How Bad Will the Saints Beat the Cowboys Tonight?


Congrats to the Cowboys! They made the Saints one dimensional and scored enough points to win.
I disagree, Zander. Their record indicates they are good. Just how good we will see with them down 14-0 in the second quarter.

We saw how good the Saints were tonite. Not very good at all. The horribly mediocre Cowboys beat them, and they made it look easy.
Had a feeling this was coming, that just about finishes off the Gmen.

Oh well, wait till next year.
Fuck me, I have not lived in the States for just under two decades, the fact the Saints were ever in contention reveals to me I have either died or live in an alternate universe.

Mind you, when the Giants beat the Patriots, I was spiritualy home again. My late father was a life long Giants fan, but he did not live to see that great Superbowl victory.

I was working here in Australia while the game was on but listening to it on the Internet, and in the final minutes of the last quater I just told all of our clients to piss off.

I tap danced with my father’s spirit that day.
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Well I waited patiently. But now I can say that I told you all not to count the Cowboys out. Any given Sunday which came on Saturday this week......

GO Cowboys
Well I waited patiently. But now I can say that I told you all not to count the Cowboys out. Any given Sunday which came on Saturday this week......

GO Cowboys

As a Giant fan...I hate to see the Cowboys win....EVER

But Romo has been getting a bad rap and has been playing some good football
Well I waited patiently. But now I can say that I told you all not to count the Cowboys out. Any given Sunday which came on Saturday this week......

GO Cowboys

As a Giant fan...I hate to see the Cowboys win....EVER

But Romo has been getting a bad rap and has been playing some good football

Well your Giants should look good today.

Of course that was said about NO yesterday.
There must be some kind of curse on Texas sports teams. Both the Dallas Cowboys and San Antonio Spurs on any given day can stink the place up losing to a scrub team then go knock off an undefeated one.

Gets old watching that same crap year after year. Oh yeah, that's once reason I quit watching.:lol:
Well that sucked. Hopefully it will light a fire under the boys now. The past two weeks were a little lackluster. I think the team got cocky after beating the patriots.

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