How can Democrats Insure the Trump is the 2024 Republican Nominee?

ā€œOrange Man Badā€
One concern Democrats should have is Trump goons abandoning such tired memes that they have been trained to parrot.

So far, most appear to be clinging mindlessly to the Cry Baby Loser's Big Lie, but a few have been returning to reality.

Indicted MAGA rioter Jenna Ryan now admits Trump lied to her about the 2020 election being stolen.​
In an interview with the Washington Post, Ryan expressed regret for her actions and said she was duped into believing something that simply wasnā€™t true.​
ā€œI bought into a lie, and the lie is the lie, and itā€™s embarrassing,ā€ she said. ā€œI regret everything.ā€​
Ryan, a realtor from Texas, quickly drew the attention of law enforcement officials when she posted a video of herself on social media talking about storming the Capitol on January 6th​
ā€œWeā€™re gonna go down and storm the capitol,ā€ Ryan declared in a video shortly before storming the Capitol. ā€œTheyā€™re down there right now and thatā€™s why we came and so thatā€™s what we are going to do. So wish me luck.ā€
Like many of her fellow rioters, Ryan has insisted that she stormed the Capitol because she believed she was carrying out Trumpā€™s orders.
ā€œI listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol,ā€ she said in an interview shortly after the riots. ā€œI was displaying my patriotism while I was there and I was just protesting and I wasnā€™t trying to do anything violent.ā€​
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ā€œOrange Man Badā€
One concern Democrats should have is Trump goons abandoning such tired memes that they have been trained to parrot.

So far, most appear to be clinging mindlessly to the Cry Baby Loser's Big Lie, but a few have been returning to reality.

Indicted MAGA rioter Jenna Ryan now admits Trump lied to her about the 2020 election being stolen.​
In an interview with the Washington Post, Ryan expressed regret for her actions and said she was duped into believing something that simply wasnā€™t true.​

ā€œI bought into a lie, and the lie is the lie, and itā€™s embarrassing,ā€ she said. ā€œI regret everything.ā€​
Ryan, a realtor from Texas, quickly drew the attention of law enforcement officials when she posted a video of herself on social media talking about storming the Capitol on January 6th​
ā€œWeā€™re gonna go down and storm the capitol,ā€ Ryan declared in a video shortly before storming the Capitol. ā€œTheyā€™re down there right now and thatā€™s why we came and so thatā€™s what we are going to do. So wish me luck.ā€
Like many of her fellow rioters, Ryan has insisted that she stormed the Capitol because she believed she was carrying out Trumpā€™s orders.
ā€œI listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol,ā€ she said in an interview shortly after the riots. ā€œI was displaying my patriotism while I was there and I was just protesting and I wasnā€™t trying to do anything violent.ā€​

You post a link from a questionable site "Raw Story" that publishes a story from another questionable site Washington Post. Beyond that, the whole story is based on a woman trying to slither out of an indictment by saying she believed the 'lie.' So...Schmedrick, the reality of the story goes something like this. Trump said something that made her do bad things. Therefore we must punish "Orange Man Bad.' Last time I looked, adults were responsible for their own actions. This story is nothing but another of your dopey, juvenile TDS rants. You sure waste a lot of space here Shmedrick.
You post a link from a questionable site "Raw Story" that publishes a story from another questionable site Washington Post. Beyond that, the whole story is based on a woman trying to slither out of an indictment by saying she believed the 'lie.' So...Schmedrick, the reality of the story goes something like this. Trump said something that made her do bad things. Therefore we must punish "Orange Man Bad.' Last time I looked, adults were responsible for their own actions. This story is nothing but another of your dopey, juvenile TDS rants. You sure waste a lot of space here Shmedrick.
Your "Therefore we must punish 'Orange Man Bad'" opinion is your own, and at diametrical odds with the thread's thesis, promoting his being the GOP nominee in 2024.

That "Orange Man Bad" meme you need to keep spewing, Primrose, does not have any impact upon the reality that the Cry Baby Loser, by his Big Lie that he had won "in a landslide!", has duped his goons - q-anon, proud boys, boogaloo, three percenters, oath keepers, neo-nazis, and other white supremacists - into attacking the Capitol in an attempt to prevent the U.S. Congress and the Vice President from registering the certified result of a democratic election, savaging what had been a proud tradition since the nation's inception of peaceful transfers of power. The Loser's being too weak to accept the will of the People with integrity has had serious consequences.

Are some of Trump's goons, after being identified, apprehended, and indicted for their participating in the deadly riot now admitting that they were acting in response to Trump's call in the hope of reducing their sentences? Quite likely.

You are free to pretend that they are all lying if your incorrigible veneration of your "Orange Man", as you call him, demands that of you. You can even imagine him still telling the ostensibly repentant rioters, "We love you! You are very special!"
Disapproved of exactly what and why? Sorry, your "Orange Man Bad" doesn't cut it Schmiddy.

The "Orange Man Bad" meme you were trained to parrot is duly noted.

We'll get Republicans to nominate the Cry Baby Loser in 2024!

Despite most Americans disapproving of the Loser in independent public survey after independent public survey throughout his four years, registering that disapproval at their first opportunity, and despite his further soiling himself when his goons swallowed his Big Lie and attacked Congress as it certified the will of the People, his cult is impervious to those realities - Loser's q-anon, proud boys, boogaloo, oath keepers, three percenters, neo-nazis and other white supremacists ready to threaten and savage anyone who challenges their God Emperor.

Don't buy the fake claims! - Did Dominion Voting Systems fake the vote totals registered by its machines that were used in in Utah, Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Florida, and Tennessee to make it appear that former guy had won them?

No proof for that has been contrived, and we must assume that Cry Baby Loser legitimately won all of them! Demand that anyone trying to foist off such nonsense produce detailed, documented evidence or laugh at the crackpots.
And he will WIN after the Democrats fuck the economy and start another WAR.
The idea of the twice-impeached Loser being atop the GOP ticket is something divinely to be wished, but can partisan Democrats promote the possibility?

His losing by 7 million votes when Americans were finally given the opportunity to dump him was nifty, but the Cry Baby then whining and blatantly lying about his defeat while inciting his goons to put an end to the peaceful transfer of power in which the nation had taken justifiable pride since its inception would normally be a one-way, first class ticket to political oblivion on the Mariana Trench Express.

However, the Loser is not your run-of-the-mill politician. He is a cult leader whose followers are utterly impervious to his perfidy, just as he has boasted.

To perpetuate his stranglehold on the Republican Party, Democrats should not miss an opportunity to lavish praise on respectable conservatives who unabashedly loathe Trumpery and hope to restore their Party back after the infestation of the RINOs of Trumpery.

This reclamation project will stoke abuse and threats from the Trump Cult. Folks of principle like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney will be censured, demonized, and reviled by fanatical Trump bum kissers, wreaking havoc with any hope of the Party's return to normalcy.

Trump's prospects are bleak, as he can no longer hide behind the immunity of his office as legal and fiscal perils abound.

Democrats should do whatever is in their power to induce Trumpies to keep trying their seemingly interminable "Oh, yeah! Well what about...?" diversions as the criminal and civil prosecutions proceed.

He failed as a casino operator. He faded as a reality tv performer. He fizzled as POTUS.

Democrats must do whatever they must do to prevent Republicans pulling the plug. Their capable co-conspirators won't even realize what they are.

His name on a ballot will be magic!

After Biden's astutely asserting international leadership has propelled the United States into global primacy yet again, a second wave of Trumpery would be quite the prospect, would it not?

The Vince Foster/Seth Richards technique would work.
Your "Therefore we must punish 'Orange Man Bad'" opinion is your own, and at diametrical odds with the thread's thesis, promoting his being the GOP nominee in 2024.

That "Orange Man Bad" meme you need to keep spewing, Primrose, does not have any impact upon the reality that the Cry Baby Loser, by his Big Lie that he had won "in a landslide!", has duped his goons - q-anon, proud boys, boogaloo, three percenters, oath keepers, neo-nazis, and other white supremacists - into attacking the Capitol in an attempt to prevent the U.S. Congress and the Vice President from registering the certified result of a democratic election, savaging what had been a proud tradition since the nation's inception of peaceful transfers of power. The Loser's being too weak to accept the will of the People with integrity has had serious consequences.

Are some of Trump's goons, after being identified, apprehended, and indicted for their participating in the deadly riot now admitting that they were acting in response to Trump's call in the hope of reducing their sentences? Quite likely.

You are free to pretend that they are all lying if your incorrigible veneration of your "Orange Man", as you call him, demands that of you. You can even imagine him still telling the ostensibly repentant rioters, "We love you! You are very special!"
Everything you post is "Orange Man Bad" dufus. You can't seem to post anything remotely interesting. You're a 'one trick pony' Schmedrick.
Everything you post is "Orange Man Bad" dufus. You can't seem to post anything remotely interesting. You're a 'one trick pony' Schmedrick.
Your bias is noted.

Some of the Loser's bum kissers are, understandably, in a snit when I post documented facts concerning their idol.
The elites certainly appreciate the fixation on the Capitol protests.
A violent insurrection by the former guy's goons to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in which Americans had rightfully taken pride since the nation's inception is, to the chagrin of some, not being swept under the rug, it's true. The We love you! You're very special!" goons are being apprehended and prosecuted

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......................................The "Hey, look over there!" faction is not succeeding.​
The "Hey, look over there" faction would be the one that called the BLM and Antifa riots "mostly peaceful."

It's ok though. One thing the Trump era made abundantly clear is that being a nationalist of America is futile. Half of the population loves the state but doesn't love the nation itself. It's a lot like Chinese Communists.
Everything you post is "Orange Man Bad" dufus. You can't seem to post anything remotely interesting. You're a 'one trick pony' Schmedrick.
If you can overcome your persistent emotional dependency upon the man on the way down, Lala, whom do you think likely to secure the 2024 GOP nomination?
  1. Mike Pence
  2. Rafael Cruz
  3. Ron DeSantis
  4. Nikki Haley
  5. Mike Pompeo
  6. Larry Hogan
  7. Josh Hawley
  8. Other
f you can overcome your persistent emotional dependency upon the man on the way down, Lala, whom do you think likely to secure the 2024 GOP nomination?
  1. Mike Pence
  2. Rafael Cruz
  3. Ron DeSantis
  4. Nikki Haley
  5. Mike Pompeo
  6. Larry Hogan
  7. Josh Hawley
  8. Other
The idea of the twice-impeached Loser being atop the GOP ticket is something divinely to be wished, but can partisan Democrats promote the possibility?

His losing by 7 million votes when Americans were finally given the opportunity to dump him was nifty, but the Cry Baby then whining and blatantly lying about his defeat while inciting his goons to put an end to the peaceful transfer of power in which the nation had taken justifiable pride since its inception would normally be a one-way, first class ticket to political oblivion on the Mariana Trench Express.

However, the Loser is not your run-of-the-mill politician. He is a cult leader whose followers are utterly impervious to his perfidy, just as he has boasted.

To perpetuate his stranglehold on the Republican Party, Democrats should not miss an opportunity to lavish praise on respectable conservatives who unabashedly loathe Trumpery and hope to restore their Party back after the infestation of the RINOs of Trumpery.

This reclamation project will stoke abuse and threats from the Trump Cult. Folks of principle like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney will be censured, demonized, and reviled by fanatical Trump bum kissers, wreaking havoc with any hope of the Party's return to normalcy.

Trump's prospects are bleak, as he can no longer hide behind the immunity of his office as legal and fiscal perils abound.

Democrats should do whatever is in their power to induce Trumpies to keep trying their seemingly interminable "Oh, yeah! Well what about...?" diversions as the criminal and civil prosecutions proceed.

He failed as a casino operator. He faded as a reality tv performer. He fizzled as POTUS.

Democrats must do whatever they must do to prevent Republicans pulling the plug. Their capable co-conspirators won't even realize what they are.

His name on a ballot will be magic!

After Biden's astutely asserting international leadership has propelled the United States into global primacy yet again, a second wave of Trumpery would be quite the prospect, would it not?

He lost. Why are you dedicating threads to him?
Get a job
Gainfully self-employed, thank you, although I also recognize that employment forecasts under the Biden Administration are very encouraging

Moodyā€™s Analytics, an economic-research firm, finds Bidenā€™s plan would produce dramatically faster job growth and higher wages for most workers. Bidenā€™s proposals would lead to 18.6 million new jobs during his first term, and the average Americanā€™s income (after taxes) would increase by $4,800!

Still, we need to keep the former guy's name in the headlines if we want to secure him the 2024 GOP nomination!

Trump Holds Court in Mar-a-Lago, Insists GOP Bow to His Will

Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 4.58.36 PM.png
Get a job
Gainfully self-employed, thank you, although I also recognize that employment forecasts under the Biden Administration are very encouraging

Moodyā€™s Analytics, an economic-research firm, finds Bidenā€™s plan would produce dramatically faster job growth and higher wages for most workers. Bidenā€™s proposals would lead to 18.6 million new jobs during his first term, and the average Americanā€™s income (after taxes) would increase by $4,800!

Still, we need to keep the former guy's name in the headlines if we want to secure him the 2024 GOP nomination!

Trump Holds Court in Mar-a-Lago, Insists GOP Bow to His Will

View attachment 466962

They said the Stock Market would crash January 20, 2017.
Get a job
Gainfully self-employed, thank you, although I also recognize that employment forecasts under the Biden Administration are very encouraging

Moodyā€™s Analytics, an economic-research firm, finds Bidenā€™s plan would produce dramatically faster job growth and higher wages for most workers. Bidenā€™s proposals would lead to 18.6 million new jobs during his first term, and the average Americanā€™s income (after taxes) would increase by $4,800!

Still, we need to keep the former guy's name in the headlines if we want to secure him the 2024 GOP nomination!

Trump Holds Court in Mar-a-Lago, Insists GOP Bow to His Will

View attachment 466962
Zzzzzz what do you do? I can Smell a rat a mile away. I work in MC. So tell me.

They said the Stock Market would crash January 20, 2017.
Did you just make that up?

Moody's predicted a recession, but not, I believe, a stock market crash - unless you can back up your claim with credible documentation.

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