How can ONE group of people be so WRONG!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've asked this so many times but NOT one person that supports ACA has yet refuted the biggest LIE that was told and continues to be told regarding how
many people are truly uninsured!

THE facts are
The census says 10 million of Obama's 46 million are not CITIZENS! So do you supporters of ACA want illegal aliens to be covered?
The Census says 14 million people living at a poverty level said they were uninsured.. MEDICAID covers them... they just don't know it!!!
Finally since when is it a valid inclusion of people in the UNINSURED category that don't WANT insurance! They don't NEED it even though they can afford it!

SO why are these 42 million people still counted as the 46 million "uninsured"???

Because the LIE had to be told so single payer health insurance would come about!

BUT these same idiots that brought us the law piously included tanning salons as tanning causes skin cancer.. they tax 10%... YET
NOT ONE mention of the $850 billion that doctors say they bill insurance companies and Medicare BECAUSE THEY FEAR LAWSUITS!
NOT one mention of taxing 10% of lawyers $270 billion as a direct cause of the $850 billion! WHY???

Finally NOT ONE MENTION that hospitals 'pad and pass' on uninsured expenses sometimes billing the payers 6,000% markups over costs to absorb costs!
In other words all you people paying premiums to insurance companies ARE PAYING to eliminate FEAR of lawsuits!

So in one solution...
Take the $27 billion and pay the premiums for the 4 million truly means tested as not Medicaid but need insurance!
Then when hospital sees an UNINSURED... bill is sent to the insurance company managing the UNINSURED!

NO problems... lowering $850 billion "defensive medicine" and disallowing the 'pad and pass' of the uninsured.. REDUCES the companies/Medicare costs!

So AGAIN why can't you supporters do just simply math.. i.e. subtract 42 million from 46 million and USE the number 4 million as truly the UNINSURED!!!
Because Libs are bad at math.
Because gov't takeover of healthcare has been a progressive dream for 50 years or more, so this was merely a manufactured excuse to add urgency for action.
Just wait. As more and more policies are cancelled due to ObamaCare, Obama will be able claim that there are 46M uninsured American citizens fairly soon.
How can ONE group of people be so WRONG!!!


and more Practice.
liberals are so ideologically driven they've become deaf dumb and blind to anything that does not come out of talking points central aka the wh. It's a big script written and directed by valerie jarred.
How many times can you possibly post the same shit over and over and over again that continues to be debunked and you continue to ignore.
The libs avoid the reality that is Obamacare, but they can not escape the consequences of avoiding that reality. Brother, you asked for it!
I've asked this so many times but NOT one person that supports ACA has yet refuted the biggest LIE that was told and continues to be told regarding how
many people are truly uninsured!

Perhaps if you used more exclamation points in your thread titles and posts, someone would respond.

Now, now don't be harsh. The Echo Chamber has responded, or rather echoed each other in the posts above. "Ain't the PPACA awful" sums them up, and yet the act has yet to be fully implemented.
How many times can you possibly post the same shit over and over and over again that continues to be debunked and you continue to ignore.

Because very libs on this site (Candycorn is an exception) have owned up to the fact that Obama outright lied, and he knew it was a lie when he said it.
Will you do that? WIll you exhibit some kind of moral courage and condemn lying by Obama simply to get his bill passed? I mean, without deflecting to what someone else does.
THE facts are
The census says 10 million of Obama's 46 million are not CITIZENS!

This might be correct but I've only seen it on rightwing websites - and it's never juxtaposed with a detailed itemization of Obama's numbers. [Frankly, I don't trust Obama's numbers or your numbers - you're both too politically invested in the outcome to be objective or honest. And I'm certain that census takers have no idea how flawed their model is. There could be more illegals counted than even you suspect. But you're not in this to find out the truth; you're in this to say what ever is necessary to kill ObamaCare]

But I feel you. After Reagan passed the largest Amnesty Bill in this nation's history, many Southwestern cities became sanctuary cities, with illegals streaming in to be with their families, friends and fellow freedom seekers. Reagan created a magnet. And business loved all the cheap labor because cheap labor = higher profits.

The point of global capitalism was to give our capitalists unobstructed access to the world's cheapest labor and raw materials - it was to soften borders so that capital could be deployed to any spot on the globe offering higher returns. This is why capitalism is so revolutionary: it is monomaniacal and ruthlessly efficient in its pursuit of profits; that is, it doesn't let boarders stand in the way. If investors can make more money using illegal labor, than capitalism will find a way to get that labor. This is why Marx had so much respect (and fear) for it. Reagan was soft on illegals partly because he wanted to break the union stranglehold that Labor had on Southern California's menial labor markets. Even better: illegal labor pays dividends to your propaganda system because it allows Limbaugh and Savage to scare illiterate nationalists into the voting booths by using a narrative about how demons are secretly taking over the country and destroying our culture. Win win.
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Wow, the same exact post that heathmyths has posted at least three dozen times! When I mean exact, I mean exact!
I would think that every poster on these boards has at least seen 2-3 of this same post.
But he just keeps on posting the same post, over and over and over again.:cuckoo:
I've asked this so many times but NOT one person that supports ACA has yet refuted the biggest LIE that was told and continues to be told regarding how
many people are truly uninsured!

Perhaps if you used more exclamation points in your thread titles and posts, someone would respond.

How many times can you possibly post the same shit over and over and over again that continues to be debunked and you continue to ignore.

Now that's the kind of response we've come to expect from the Progressive Left. The specificity with which you refute the claim, the logic and reason used to support your position. All very impressive...:doubt:

Cue the ad hominen attack, non sequitur, or straw man argument...or heck, just call everyone a racist and be done with it. :eusa_whistle:
I've asked this so many times but NOT one person that supports ACA has yet refuted the biggest LIE that was told and continues to be told regarding how
many people are truly uninsured!

Perhaps if you used more exclamation points in your thread titles and posts, someone would respond.

Punctuation smack is the last desperate dodge of one who has no answer to the proposition.

I have never understood it. Seems you would be better off to not respond, and then you could pretend you did not read that which you have no answer for.
I've asked this so many times but NOT one person that supports ACA has yet refuted the biggest LIE that was told and continues to be told regarding how
many people are truly uninsured!

Perhaps if you used more exclamation points in your thread titles and posts, someone would respond.

Now, now don't be harsh. The Echo Chamber has responded, or rather echoed each other in the posts above. "Ain't the PPACA awful" sums them up, and yet the act has yet to be fully implemented.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

What happens to an illegal alien when they get sick now? Where do they go?

Since they cannot be denied service in an ER I'll give you three guesses.

Since they cannot pay their bill I'll give you three more guesses who ends up paying.

OK, skip the illegal aliens.

When an uninsured U.S. citizen gets sick where do they go?

Since they cannot be denied service in an ER I'll give you three guesses.

Since they cannot pay their bill I'll give you three more guesses who ends up paying.

Do I hear an echo?

Here is my larger point about foreign labor (-and both parties are guilty here, especially Clinton).

Our largest employer - Walmart - gets over 50% of its goods made in places like Communist China, Taiwan etc. You can see this first hand by going into any Walmart. Read the labels on the T-shirts, Toasters, Coffee Makers, TVs, Towels, Blankets, Tools, Sneakers, Backpacks. It will blow your mind when you see the list of freedom hating nations that our largest retailer (and one of the biggest GOP donors) does business with.

But it gets worse. Your party has a massive message system which feeds guys like you with propaganda, so that you dutifully clog the public debate with half truths and distortions (in order to protect the corporations and wealthy people who fund elections and, in so doing, staff government). Your party - which is an appendage of the corporate take over democracy - provides major incentives to anyone who will manufacture data for their information war (so that they can convert government into a dynamic advocate of special interests -health care monopolies being chief among them).

Where do you think your party's large bullshit machine gets the funds to provide you with an endless stream of manufactured data? Answer: companies like Walmart have massive amounts of extra cash because of their partnership with places like Communist China who manufacturers their goods with workers who get $5/day and live in hovels. Your ability to spin these tales about how much you care about the American population - and its sanctity - is funded by special interests who are waging war against the American population by using those illegals or partnering with their host nation to undercut American labor. [It's a fucking Orwellian hoax and everybody knows it]

The story of post-Carter Capitalism is the story of how the American Private Sector took over Washington and waged war against the American worker. Your job is to defend those capitalists against Big Government. But you never, ever mention the partnerships that those capitalists and your party (by extension) has formed with freedom hating nations in order to destroy the American worker. Meaning: you and your party have used those illegals as a tool to impoverish a generation of Americans . . . all so the Waltons can realize dynastic wealth . . . as the country dies. It's a hoax.

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