How can yall continue to support him?

Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Stock Market up almost 60% from the time he came into office
As I showed in another thread, and which is backed up by this economy, stock market up =/= economy being up. Need I remind you of the unemployment rate?
We have focused the war effort where our military leaders wanted in Afghanistan instead of Bush/Cheney Iraq war
Wait, I thought we just decided that in fact the President was the CinC?
The economy is turning around slowly with the majority of economic indicators are increasing while the majority were decreasing durring Bush's last months
No, the majority of economists agree, if we continue on BO's path, we are in BIG trouble.
He passed health reform. Presidents have been trying for 30 years without success. Dispite criticisim the majority of healthcare stocks since the bill was passed are up.
You mean the HC Bill that is outrageously expensive, probably unconstitutinoal, and definitely unwanted by 60% of US citizens? Good job Bo
He passed a bipartisan bill to regulate Wall Street to prevent a reoccurrence of the melt down that happened durring the Bush Presidiency.
First, it hasn't passed yet. Second, bipartisan? Really? It barely made it through the House even with a majority and the death of a single Senator has them scrambling to find a Republican willing to vote Yea.
He has a 50% approval rate twice what Bush has. But more importantly twice the current congress's approval rating. The bigger problem is congress not Obama.

45% SOMEWHAT approve of Obama, but I will also remind you that 60% of Americans couldn't tell you what country we declared independence from, so both stats prove my theory that the average American in an idiot. As for Bush, I don't give a fuck what his numbers were since I never voted for the man, and didn't approve of him either. Bringing him up 18 months later is pure strawman.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Believe me, as we all knew long before the election, you would be saying that no matter what. There's absolutely no circumstance in which you'd concede that a young, black, Democratic president has done anything right.

The interesting thing about politics is, as I'm sure you've realized, you can demonize anyone, anytime, for about any reason. If he cut taxes (more than he did) you'd accuse him of inflating the deficit. If he ended the wars you'd accuse him of killing the defense industry. If he ended world hunger you'd blame him for overpopulation.

So get real with the hyperbole. The truth is, the man's holding his own; You simply seek out venues that will tell you he's failing, and naturally find what you've sought out. It's called a confirmation bias.

Now, please disregard my statement and continue to forecast all your gloom-and-doom, and tell me how any media outlet that delivers anything but the Republican answer every time must be "biased," and that your conservative slanted outlets are the lone balanced holdouts.

So, which part of him do you think I'm against? The young part? He's actually older than me. The Democrat part? I've actually voted Democrat in 4 out of 5 Presidential elections I've been eligible to vote in. That only leaves one thing. The old race card rears its ugly head again. Can't be that I object to his stances on everything, must be that I hate him cuz he's black..............................................
conhog is going to go ape shit when he gets reelected.

That was cruel :razz:

BO for a second term? If that happens I am moving to Australia or Bocas Del Toro !!!

....And, miss all the FUN??!!!!! :confused:

I guess you're too-young to remember the last-time...... :eusa_whistle:

Yup, I will just relax on the Beach, besides Cuyo is buying my Tickets :tongue:

PS, I am old enough to have sat in gas lines under Carter's wonderful administration :lol:
The sad and frightening truth is that there are those that do not care about any positive outcome for our country. They are the same suspects that have been there all along.

They are the lobbyists and those that the lobbyists represent. Not all of them but many of them. We did not elect these fiends yet they have more power than any one of our elected representatives including the president.

They are easy to find yet they have somehow convinced many of you that they are the good guys.

Do good guys sell weapons?

Do good guys kill every attempt to make this a cleaner ..healthier world?

Do good guys hold Americans hostage when they are sick and dying when they are the most vulnerable?

These are only a few examples.

Ask yourselves why the health care bill ended up so badly. ...but not for the health care corps.

Ask yourself what benefit the media receives by pitting us against each other. The cash cow for them is election cycles. They make a fortune on air time during elections.

I'll stop now. Please think for YOURSELVES!

Those questions require a certain amount to introspection. Not gonna happen. These are people who think "Marxist, Fascist, Socialist and Communist" are all interchangeable words. Taxes are the lowest in 50 years and they are complaining that taxes are killing the economy.

For Republicans, the last 10 years have been nothing but one boogeyman after another. Sometimes two or three at the same time. I don't remember in my lifetime when a political party has worked so tirelessly to frighten it's base. They are walking around shell shocked.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Anyone ever mention to you that you are an idiot:lol:

Yes, I continue to support our President.

New GI Bill

Health Care Bill

Getting the banks out of the student loans

Setting up the money for the Gulf residents through an escrow account so they do not get shafted like the people that were the victums of the Exxon Valdez spill did.

President Obama came into office with two failed wars created by the Conservatives. He had an economy that was diving toward the Second Great Republican Depression to deal with. And with all of that, he also has the Republicans determined to create a failure in his terms, no matter what it costs the nation. In fact, by what I see, people like yourself would rather see this nation go down the tubes than see President Obama succeed. Speaks much concerning your supposed patriotism.

In less than two years, the economy has stabalized, and, while not yet out of the woods, is in far better shape than in January 2009. No thanks at all the Conservatives that put us into that condition.


"JEBBY! What happened to my DYNASTY??!!!"



"Better luck...NEXT Life...George!!!!!!!"
The sad and frightening truth is that there are those that do not care about any positive outcome for our country. They are the same suspects that have been there all along.

They are the lobbyists and those that the lobbyists represent. Not all of them but many of them. We did not elect these fiends yet they have more power than any one of our elected representatives including the president.

They are easy to find yet they have somehow convinced many of you that they are the good guys.

Do good guys sell weapons?

Do good guys kill every attempt to make this a cleaner ..healthier world?

Do good guys hold Americans hostage when they are sick and dying when they are the most vulnerable?

These are only a few examples.

Ask yourselves why the health care bill ended up so badly. ...but not for the health care corps.

Ask yourself what benefit the media receives by pitting us against each other. The cash cow for them is election cycles. They make a fortune on air time during elections.

I'll stop now. Please think for YOURSELVES!

Those questions require a certain amount to introspection. Not gonna happen. These are people who think "Marxist, Fascist, Socialist and Communist" are all interchangeable words. Taxes are the lowest in 50 years and they are complaining that taxes are killing the economy.

For Republicans, the last 10 years have been nothing but one boogeyman after another. Sometimes two or three at the same time. I don't remember in my lifetime when a political party has worked so tirelessly to frighten it's base. They are walking around shell shocked.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: you don't pay taxes do you? Well relax, Jan. won't hurt you a durn bit little parasite.
I'm convinced this administration is purposely blocking efforts to cleanup the Gulf; there is no other explanation. Nobody is this stupid/incompetent.
....And, you got your Engineering Degree, where??????

(...And, EIBS doesn't count.)​
The sad and frightening truth is that there are those that do not care about any positive outcome for our country. They are the same suspects that have been there all along.

They are the lobbyists and those that the lobbyists represent. Not all of them but many of them. We did not elect these fiends yet they have more power than any one of our elected representatives including the president.

They are easy to find yet they have somehow convinced many of you that they are the good guys.

Do good guys sell weapons?

Do good guys kill every attempt to make this a cleaner ..healthier world?

Do good guys hold Americans hostage when they are sick and dying when they are the most vulnerable?

These are only a few examples.

Ask yourselves why the health care bill ended up so badly. ...but not for the health care corps.

Ask yourself what benefit the media receives by pitting us against each other. The cash cow for them is election cycles. They make a fortune on air time during elections.

I'll stop now. Please think for YOURSELVES!

Those questions require a certain amount to introspection. Not gonna happen. These are people who think "Marxist, Fascist, Socialist and Communist" are all interchangeable words. Taxes are the lowest in 50 years and they are complaining that taxes are killing the economy.

For Republicans, the last 10 years have been nothing but one boogeyman after another. Sometimes two or three at the same time. I don't remember in my lifetime when a political party has worked so tirelessly to frighten it's base. They are walking around shell shocked.

What world are you living in? Taxes are at their lowest? For one thing, that's just a lie, for another let's see if INCOME taxes are still so low when the Bush tax cuts expire.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Easy...thanks for asking

President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse

That is just in the economic sector....would you like to hear more?
That only leaves one thing. The old race card rears its ugly head again. Can't be that I object to his stances on everything, must be that I hate him cuz he's black..............................................
....More-commonly-referred-to as The Teabagger Syndrome.


Yeah. OL'BO sucks. Does he suck as bad as some of the other Prez's we have had?? Yeah he does.

All he had on his mind was his agenda. He let Pelosi and Reid, two left wingnuts if ever there were, craft his HC bill. They have a MAJORITY and still had to BRIBE their own members to pass this peice of shit. No reform. Just millions added to the roles. Those millions will drive up the costs for all of us who already had HC. Social engineering?? You bet. Gotta spread that wealth baby.

Lets not forget the payback to the Unions shall we. He stiffed the bond and sharholders at GM. Folks who actually had money invested in GM. They got hosed and the UNION got a car company. He took it upon himself to fire the CEO and pretty much gifted GM to the Unions. Not bad huh??

The guy has never had a real job. He's never had to make a payroll and here he is telling the banks and financial sector how to run things.

His first 18 months should have been all about job creation and the economy but his agenda was way more important to him. Ideologue all the way.

Oh yeah. He'll be remembered as a great Prez. NOT. Jeeze.

Oh wait. I forgot. Its still all BUSHS fault and will be till the day this bozo leaves office.
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Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Easy...thanks for asking

President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse

That is just in the economic sector....would you like to hear more?

But wait........ I thought the bailouts were Bush's idea? At least that's what we hear from the left anytime someone complains about them.

As for the UE rate, you and I both know that the number are being fudged due to many factors. By the reckoning of most experts we aren't even close to out of this recession.

If that is the best you can do, I invite you to rethink your position.
That only leaves one thing. The old race card rears its ugly head again. Can't be that I object to his stances on everything, must be that I hate him cuz he's black..............................................
....More-commonly-referred-to as The Teabagger Syndrome.



A) You are absolutely the most comical poster on this board, you attempt to disguise your stupidity and complete lack of anything of substance to add to a thread with multicolored posts, but it doesn't work, it just makes you look like a stupid child rather than a stupid adult.

B) I don't even personally know any Tea Party members, let alone am I one myself

C) That doesn't even address the issue, do you really think no one can disagree with BO strictly on his agenda? Because while I think MANY were, are, and always will support him simply because he's black, I acknowledge that there are indeed some out there who actually agree with his politics.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

The ghosts of Buchanan, Grant and Harding would like a word with you.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

The ghosts of Buchanan, Grant and Harding would like a word with you.

Three bad Presidents I concede; but Obama seems to be up to the challenge of winning the "honor."

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