How come christians don't follow their own bible?

You babble on with almost no real thinking behind the babble.

If one is an agnostic, one does not know whether deity exists or not.

End of story. Return to babbling.:lol:
Ah, so your one of those who reject historical reality because it conflicts with your rigid worldview.

Carry on.
guno shows he is the mirror of the evangelicals.

You don't understand Love or Jesus, guno, is what your question reveals. Sad.

IsaacNewton makes assumptions that are unsupported by any evidence. He is clearly an atheist playing at agnostic, so he has a covering. Behind the covering is IN behind the curtain. :lol:
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Haven't seen them do this

Matthew 18:9

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
That quote Jesus said is about judging HYPOCRITCALLY :) meaning if someone's an alcoholic, and you want to tell him to stop as it's wrong, you'd better make sure your not one first. That's all it means. So say, gay marriage, if a christian isn't gay it having gay sex, then YES, we can judge homosexuality as wrong.

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Can you prove none of that exists, aris2chat?

The mutuality of evangelicals and atheists are quite common: they believe in things that escape empirical data.

There are scientific explanations for the great plagues of egypt, so it was not the finger of god
There was no global flood but a large flood in the black sea and smaller floods in various areas as ice ages came and went.

Where is all the miracles and magic that proves god's interaction or interference with mankind?
A few stone tables in a missing box? Wild dreams by a few 'prophets' that were more like drug or mold induced?

We know man was not created from dust nor women from a rib. Our genetic adam and eve are hundreds of thousands of years old. History as we know it did not begin 6000 or even 10,000 years ago. Life on our blue planet goes back hundreds of milliions of years. We evolved, we were not created.

Where is all this proof of god? A codex of books written and edited by men with a political agenda? They engaged in a nazi like book burning so they were the only ones to control information and knowledge? Books that have been proven to be in error and translations that are incorrect?

This is your foundation on faith? on a god? Lies?

This church is not christian, that one is. It is all based on lies and disputed information. Jesus, his birth, his birthday, his supposed death and resurrection? There are more plausible explanations that a man/god/son of god/holy ghost

The universe was just a giant game of marbles?

God is a petty, vain, jealous, vengeful judgmental god of war and violence? When did he become a god of love, forgiveness, mercy?
He wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son and a few millennia later god kills his own son to erase son that did not really exist? But we are still sinners and any sin no matter how small will cast us to the fires of hell?

It reads more like a scifi comic book. You have to suspend all rational thought to believe it, but you call that faith? Sounds more like madness.

For a religion and god that wants us to be without sin to join him in heaven there is a lot of sex and violence in the bible. God is going to be very lonely in heaven.

We are supposed to be perfect but god created a very flawed species and then expects more from us than all the other life on this insignificant plant.
"Look but don't touch. Touch but don't taste. Taste but don't swallow."..............sounds like a sadist. (I had to it was such a great line)

We have brains so we can reason and figure things out for ourselves, but to believe in god we have to reject all logic? This is proof that there is a god?
guno shows he is the mirror of the evangelicals.

You don't understand Love or Jesus, guno, is what your question reveals. Sad.

IsaacNewton makes assumptions that are unsupported by any evidence. He is clearly an atheist playing at agnostic, so he has a covering. Behind the covering is IN behind the curtain. :lol:

tap dancing.......and you still have no answer
My current favorite- and why did the Christians refuse to obey the law? Refuse to obey the authority of the State- the authority that Paul said came from God?

13 Every person should place themselves under the authority of the government. There isn’t any authority unless it comes from God, and the authorities that are there have been put in place by God.
2 So anyone who opposes the authority is standing against what God has established. People who take this kind of stand will get punished. 3 The authorities don’t frighten people who are doing the right thing. Rather, they frighten people who are doing wrong. Would you rather not be afraid of authority? Do what’s right, and you will receive its approval.
4 It is God’s servant given for your benefit. But if you do what’s wrong, be afraid because it doesn’t have weapons to enforce the law for nothing. It is God’s servant put in place to carry out his punishment on those who do what is wrong.
5 That is why it is necessary to place yourself under the government’s authority, not only to avoid God’s punishment but also for the sake of your conscience.
6 You should also pay taxes for the same reason, because the authorities are God’s assistants, concerned with this very thing.
7 So pay everyone what you owe them. Pay the taxes you owe, pay the duties you are charged, give respect to those you should respect, and honor those you should honor.
Of course the bible defends authority. They use it to control us. Or I should say them because they don't control me with it.
aris2chat has no points of worth.

One cannot prove or disprove atheism by empirical data. Or God, for that matter.

One is logic, the other is metaphysics.

It's OK to come out and admit you are atheists.
aris2chat has no points of worth.

One cannot prove or disprove atheism by empirical data. Or God, for that matter.

One is logic, the other is metaphysics.

It's OK to come out and admit you are atheists.

I gladly climbed the tree and bit the apple while you cowered behind a leaf

How sad

I'll take a bushel of apples please! ................. the figs I'll pick from my own back yard
" the highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about' ~ Wayne Dyer
guno shows he is the mirror of the evangelicals.

You don't understand Love or Jesus, guno, is what your question reveals. Sad.

IsaacNewton makes assumptions that are unsupported by any evidence. He is clearly an atheist playing at agnostic, so he has a covering. Behind the covering is IN behind the curtain. :lol:

Unsupported by evidence. Which ones.
aris2chat has no points of worth.

One cannot prove or disprove atheism by empirical data. Or God, for that matter.

One is logic, the other is metaphysics.

It's OK to come out and admit you are atheists.

Sorry to disappoint you. I'd say I am 99.999% sure the universe is natural and no supernatural being had any part in it, but I also know it is vast and we don't know everything there is to know by a long shot. So as a biologist I have to leave open the possibility. Again, show me evidence of a god, any god, evidence that can't be refuted and I will readily say "ok, there's the evidence, case closed".

So far I haven't seen any. There are mountains of evidence that support the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution.

If 'god' created everyone then certainly he created people that don't believe in him yes? And since he is all knowing he knew before he created them that they would not believe in him, yes?

Jake, relax, its a discussion and one which I hesitate to get into because many people that believe in a god need to do so for their own sanity, and I really would rather not shake that just for the sake of an argument.
Nobody can follow the Bible due to the contradictions, loopholes and absurdities. Look at all the loopholes in though shalt not kill and love thine enemy. God is a histrionic psychopath and lying and making things confusing is standard operating procedure for abusers.
aris2chat has no points of worth.

One cannot prove or disprove atheism by empirical data. Or God, for that matter.

One is logic, the other is metaphysics.

It's OK to come out and admit you are atheists.

Sorry to disappoint you. I'd say I am 99.999% sure the universe is natural and no supernatural being had any part in it, but I also know it is vast and we don't know everything there is to know by a long shot. So as a biologist I have to leave open the possibility. Again, show me evidence of a god, any god, evidence that can't be refuted and I will readily say "ok, there's the evidence, case closed".

So far I haven't seen any. There are mountains of evidence that support the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution.

If 'god' created everyone then certainly he created people that don't believe in him yes? And since he is all knowing he knew before he created them that they would not believe in him, yes?

Jake, relax, its a discussion and one which I hesitate to get into because many people that believe in a god need to do so for their own sanity, and I really would rather not shake that just for the sake of an argument.

Don't give these Christers any respect or show them any mercy. Their god certainly would not.

The 2 accounts of creation in Genesis contradict each other and seeing as how the Christians think that the Bible is the final authority on everything they will lie, insult and deny when you point out all the discrepancies in the Biblical creation myth.
guno shows he is the mirror of the evangelicals.

You don't understand Love or Jesus, guno, is what your question reveals. Sad.

IsaacNewton makes assumptions that are unsupported by any evidence. He is clearly an atheist playing at agnostic, so he has a covering. Behind the covering is IN behind the curtain. :lol:

Unsupported by evidence. Which ones.
Your writings is the evidence.
"Jake, relax, its a discussion and one which I hesitate to get into because many people that believe in a god need to do so for their own sanity, and I really would rather not shake that just for the sake of an argument."

Yet you happily get into it. Many who don't believe in God need to do that for their own sanity. I respect your right to be an atheist. Give as you get and let it go.
Fat Bastardo continues with assumptions and assertions.

It's his right to look silly.

You folks are walking poster kids for militant atheism.
"Jake, relax, its a discussion and one which I hesitate to get into because many people that believe in a god need to do so for their own sanity, and I really would rather not shake that just for the sake of an argument."

Yet you happily get into it. Many who don't believe in God need to do that for their own sanity. I respect your right to be an atheist. Give as you get and let it go.

Your a troll, you have no ability to defend an argument.

Flame on flamer.
"Jake, relax, its a discussion and one which I hesitate to get into because many people that believe in a god need to do so for their own sanity, and I really would rather not shake that just for the sake of an argument."

Yet you happily get into it. Many who don't believe in God need to do that for their own sanity. I respect your right to be an atheist. Give as you get and let it go.
Your a troll, you have no ability to defend an argument. Flame on flamer.
You are indeed similar to a militant evangelical: unable to receive what you give. Let it go, kid.

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