How come Jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer, none on ACTUAL Messiah prerequisites

I don't think so. Abraham and God had a VERY special relationship, and Scripture doesn't indicate that he was dreaming during that encounter. In fact, it states that he was sitting at the entrance of his tent, NOT lying down taking a nap. Now, I am NOT saying that God does not speak through dreams and visions, I am saying that He can and did take on human form.

Scripture doesn't have to indicate that a prophet was dreaming when he reported what he saw and heard from God when it is already a deeply ingrained widely held and long established belief that God communicates to prophets through dreams and visions, altered states of consciousness.

Only Moses, and the prophet who was and is to follow, have a more special, intimate and open connection with God as is clearly stated;

"I speak to him face to face, clearly, and not in riddles! He sees the LORD as he is."
I'm sorry, but if Scripture says nothing about a person dreaming, I have to believe that they weren't. There are some encounters that COULD have been dreams, Samuel's hearing God at night, for instance. Balaam's encounter with his donkey, however, I do not accept as a dream, because he was actively on his way WITH other people. Granted, that is not an encounter with God in human form.

One thing essential to remember that provides a major constraint on any possible interpretation of scripture is that all of these things are supposed to have happened on earth.

If there is no such thing as angels flying through the air holding people by the hair, then there never was such a thing, ever. The only possible way for such a story to be true is if it was the eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

If donkeys can't talk then either the authors were being derogatory, calling someone a jackass, or it was an eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream, the only realm where such things are possible..
You do realize, don't you, that by saying that you are denying God's ability to operate miraculously in this realm?

No, that is a false conclusion. By saying that I am being sober and rational.

God communicating teaching to a creature as lowly as man through dreams and visions does not in any way make anything less miraculous.
But you said that things like donkeys speaking is ONLY possible in dreams. Let's make it very clear. Do you believe that God CAN make a donkey speak, not in a dream but in real life? Note that I am not asking if He WILL do it, but CAN He do it?

If He CAN make a donkey speak, than Balaam did not have to be dreaming.

If He can NOT make a donkey speak, then you are denying His ability to work miraculously by saying there are things that He cannot do.
Scripture doesn't have to indicate that a prophet was dreaming when he reported what he saw and heard from God when it is already a deeply ingrained widely held and long established belief that God communicates to prophets through dreams and visions, altered states of consciousness.

Only Moses, and the prophet who was and is to follow, have a more special, intimate and open connection with God as is clearly stated;

"I speak to him face to face, clearly, and not in riddles! He sees the LORD as he is."
I'm sorry, but if Scripture says nothing about a person dreaming, I have to believe that they weren't. There are some encounters that COULD have been dreams, Samuel's hearing God at night, for instance. Balaam's encounter with his donkey, however, I do not accept as a dream, because he was actively on his way WITH other people. Granted, that is not an encounter with God in human form.

One thing essential to remember that provides a major constraint on any possible interpretation of scripture is that all of these things are supposed to have happened on earth.

If there is no such thing as angels flying through the air holding people by the hair, then there never was such a thing, ever. The only possible way for such a story to be true is if it was the eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

If donkeys can't talk then either the authors were being derogatory, calling someone a jackass, or it was an eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream, the only realm where such things are possible..
You do realize, don't you, that by saying that you are denying God's ability to operate miraculously in this realm?

No, that is a false conclusion. By saying that I am being sober and rational.

God communicating teaching to a creature as lowly as man through dreams and visions does not in any way make anything less miraculous.
But you said that things like donkeys speaking is ONLY possible in dreams. Let's make it very clear. Do you believe that God CAN make a donkey speak, not in a dream but in real life? Note that I am not asking if He WILL do it, but CAN He do it?

If He CAN make a donkey speak, than Balaam did not have to be dreaming.

If He can NOT make a donkey speak, then you are denying His ability to work miraculously by saying there are things that He cannot do.

No. Donkeys cannot speak, they never could speak, and they never will speak. That's the reality of the world we live in. Accept it. As such to explain a story with a donkey speaking there are two possibilities. Either the authors were talking about the donkeys of the human sort like when describing Ishmael as a wild ass, or it is an account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

A third possibility that cannot be set aside is that a person who hears a donkey speak is having some sort of psychotic episode or is in an altered state of consciousness..

To put it simply, I do not believe that there was anything supernatural about any of the reported miracles of Jesus but that does not make what actually happened any less miraculous.
I'm sorry, but if Scripture says nothing about a person dreaming, I have to believe that they weren't. There are some encounters that COULD have been dreams, Samuel's hearing God at night, for instance. Balaam's encounter with his donkey, however, I do not accept as a dream, because he was actively on his way WITH other people. Granted, that is not an encounter with God in human form.

One thing essential to remember that provides a major constraint on any possible interpretation of scripture is that all of these things are supposed to have happened on earth.

If there is no such thing as angels flying through the air holding people by the hair, then there never was such a thing, ever. The only possible way for such a story to be true is if it was the eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

If donkeys can't talk then either the authors were being derogatory, calling someone a jackass, or it was an eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream, the only realm where such things are possible..
You do realize, don't you, that by saying that you are denying God's ability to operate miraculously in this realm?

No, that is a false conclusion. By saying that I am being sober and rational.

God communicating teaching to a creature as lowly as man through dreams and visions does not in any way make anything less miraculous.
But you said that things like donkeys speaking is ONLY possible in dreams. Let's make it very clear. Do you believe that God CAN make a donkey speak, not in a dream but in real life? Note that I am not asking if He WILL do it, but CAN He do it?

If He CAN make a donkey speak, than Balaam did not have to be dreaming.

If He can NOT make a donkey speak, then you are denying His ability to work miraculously by saying there are things that He cannot do.

No. Donkeys cannot speak, they never could speak, and they never will speak. That's the reality of the world we live in. Accept it. As such to explain a story with a donkey speaking there are only two possibilities. Either the authors were talking about the donkeys of the human sort like when describing Ishmael as a wild ass, or it is an account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

A third possibility that cannot be set aside is that a person who hears a donkey speak is having some sort of psychotic episode.

To put it simply, I do not believe that there was anything supernatural about any of the reported miracles of Jesus but that does not make what actually happened any less miraculous.
I am sorry, but you are saying that God's power is limited. I will not place those limits on God.
One thing essential to remember that provides a major constraint on any possible interpretation of scripture is that all of these things are supposed to have happened on earth.

If there is no such thing as angels flying through the air holding people by the hair, then there never was such a thing, ever. The only possible way for such a story to be true is if it was the eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

If donkeys can't talk then either the authors were being derogatory, calling someone a jackass, or it was an eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream, the only realm where such things are possible..
You do realize, don't you, that by saying that you are denying God's ability to operate miraculously in this realm?

No, that is a false conclusion. By saying that I am being sober and rational.

God communicating teaching to a creature as lowly as man through dreams and visions does not in any way make anything less miraculous.
But you said that things like donkeys speaking is ONLY possible in dreams. Let's make it very clear. Do you believe that God CAN make a donkey speak, not in a dream but in real life? Note that I am not asking if He WILL do it, but CAN He do it?

If He CAN make a donkey speak, than Balaam did not have to be dreaming.

If He can NOT make a donkey speak, then you are denying His ability to work miraculously by saying there are things that He cannot do.

No. Donkeys cannot speak, they never could speak, and they never will speak. That's the reality of the world we live in. Accept it. As such to explain a story with a donkey speaking there are only two possibilities. Either the authors were talking about the donkeys of the human sort like when describing Ishmael as a wild ass, or it is an account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

A third possibility that cannot be set aside is that a person who hears a donkey speak is having some sort of psychotic episode.

To put it simply, I do not believe that there was anything supernatural about any of the reported miracles of Jesus but that does not make what actually happened any less miraculous.
I am sorry, but you are saying that God's power is limited. I will not place those limits on God.

No, I'm saying there is a difference between reality and fantasy land. If God made a donkey speak it was heard during an altered state of consciousness whether awake or asleep.. Donkeys don't actually speak. You already know this don't you?

A highly developed ability to imagine is a good thing, if you use your imagination in a rational way, restrained by the reality that actually exists.

Now, take another harder and closer look at what a she-ass who ran away every time she saw the angel of the Lord might represent in actual reality by using your imagination in a rational way....

By saying that God spoke with Moses face to face, clearly and not in riddles, the implication is that the visions and dreams of lesser prophets were not clear and were just like riddles, exactly like the question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat" presents a riddle.
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You do realize, don't you, that by saying that you are denying God's ability to operate miraculously in this realm?

No, that is a false conclusion. By saying that I am being sober and rational.

God communicating teaching to a creature as lowly as man through dreams and visions does not in any way make anything less miraculous.
But you said that things like donkeys speaking is ONLY possible in dreams. Let's make it very clear. Do you believe that God CAN make a donkey speak, not in a dream but in real life? Note that I am not asking if He WILL do it, but CAN He do it?

If He CAN make a donkey speak, than Balaam did not have to be dreaming.

If He can NOT make a donkey speak, then you are denying His ability to work miraculously by saying there are things that He cannot do.

No. Donkeys cannot speak, they never could speak, and they never will speak. That's the reality of the world we live in. Accept it. As such to explain a story with a donkey speaking there are only two possibilities. Either the authors were talking about the donkeys of the human sort like when describing Ishmael as a wild ass, or it is an account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

A third possibility that cannot be set aside is that a person who hears a donkey speak is having some sort of psychotic episode.

To put it simply, I do not believe that there was anything supernatural about any of the reported miracles of Jesus but that does not make what actually happened any less miraculous.
I am sorry, but you are saying that God's power is limited. I will not place those limits on God.

No, I'm saying there is a difference between reality and fantasy land. If God made a donkey speak it was heard during an altered state of consciousness whether awake or asleep.. Donkeys don't actually speak. You already know this don't you?

A highly developed ability to imagine is a good thing, if you use your imagination in a rational way, restrained by the reality that actually exists.

Now, take another harder and closer look at what a she-ass who ran away every time she saw the angel of the Lord might represent in actual reality by using your imagination in a rational way....

By saying that God spoke with Moses face to face, clearly and not in riddles, the implication is that the visions and dreams of lesser prophets were not clear and were just like riddles, exactly like the question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat" presents a riddle.
You stated that God cannot make a donkey speak. That is a false limit on God's power.
But in all fairness I asked you guys a few times why can't Jesus prove his existance & worth with a video of his magic tricks and you guys always reply "because they didn't have videos back then". Well your concern was my concern also, why do you limit your god who fallaciously is claimed first last and always (stolen from Zoroaster), is claimed risen from the dead, turned a few loafs and fish into a huge feast for multitudes, turned water to wine, but Jesus couldn't take a selfie, and yet dimwitted Kardashians can?

*tapping his watch* still waiting for Jesus to HaShev (return) quickly as promised.
God stood at the entrance to the tent, just as a human form would do. Again, just as with Abraham, God spoke face to face with Moses. Please, please, be more careful when you attempt to use Scripture to bolster your viewpoint, that you use it accurately.

Exodus 33:21-23
Then the LORD said, "Behold, there is a place by Me, and you shall stand there on the rock; and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen."…

God speaking with Moses "face to face" is a figure of speech that is not a contradiction of " My face shall not be seen" , which is also a figure of speech that denotes something else. Both expressions have nothing whatever to do with a face.

Lesser prophets needed the symbolism and the emotions inspired by bizarre dreams which then were explained by angels till the message was understood before they could convey a message from God to others. Moses speaking with God face to face just indicates a more direct communication with God where intermediaries and the landscapes of dreams were not necessary. My face shall not be seen just indicates that hearing from God directly, speaking face to face, does not equal understanding, seeing his face.

This also sheds light on what Jesus meant by saying he who has seen me has seen the father, meaning if you could understand Jesus you would understand God, see the face of God, so to speak.

"Blessed are the pure of mind, for they shall see God."

When Moses said during his long list of maledictions promised for failure to comply with the way that he taught to follow the law that God would hide his face it just meant that people would understand nothing about God and hear nothing from him.... until of course the prophet predicted in Deuteronomy 18:18 appeared, the messiah that Jesus claimed to be who lead people to the sanctuary of God, the promised land that Moses was not allowed to enter, where his face can be seen...
IOW, God did NOT speak to Moses only through dreams. That is the point, because you said that's the only way God spoke to man.

Ok, point taken.

But if Moses was not like any other prophet then when Abraham spoke with God it had to have been in a dream.

God and Abraham sat around a campfire talking. Sarah heard what God said, and she laughed. He told her what to name her son. Were they all having the same dream?
But in all fairness I asked you guys a few times why can't Jesus prove his existance & worth with a video of his magic tricks and you guys always reply "because they didn't have videos back then". Well your concern was my concern also, why do you limit your god who fallaciously is claimed first last and always (stolen from Zoroaster), is claimed risen from the dead, turned a few loafs and fish into a huge feast for multitudes, turned water to wine, but Jesus couldn't take a selfie, and yet dimwitted Kardashians can?

*tapping his watch* still waiting for Jesus to HaShev (return) quickly as promised.

He has already told you when He's coming back. Build your new Temple first, then start tapping your watch, waiting for your buddy, the anti-Christ, to declare himself your God and seat himself in your Temple. Your Messiah will return in 3 and 1/2 years after the desecration of your Temple.
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But in all fairness I asked you guys a few times why can't Jesus prove his existance & worth with a video of his magic tricks and you guys always reply "because they didn't have videos back then". Well your concern was my concern also, why do you limit your god who fallaciously is claimed first last and always (stolen from Zoroaster), is claimed risen from the dead, turned a few loafs and fish into a huge feast for multitudes, turned water to wine, but Jesus couldn't take a selfie, and yet dimwitted Kardashians can?

*tapping his watch* still waiting for Jesus to HaShev (return) quickly as promised.
Because every generation would insist on a new set of tricks. There's no end down that road. Think. The Holocaust is being denied, even before all those who lived it are dead. How long would it take for Jesus' evidence to be denied?
No, that is a false conclusion. By saying that I am being sober and rational.

God communicating teaching to a creature as lowly as man through dreams and visions does not in any way make anything less miraculous.
But you said that things like donkeys speaking is ONLY possible in dreams. Let's make it very clear. Do you believe that God CAN make a donkey speak, not in a dream but in real life? Note that I am not asking if He WILL do it, but CAN He do it?

If He CAN make a donkey speak, than Balaam did not have to be dreaming.

If He can NOT make a donkey speak, then you are denying His ability to work miraculously by saying there are things that He cannot do.

No. Donkeys cannot speak, they never could speak, and they never will speak. That's the reality of the world we live in. Accept it. As such to explain a story with a donkey speaking there are only two possibilities. Either the authors were talking about the donkeys of the human sort like when describing Ishmael as a wild ass, or it is an account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

A third possibility that cannot be set aside is that a person who hears a donkey speak is having some sort of psychotic episode.

To put it simply, I do not believe that there was anything supernatural about any of the reported miracles of Jesus but that does not make what actually happened any less miraculous.
I am sorry, but you are saying that God's power is limited. I will not place those limits on God.

No, I'm saying there is a difference between reality and fantasy land. If God made a donkey speak it was heard during an altered state of consciousness whether awake or asleep.. Donkeys don't actually speak. You already know this don't you?

A highly developed ability to imagine is a good thing, if you use your imagination in a rational way, restrained by the reality that actually exists.

Now, take another harder and closer look at what a she-ass who ran away every time she saw the angel of the Lord might represent in actual reality by using your imagination in a rational way....

By saying that God spoke with Moses face to face, clearly and not in riddles, the implication is that the visions and dreams of lesser prophets were not clear and were just like riddles, exactly like the question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat" presents a riddle.
You stated that God cannot make a donkey speak. That is a false limit on God's power.

What I stated is that the subject of a donkey speaking in a story written by men is not about the power of God to make a dumb animal talk. It is not a historical record of a demonstration of supernatural power over the reality established by God to be the way things are now and have been ever since the beginning.

That's what I meant by saying that you have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

you understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
Jesus had exactly 3 1/2 Years to minister knowing his time was up [christianity teaching on satan having 3 1/2 Years.]

The imposter comes first, you are using OT (predated) scripture on the son of perdition which my uncontested OP proved word for word fulfilled only Jesus (who came first) as Lucifer prophecy.
You guys are so bad with sequences that you donct even know what first and next to overturn the first means.

His coming quickly false prophecy:
Words like near and soon mean nothing if they need it to be about 1000, then 2000 years later. If their spouse said they were going out for ice cream, be back soon and they need not come back 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 20 years then they would not be waiting for them to return soon. So why then do they do this through a fable? Because he is not gonna HaShev (return).
If your spouse said the time is near that you got a job and you took 2 months, 2 years, 20 years to look for that job, do you suppose they'd still be married to you?
Then why is the church still married to the wrong groom for the same exact thing?

These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32.
But in all fairness I asked you guys a few times why can't Jesus prove his existance & worth with a video of his magic tricks and you guys always reply "because they didn't have videos back then". Well your concern was my concern also, why do you limit your god who fallaciously is claimed first last and always (stolen from Zoroaster), is claimed risen from the dead, turned a few loafs and fish into a huge feast for multitudes, turned water to wine, but Jesus couldn't take a selfie, and yet dimwitted Kardashians can?

*tapping his watch* still waiting for Jesus to HaShev (return) quickly as promised.

Every miracle of Jesus can be interpreted in a way that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. In that day you will see Jesus with your own eyes. If you just dismiss it all as superstitious nonsense even knowing about the figurative nature of Jewish expression you will see and find nothing wherever else you look.
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But you said that things like donkeys speaking is ONLY possible in dreams. Let's make it very clear. Do you believe that God CAN make a donkey speak, not in a dream but in real life? Note that I am not asking if He WILL do it, but CAN He do it?

If He CAN make a donkey speak, than Balaam did not have to be dreaming.

If He can NOT make a donkey speak, then you are denying His ability to work miraculously by saying there are things that He cannot do.

No. Donkeys cannot speak, they never could speak, and they never will speak. That's the reality of the world we live in. Accept it. As such to explain a story with a donkey speaking there are only two possibilities. Either the authors were talking about the donkeys of the human sort like when describing Ishmael as a wild ass, or it is an account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

A third possibility that cannot be set aside is that a person who hears a donkey speak is having some sort of psychotic episode.

To put it simply, I do not believe that there was anything supernatural about any of the reported miracles of Jesus but that does not make what actually happened any less miraculous.
I am sorry, but you are saying that God's power is limited. I will not place those limits on God.

No, I'm saying there is a difference between reality and fantasy land. If God made a donkey speak it was heard during an altered state of consciousness whether awake or asleep.. Donkeys don't actually speak. You already know this don't you?

A highly developed ability to imagine is a good thing, if you use your imagination in a rational way, restrained by the reality that actually exists.

Now, take another harder and closer look at what a she-ass who ran away every time she saw the angel of the Lord might represent in actual reality by using your imagination in a rational way....

By saying that God spoke with Moses face to face, clearly and not in riddles, the implication is that the visions and dreams of lesser prophets were not clear and were just like riddles, exactly like the question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat" presents a riddle.
You stated that God cannot make a donkey speak. That is a false limit on God's power.

What I stated is that the subject of a donkey speaking in a story written by men is not about the power of God to make a dumb animal talk. It is not a historical record of a demonstration of supernatural power over the reality established by God to be the way things are now and have been ever since the beginning.

That's what I meant by saying that you have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

you understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
Having seen the power of God at work, I do understand it, and I will not place an artificial limit on what He can do. I also will not say that every person who has had contact with God was dreaming at the time, because to do so is to add to the Scriptures that which is not there. Some were contacted in dreams, but some were not.
But in all fairness I asked you guys a few times why can't Jesus prove his existance & worth with a video of his magic tricks and you guys always reply "because they didn't have videos back then". Well your concern was my concern also, why do you limit your god who fallaciously is claimed first last and always (stolen from Zoroaster), is claimed risen from the dead, turned a few loafs and fish into a huge feast for multitudes, turned water to wine, but Jesus couldn't take a selfie, and yet dimwitted Kardashians can?

*tapping his watch* still waiting for Jesus to HaShev (return) quickly as promised.
Because every generation would insist on a new set of tricks. There's no end down that road. Think. The Holocaust is being denied, even before all those who lived it are dead. How long would it take for Jesus' evidence to be denied?

Because every generation would insist on a new set of tricks is not a rebuttle or an exxuse to what I said and only makes things worse. Because now you have to ask yourself why do you do that to me when you admitted to yourself and everyone else that it is wrong.=double standard.
Back on 2001 they laid it on the line and asked every claimed prophet to prove it, even though I was ALREADY VALIDATED LEAPS AND BOUNDS IN MANY VARIOUS WAYS and they saw the visions of things to come happen and validated before their eyes including calling the Saddam and gulf war stuff before they occured.
So I was the only one to lay it on the line and submit to the test and was 100% spot on which probably helped save hundreds and thousands of lives and changed the whole game for us in fighting the Taliban.
At least that's what the media called it, a game changer. The evidence was for years sitting in Deja news archives even as Google owned.
And yet UNGREATFUL people dare- Dare do what you admit is wrong, and that includes even you.=Hypocrites
Jesus had exactly 3 1/2 Years to minister knowing his time was up [christianity teaching on satan having 3 1/2 Years.]

The imposter comes first, you are using OT (predated) scripture on the son of perdition which my uncontested OP proved word for word fulfilled only Jesus (who came first) as Lucifer prophecy.
You guys are so bad with sequences that you donct even know what first and next to overturn the first means.

His coming quickly false prophecy:
Words like near and soon mean nothing if they need it to be about 1000, then 2000 years later. If their spouse said they were going out for ice cream, be back soon and they need not come back 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 20 years then they would not be waiting for them to return soon. So why then do they do this through a fable? Because he is not gonna HaShev (return).
If your spouse said the time is near that you got a job and you took 2 months, 2 years, 20 years to look for that job, do you suppose they'd still be married to you?
Then why is the church still married to the wrong groom for the same exact thing?

These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32.
It is truly sad that you cannot see from the Hebrew Scriptures that Yeshua is Messiah. Truly, truly sad.

As Yeshua said:
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.
No. Donkeys cannot speak, they never could speak, and they never will speak. That's the reality of the world we live in. Accept it. As such to explain a story with a donkey speaking there are only two possibilities. Either the authors were talking about the donkeys of the human sort like when describing Ishmael as a wild ass, or it is an account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

A third possibility that cannot be set aside is that a person who hears a donkey speak is having some sort of psychotic episode.

To put it simply, I do not believe that there was anything supernatural about any of the reported miracles of Jesus but that does not make what actually happened any less miraculous.
I am sorry, but you are saying that God's power is limited. I will not place those limits on God.

No, I'm saying there is a difference between reality and fantasy land. If God made a donkey speak it was heard during an altered state of consciousness whether awake or asleep.. Donkeys don't actually speak. You already know this don't you?

A highly developed ability to imagine is a good thing, if you use your imagination in a rational way, restrained by the reality that actually exists.

Now, take another harder and closer look at what a she-ass who ran away every time she saw the angel of the Lord might represent in actual reality by using your imagination in a rational way....

By saying that God spoke with Moses face to face, clearly and not in riddles, the implication is that the visions and dreams of lesser prophets were not clear and were just like riddles, exactly like the question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat" presents a riddle.
You stated that God cannot make a donkey speak. That is a false limit on God's power.

What I stated is that the subject of a donkey speaking in a story written by men is not about the power of God to make a dumb animal talk. It is not a historical record of a demonstration of supernatural power over the reality established by God to be the way things are now and have been ever since the beginning.

That's what I meant by saying that you have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

you understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
Having seen the power of God at work, I do understand it, and I will not place an artificial limit on what He can do. I also will not say that every person who has had contact with God was dreaming at the time, because to do so is to add to the Scriptures that which is not there. Some were contacted in dreams, but some were not.

I am not setting an artificial limit on what God can do, I am accepting the reality that God established according to his wisdom exactly the way that it is.

To say that God can do anything is to ignore what he has done. You might as well claim that God can fart angels out of the sky.

donkeys, snakes, chickens, worms, lizards, frogs, lions tigers and bears do not speak human language. It has always been this way. Does this surprise you?

If a person hears an animal talk, they are either dreaming, in some altered state having a vision, or they have gone off the deep end and are hallucinating. Either way they all amount to the same thing, not real. A story about talking animals is not a historical record about the power of God. It is most likely a fairy tale. The story about Balaams she-ass whether it happened in a dream or whether it is the product of the imagination of a story teller amounts to a derogatory slur about some nameless person.

You do not live in a world where just anything can happen. Anything that can be imagined according to an unrestrained imagination is not possible because God himself has set limits on what is possible or impossible according to reality and the laws that govern the natural world as it actually exists...

That's the way the cookie crumbles.
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But in all fairness I asked you guys a few times why can't Jesus prove his existance & worth with a video of his magic tricks and you guys always reply "because they didn't have videos back then". Well your concern was my concern also, why do you limit your god who fallaciously is claimed first last and always (stolen from Zoroaster), is claimed risen from the dead, turned a few loafs and fish into a huge feast for multitudes, turned water to wine, but Jesus couldn't take a selfie, and yet dimwitted Kardashians can?

*tapping his watch* still waiting for Jesus to HaShev (return) quickly as promised.
Because every generation would insist on a new set of tricks. There's no end down that road. Think. The Holocaust is being denied, even before all those who lived it are dead. How long would it take for Jesus' evidence to be denied?

Because every generation would insist on a new set of tricks is not a rebuttle or an exxuse to what I said and only makes things worse. Because now you have to ask yourself why do you do that to me when you admitted to yourself and everyone else that it is wrong.=double standard.
Back on 2001 they laid it on the line and asked every claimed prophet to prove it, even though I was ALREADY VALIDATED LEAPS AND BOUNDS IN MANY VARIOUS WAYS and they saw the visions of things to come happen and validated before their eyes including calling the Saddam and gulf war stuff before they occured.
So I was the only one to lay it on the line and submit to the test and was 100% spot on which probably helped save hundreds and thousands of lives and changed the whole game for us in fighting the Taliban.
At least that's what the media called it, a game changer. The evidence was for years sitting in Deja news archives even as Google owned.
And yet UNGREATFUL people dare- Dare do what you admit is wrong, and that includes even you.=Hypocrites
Several things wrong here.

1. I never insisted that you prove yourself. I know you are not Messiah, so there is no need.
2. You make predictions, so do hundreds, thousands of psychics. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. Have you EVER been wrong? You do know that the penalty for being a false prophet (proven wrong) is death.
That is how you look at man. God dances over us.
He walked with us in the cool of the evening. He talked to us by the light of a campfire. He brought animals He had created to Adam to name. I'll bet they had fun with that. He bartered with Abraham, and named Isaac. He physically led about 3 million people out of Egypt. He physically sat in their Temple. He buried Moses. He spoke at Jesus' baptism. And forgives his children. He loves us.
I am sorry, but you are saying that God's power is limited. I will not place those limits on God.

No, I'm saying there is a difference between reality and fantasy land. If God made a donkey speak it was heard during an altered state of consciousness whether awake or asleep.. Donkeys don't actually speak. You already know this don't you?

A highly developed ability to imagine is a good thing, if you use your imagination in a rational way, restrained by the reality that actually exists.

Now, take another harder and closer look at what a she-ass who ran away every time she saw the angel of the Lord might represent in actual reality by using your imagination in a rational way....

By saying that God spoke with Moses face to face, clearly and not in riddles, the implication is that the visions and dreams of lesser prophets were not clear and were just like riddles, exactly like the question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat" presents a riddle.
You stated that God cannot make a donkey speak. That is a false limit on God's power.

What I stated is that the subject of a donkey speaking in a story written by men is not about the power of God to make a dumb animal talk. It is not a historical record of a demonstration of supernatural power over the reality established by God to be the way things are now and have been ever since the beginning.

That's what I meant by saying that you have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

you understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
Having seen the power of God at work, I do understand it, and I will not place an artificial limit on what He can do. I also will not say that every person who has had contact with God was dreaming at the time, because to do so is to add to the Scriptures that which is not there. Some were contacted in dreams, but some were not.

I am not setting an artificial limit on what God can do, I am accepting the reality that God established according to his wisdom exactly the way that it is.

To say that God can do anything is to ignore what he has done. You might as well claim that God can fart angels out of the sky.

donkeys, snakes, chickens, worms, lizards, frogs, lions tigers and bears do not speak human language. It has always been this way. Does this surprise you?

If a person hears an animal talk, they are either dreaming, in some altered state having a vision, or they have gone off the deep end and are hallucinating. A story about talking animals is not a historical record about the power of God. It is most likely a fairy tale. The story about Balaams she-ass whether it happened in a dream or whether it is the product of the imagination of a story teller amounts to a derogatory slur about some nameless person.

You do not live in a world where just anything can happen. Anything that can be imagined according to an unrestrained imagination is not possible because God himself has set limits on what is possible or impossible according to reality and the laws that govern the natural world as it actually exists...

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

God can create light by merely speaking. He absolutely can fart angels, although I doubt that is actually how they were created. He can animate clay just by breathing on it. He can move forward and backward in time. He has no limits. We have limits. Which are temporary because our environment is temporary. Read up on dimensions, to expand your understanding on how and why just anything can happen.
Through dimensions, the cookie can crumble, be restored to its original shape and can be eaten from the inside out.
No, I'm saying there is a difference between reality and fantasy land. If God made a donkey speak it was heard during an altered state of consciousness whether awake or asleep.. Donkeys don't actually speak. You already know this don't you?

A highly developed ability to imagine is a good thing, if you use your imagination in a rational way, restrained by the reality that actually exists.

Now, take another harder and closer look at what a she-ass who ran away every time she saw the angel of the Lord might represent in actual reality by using your imagination in a rational way....

By saying that God spoke with Moses face to face, clearly and not in riddles, the implication is that the visions and dreams of lesser prophets were not clear and were just like riddles, exactly like the question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat" presents a riddle.
You stated that God cannot make a donkey speak. That is a false limit on God's power.

What I stated is that the subject of a donkey speaking in a story written by men is not about the power of God to make a dumb animal talk. It is not a historical record of a demonstration of supernatural power over the reality established by God to be the way things are now and have been ever since the beginning.

That's what I meant by saying that you have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

you understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
Having seen the power of God at work, I do understand it, and I will not place an artificial limit on what He can do. I also will not say that every person who has had contact with God was dreaming at the time, because to do so is to add to the Scriptures that which is not there. Some were contacted in dreams, but some were not.

I am not setting an artificial limit on what God can do, I am accepting the reality that God established according to his wisdom exactly the way that it is.

To say that God can do anything is to ignore what he has done. You might as well claim that God can fart angels out of the sky.

donkeys, snakes, chickens, worms, lizards, frogs, lions tigers and bears do not speak human language. It has always been this way. Does this surprise you?

If a person hears an animal talk, they are either dreaming, in some altered state having a vision, or they have gone off the deep end and are hallucinating. A story about talking animals is not a historical record about the power of God. It is most likely a fairy tale. The story about Balaams she-ass whether it happened in a dream or whether it is the product of the imagination of a story teller amounts to a derogatory slur about some nameless person.

You do not live in a world where just anything can happen. Anything that can be imagined according to an unrestrained imagination is not possible because God himself has set limits on what is possible or impossible according to reality and the laws that govern the natural world as it actually exists...

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

God can create light by merely speaking. He absolutely can fart angels, although I doubt that is actually how they were created. He can animate clay just by breathing on it. He can move forward and backward in time. He has no limits. We have limits. Which are temporary because our environment is temporary. Read up on dimensions, to expand your understanding on how and why just anything can happen.
Through dimensions, the cookie can crumble, be restored to its original shape and can be eaten from the inside out.

I see. Well said. You understand the secrets and deep mysteries of the holy ones.

Since you are of such great faith I can offer you a cookie so powerful it can grant eternal life to all those who worship and eat it and its all for free. Donations are accepted for the nominal service charge of 10% of your income for life not to mention your first born children, male and female.

Take advantage of this one time exclusive offer in the next 30 seconds and you will also receive for yourself at no additional charge a free color TV !!!..... plus $6.66 shipping and handling.

(certain exemptions and restrictions may apply. Not available to people currently living in reality)
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