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How Can Jesus Be At The Right Hand Of God

Jesus was "with God" and Was God in the beginning of Creation. John 10:30, I (Jesus) and My Father are One. John 8:58, Before Abraham was I (Jesus) AM. John 1:14, And the Word (Jesus) was made flesh and dwelt among us.

Some cults such as the Jehovah's Witnesses attempt to argue that being a Son does not make you the same as the Father, their logic, if a President has a son that does not make the son president. This is an old magic trick........pay no attention the left hand hidden behind the back.....watch only the right hand, its a semantic illusion. There is no logic whatsoever as the position of president is an office that is held not deity. If any biological lifeform reproduces it will reproduce only from the original source.......if a dog reproduces the life that is produced will be nothing but a DOG.

Even the "Jews" of Jesus' time knew that by claiming to be the Son of God..........Jesus was claiming to be the equal of God (John 5:18)

Then we have those who attempt to argue........(the usual suspects).....that John only presented the Jewish point of view in his gospel account. But look at the passage found in John 5:18.......its not a quote but a history of events. 2 events. the 1st they wanted to kill Jesus because Jesus claimed to be God.......2nd, they wanted to kill Jesus because He was claiming to be God's equal.

There is only one modern translation of the Greek language (the language used in the N.T.) that translates Jesus was God (found in John 1) to the poorly translated Jesus was a god (with a small g). They refuse to accept all literal translations in order to use their own error laced translation of the Bible, New World Translation......in use for only for a short time.

Why do cults use their own versions of the Bible? Because any of the accepted translations contradict their false doctrines.

Several religions that use their own Bibles. JW, Mormons, Muslims, Catholics.........none of which agree with any canonized literal translation of the Holy Bible. You have the JWs demoting Jesus to a character known as the first born (created by God, ).........the Mormons adding unto the Bible after the Apostles claimed the Bible to be the Perfect Law of Liberty, claiming that all men will become Gods.......the Muslims claiming that Jesus was just another prophet of God and the N.T. is false........and the Catholics promoting a man (the Pope) to take over Jesus's position of establishing doctrine as god on earth, claiming the authority to establish doctrine the same on earth as it is in heaven through tradition rather than by the word of God.............. When the Bible claims the FATIH was delivered but one time by the saints of the 1st century (Jude 3).
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I know who they are even if I don't understand everything about them.

The Trinity is a rather complicated doctrine to understand. Humans struggle to understand the trinity of their own existence (body, mind, and spirit), even though we live with it every day.

It's important to remember that God is not a human being. We tend to anthropomorphize Him, to think of Him as a person much like us, but with superpowers. He isn't. As most apologists explain it, everything in existence has a nature, a being (what it is). Humans also have a person (who we are). God has one nature, a divine nature (what He is), and three persons (who He is).

It's also important to remember that God is not a physical being the way we are. When the Scriptures say that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, they aren't saying that God physically has a right hand and that Jesus, a separate entity, is going to be physically on the Father's right side. It's a metaphor. In the Biblical world, being seated at the right hand of a king or lord or general or whatever was the place of highest honor and status.
The Trinity is a rather complicated doctrine to understand. Humans struggle to understand the trinity of their own existence (body, mind, and spirit), even though we live with it every day.

It's important to remember that God is not a human being. We tend to anthropomorphize Him, to think of Him as a person much like us, but with superpowers. He isn't. As most apologists explain it, everything in existence has a nature, a being (what it is). Humans also have a person (who we are). God has one nature, a divine nature (what He is), and three persons (who He is).

It's also important to remember that God is not a physical being the way we are. When the Scriptures say that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, they aren't saying that God physically has a right hand and that Jesus, a separate entity, is going to be physically on the Father's right side. It's a metaphor. In the Biblical world, being seated at the right hand of a king or lord or general or whatever was the place of highest honor and status.
Jesus is literally sitting on the throne of David..............in Heaven, as the King of Kings. The ruler over the kingdom of God....aka., the kingdom of Heaven, also synonymous with the church that Jesus constructed on earth. (Matt. 16)

The major problem is a lack of "distinction" between the metaphorical and literal speech as actually recorded in the Holy Scriptures. There is nothing metaphorical about Jesus literally sitting on David's throne in heaven. Jesus was given the throne of David as told to Mary by the angel Gabriel, "He (Jesus) will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father (His earthly ancestor lineage) David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end." -- Luke 1:32-33

If you take Gabriel to mean that Jesus will sit on this throne on earth in a physical manner you have a problem with the Holy Scriptures.......the earth will not remain FOREVER, as everything physical has an expiration date. (the scriptures say nothing about a limited time of a 1000 years.......they state FOREVER). The scriptures detail the fact that the earth was created with an expiration date, "You Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of YOUR HANDS.........They will perish, but You will remain........" -- Hebrews 1:10-12

The Apostle Peter is clear.......the earth will perish, it will be totally destroyed........both the heavens (above...not the kingdom of heaven) and the earth will perish in fire. (2 Peter 3:10)

Thus....its clear, Jesus is ruling over David's kingdom someplace other than earth............in Heaven (the dwelling place of God as described with no ambiguity whatsoever in (Acts 2:29-26).....Jesus is in heaven ruling over His Kingdom beside Father God.

Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth by God. (Matthew 28:18). The Apostle tells us that Jesus is currently reigning and will continue to reign until death is destroyed (1 Cor. 15:25-26). There is another detail, "But to the Son He says; Your throne, O God is forever and ever; .............He God has never said to any angel or other created being....."Sit at My right hand. (Heb. 1:8,13). Thus, Jesus was not an angel as some argue, Jesus was never created as a prophet He was with God and was God at creation (John 1) Anyone that argues different is defined as being an antichrist by John. John tells us that antichrists have existed since his days on earth (John 1 2:28) And anyone that denies the deity of Jesus as being the Son of God is an antichrist (1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7). Antichrist is not any single person, its a false doctrine.

Jesus rules over heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18) until Hades gives up its dead at the final judgement (Rev. 20:13-15) Then the kingdom is given back to the Father (1 Cor. 15:24) after the judgment....but Jesus will remain on the throne of David forever at the right hand of God as in prophecy.

There is no Kingdom to Come............the Kingdom was established over 2000 years ago, as Jesus informed the Crowd He was preaching to..........there will be some standing here (in the 1st century) that will see the kingdom of God with power. (Mark 9:1). The kingdom of God on earth.....is a spiritual kingdom and is located within the heart of those who would follow Jesus (Luke 17:20-21) As Jesus explained the Kingdom of God is at hand (in the 1st century) -- Matt. 4:17

Jesus also explained that His Kingdom was not from here (earth)-- John 18:36......."....not of this world".
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God the very Eternal Father in Heaven is a Man of Holiness. He is an exalted man who is a God. He is a Father because he has literally begotten our spirits. The Apostle Paul tells us that he is the Father of Spirits:

Hebrews 12:9
9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

At another time Paul explained that we are literally the offspring of God and not merely children by adoption from the beginning.

Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

We all existed as the children of God before coming to this earth and were his literal offspring existing as spirits. The prophet Job understood who we were and spoke of us before we came to this earth.

Job 38:1-7
1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,

2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?

3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.

4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

The Apostle John undertood that our spirits preexisted this life and that we took part in a war in heaven.

Revelation 12:7-11
7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

The war in heaven was between God the Father, Jesus Christ, Michael and his angels verses Satan the Devil and all those who chose to follow after him. This war resulted in Satan and his followers being cast out of heaven and into the earth. What is interesting is that verse 11
tells us that those with who Satan fought against in the war in heaven, had to overcome Satan by the the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony and were subject unto death. In other words, those who were on the side of Michael were to come down on this earth also and receive bodies of flesh and bones. They were to overcome
Satan and his followers by the blood of the Lamb and the testimony of Jesus.

In the premortal world of spirits, God had many children but there was one who was preeminent above us all who was the firstborn of many brethren of the children of God. The firstborn spirit child of God the Eternal Father is spoken of in scriptures:

Romans 8:29
29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

When Jesus was foreknown in the premortal world God made him his firstborn among many brethren. We are those brethren, Jesus is our Eldest brother in the spirit.

Jesus was chosen by God our Eternal Heavenly Father before the foundation of this earth to be the Savior of the World. Peter testifies of this:

1 Peter 1:19-20
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

Paul also tells that many who are faithful were foreordained to do great things while on the earth:

Ephesians 1:4
4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Because we are the literal offspring spirit children of the Father, the Psalmist proclaimed by revelation:

Psalms 82:6
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Even Jesus himself proclaimed the same and let us know that it was he that made this proclaimation:

John 10:34
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

We are all the spirit children of God. As such Jesus and the Psalmist openly proclaim the truth of this matter that we are gods! We are his literal offspring made in God's very image and likeness.

God organized the Godhead before the world was. The Father, SON, and Holy Ghost are members of that Godhead. They are not the same beings but are one in glory, truth, and purpose. We know they are separate and distinct personages from what has been taught us in scripture. Jesus prays unto the Father, Upon Jesus' resurrection, he declares that he has not yet ascended unto the Father. When Stephen was martyred, he looked up into the heavens and saw Jesus standing on the right hand of the Father.
The oneness that Jesus has with the Father is not that of being the same being. When Jesus taught us of the oneness that he has with the Father, he taught that we all can become one with the Father even as Jesus is one with the Father.

John 17:20-23
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;

21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

If we are faithful, we all can receive a portion of the glory of God and have that light and truth enter into our bodies the same as Jesus has the same glory as the Father and be one with him.

What does God the Father look like? Well he looks just like Jesus. Jesus Taught:

John 14:7-9
7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

Paul to the Hebrews explains why Jesus taught his disciples the above:

Hebrews 1:1-3
1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Here we learn that Jesus is the brightness of his glory but also the express image of the person of the Father. In other words Jesus looks exactly like his Father. Thus because Jesus does all that the Father would have him do and also looks exactly like the person of the Father, Jesus taught his disiciples that they have seen the Father. Like identical twins, Jesus looks like the Father. He not being the Father of our spirits but the firstborn spirit child of our heavenly Father.

Romans 8:29
29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

In the beginning before the world was, Jesus was made part of the Godhead, and in this way he was God. But he was also with the Father of our spirits and was with God. Through the Father Jesus was assigned to be the creator of all things. Jesus is the Great I AM. Jesus is Jehovah. For this reason Jesus declared himself:

John 8:57-59
57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I Am.

59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Speaking of the Father in Heaven, John in the same sermon says,

John 1:18
18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Here John tells us that God the Father has not been seen by any man but that he has been declared to mankind by the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. We know from Old testament scripture that the God of the Old Testament revealed himself unto several of his prophets:

Exodus 6:3
3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.

Exodus 33:11
11 And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.

Genesis 32:30
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Here we learn that the God of the Old Testament, Jehovah, the Great I AM was Jesus Christ. But John in John 1:18 tells us that No man hath seen God at anytime. However, the Only Begotten Son he hath declared him. So John is telling us that no man has seen the Father but has verses in the old testament tell us, several of the prophets had spoke with I AM face to face, who was Jesus.
The Trinity is a rather complicated doctrine to understand.
Jesus is literally sitting on the throne of David..............in Heaven
God the very Eternal Father in Heaven is a Man of Holiness.

daydreams for the self righteous ... rulers of humanity.

the trinity is necessary to authenticate the forgeries and fallacies of the c bible, that the 1st century religious itinerant ever claimed to be a messiah. the desert religions. puffs of smoke.
daydreams for the self righteous ... rulers of humanity.

the trinity is necessary to authenticate the forgeries and fallacies of the c bible, that the 1st century religious itinerant ever claimed to be a messiah. the desert religions. puffs of smoke.
More ad hominem BS? Its the duty of the "prosecutor"......."accuser" to prove the eyewitness testimonies to be false......not vise versa. (the entire history found in the Bible is based upon the eyewitness testimonies of those who lived that history -- 2 Peter 1:16).

Prima Facie truths stand as truth until debunked by a presentation of Objective Facts in Evidence. :smoochEE: Talk about dumb and dumber. Simply prove that that any of the items mentioned in scripture never existed simply because "you" can't find the evidence to prove YOUR STORY. Prima Facie truths are established in both criminal and civil courts every day......and convict or dismiss based upon those Prima Facie evidences.

Funny as HELL..........you continually accuse others of not presenting evidences by NOT PRESENTING EVIDENCES YOURSELF......typical lame secular. You will not present evidence because YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE worthy of debating.....thus the continued running off at the mouth. Hey........look at me, I am smart because I pretend to be smart. :abgg2q.jpg:

Any Child could debate you.

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More ad hominem BS? Its the duty of the "prosecutor"......."accuser" to prove the eyewitness testimonies to be false......not vise versa. (the entire history found in the Bible is based upon the eyewitness testimonies of those who lived that history -- 2 Peter 1:16).

Prima Facie truths stand as truth until debunked by a presentation of Objective Facts in Evidence. :smoochEE: Talk about dumb and dumber. Simply prove that that any of the items mentioned in scripture never existed simply because "you" can't find the evidence to prove YOUR STORY. Prima Facie truths are established in both criminal and civil courts every day......and convict or dismiss based upon those Prima Facie evidences.

Funny as HELL..........you continually accuse others of not presenting evidences by NOT PRESENTING EVIDENCES YOURSELF......typical lame secular. You will not present evidence because YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE worthy of debating.....thus the continued running off at the mouth. Hey........look at me, I am smart because I pretend to be smart. :abgg2q.jpg:

Any Child could debate you.

not one word is written by the defendant included in the c bible - who during their trial stated they were not the one who claimed they were a messiah .... nor from the beginning were there ever etched tablets from the heavens.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

among the many forgeries and fallacies of the c bible found on nearly every page ... the christian - state religion of the roman empire - political document of servitude disguised as a religion.
not one word is written by the defendant included in the c bible - who during their trial stated they were not the one who claimed they were a messiah .... nor from the beginning were there ever etched tablets from the heavens.

among the many forgeries and fallacies of the c bible found on nearly every page ... the christian - state religion of the roman empire - political document of servitude disguised as a religion.
Wash........rinse, repeat.....apply BS liberally. :abgg2q.jpg:
If He is God?
That's easy. God is eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He does not live in a restricted dimension such as ours. He is One God with three personalities, much like we as His creations have a Mind, a Body and a Spirit. God allowed the 2nd personality of Himself in The Trinity to divest Himself of all His power, to humble Himself, become a man born in to our world, and then to live, struggle and suffer as a man being tempted in all things like men are, and then laid down His life willingly as a sinless sacrifice to pay for the sins of fallen mankind as The Second Adam winning back all that The First Adam forfeited.

When Man Fell he forfeited his throne and crown to rule over The Earth to Lucifer who is now the god of this world. Christ came to reclaim that crown and throne and His first act in doing so was to take away the first part of Satan's kingdom which is his being "the lord of the dead". Now that redemption was established, the dead do not have to go to Abraham's Bosom which is a place in Hell, where Old Testament believers had to go until they could be one day redeemed by Messiah. Christ upon His Death descended to Abraham's Bosom and released the captives there, and now when we die, we can go straight to Heaven.

The second part of Satan's Kingdom is this current physical world and it's governments. When Christ returns at The Battle of Armageddon, he defeats what is left of Satan's Kingdom then establishes His throne on earth and becomes 'God With Us'.

We might think God is divided but He is One. He simply has 3 roles and 3 personalities to accomplish those roles. The Lamb of God is just one of the three roles that God uses to accomplish His plan.

Satan conversely cannot operate in this way, and this is why Satan no matter how powerful he is can never defeat God. It will always be 3 against 1, yet God is still 1, and is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.
That's easy. God is eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He does not live in a restricted dimension such as ours. He is One God with three personalities, much like we as His creations have a Mind, a Body and a Spirit. God allowed the 2nd personality of Himself in The Trinity to divest Himself of all His power, to humble Himself, become a man born in to our world, and then to live, struggle and suffer as a man being tempted in all things like men are, and then laid down His life willingly as a sinless sacrifice to pay for the sins of fallen mankind as The Second Adam winning back all that The First Adam forfeited.

When Man Fell he forfeited his throne and crown to rule over The Earth to Lucifer who is now the god of this world. Christ came to reclaim that crown and throne and His first act in doing so was to take away the first part of Satan's kingdom which is his being "the lord of the dead". Now that redemption was established, the dead do not have to go to Abraham's Bosom which is a place in Hell, where Old Testament believers had to go until they could be one day redeemed by Messiah. Christ upon His Death descended to Abraham's Bosom and released the captives there, and now when we die, we can go straight to Heaven.

The second part of Satan's Kingdom is this current physical world and it's governments. When Christ returns at The Battle of Armageddon, he defeats what is left of Satan's Kingdom then establishes His throne on earth and becomes 'God With Us'.

We might think God is divided but He is One. He simply has 3 roles and 3 personalities to accomplish those roles. The Lamb of God is just one of the three roles that God uses to accomplish His plan.

Satan conversely cannot operate in this way, and this is why Satan no matter how powerful he is can never defeat God. It will always be 3 against 1, yet God is still 1, and is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.
Hades is yet to give up its dead. When Hades does give up its dead it will upon the final judgement. (Rev.20:13) "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them; AND THEY WERE JUDGED EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO THEIR WORKS."

Jesus told the thief on the cross, ".........TODAY SHALT THOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE." -- Luke 23:43 Jesus did not remain with His body at death, His spirit left His body and went to Hades to preach to the spirits that are there awaiting the final judgement. The evil in a section of Hades reserved to punish the evil......the good/righteous in a section of Hades (a spiritual realm) called Paradise. Luke 16:19-31 A teaching parable about Hades.

Jesus returned to His physical body after preaching to the souls in Hades. -- Luke 24:39. "....a spirit does not have flesh and bones......."

Jesus was transformed to Hades by the Holy Spirit of God and returned to His flesh after (1 Peter 3:18-19)

Jesus body was not allowed to see corruption.

"For you will not leave My soul in Hades, nor will You allow your Holy One to see corruption." -- Acts 2:27. Thus, its clear, Jesus' Body was not with His spirit in Hades. In order not to leave a soul in Hades a soul has to be in Hades in the first place.
Hades is yet to give up its dead. When Hades does give up its dead it will upon the final judgement. (Rev.20:13) "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them; AND THEY WERE JUDGED EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO THEIR WORKS."

Jesus told the thief on the cross, ".........TODAY SHALT THOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE." -- Luke 23:43 Jesus did not remain with His body at death, His spirit left His body and went to Hades to preach to the spirits that are there awaiting the final judgement. The evil in a section of Hades reserved to punish the evil......the good/righteous in a section of Hades (a spiritual realm) called Paradise. Luke 16:19-31 A teaching parable about Hades.

Jesus returned to His physical body after preaching to the souls in Hades. -- Luke 24:39. "....a spirit does not have flesh and bones......."

Jesus was transformed to Hades by the Holy Spirit of God and returned to His flesh after (1 Peter 3:18-19)

Jesus body was not allowed to see corruption.

"For you will not leave My soul in Hades, nor will You allow your Holy One to see corruption." -- Acts 2:27. Thus, its clear, Jesus' Body was not with His spirit in Hades. In order not to leave a soul in Hades a soul has to be in Hades in the first place.
The Bosom of Abraham did give up it's dead. Paradise is The Bosom of Abraham and is not Heaven.

The rest of Hades did not give up it's dead because those people in that part of Hades are lost and unrepentant and will be judged in the future. They are in the part of Hades called "Torment." The Demons or in The Pit or Tarturus.

Just thought I would clarify that. This is what Jesus did when he descended. He released the captives in the part of Hades called Abraham's Bosom where the righteous had to stay because redemption had not occurred and they could not be in the presence of a Holy God until they were sinless, and that only occurred through the blood of Jesus.

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The Bosom of Abraham did give up it's dead. Paradise is The Bosom of Abraham and is not Heaven.

The rest of Hades did not give up it's dead because those people in that part of Hades are lost and unrepentant and will be judged in the future. They are in the part of Hades called "Torment." The Demons or in The Pit or Tarturus.

Just thought I would clarify that. This is what Jesus did when he descended. He released the captives in the part of Hades called Abraham's Bosom where the righteous had to stay because redemption had not occurred and they could not be in the presence of a Holy God until they were sinless, and that only occurred through the blood of Jesus.

Simply present the Book, Chapter and Verse from any authorized canon translation of the N.T. not a Book that someone has written to make a profit. Its on sale right now at Amazon. I read some of what was presented and with (Luke 24:39 omitted). Also (Luke 16:19-31) states nothing about anyone going to heaven to be in the Bosom of Abraham. This book takes everything out context in order to mold the scriptures around their opinionated writing.

Just show us any passage of Scripture, by book, chapter and verse that shows anyone ascending into Heaven and coming back to earth in fleshly form......which must be the reality if one is expected to believe that Jesus went to Hades and came back in the flesh after lying to the Thief on the Cross about being with Him in Paradise (if paradise is Heaven as suggested by this author) (Luke 23:43)

If what this author declares is truth..there is no explanation of how the disciples witnessed Jesus on earth after His death in fleshly form (Luke 24:39)......nor does it explain how the rich man in hades could look across the void and see the beggar in the bosom of Abraham at the same instant.........while the scriptures explain how the beggar was comforted in the bosom of Abraham at the same instant the rich man was in torment. If those in torment in hades can see those already in heaven why do the scriptures declare both (the tormented and righteous) have Moses and the prophets to listen to in Hades? (Luke 16:19-31).

"And in hell (Hades), he (the rich man) lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and SEEN ABRAHAM AFAR OFF, AND LAZARUS IN HIS BOSOM." --
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he is not god.....who would god be praying too in the Garden of Gethsemane?......
God is multiple individuals. CURRENTLY 2.

My family name is Brown. All of my family is a Brown.

Jesus is the Logos of the Family. He is the God of the OT. One of His purposes in the first coming was to REVEAL the Father. If the Father was the God of the OT, then there was no reason for the Logos to REVEAL another
What's missing from the "Abbot" argument? Judgment..........the final judgment. Why would anyone require judgment if they were already in the Bosom of Abraham in heaven (if paradise is heaven as theorized by Abbot)? The scriptures are clear........THAT DAY ...i.e., the final judgment after the heavens and the earth are destroyed is yet to come. There can be only 'one' judgment day.

There is one passage, clear, precise, unambiguous that proves that both the righteous and the wicked are resting in a place called Hades (in the N.T) or Sheol (in the O.T.) awaiting "that day"....the final judgment, one in comfort the other in torments, spoken of in the parable found in (Luke 16:19-31) until Death is defeated at the 2nd coming our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 20:13) when Both, the wicked and the righteous shall be judged according to their deeds while living, judged by the Books, the word of Christ Jesus surviving to this date as the Holy Scriptures and the Book of Life. (Rev. 20:12)

John makes it clear, "Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which ALL WHO ARE IN GRAVES WILL HEAR HIS (Jesus') VOICE AND COME FORTH.....those who have done GOOD, to the resurrection of life (eternal life), and those who have done EVIL, to the resurrection of condemnation." -- John 5:28-29

"We must appear before the judgment seat of Christ........to account for the things we done while living....whether good or bad." -- 2 Cor. 5:10 The judgment of both good and evil will take place at one time......there are none already in their graves that have been Judged and Sentenced. Their life decisions judge them as where their souls rest after death..........its the final judgment that sentences them.
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