How come Jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer, none on ACTUAL Messiah prerequisites

His power is limitless hob. Why try to place restrictions on God based on limited human understanding?
He created the donkey. If He wanted it to vocalize, that would be a minor work for Him. His breath alone made a clay statue come to life. God named him, Adam.

If God wanted a donkey to speak to human beings in human language they would be able to speak in human language. I can accept that in theory.

However, this same God that you claim can do anything created donkeys incapable of speech. This is the truth.

Thats what I meant by saying that your claim that God can do anything including making a donkey speak ignores what has done by making donkeys incapable of speech.

Therefore, since the God who can do anything made donkeys incapable of speech, any story about a talking donkey has to be a reference to some jackass, like in an adult fairy tale, or the person who heard a donkey speak was having a dream or vision in an altered state of consciousness, a hallucination. There are no other possibilities.

And. no. God did not make a clay statue come to life except figuratively.
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>>>if God ever appeared to you

And I said (using scripture) GOD IS NOT A FIGURE NOR FORM (therefore the answer is assumed obvious-one you answered yourself, so why ask?)
Answer: because you are that talking d0nkey.
Case closed! ;-)
>>>if God ever appeared to you

And I said (using scripture) GOD IS NOT A FIGURE NOR FORM (therefore the answer is assumed obvious-one you answered yourself, so why ask?)
Answer: because you are that talking d0nkey.
Case closed! ;-)

Case closed my ass.

I did not ask if God was a figure or a form.

When God "appeared" to any prophet there was no figure or form. Has he ever appeared to you? He would have if you really were who you claim to be.

So far you have only disgraced and discredited yourself by acting stupid and being deceptive as if you didn't know what I meant.

You had better take all those temple trinkets that you have collected to a flea market before your life's work is a total loss.

now everyone knows that you are just another three dollar bill.
And yet here we are, live clay. Because there is no limit to what God can do.

No, you are not live clay. You failed to understand the story about the creation of Adam into a living being.

You are a human being. A human being is supposed to have an intelligence above that of a dumb farm animal. People who have the shape and form of a human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a lower beast are not yet "living beings".

you must breathe the breath of life from God into your nostrils.

You have a long way to go baby before you reflect the image and likeness of a holy God.
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Is your God as judgmental as you?
Happy 4th Hob.

I'm afraid so. I heard he can be a real stickler about right being right and wrong being wrong. Even so it is for your own good.

Learn from your mistakes.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, stand up on your own two feet, and walk upright. You can do it!


Happy 4th little girl...
1)you just called yourself the donkey *L*
2) you are acting like the donkey.
3) you are HEE HAWing & kicking like a donkey.
4)what do you think appearances is if not a figure or form, as in what does the word mean in the dictionary? Thus you are acting like you have the brain of a donkey.
5)you are stuborn as a mule, if you don't get an answer that is somehow validating your want or needs you go all third grader on us. Grow up.
I have a Father who forgives me while I am in the act of sinning, and then remembers my sins no more, because I love His Son. I'm sticking with Him, but I still love ya.

If you loved His Son you would do as he commanded and God would love you and they would make themselves known to you and you would rather be caught dead than to kneel in prayer before statues or eat a cracker that has no life for spiritual life.

Do you really want to waste the brief life that God gave you sinning and doing the very things that offend Him according to scripture?

It may be true that God forgives but for as long as you persist in sin God will hide his face from you. It may be true that God loves you and it may be true that God is merciful and it may be true that Jesus suffered and died so that others may know the life that is only possible without sin but if you do not stop sinning you will never know that life for as long as you live.

If you don't care about that, I certainly won't.
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So, you fall into the category of non sinner, or are you doomed too? ;)

I always do exactly as God commands.

If the law says that one should not bow down before anything made by human hands, I do not bow down before anything made by human hands. If it says one should refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, I refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. If it says do not speak falsely in the name of God, I do not speak falsely in the name of God, if it says that one should slaughter a he-goat without blemish for the expiation of sin, I slaughter a he-goat without blemish for the expiation of sin, etc., ask hashev. He doesn't even know what hit him.

It really isn't that hard to learn to choose good and reject evil. The key is to find the hidden meaning in any given law and then conform to the deeper implications, exactly as Jesus instructed. If you really loved Jesus as you claim, you would do as he commanded.

The least you can do is try....
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God can create light by merely speaking. He absolutely can fart angels, although I doubt that is actually how they were created. He can animate clay just by breathing on it. He can move forward and backward in time. He has no limits. We have limits. Which are temporary because our environment is temporary. Read up on dimensions, to expand your understanding on how and why just anything can happen.
Through dimensions, the cookie can crumble, be restored to its original shape and can be eaten from the inside out.

I see. Well said. You understand the secrets and deep mysteries of the holy ones.

Since you are of such great faith I can offer you a cookie so powerful it can grant eternal life to all those who worship and eat it and its all for free. Donations are accepted for the nominal service charge of 10% of your income for life not to mention your first born children, male and female.

Take advantage of this one time exclusive offer in the next 30 seconds and you will also receive for yourself at no additional charge a free color TV !!!..... plus $6.66 shipping and handling.

(certain exemptions and restrictions may apply. Not available to people currently living in reality)
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.

Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
Making a donkey talk is a perfect way to grab a person's attention, is it not? Obviously, Balaam wasn't paying attention to the way God usually communicated with him. God gave us reason and logic, and we're expected to use them. Using them, we determined that donkeys can't talk. Therefore, when a donkey talks, it's an impossible situation that warrants attention. There's no reason to insist that God is bound by the laws of the universe He created. The bottom line remains, moreover, that there is no Scriptural basis to insist that every encounter with God was in a dream. None.
Well no the creator would not make talking donkeys, because if he did, the person claiming that the donkey talked would end up in a insane asylum.

Mr. Ed was a TV movie for kids, kids did not really believe horses talked.
I see. Well said. You understand the secrets and deep mysteries of the holy ones.

Since you are of such great faith I can offer you a cookie so powerful it can grant eternal life to all those who worship and eat it and its all for free. Donations are accepted for the nominal service charge of 10% of your income for life not to mention your first born children, male and female.

Take advantage of this one time exclusive offer in the next 30 seconds and you will also receive for yourself at no additional charge a free color TV !!!..... plus $6.66 shipping and handling.

(certain exemptions and restrictions may apply. Not available to people currently living in reality)
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.

Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
Making a donkey talk is a perfect way to grab a person's attention, is it not? Obviously, Balaam wasn't paying attention to the way God usually communicated with him. God gave us reason and logic, and we're expected to use them. Using them, we determined that donkeys can't talk. Therefore, when a donkey talks, it's an impossible situation that warrants attention. There's no reason to insist that God is bound by the laws of the universe He created. The bottom line remains, moreover, that there is no Scriptural basis to insist that every encounter with God was in a dream. None.

You are just wrong.

God is incorporeal. The only connection between God and man is through the conscious mind, the only means of communication, a vision or a dream.

When Daniel was having a vision during the daytime, everyone else around him saw and heard nothing, even though there were chariots of fire, a thunderous voice, flashes of lightning, the throne of God, heavenly creatures, etc.

And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the vision, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves. So I was left alone and saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me; my radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. (Daniel 10:7-8)

Then I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. (Daniel 10:9)
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.

Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
Making a donkey talk is a perfect way to grab a person's attention, is it not? Obviously, Balaam wasn't paying attention to the way God usually communicated with him. God gave us reason and logic, and we're expected to use them. Using them, we determined that donkeys can't talk. Therefore, when a donkey talks, it's an impossible situation that warrants attention. There's no reason to insist that God is bound by the laws of the universe He created. The bottom line remains, moreover, that there is no Scriptural basis to insist that every encounter with God was in a dream. None.

You are just wrong.

God is incorporeal. The only connection between God and man is through the conscious mind, the only means of communication, a vision or a dream.

When Daniel was having a vision during the daytime, everyone else around him saw and heard nothing, even though there were chariots of fire, a thunderous voice, flashes of lightning, the throne of God, heavenly creatures, etc.

And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the vision, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves. So I was left alone and saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me; my radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. (Daniel 10:7-8)

Then I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. (Daniel 10:9)
Uhh, you DO see the part where the people around him were terrified? Obviously, even though they were not privy to the vision, there was a physical manifestation that was enough to terrify them. That's more than just Daniel having a dream. God will use whatever means He desires to communicate with man, and that includes physical manifestations of Himself. And again, you have no good answer for Abraham's visit from God and two angels. He was sitting at the entrance of his tent, he had an animal slaughtered and food prepared, and they ate and talked together. Remember when Sarah laughed and was told she would have a son the next year? In order for that to be a dream, all parties involved would have to be having the exact same dream at the exact same time. Much more practical for God to simply appear in human form. And again, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam all experienced a visit from God at the same time and heard the same things.
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Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
Making a donkey talk is a perfect way to grab a person's attention, is it not? Obviously, Balaam wasn't paying attention to the way God usually communicated with him. God gave us reason and logic, and we're expected to use them. Using them, we determined that donkeys can't talk. Therefore, when a donkey talks, it's an impossible situation that warrants attention. There's no reason to insist that God is bound by the laws of the universe He created. The bottom line remains, moreover, that there is no Scriptural basis to insist that every encounter with God was in a dream. None.

You are just wrong.

God is incorporeal. The only connection between God and man is through the conscious mind, the only means of communication, a vision or a dream.

When Daniel was having a vision during the daytime, everyone else around him saw and heard nothing, even though there were chariots of fire, a thunderous voice, flashes of lightning, the throne of God, heavenly creatures, etc.

And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the vision, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves. So I was left alone and saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me; my radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. (Daniel 10:7-8)

Then I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. (Daniel 10:9)
Uhh, you DO see the part where the people around him were terrified? Obviously, even though they were not privy to the vision, there was a physical manifestation that was enough to terrify them. That's more than just Daniel having a dream. God will use whatever means He desires to communicate with man, and that includes physical manifestations of Himself. And again, you have no good answer for Abraham's visit from God and two angels. He was sitting at the entrance of his tent, he had an animal slaughtered and food prepared, and they ate and talked together. Remember when Sarah laughed and was told she would have a son the next year? In order for that to be a dream, all parties involved would have to be having the exact same dream at the exact same time. Much more practical for God to simply appear in human form. And again, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam all experienced a visit from God at the same time and heard the same things.

If others were not privy to the vision then anything happening in the vision was not actually happening in reality.

In the same way if a prophet heard a donkey speak it was not actually happening. Donkeys can't speak.

Abraham was the prophet so Sarah laughing or the three men eating lunch or anything else recorded was not many people having the same dream there were all just characters in Abraham's dream.
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
Making a donkey talk is a perfect way to grab a person's attention, is it not? Obviously, Balaam wasn't paying attention to the way God usually communicated with him. God gave us reason and logic, and we're expected to use them. Using them, we determined that donkeys can't talk. Therefore, when a donkey talks, it's an impossible situation that warrants attention. There's no reason to insist that God is bound by the laws of the universe He created. The bottom line remains, moreover, that there is no Scriptural basis to insist that every encounter with God was in a dream. None.

You are just wrong.

God is incorporeal. The only connection between God and man is through the conscious mind, the only means of communication, a vision or a dream.

When Daniel was having a vision during the daytime, everyone else around him saw and heard nothing, even though there were chariots of fire, a thunderous voice, flashes of lightning, the throne of God, heavenly creatures, etc.

And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the vision, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves. So I was left alone and saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me; my radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. (Daniel 10:7-8)

Then I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. (Daniel 10:9)
Uhh, you DO see the part where the people around him were terrified? Obviously, even though they were not privy to the vision, there was a physical manifestation that was enough to terrify them. That's more than just Daniel having a dream. God will use whatever means He desires to communicate with man, and that includes physical manifestations of Himself. And again, you have no good answer for Abraham's visit from God and two angels. He was sitting at the entrance of his tent, he had an animal slaughtered and food prepared, and they ate and talked together. Remember when Sarah laughed and was told she would have a son the next year? In order for that to be a dream, all parties involved would have to be having the exact same dream at the exact same time. Much more practical for God to simply appear in human form. And again, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam all experienced a visit from God at the same time and heard the same things.

If others were not privy to the vision then anything happening in the vision was not actually happening in reality.

In the same way if a prophet heard a donkey speak it was not actually happening. Donkeys can't speak.

Abraham was the prophet so Sarah laughing or the three men eating lunch or anything else recorded was not many people having the same dream there were all just characters in Abraham's dream.
I'm sorry, but you are again inserting a lot into the story that just isn't there. Something terrified the people around Daniel enough that they fled. And as for donkey's talking, that's why it's called a miracle. People can't walk on water, but Jesus and Peter did. People can't raise other people from the dead, but Elijah and Jesus did. People can't part the Red Sea, but God through Moses did. And so on. To deny that God can violate the laws of the universe is to deny His power.
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.

Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
Making a donkey talk is a perfect way to grab a person's attention, is it not? Obviously, Balaam wasn't paying attention to the way God usually communicated with him. God gave us reason and logic, and we're expected to use them. Using them, we determined that donkeys can't talk. Therefore, when a donkey talks, it's an impossible situation that warrants attention. There's no reason to insist that God is bound by the laws of the universe He created. The bottom line remains, moreover, that there is no Scriptural basis to insist that every encounter with God was in a dream. None.

You are just wrong.

God is incorporeal. The only connection between God and man is through the conscious mind, the only means of communication, a vision or a dream.

When Daniel was having a vision during the daytime, everyone else around him saw and heard nothing, even though there were chariots of fire, a thunderous voice, flashes of lightning, the throne of God, heavenly creatures, etc.

And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the vision, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves. So I was left alone and saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me; my radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. (Daniel 10:7-8)

Then I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. (Daniel 10:9)

Interesting how you stop right before
Daniel mentions my first and last name in Dan 10:20-21
sort of like how many preachers skip
Dan 12:1-4 when reading Dan12.
Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
Making a donkey talk is a perfect way to grab a person's attention, is it not? Obviously, Balaam wasn't paying attention to the way God usually communicated with him. God gave us reason and logic, and we're expected to use them. Using them, we determined that donkeys can't talk. Therefore, when a donkey talks, it's an impossible situation that warrants attention. There's no reason to insist that God is bound by the laws of the universe He created. The bottom line remains, moreover, that there is no Scriptural basis to insist that every encounter with God was in a dream. None.

You are just wrong.

God is incorporeal. The only connection between God and man is through the conscious mind, the only means of communication, a vision or a dream.

When Daniel was having a vision during the daytime, everyone else around him saw and heard nothing, even though there were chariots of fire, a thunderous voice, flashes of lightning, the throne of God, heavenly creatures, etc.

And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the vision, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves. So I was left alone and saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me; my radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. (Daniel 10:7-8)

Then I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. (Daniel 10:9)

Interesting how you stop right before
Daniel mentions my first and last name in Dan 10:20-21
sort of like how many preachers skip
Dan 12:1-4 when reading Dan12.
If you hold Daniel up as an authority, then you must also accept his timeline for Messiah to be revealed, which was when Yeshua entered Jerusalem on the donkey.

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