How can there be any controversy over what was agreed to in the Iran nuke "deal"?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Obama recently announced that we have achieved an "agreement" with Iran over what they will do with their nuclear research and production facilities, their enriched fuel, etc.

The Iranian officials came out at the same time and started announcing that they had "agreed" on terms very different from what Obama had announced. Some of them directly contradicted what Obama had said.

I've seen more than one news station showing a video clip of Obama saying that Iran would stop enriching fuel, and that their most advanced reactor would be shut down. Then they cut to a clip of the Iranian official saying that Iran would go on enriching fuel, and that their most advanced reactor would be modernized and would continue operating even better than it is now.

Both administrations have long histories of telling self-serving, malicious lies, violating their own laws, and lying hand over fist about what they were doing.

But this time, how can it be difficult to arrive at the truth?

Just get the written copy of what was agreed to, with the signatures of all parties right there at the bottom. Have language experts translate it into Farsi, English, French, and every other language spoken by everyone involved.

And then read it. It says exactly what WAS agreed to, doesn't it?

Where can we find that written declaration of the agreement? Anyone know?

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