How Brexit will make our lives better.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Theresa May tells people not to worry about plans to stockpile food and medicine in run up to Brexit

Theresa May has urged the public not to be “worried” by her government’s plans to stockpile food and medicine to prepare for a no deal Brexit.

The prime minister sought to play down the growing controversy over planning for the threat from crashing out of the EU without an agreement – insisting people should take “reassurance and comfort”.

This week, ministers have lifted the lid on plans for ensuring food, medicines and blood will still be available after exit day next March.

Well I cant wait to plunge into this exciting new world. Brexit invokes the wartime spirit of rationing and rickets.My generation was the first since the war to be free of food shortages. And now we will get the chance to starve. Fantastic!!

"Freedoms just another word for,
Nothing left to lose "
Britain was just suffering SO much before the E.U.


I can only imagine what hell life must have been before their globalist masters delivered all that cultural enrichment
  • It is not farfetched to think that Italy's "government of change" will try to break the euro and leave the monetary union. Such a move would likely cause a domino effect on the whole structure of the euro, which could collapse without the presence of its third-largest economy.

  • Contrary to what the leadership of countries such as Germany seem to believe, there is life outside the EU and the euro, and Italy would be happy to reestablish profitable trade agreements directly with the US. One would hope that Trump realizes this and will take advantage of the opportunity.
The US, Italy, and International Trade

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