how black lives matter changed the us

They should consider rebranding themselves as 'Black Families Matter'.
An organization that works towards encouraging the family unit, instead of single-mother households.
Start holding black males accountable for their actions.
Floyd gave them the opportunity to project black racism, which won't wash in a vibrant democracy, as they're now finding out. The democracy is that all lives matter. duh

yeah they made things worse then ever. made blacks worse then ever. gave blacks the freedom to commit what ever crimes they want and get away with it./
It scared the racist fuckers but didn't fix the problem: PoPo training and culture.
The U.S. Message Board respects the expression of controversial opinions and facts many prefer not to believe.
It must also have a way to get around alerts that cause sites to be demonetized.
They should consider rebranding themselves as 'Black Families Matter'.
An organization that works towards encouraging the family unit, instead of single-mother households.
Start holding black males accountable for their actions.
if blacks matter at all they would not kill each other so much. over 10,000 a year. they need to start careing enough about each to stop killing each other so much.
Blacks are murdered by other Blacks much more than by Whites or cops. Don't fall for the media propaganda.
if blacks matter at all they would not kill each other so much. over 10,000 a year. they need to start careing enough about each to stop killing each other so much.

BlackCrime 3.jpg
BLM has distracted far left wing Democrats on the US message board from talking about unions, healthcare, the middle class. They are all almost nonstop posting propaganda stories about blacks or Latinos being arrested at higher rates. Things that make absolutely no sense. Many police officers are black.

The inner cities have a higher crime rate and there are more Black people in the inner cities. But it wasn’t like this in the 1950s even the 1970s. So there’s nothing to do with cops being racist and everything to do with the downfall of the American dream, the downfall of the middle class. But I can just look at the far left wing US message board, posters all posting nonsense articles about trans rights, LGBT things BLM things.

Come on joe Biden save the middle class.
BLM has distracted far left wing Democrats on the US message board from talking about unions, healthcare, the middle class. They are all almost nonstop posting propaganda stories about blacks or Latinos being arrested at higher rates. Things that make absolutely no sense. Many police officers are black.

The inner cities have a higher crime rate and there are more Black people in the inner cities. But it wasn’t like this in the 1950s even the 1970s. So there’s nothing to do with cops being racist and everything to do with the downfall of the American dream, the downfall of the middle class. But I can just look at the far left wing US message board, posters all posting nonsense articles about trans rights, LGBT things BLM things.

Come on joe Biden save the middle class.
The Democrat Party has come to be dominated by well educated, well paid bi coastal professionals. These lack the public enthusiasm the Republican Donor Class has for tax cuts for the rich, but they do not mind because they benefit.

Woke politics cost rich Democrats nothing. Woke politics cost the Democrat Party votes, because they alienate working class whites and lower middle class whites. Before 1966 they usually voted Democrat.
The Democrat Party has come to be dominated by well educated, well paid bi coastal professionals. These lack the public enthusiasm the Republican Donor Class has for tax cuts for the rich, but they do not mind because they benefit.

Woke politics cost rich Democrats nothing. Woke politics cost the Democrat Party votes, because they alienate working class whites and lower middle class whites. Before 1966 they usually voted Democrat.
demnocrat equalks racist comunist.

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