How can elite democrats say they support Cuba protesters when they are working 4 same kind of system?

Not interested in your conspiracy theories. The signs of fascism are to be found in unsubtle uses of force and blind devotion to authority.
You mean like all the progs in this forum? There's nothing "subtle" about your use of force.
fascism is not defined that way. there was due process of some form in italy and germany during the 30s

what conspiracy theory are you referring to?

with that said you cerainly seem to have blind obedience to your party when you simply disregard facts and things they do if it makes you uncomfortable
Your fictional world view only serves to make you uncomfortable. In our search for democrats being fascists you still haven't really come up with anything that looks like fascism.
Your fictional world view only serves to make you uncomfortable. In our search for democrats being fascists you still haven't really come up with anything that looks like fascism.
haha that’s cause you don’t know what it is, despite the fact your are a demafasict.
haha that’s cause you don’t know what it is, despite the fact your are a demafasict.
You can't even point to anyone who got roughed up by the cops or had their door kicked in. Can't be a fascist without some good old stormtrooper action.
You can't even point to anyone who got roughed up by the cops or had their door kicked in. Can't be a fascist without some good old stormtrooper action.
huh? well we have your brownshirts fire bombing buildings and court house starting in nov 2016…but that’s not what true defiant io of fascism is.
huh? well we have your brownshirts fire bombing buildings and court house starting in nov 2016…but that’s not what true defiant io of fascism is.
Civil disorder makes people like you thirst for fascism.
Civil disorder makes people like you thirst for fascism.
haha no i didn’t vote for your demafasict party. civil disorder is fine, protest are fine…firebombing property because your demafasict candidate lost is not fine
haha no i didn’t vote for your demafasict party. civil disorder is fine, protest are fine…firebombing property because your demafasict candidate lost is not fine
Did you cheer when Trump had the protestors teargassed for his silly photo-op at the church? Now there's the kind of thing you could point at and say fascism.
Did you cheer when Trump had the protestors teargassed for his silly photo-op at the church? Now there's the kind of thing you could point at and say fascism.
the church your brownshirts firebombed? yes i was happy they were tear gassed to stop their violence
Your fictional world view only serves to make you uncomfortable. In our search for democrats being fascists you still haven't really come up with anything that looks like fascism.
Holding people for two years without bail and without trial is fascism, NAZI.
Did you cheer when Trump had the protestors teargassed for his silly photo-op at the church? Now there's the kind of thing you could point at and say fascism.
That claim was debunked long ago. Trump had nothing to do with it.
the church your brownshirts firebombed? yes i was happy they were tear gassed to stop their violence
We all watched it live on TV. No one was being violent or firebombing anything. Didn't seem to be on fire when Trump walked up and awkwardly tried to hold a bible as if he were not a total stranger to the book.
Your fictional world view only serves to make you uncomfortable. In our search for democrats being fascists you still haven't really come up with anything that looks like fascism.
The FBI outsourcing it's violations of the First Amendment to Twitter could be any more fascist. Then there's the murder of Ashely Babbit. Then there are the 100 people who have been locked up for two years without bail and without a trial.

How's that for starters?
We all watched it live on TV. No one was being violent or firebombing anything. Didn't seem to be on fire when Trump walked up and awkwardly tried to hold a bible as if he were not a total stranger to the book.
oh how did the church burn?
I checked, it's still there, never been on fire.
they didn’t burn it down, snd the damage was repaired but none the less the brownshirts attempted to burn it down during the attempted insurrection to over throw the white house
they didn’t burn it down, snd the damage was repaired but none the less the brownshirts attempted to burn it down during the attempted insurrection to over throw the white house
LOL now I know you have a faulty selective memory like the other members of your tribe. I just now read the wikipedia article on the church. There was a fire on a different day in another church building but not the church itself. When Trump made his stroll there was no violence currently going on. They just gassed the protestors and the fascists came in their pants.

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