Zone1 How can one be religious without kindness?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is what is lacking in the world. It is difficult, especially with so much evil among us. I of course speak from personal experience but there is exceedingly more evil among us, not just in Canada.

One can even blame this expansion of evil for the lack of kindness among others as it draws people away from their kind nature to meet the evil around them. A cycle that makes the world a less enjoyable experience, a betrayal of G-ds commands.

So, do any on here who claim they are religious have a kind soul? Do you share acts of kindness with others? Do you confront evil?
This is what is lacking in the world. It is difficult, especially with so much evil among us. I of course speak from personal experience but there is exceedingly more evil among us, not just in Canada.

One can even blame this expansion of evil for the lack of kindness among others as it draws people away from their kind nature to meet the evil around them. A cycle that makes the world a less enjoyable experience, a betrayal of G-ds commands.

So, do any on here who claim they are religious have a kind soul? Do you share acts of kindness with others? Do you confront evil?
I refer to a very great man.

Only when good men step and face that evil and put the evil down, does evil go away. When history is forgotten, history tends to repeat itself.
Are you kind? That`s the first question asked in this wonderful Grateful Dead song.

I have a good heart. I am kind to people, I never want others to feel uncomfortable and I am especially kind to the vulnerable, I believe it is cowardly to bully/abuse those who cannot defend themselves.

That said, I am facing evil. Evil that poses as "the good guys". It's b.s. No different than the Stasi or Gestapo were the good guys. Thus, when I sit at home I feel I swear more if I lose a game of chess, and I will become less patience in general. Why? I know what I am experiencing and who is responsible.

So, it is a cycle. I would say this, those who drag good people into being unkind etc. must be in G-ds scope for his wrath. It isn't just the naturally, unkind and evil person but also those who make the good turn less good.

I recall reading a lecture from a Rabbi who said that the Commandment that "thou shalt not murder" had a much broader application, one I hadn't really considered. Basically he stated that if you ridicule a person to such a degree that they shrivel and feel they "want to die", you are in spirit murdering (or greatly hurting) another human being. Thus, you are betraying G-d and intending murder of a sorts.

Yes, a very loose definition of the word murder but it really has hit me hard enough in that I will still curse the evil, but, I bite my lip in being a smartass. What I find an innocent and innocuous little joke could affect someone in a hurtful way
I have a good heart. I am kind to people, I never want others to feel uncomfortable and I am especially kind to the vulnerable, I believe it is cowardly to bully/abuse those who cannot defend themselves.

That said, I am facing evil. Evil that poses as "the good guys". It's b.s. No different than the Stasi or Gestapo were the good guys. Thus, when I sit at home I feel I swear more if I lose a game of chess, and I will become less patience in general. Why? I know what I am experiencing and who is responsible.

So, it is a cycle. I would say this, those who drag good people into being unkind etc. must be in G-ds scope for his wrath. It isn't just the naturally, unkind and evil person but also those who make the good turn less good.

I recall reading a lecture from a Rabbi who said that the Commandment that "thou shalt not murder" had a much broader application, one I hadn't really considered. Basically he stated that if you ridicule a person to such a degree that they shrivel and feel they "want to die", you are in spirit murdering (or greatly hurting) another human being. Thus, you are betraying G-d and intending murder of a sorts.

Yes, a very loose definition of the word murder but it really has hit me hard enough in that I will still curse the evil, but, I bite my lip in being a smartass. What I find an innocent and innocuous little joke could affect someone in a hurtful way
I think kindness and tolerance are two completely different trains of thought and, unfortunately, are often confused

One of the reasons evil flourishes is because people tolerate it. We should be intolerant of it.

That does not mean you can't be kind in the process, however.

Notice how the Left preached tolerance until they captured political power, and now they are intolerant of free speech and censor everyone via the power to do to or using PC.

The Left understand not to tolerate what will destroy them, only, they are mean spirited, full of hate, and will never back down.
So, do any on here who claim they are religious have a kind soul? Do you share acts of kindness with others? Do you confront evil?
So you're asking people here to toot their own horn and list their acts of kindness so YOU may judge them.

What did Jesus say about doing good works for public praise

Worry about your own soul
So you're asking people here to toot their own horn and list their acts of kindness so YOU may judge them.

What did Jesus say about doing good works for public praise

Worry about your own soul
I do worry about my own soul. I also ask the question, you have your own answer to it. You aren't answerable to me but you are answerable to G-d and hopefully to yourself if you are truthful.
This is what is lacking in the world. It is difficult, especially with so much evil among us. I of course speak from personal experience but there is exceedingly more evil among us, not just in Canada.

One can even blame this expansion of evil for the lack of kindness among others as it draws people away from their kind nature to meet the evil around them. A cycle that makes the world a less enjoyable experience, a betrayal of G-ds commands.

So, do any on here who claim they are religious have a kind soul? Do you share acts of kindness with others? Do you confront evil?
Words that Hurt, Words that Heal by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

The Rabbi asks if you can go a day without saying something negative or unkind. He follows up with if we know someone who cannot go a day without alcohol or a day without nicotine or without his/her favorite recreational drug we consider them addicted to a substance that is unhealthy for them and often for those around them. If we cannot go a day without saying something negative/unkind perhaps we are doing something unhealthy for us and for those around us.
I have a good heart. I am kind to people, I never want others to feel uncomfortable and I am especially kind to the vulnerable, I believe it is cowardly to bully/abuse those who cannot defend themselves.

That said, I am facing evil. Evil that poses as "the good guys". It's b.s. No different than the Stasi or Gestapo were the good guys. Thus, when I sit at home I feel I swear more if I lose a game of chess, and I will become less patience in general. Why? I know what I am experiencing and who is responsible.

So, it is a cycle. I would say this, those who drag good people into being unkind etc. must be in G-ds scope for his wrath. It isn't just the naturally, unkind and evil person but also those who make the good turn less good.

I recall reading a lecture from a Rabbi who said that the Commandment that "thou shalt not murder" had a much broader application, one I hadn't really considered. Basically he stated that if you ridicule a person to such a degree that they shrivel and feel they "want to die", you are in spirit murdering (or greatly hurting) another human being. Thus, you are betraying G-d and intending murder of a sorts.

Yes, a very loose definition of the word murder but it really has hit me hard enough in that I will still curse the evil, but, I bite my lip in being a smartass. What I find an innocent and innocuous little joke could affect someone in a hurtful way
Sorry, but i am old school, Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth. You piss down my back and say it is raining, i would have no problem giving you a right cross. There are people in the world who see compassion as weakness, i.e. George Bush 43 who took everything the Marxists/Demofascists threw at him, and didnt respond back at them. It frustrated many of US normal citizens where we wanted a fighter and after 8 years of the queer Kenyan, we finally got someone who spoke against the Evil that wore pantsuits. He represents many of US who want to give the Marxists/Demofascists what they deserve for putting this country through hell. Give it back to them 10 fold. Only way you can stop Marxism/Demofascism.
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Sorry, but i am old school, Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth. You piss down my back and say it is raining, i would have no problem giving you a right cross. There are people in the world who see compassion as weakness, i.e. George Bush 43 who took everything the Marxists/Demofascists threw at him, and didnt respond back at them. It frustrated many of US normal citizens where we wanted a fighter and after 8 years of the queer Kenyan, we finally got someone who spoke against the Evil that wore pantsuits. He represents many of US who want to give the Marxists/Demofascists what they deserve for putting this country through hell. Give it back to them 10 fold. Only way you can stop Marxism/Demofascism.

I'd be upset too if "someone peed down my back and said its raining". And I probably get frustrated on a daily basis when things don't go the way I intended. There's times I want to go the "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth" route - and sometimes it can be justified - obviously for self defense - even spiritual/mental self defense. And it works - at least for a while. But eventually, whatever it was that I went that route with - it comes back in some form because it wasn't conquered. The guy you clocked for pissing down your back is now pissed off that you hit him and is trying to figure out a way to get back at you. And it goes on and on and on.

You call W weak for apparently working with the other side. You call people on the other side "Marxists/Demofascists" Then call the next president a "queer Kenyan". And then you want to give it "back to them 10 fold". If I were to go "Eye for an Eye"route I could say a bunch of things that would only piss you off - you wouldn't agree with them and probably call me some odd name.

The pain and hatred within you is a result of "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth". Not a cross I would want to bear but that's the choice you made. "Live by the sword, die by the sword."

I'll say that you raise some valid points - on the international stage, compassion can be viewed as weakness. Domestically though, that's a bunch of nonsense. We should be working together. And as far as the radical left goes or the radical right goes - they can get under my skin as well - but that doesn't mean everyone on that side is out of line.
I'd be upset too if "someone peed down my back and said its raining". And I probably get frustrated on a daily basis when things don't go the way I intended. There's times I want to go the "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth" route - and sometimes it can be justified - obviously for self defense - even spiritual/mental self defense. And it works - at least for a while. But eventually, whatever it was that I went that route with - it comes back in some form because it wasn't conquered. The guy you clocked for pissing down your back is now pissed off that you hit him and is trying to figure out a way to get back at you. And it goes on and on and on.

You call W weak for apparently working with the other side. You call people on the other side "Marxists/Demofascists" Then call the next president a "queer Kenyan". And then you want to give it "back to them 10 fold". If I were to go "Eye for an Eye"route I could say a bunch of things that would only piss you off - you wouldn't agree with them and probably call me some odd name.

The pain and hatred within you is a result of "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth". Not a cross I would want to bear but that's the choice you made. "Live by the sword, die by the sword."

I'll say that you raise some valid points - on the international stage, compassion can be viewed as weakness. Domestically though, that's a bunch of nonsense. We should be working together. And as far as the radical left goes or the radical right goes - they can get under my skin as well - but that doesn't mean everyone on that side is out of line.
The pain i am feeling is the bullshit that our government establishment has fucked us over royally. I have seen many things, sometimes i have turned the other cheek, but now all my cheeks are red as hell, and i am just tired of one side getting away with fucking US over, and never get punished for it. Let them eat cake.
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The pain i am feeling is the bullshit that our government establishment has fucked us over royally. I have seen many things, sometimes i have turned the other cheek, but now all my cheeks are red as hell, and i am just tired of one side getting away with fucking US over, and never get punished for it. Let them eat cake.

The truth is - it's not nearly as bad as you perceive it to be - not from a macro perspective. Now on the "micro" personal level - it can turn into something that tortures you. It will never stop unless you allow it to. You're judging everyone and everything around you. Do you know what happens when you do that? "By the same measure you judge others, you too will be judged."

You call one president spineless and the next one a "Kenyan queer". Even if both those statements were true (they're not, so that's even worse) you're still on the losing side because you're doing it out of anger/spite (W Bush) and you're persecuting someone by intentionally using derogatory terms that create pain/suffering. (Obama).

Now that's your choice and you have freedom of speech. But sometimes, even freedom of speech has consequences spiritually. You can continue to live "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth" just remember, "you too will be judged".

How would you feel if there was an African American Vietnam Vet that lost both his legs in the war, protecting your freedoms but happens to be gay - reading that post? It's not always about the guy you're attacking - words can hurt others as well.

Close you're eyes and envision yourself as a child - maybe 6 or 7 years old - remember how you viewed the world back then - next time something upsets you, do the same thing - see if it helps.
The truth is - it's not nearly as bad as you perceive it to be - not from a macro perspective. Now on the "micro" personal level - it can turn into something that tortures you. It will never stop unless you allow it to. You're judging everyone and everything around you. Do you know what happens when you do that? "By the same measure you judge others, you too will be judged."

You call one president spineless and the next one a "Kenyan queer". Even if both those statements were true (they're not, so that's even worse) you're still on the losing side because you're doing it out of anger/spite (W Bush) and you're persecuting someone by intentionally using derogatory terms that create pain/suffering. (Obama).

Now that's your choice and you have freedom of speech. But sometimes, even freedom of speech has consequences spiritually. You can continue to live "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth" just remember, "you too will be judged".

How would you feel if there was an African American Vietnam Vet that lost both his legs in the war, protecting your freedoms but happens to be gay - reading that post? It's not always about the guy you're attacking - words can hurt others as well.

Close you're eyes and envision yourself as a child - maybe 6 or 7 years old - remember how you viewed the world back then - next time something upsets you, do the same thing - see if it helps.
I think you are talking to the wrong people here. You keep saying that i am judging people because i am using derogatory terms in describing those individuals, while all i am doing is calling a spade, a spade. I use their own words against them, because in WAR, you dont play nice with your enemy, or else you will be destroyed. Yes , sometimes you have to live with your demons for a while, but i am strong enough to get over it. I will move on, but not until every Marxist/Demofascists is either removed from the country or six feet under.

I think you are talking to the wrong people here. You keep saying that i am judging people because i am using derogatory terms in describing those individuals, while all i am doing is calling a spade, a spade. I use their own words against them, because in WAR, you dont play nice with your enemy, or else you will be destroyed. Yes , sometimes you have to live with your demons for a while, but i am strong enough to get over it. I will move on, but not until every Marxist/Demofascists is either removed from the country or six feet under.

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Alright - let me simplify it for you. Think of your life as a journey. The journey starts here on Earth. You're born, you grow up and eventually you realize the world you live in isn't "perfect". At that point, you're basically in "boot camp". Now "boot camp" can last a few years, decades maybe your entire life. But I will assure you, if you had as much as a mustard seed of faith and lived your life accordingly, your "boot camp" would be shorter than many.

Why are you so worried about politics? Things you cannot control. Do you really want to waste your precious life here on Earth hating everyone and the world around you?

This world is what you make of it. Wake up.

God says to love others. That doesn't mean we have to like them or associate with them. Personally, I'm generally pretty fed up with people.
I think kindness and tolerance are two completely different trains of thought and, unfortunately, are often confused

One of the reasons evil flourishes is because people tolerate it. We should be intolerant of it.

That does not mean you can't be kind in the process, however.

Notice how the Left preached tolerance until they captured political power, and now they are intolerant of free speech and censor everyone via the power to do to or using PC.

The Left understand not to tolerate what will destroy them, only, they are mean spirited, full of hate, and will never back down.
True. We are very kind to tenants that we no longer wish to rent to. No need to be nasty when telling them their lease won't be renewed. We also speak kindly of them when called for a reference. We simply say that their lifestyle wasn't compatible with our rental policies.
One of the reasons evil flourishes is because people tolerate it. We should be intolerant of it.

who's kidding who ... right wing fanatics.


nothing is more evil on planet earth than the desert religions ... bring them to justice, who crucified jesus or goodness will always remain in the shadows of humanity.

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