind sensible goals. In fact you want your life style and your values to dominate everyone else's. The fact you support Cruz proves it.

If you don't HRC, you better support a Christie because a Cruz or a Cruzclone will be annihilated.
Christie was never the right guy. but he did scare the crap out of the dems.,:eusa_whistle:

The best part about Dems overplaying their hand here is it makes a fool out of any Republican who thinks "Working with the Dems" is a good or necessary characteristic

dear idiot,

Your fuck cheated.

we have nothing to do with it

Dear Idiot,

Your fuck is a Fucking Liar!

We have Nothing to do with it except we're stuck with Your Fucker for another few Years...

Keep talking Chris Christie and you only show your Big Brown Ass Hole ~ and your lips stink...Not at all attractive...Butt Licker ~~~
Redfish, the great majority of those conservatives consider you reactionaries as freaks of the far right.

If you don't want HRC, go with Christie.

exactly what makes me far right? wanting lower taxes? wanting more individual freedom? wanting a balanced federal budget? being opposed to obamacare?

are those "far right" concepts in your feeble mind?

HRC (her royal ****) will not be the dem nominee, neither will Christie be the repub nominee. to assume so is nothing but mental masterbation.

You are hiding behind sensible goals. In fact you want your life style and your values to dominate everyone else's. The fact you support Cruz proves it.

If you don't HRC, you better support a Christie because a Cruz or a Cruzclone will be annihilated.

Those are my goals, I am not hiding behind them. I don't want to force my views on anyone else. I want every american to be able to live and believe as they choose as long as them doing so does not take away the rights of anyone else.

I never said that I supported Cruz. I like a lot of what he says. I will support whoever runs with an R behind his/her name because the dem party is the party of big government and less freedom.

Will you vote for the R or the D? I know the answer, just wonder if you will answer honestly.
Boss and Mojo2 are babbling.

Opinions based on current data, polls, etc, are more than opinions: they are suggested factoids.

The far right cannot win an election.

Elections are won in the middle.

Christie can win, Cruz cannot.

Christie is done. Thank Hilly for ending his 2016 run

Maybe you can draft Bernie sanders to run?

Hillary stopped traffic on the GW bridge?
Cheated people out of fed money?
Throws tantrums and calls people names?

Christie has done one thing right in a long line of doing it wrong.

Even if he's not a crook, he has no business holding any public office.

Damn shame Sanders is too old to run. I wish he had run many years ago. And, please -- save the socialist whine cuz it just doesn't hold water.

If the GOP runs anyone from the far right, the Senate and the House and the Presidency will go Dem.

Americans are terrified of the far right much more than they are dissatisfied with the center and the left.
Starkey: Opinions based on current data, polls, etc, are more than opinions: they are suggested factoids.

OMG, are you narcissistic much? You have an opinion. It does not become a "suggested factoid" because you claim to have data and polls to base it on. It still remains an opinion. Other people may or may not share your opinion, it still doesn't make it a "suggested factoid" or any other derivative of a fact. It is still only an opinion.

The opinion you shared was that someone from the "far right" could not win the presidency for the GOP. I actually happen to agree with this, but since Tim McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski aren't going to be the GOP nominee, the candidate will not be someone from the "far right" but probably a constitutional conservative instead. Your problem is, you want to make constitutional conservatives into something they are not and base your idiotic opinion on that.

Now I really don't have a problem with you having your idiotic opinion, you are fully entitled to that. What you aren't entitled to is proclaiming your opinion to be a fact or to be "correct." I will always challenge that and I'll make you look like the asswipe you are, every time.
If the GOP runs anyone from the far right, the Senate and the House and the Presidency will go Dem.

Americans are terrified of the far right much more than they are dissatisfied with the center and the left.

Let's face the facts here, Starkey. YOU are terrified of Conservatives. You realize that things are not going as planned for the Great Liberal Movement, and the bloom is very much off the rose. You understand how politics work and how Democrats will most certainly be held accountable for the disastrous consequences of failed liberal economic policies. You are uncertain as to whether the 'Blame Bush' excuse will work anymore, because it is starting to sound ridiculous even to you. So now, you want to portray Conservatives as "far right wackos" and denigrate them with every breath, in an attempt to sway some undecided voters out there.

Let me 'splain what the problem is with this strategy, Starkster... Most everyone is already decided. So all of this bluster and rhetoric is largely 'preaching to the choir' and not swaying anyone. If anything, it is turning off independents who can see through you. But hey.... I understand, there really isn't much else you can do at this point, you've used up all your ideas and plans, they've failed and now you have nothing to run on. So your only hope is to believe there are enough stupid people out there who will buy your fear rhetoric and "suggested factoids" about the "far right" and either stay home and not vote, or at least not vote for the conservative.

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