How come Jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer, none on ACTUAL Messiah prerequisites

And why exactly are you guys trying to validate or lift high Lucifer in an exposing lucifer thread? Not one of those discussions have been on topic regarding prerequisites of Moshiach. I mean no where does it say Moshiach will feed a bunch of people with just a mere few loaves of (SHEwV) bread and a few fish. If it did it would say Moshiach would serve them little gefilte fishes. Or mention my molecular atom writer machine like some Jetson's like auto food producing oven.

By the way, how many parts Shalem(Shv) to Baal (dagon) did he feed them in trying to pass it as Sheva (7)?
1. Moses controlled the plagues. Each one started when he said it would and ended when he said it would. The Israelites were also protected from them. But they were all dreaming, right?
2. Israel walked through dry land in the middle of the sea that parted on Moses' command. You refuse to address this one, so I will continue hammering it. Were they ALL dreaming while they sleep walked around the sea?

There are several factors that need to be considered here. First, I did not say it was a dream, the Red Sea, is a mistranslation for the sea of reeds.

Second, Moses controlled nothing.

What I said is that there are many naturally occurring events that could explain what actually happened, not to mention the use of hyperbole.. The eruption of Santorini could have produced burning hail from the sky. The water receding before a tsunami could explain crossing the sea of Reeds on dry land and the Egyptian army being swept away by a wall of water. The Nile turning red could have been an poisonous algae bloom that would lead to dead fish, frogs coming out of the waters and dying leading to a plague of flies and disease. Moses having foreknowledge of natural events is evidence of the divine, not a demonstration of divine power over reality.

Another dream?

3. Elijah commanded fire from heaven that killed those who came against him, not once, but twice? Kinda miraculous there, don't you think?

No, I did not say this was a dream. Fire from the sky is just another metaphor for words from God. If every time 50 troops were sent to dispatch Elijah but were turned back, slain, by his words alone, it would indeed seem miraculous, but in no way a contradiction or demonstration of power over reality.

If fifty cops under orders came to arrest you and all you had to defend yourself with were words, you would go to jail.

They're in the presence of Jesus for three days and aren't getting spiritually fed? I do not accept your explanations because you are twisting Scripture to fit your preconceived ideas.

The section you quoted says that Jesus was healing their individual problems for days. Feeding his teaching from God to the restless crowd of thousands of people that gathered is another matter. The gospel of Mark says that Jesus was trying to get away from the crowds that were following him and he taught them out of compassion,'they were like sheep without a shepherd." Thats when he took his disciples, represented by seven loaves and two fish, blessed them and told them to organize the crowd into small groups, and then sent them to teach the people what they hungered for, instruction from God. Remember what Jesus said? "Feed them yourselves"

When Jesus said to Peter, "Feed my sheep" did Jesus mean that Peter should start manufacturing and handing out invisible fish sandwiches?

And how can you fail to notice the implications of feeding people, not to mention the command of Jesus to "eat my flesh" with what is written in the divine menu?
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And why exactly are you guys trying to validate or lift high Lucifer in an exposing lucifer thread? Not one of those discussions have been on topic regarding prerequisites of Moshiach. I mean no where does it say Moshiach will feed a bunch of people with just a mere few loaves of (SHEwV) bread and a few fish. If it did it would say Moshiach would serve them little gefilte fishes. Or mention my molecular atom writer machine like some Jetson's like auto food producing oven.

By the way, how many parts Shalem(Shv) to Baal (dagon) did he feed them in trying to pass it as Sheva (7)?
The thread is about Yeshua. He is Messiah and you are not. That's why He is elevated.
Well there you go, you just proved the OP that Jesus was Lucifer.
Comes as first fallen messiah=check
Nobody after is allowed to overturn him and be Messiah therefore HINDERING the Shiloh (i.e. one who's right it is)=Check.
The Bible would not use the word Shiloh for the Actual Moshiach if Jesus were Messiah.
Lucifer is the one elevated=check.
Moshiach is a servant not served Lucifer is served by his minions=that would be you.
Saying I am not Moshiach is proof as well, because if your standard is 300 falaciously placed vs to my actual real over 1200
verses and being first last and given name along with works, Temple involvement and knowledge against his no prerequisites name or knowledge of these processes means=he can't be messiah If I am not.
You can not without reason against scripture, your own logic and standard, disqualify someone of greater value & fulfillment without killing your king
=Check mate!

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