How come Jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer, none on ACTUAL Messiah prerequisites

You stated that God cannot make a donkey speak. That is a false limit on God's power.

What I stated is that the subject of a donkey speaking in a story written by men is not about the power of God to make a dumb animal talk. It is not a historical record of a demonstration of supernatural power over the reality established by God to be the way things are now and have been ever since the beginning.

That's what I meant by saying that you have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

you understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
Having seen the power of God at work, I do understand it, and I will not place an artificial limit on what He can do. I also will not say that every person who has had contact with God was dreaming at the time, because to do so is to add to the Scriptures that which is not there. Some were contacted in dreams, but some were not.

I am not setting an artificial limit on what God can do, I am accepting the reality that God established according to his wisdom exactly the way that it is.

To say that God can do anything is to ignore what he has done. You might as well claim that God can fart angels out of the sky.

donkeys, snakes, chickens, worms, lizards, frogs, lions tigers and bears do not speak human language. It has always been this way. Does this surprise you?

If a person hears an animal talk, they are either dreaming, in some altered state having a vision, or they have gone off the deep end and are hallucinating. A story about talking animals is not a historical record about the power of God. It is most likely a fairy tale. The story about Balaams she-ass whether it happened in a dream or whether it is the product of the imagination of a story teller amounts to a derogatory slur about some nameless person.

You do not live in a world where just anything can happen. Anything that can be imagined according to an unrestrained imagination is not possible because God himself has set limits on what is possible or impossible according to reality and the laws that govern the natural world as it actually exists...

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

God can create light by merely speaking. He absolutely can fart angels, although I doubt that is actually how they were created. He can animate clay just by breathing on it. He can move forward and backward in time. He has no limits. We have limits. Which are temporary because our environment is temporary. Read up on dimensions, to expand your understanding on how and why just anything can happen.
Through dimensions, the cookie can crumble, be restored to its original shape and can be eaten from the inside out.

I see. Well said. You understand the secrets and deep mysteries of the holy ones.

Since you are of such great faith I can offer you a cookie so powerful it can grant eternal life to all those who worship and eat it and its all for free. Donations are accepted for the nominal service charge of 10% of your income for life not to mention your first born children, male and female.

Take advantage of this one time exclusive offer in the next 30 seconds and you will also receive for yourself at no additional charge a free color TV !!!..... plus $6.66 shipping and handling.

(certain exemptions and restrictions may apply. Not available to people currently living in reality)
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.
No thanks.

Not even a cup off blood? ..... you ghoul you.


You lost soul you. You have added to and taken away from so much that you have created a completely different religion. Good Luck with that Hob.
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

No need to analyze, or interpret one word. It means exactly what it says.
You lost soul you. You have added to and taken away from so much that you have created a completely different religion. Good Luck with that Hob.

No, without adding to or subtracting from or changing even one single word I have revealed new meaning in old words that have been read by billions of people for thousands of years without ever seeing it, but thanks.

No luck necessary. Some hidden things, once revealed, can't ever be unseen.

In with the new and out with the old! Isn't what they always say?

If you knelt in fervent prayer before me I would be more than happy to lay my hands upon you and heal your tortured soul, after we drank a vat of communion wine of course.

What the hey......:cheers2:..what would Jesus do?

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

No need to analyze, or interpret one word. It means exactly what it says.

It is impossible to even know what that means much less act upon it unless one analyzes, interprets and understand the intended meaning of the words used.
What I stated is that the subject of a donkey speaking in a story written by men is not about the power of God to make a dumb animal talk. It is not a historical record of a demonstration of supernatural power over the reality established by God to be the way things are now and have been ever since the beginning.

That's what I meant by saying that you have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

you understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
Having seen the power of God at work, I do understand it, and I will not place an artificial limit on what He can do. I also will not say that every person who has had contact with God was dreaming at the time, because to do so is to add to the Scriptures that which is not there. Some were contacted in dreams, but some were not.

I am not setting an artificial limit on what God can do, I am accepting the reality that God established according to his wisdom exactly the way that it is.

To say that God can do anything is to ignore what he has done. You might as well claim that God can fart angels out of the sky.

donkeys, snakes, chickens, worms, lizards, frogs, lions tigers and bears do not speak human language. It has always been this way. Does this surprise you?

If a person hears an animal talk, they are either dreaming, in some altered state having a vision, or they have gone off the deep end and are hallucinating. A story about talking animals is not a historical record about the power of God. It is most likely a fairy tale. The story about Balaams she-ass whether it happened in a dream or whether it is the product of the imagination of a story teller amounts to a derogatory slur about some nameless person.

You do not live in a world where just anything can happen. Anything that can be imagined according to an unrestrained imagination is not possible because God himself has set limits on what is possible or impossible according to reality and the laws that govern the natural world as it actually exists...

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

God can create light by merely speaking. He absolutely can fart angels, although I doubt that is actually how they were created. He can animate clay just by breathing on it. He can move forward and backward in time. He has no limits. We have limits. Which are temporary because our environment is temporary. Read up on dimensions, to expand your understanding on how and why just anything can happen.
Through dimensions, the cookie can crumble, be restored to its original shape and can be eaten from the inside out.

I see. Well said. You understand the secrets and deep mysteries of the holy ones.

Since you are of such great faith I can offer you a cookie so powerful it can grant eternal life to all those who worship and eat it and its all for free. Donations are accepted for the nominal service charge of 10% of your income for life not to mention your first born children, male and female.

Take advantage of this one time exclusive offer in the next 30 seconds and you will also receive for yourself at no additional charge a free color TV !!!..... plus $6.66 shipping and handling.

(certain exemptions and restrictions may apply. Not available to people currently living in reality)
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.

Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
He'd do just what I am about to do. Give you a :smiliehug: and tell you not to lean on your own understanding. He's at your door. Open it and invite Him in.

Thats very sweet dear, I'll take the hug but who or what exactly do you think that I should open my door to and invite in?

A three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands?

Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.......
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Having seen the power of God at work, I do understand it, and I will not place an artificial limit on what He can do. I also will not say that every person who has had contact with God was dreaming at the time, because to do so is to add to the Scriptures that which is not there. Some were contacted in dreams, but some were not.

I am not setting an artificial limit on what God can do, I am accepting the reality that God established according to his wisdom exactly the way that it is.

To say that God can do anything is to ignore what he has done. You might as well claim that God can fart angels out of the sky.

donkeys, snakes, chickens, worms, lizards, frogs, lions tigers and bears do not speak human language. It has always been this way. Does this surprise you?

If a person hears an animal talk, they are either dreaming, in some altered state having a vision, or they have gone off the deep end and are hallucinating. A story about talking animals is not a historical record about the power of God. It is most likely a fairy tale. The story about Balaams she-ass whether it happened in a dream or whether it is the product of the imagination of a story teller amounts to a derogatory slur about some nameless person.

You do not live in a world where just anything can happen. Anything that can be imagined according to an unrestrained imagination is not possible because God himself has set limits on what is possible or impossible according to reality and the laws that govern the natural world as it actually exists...

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

God can create light by merely speaking. He absolutely can fart angels, although I doubt that is actually how they were created. He can animate clay just by breathing on it. He can move forward and backward in time. He has no limits. We have limits. Which are temporary because our environment is temporary. Read up on dimensions, to expand your understanding on how and why just anything can happen.
Through dimensions, the cookie can crumble, be restored to its original shape and can be eaten from the inside out.

I see. Well said. You understand the secrets and deep mysteries of the holy ones.

Since you are of such great faith I can offer you a cookie so powerful it can grant eternal life to all those who worship and eat it and its all for free. Donations are accepted for the nominal service charge of 10% of your income for life not to mention your first born children, male and female.

Take advantage of this one time exclusive offer in the next 30 seconds and you will also receive for yourself at no additional charge a free color TV !!!..... plus $6.66 shipping and handling.

(certain exemptions and restrictions may apply. Not available to people currently living in reality)
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.

Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.
I am not setting an artificial limit on what God can do, I am accepting the reality that God established according to his wisdom exactly the way that it is.

To say that God can do anything is to ignore what he has done. You might as well claim that God can fart angels out of the sky.

donkeys, snakes, chickens, worms, lizards, frogs, lions tigers and bears do not speak human language. It has always been this way. Does this surprise you?

If a person hears an animal talk, they are either dreaming, in some altered state having a vision, or they have gone off the deep end and are hallucinating. A story about talking animals is not a historical record about the power of God. It is most likely a fairy tale. The story about Balaams she-ass whether it happened in a dream or whether it is the product of the imagination of a story teller amounts to a derogatory slur about some nameless person.

You do not live in a world where just anything can happen. Anything that can be imagined according to an unrestrained imagination is not possible because God himself has set limits on what is possible or impossible according to reality and the laws that govern the natural world as it actually exists...

That's the way the cookie crumbles.

God can create light by merely speaking. He absolutely can fart angels, although I doubt that is actually how they were created. He can animate clay just by breathing on it. He can move forward and backward in time. He has no limits. We have limits. Which are temporary because our environment is temporary. Read up on dimensions, to expand your understanding on how and why just anything can happen.
Through dimensions, the cookie can crumble, be restored to its original shape and can be eaten from the inside out.

I see. Well said. You understand the secrets and deep mysteries of the holy ones.

Since you are of such great faith I can offer you a cookie so powerful it can grant eternal life to all those who worship and eat it and its all for free. Donations are accepted for the nominal service charge of 10% of your income for life not to mention your first born children, male and female.

Take advantage of this one time exclusive offer in the next 30 seconds and you will also receive for yourself at no additional charge a free color TV !!!..... plus $6.66 shipping and handling.

(certain exemptions and restrictions may apply. Not available to people currently living in reality)
IOW, you continue to reject God's omnipotence by mocking it.

Really? It isn't more likely that I was just mocking the irish ram for saying that God absolutely can fart angels out of the sky?
If you state clearly that God CAN make a donkey talk if He wished to do so, I will not have to continue saying that.

Let me break it down as simply as I can.

What you are asking me to accept is that assuming that God can do anything he can make the moon consist of swiss cheese if he wanted to which to me is illogical since the moon isn't made out of swiss cheese.

In the same way donkeys don't talk, this is the truth, so the only rational conclusion is that if the stories are true then they are about something else.

C'mon now, its not rocket science.....
His power is limitless hob. Why try to place restrictions on God based on limited human understanding?
He created the donkey. If He wanted it to vocalize, that would be a minor work for Him. His breath alone made a clay statue come to life. God named him, Adam.
Will you guys stop with the Donkey talking debate, it's clear that you guys alone
PROVE it's true. ;-)

You guys didn't notice the NT makes Jesus a trick rider? He came into town riding both a horse and donkey at the same time according to the accounts.
I think the last ride I had was bareback on an unruly horse and the horse took me to an over growth of hay grass or wheat fields in Pennsylvania Dutch Country.- no thank you. Tame and saddled and bribed with a carrot only.
Will you guys stop with the Donkey talking debate, it's clear that you guys alone
PROVE it's true. ;-)

I suppose some people never understood the lessons of the past or never read the gospel of Pinocchio. They probably spent too much time on pleasure Island and those donkey ears are there to stay...

Very sad...

For a more entertaining discussion why not answer the question you have avoided answering many, many times for some "mysterious" reason?....

According to scripture the prophet that you are claiming to be is supposed to be a prophet like Moses who spoke with God face to face.


Has the living God ever appeared to you in your entire life, spoken with you face to face, and commanded you to speak anything in his name?

A simple yes or no will do.........

Is there any particular reason (other than the obvious) why you have not answered this simple question that you would have answered long ago if you were the messiah ?

Sheesh. I mean if you can demonstrate any evidence at all that God has chosen you and is with you, according to the test left by Moses, I would apologize to your face, beg for forgiveness for ever doubting you, dedicate my life to assisting you, and even would get down on my hands and knees and scrub the blood off the floor of the temple..... as soon as you build it that is....

How come Jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer, none on ACTUAL Messiah prerequisites
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Don't lie, I did answer your question, you just didn't like how I formed the answer in challenging the stupidity and invalid nature of the question. You are teaching another kind of GOD then we are, a forbidden teaching at that.
You yourself proved your question was invalid and stupid when you admited the Physical appearances was figurative speach.

Conclusion, right now you are being deceptive.
Flipping channels and came upon an unknown preacher saying about his fellow Christians:
"thinking destroys them"
There's comedic gems in some of them, gotta give them that.
Don't lie, I did answer your question, you just didn't like how I formed the answer in challenging the stupidity and invalid nature of the question. You are teaching another kind of GOD then we are, a forbidden teaching at that.
You yourself proved your question was invalid and stupid when you admited the Physical appearances was figurative speach.

Conclusion, right now you are being deceptive.

You know damn well that when I asked you if God ever appeared to you and commissioned to do what you expect everyone else to 'just believe" that you were pre-ordained to do that I was not asking you about any physical appearance or visible shape or material form.

Resorting to deception yourself I see. Very unbecoming a man of such distinguished pretensions.

You do know that Moses left a way for people to determine whether a person has received a prophecy from God or if they are just another imposter..., don't you?

Did God ever appear to you in your entire life in any manner? Did you ever speak with God face to face? Any prophetic dreams? Any visions? Any revelations?

Do you have any prophecies at all to make in the name of God that would prove that God sent you? any secrets to reveal? Have you ever 'seen' the Shekinah?

Do you have any information at all that could have only come from God that would confirm your claims of being the highest living being next to God himself??

Just a reminder.....

You have a right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.
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