How come christians don't follow their own bible?

It has to do with lost causes.

Better to get rid of them even though it pains you to do so...than to suffer forever because of them.

I means be humble and not so self-righteous.......something liberals find difficult to do.
As do conservatives as well.
One notices that the OP never condemns members of any other group that do not follow to the letter every guideline of the group. Only Christians.

One also notes that Christians, being fallible human beings, fall prey to temptation and fail to live up to God's standards.

One also finally notes that Christianity is not religion, it's relationship. Many, however, who claim the name of Christ do so as religion, not as relationship, hence they can't get it right. It is beyond obvious that those who do not even claim the name of Christ are simply incapable of understanding it. Take this test.

You are about to be married. On the day of your wedding, you approach your spouse and say, "Give me a written list of rules which you expect me to live by so I can demand your acceptance. I will spend my entire life trying to add qualifications to them, twist the meanings of their words, and get as close to the line as I can, so that I can plausibly claim I lived up to them. Thus, I can demand that you accept me and not leave me". What do you think the reaction would be? Of course you would not do something so stupid. If you actually love your spouse, you instead watch them, listen to them, pay attention to what they like and dislike, and thus demonstrate your love through your actions. If you mess up, cross the line and hurt your spouse, you apologize and try never to do it again. You don't NEED a written list of rules. That's the difference between religion and relationship. Those who want to live their lives as they please, thinking that God will accept them no matter what are fooling themselves. Those who live in relationship with God, OTOH, do not live by a bunch of rules, they seek every day to please God. When they sin, true repentance follows. Remember this:

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

What matters? Whether He knows you. You can do all kinds of nice things and it won't matter at all if you don't have a relationship. And if you have relationship, you don't think "I can get away with anything", you think "How can I please God?". You wouldn't do that to your spouse, why would you do it to God?
Great comparison. I will have to think more along the lines of a spouse. Most of the time I compare the relationship of parent/child.
Haven't seen them do this

Matthew 18:9

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

How can some people believe in words of any text they have not fully read or understand?
Just because you can wire a lamp does not mean you are ready to operate a nuclear power plant.
Theologians spend their whole life times and still might not fully understand aspects of their faith. Scholars and religious leaders change their views and understanding long after others have supposedly written definitive explanations.
What was absolute religious belief centuries ago now is not. What people were willing to kill for now seems ridiculous.
We watch the news were some people who call themselves muslims are committing the most horrific crimes but they full believe they are doing god's will.
Why do christians or others believe when they behave badly towards others that they are doing god's will?
Why are they so sure they understand their faith, text or god?
How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

pass the pop corn
How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.
How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.

Over baring, obnoxious and presumptuous maybe but militant?

How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.

Over baring, obnoxious and presumptuous maybe but militant?


They aren't out blowing up abortion clinics.
How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.
You are the proof in the pudding, little buddy. MAs and MEs love attacking each other, while the normal folks in America do worthwhile things.

Are you atheist? Do you have the manhood to admit it?
How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.

Over baring, obnoxious and presumptuous maybe but militant?


They aren't out blowing up abortion clinics.
Militant is not limited to violent actions. Militant can refer to wholly stupid attacks on evangelicals, evangelicals on atheists.
Haven't seen them do this

Matthew 18:9

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
nope. I haven't either. Apparently their rules don't apply to them.
How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.
You are the proof in the pudding, little buddy. MAs and MEs love attacking each other, while the normal folks in America do worthwhile things.

Are you atheist? Do you have the manhood to admit it?

LOL You really have some issues don't you. :cuckoo:
How come christians don't follow their own bible?

For the same reason, militant atheists don't follow their ethical codes: human failure.

LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.
You are the proof in the pudding, little buddy. MAs and MEs love attacking each other, while the normal folks in America do worthwhile things.

Are you atheist? Do you have the manhood to admit it?

LOL You really have some issues don't you. :cuckoo:
:lol: Atheists are held to the same standards of proof as evangelicals.

You seem to have some trouble with that. That's your issue. Have the last word, and let's move on.
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LOL Militant atheists? Where did this term come from and where is all the news for these 'militant atheists.

There are none, you made it up.
Who said? You? Militant atheists attack militant evangelicals, and the other way around.

The rest of us sane ones watch with fascination.

Proof of 'militant atheists'?

Or is this a lie you can't support.
You are the proof in the pudding, little buddy. MAs and MEs love attacking each other, while the normal folks in America do worthwhile things.

Are you atheist? Do you have the manhood to admit it?

LOL You really have some issues don't you. :cuckoo:
:lol: Atheists are held to the same standards of proof as evangelicals.

You seem to have some trouble with that. That's your issue. Have the last word, and let's move on.

Not even close, evangelicals believe in magic. Like children.
Since you can't prove that God does not exist, then you are dismissed. Now you may have the last word.
Since you can't prove that God does not exist, then you are dismissed. Now you may have the last word.

Can you prove fairies don't exist? Can you prove there are not a pantheon of god rather than just one? Can you prove god is not the inspiration or that other religions are not more valid than yours?

Can you prove god is anything other than science or propaganda dressed up with a fancy bow to manipulate the masses?
Can you prove none of that exists, aris2chat?

The mutuality of evangelicals and atheists are quite common: they believe in things that escape empirical data.
Can you prove none of that exists, aris2chat?

The mutuality of evangelicals and atheists are quite common: they believe in things that escape empirical data.

Evangelicals believe in a supernatural being. Atheists don't believe in that. And as Aris pointed out YOU can't prove fairies don't exist, so by your estimation they must be real.

Jake, you are an atheist. There are about 4,000 religions currently on Earth. You simply believe in 1 more than true atheists believe in.
You believe 3,999 are wrong, Atheists believe 4,000 are wrong.

The question is, who among all those religions is qualified to state the other 3,999 are wrong and their's is right. Those other gods, all of them, don't exist, but the one you belive in does.

I'm an agnostic, I don't claim to be the all knowing human on Earth that pretends to have seen an 'afterlife'. If someone presented evidence to me that any god exists I would say 'ok, there's the evidence'. The evidence points to no gods.

Human beings thousands of years ago had no explanation for lightning, hurricanes, droughts, plagues, floods, comets, red moons, eclipses, or disease. Thousands of 'deities' were created so humans could TRY to make sense of and bring order to a world that seemingly wanted to kill them all the time. Humans had no control over weather, thus droughts would kill all the vegetation and animals around them and many of the tribe would die as well. So they developed 'gods' (some force greater than themselves) of the weather and of the 'corn' (all grass type foods). Over time they developed RITUALS to APPEASE these 'gods'. Food offerings, and over time actual human sacrifices.

Today we know what causes ALL of these things, and don't need these gods.

The current large religions are based on a conglomeration of many of those ancient religions and gods. They aren't new.

The question would be for any religion, where is the proof that particular 'god' exists?

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