How can elite democrats say they support Cuba protesters when they are working 4 same kind of system?

You should pay closer attention to your fellow assholes. Been called a commie so many times it's clear that none of you actually know what communism is.
We sure as hell do. Perhaps you should listen to what people are telling you.
Then that makes you disingenuous at best. Democrats are not fascists, communist or any of the other scary words the right uses.
they tend to act fascist. a great recent example was their partneship with tweeter to censor voices that harmed their agenda.

if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….
they tend to act fascist. a great recent example was their partneship with tweeter to censor voices that harmed their agenda.

if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….
Not interested in your conspiracy theories. The signs of fascism are to be found in unsubtle uses of force and blind devotion to authority.
Not interested in your conspiracy theories. The signs of fascism are to be found in unsubtle uses of force and blind devotion to authority.
conspiracy theory? the files have been released publicly…you ignoring them because of your devotion to your party is cult like
conspiracy theory? the files have been released publicly…you ignoring them because of your devotion to your party is cult like
The FBI alerting twitter to certain individuals that seem to be violating their terms of service is hardly the conspiracy you people have whipped it up to be.
The FBI alerting twitter to certain individuals that seem to be violating their terms of service is hardly the conspiracy you people have whipped it up to be.
haha that’s not what happened. The dems told them to censor stories that hurt their party.
haha that’s not what happened. The dems told them to censor stories that hurt their party.
You say that but the right seems to have been able to spread their propaganda far and wide with the greatest of ease.
You say that but the right seems to have been able to spread their propaganda far and wide with the greatest of ease.
i am not sure what you are talking about. i certainly agree it was easy for the demafasict to spread their propaganda with their alliance with tweeter.
i am not sure what you are talking about. i certainly agree it was easy for the demafasict to spread their propaganda with their alliance with tweeter.
Of course you are not sure. You can't claim censorship when nothing your people ever said was hidden from the public.
Of course you are not sure. You can't claim censorship when nothing your people ever said was hidden from the public.
it was censored from social media…obviously people could still go to the NY Post for example, and get the story there, but folks couldn’t share it on the tweeter because it hurt your party
it was censored from social media…obviously people could still go to the NY Post for example, and get the story there, but folks couldn’t share it on the tweeter because it hurt your party
Even if all your shit was true it's still a pretty weak example of fascism. Got anything else? Fascists are usually doing things like kicking in doors and making people disappear.
Even if all your shit was true it's still a pretty weak example of fascism. Got anything else? Fascists are usually doing things like kicking in doors and making people disappear.
well actually it’s the definition of fascism…but yes examples you are looking for would be the xiden admin labeling parents domestic terrorist for questioning the demafasict policies of school boards
Turns out calling people communists because they care about the unfortunate and downtrodden doesn't make them communists.
Real revolutionaries must suffer for the cause. And the revolutionaries pushing this live the life of royalty and largesse. They trained suckers peasants to do the foul deeds.
well actually it’s the definition of fascism…but yes examples you are looking for would be the xiden admin labeling parents domestic terrorist for questioning the demafasict policies of school boards
Again with the conspiracy theories? You are looking for examples of blunt force by law enforcement, blind obedience to the leader and a disregard for due process.
Again with the conspiracy theories? You are looking for examples of blunt force by law enforcement, blind obedience to the leader and a disregard for due process.
fascism is not defined that way. there was due process of some form in italy and germany during the 30s

what conspiracy theory are you referring to?

with that said you cerainly seem to have blind obedience to your party when you simply disregard facts and things they do if it makes you uncomfortable

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