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How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

last year 340,000 unborn and born babies(9000+ not kidney bean sized) were executed and parceled out by abortion "Doctors" from Planned Unparenthood. When there is immorality pushed by liberals to the point there is no sanctity of life, then whether in or out of the womb, lives don't matter

If the woman the fetus is inside doesn't care what happens to it, i see no compelling reason why I should be.

I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me how you are going to stop women from getting abortions.

Because every country that has tried to ban abortion has FAILED MISERABLY, including this one.

You see, I'm gonna let you in on a dirty little secret. Women were having abortions before Roe v. Wade. There was always someone who could "Take care of that" for you.

Now if you guys were really, really concerned about fetuses becoming babies, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions- family and medical leave- paid, universal health care, comprehensive sex education without religious bullshit attached.

Why do you libs always think the answer to every problem is more government?
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the mainstream Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.
Background checks are a drop in bucket when it comes to stopping gun violence. Most murders in the US are not committed by convicted felons and most of the mentally disturbed are either not in the care of mental health professionals or they are protected by privacy laws.

There are over 300 million guns in the US. One third of the population either owns a gun or lives with someone who does. A huge number of guns are sold in garage sales, gun shows, and individual sales. So any restrictions on retail sales may reduce slightly the total number guns sold but will do little to restrict access to the huge cache of guns in the US. As long as we have the 2nd amendment, gun control laws will have little or no effect on gun violence.

People often point to the success of gun control laws in Australia but often we ignore the fact that Australia has no 2nd amendment.

The second amendment was written during a time when state-of-the-art firearms were muskets and cannons...weapons capable of firing three or four times a minute. Do you actually believe that men like Jefferson and Adams would have wanted young, reckless, wild dumbasses to have a weapon which could fire 150 rounds of 9 mm death in 60 seconds? If you do my friend you have a real problem with your logic.

By the way....Jefferson put in writing that the constitution should be reviewed every twenty years and rewritten to accommodate current times. I'll bet the NRA would shit if Americans did that.
Jefferson wrote a lot of things I'm sorry for. But the reality is that an AMENDMENT is in fact a review and a rewritten accommodation or adjustment. The Know It All's among the Supreme Court need to stop winging it as they go and get back to basics. Their job is to consider Constitutionality and not overwrite the Constitution on a whim...
You arrest the doctors that perform the abortions.

And how do you prove they performed an abortion to start with?

Here's the thing, guy. Before Roe v. Wade, doctors performed millions of illegal abortions. and they were almost never arrested for it.

If you want to educate yourself, read up on a Dr. Ruth Barrett, who performed 50,000 abortions between 1918 and 1968. Yet she rarely got arrested, and only served a few years in prison in the mid 1950's. By the 1960's, they didn't even try to put her in front of a jury anymore because the couldn't find a jury that would convict her.

That was in the days when Abortion wasn't accepted. so let's say you arrest a doctor who does good work, not an assclown like Gosnell. You think you are going to get a jury to convict him? Good luck with that.
France train terror hero stabbed in US
Spencer Stone, hailed as hero after French train terror attack, stabbed in California, US media reports say.
No good deed will go unpunished in this upside down world. Do we now ban knives since it was used to attempt murder of this "HERO"?

Well, here's the thing. He's going to live.

If the guy he got into a drunken altercation with had a gun, he probably wouldn't have.
You arrest the doctors that perform the abortions.

And how do you prove they performed an abortion to start with?

Here's the thing, guy. Before Roe v. Wade, doctors performed millions of illegal abortions. and they were almost never arrested for it.

If you want to educate yourself, read up on a Dr. Ruth Barrett, who performed 50,000 abortions between 1918 and 1968. Yet she rarely got arrested, and only served a few years in prison in the mid 1950's. By the 1960's, they didn't even try to put her in front of a jury anymore because the couldn't find a jury that would convict her.

That was in the days when Abortion wasn't accepted. so let's say you arrest a doctor who does good work, not an assclown like Gosnell. You think you are going to get a jury to convict him? Good luck with that.
Just because she wasn't arrested doesn't mean it was right. You libtards are so in the tank for immorality and it is killing US. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.
Just because she wasn't arrested doesn't mean it was right. You libtards are so in the tank for immorality and it is killing US. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Guy, right and wrong are largely subjective.

for centuries, people thought slavery was "Right". Even said so in the Bible.

the reason why she wasn't arrested was because as a practical matter, they couldn't get a conviction even back then. There would always be that woman on the jury thinking, "There but fo the grace of God go I".

the thing is, you've had some 50 million women who've had abortions. Try finding a jury pool in that lot.
Why do you libs always think the answer to every problem is more government?

You are the one who wants the government to regulate women's vaginas... not me.

I said that? Where and when?

I mean the collective you as the right. not you. you are just another rube who is confused about what he's angry about.

Well I meant the collective you and you. You cradle-to-gravers always think government is the answer to everything.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
Dumb fuck. That is not what is said. What is being said is that there are people that we need to prevent from having guns, plus, we do not need a lot more guns on the street.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
Dumb fuck. That is not what is said. What is being said is that there are people that we need to prevent from having guns, plus, we do not need a lot more guns on the street.
Fast and Furious operation update: 2 men found guilty of murder in border agent death
Two men were convicted of murder Thursday in the killing of a Border Patrol agent whose death brought to light the bungled federal gun-tracking operation known as Fast and Furious.

The jury took only three and a half hours to find Jesus Leonel Sanchez-Meza and Ivan Soto-Barraza guilty of all counts in the killing of Brian Terry, 40. They face life in prison and will be sentenced in December.
Maybe Eric(the racist) Holder needs to spend life in prison for aiding and abetting those 2 killers who were allowed to purchase(by the FBI and then cross the Mexican Border) weapons of destruction and ended up killing 10's of 1000s of Mexicans and a few Americans also. Bet you forgot about this Obama Admin debacle(for there are many) and this is why you wont see Law Abiding Citizens giving up their 2nd amendments right any time soon. But if you are willing to give up yours, go for it, that is YOUR choice. Sheeple have been dying everyday in liberal bastions of corruption(Ferguson, Baltimore, NYC ,, etc etc etc) you want to be a victim go for it.
Obama's Not Welcome: Roseburg Residents Have a Passionate Reason Why They Want Him to Stay Away
Obama’s Not Welcome: Roseburg Residents Have a Passionate Reason Why They Want Him to Stay Away
Obama focusing on condolences, not gun laws, in Oregon visit | KSL.com
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is bringing words of comfort and sympathy to grieving families of victims of the shooting rampage in Roseburg, Oregon, muting his message about the need for new laws to stem gun violence as he visits an area where firearms are popular.
"The fact that the college didn't permit guards to carry guns, there was no one there to stop this man," said Craig Schlesinger, pastor at the Garden Valley Church.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
8. "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose."

"Alinsky's second chapter, called Of Means and Ends, craftily poses many difficult moral dilemmas, and his 'tenth rule of the ethics of means and ends' is: 'you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.' He doesn't ignore traditional moral standards or dismiss them as unnecessary. He is much more devious; he teaches his followers that 'Moral rationalization is indispensable at all times of action whether to justify the selection or the use of ends or means.'...
Now that I have shown all this, you can bet that when B.O.(Stinky) gets to Oregeon and within 5 minutes HE will be using the crisis(never let a crisis go to waste) of the CHRISTIANS deaths to move his gun banning forward. With Congress in turmoil, he is slavering that HE might be able to get rid of the 2nd amendment.
Maybe Eric(the racist) Holder needs to spend life in prison for aiding and abetting those 2 killers who were allowed to purchase(by the FBI and then cross the Mexican Border) weapons of destruction and ended up killing 10's of 1000s of Mexicans and a few Americans also. Bet you forgot about this Obama Admin debacle(for there are many) and this is why you wont see Law Abiding Citizens giving up their 2nd amendments right any time soon. But if you are willing to give up yours, go for it, that is YOUR choice. Sheeple have been dying everyday in liberal bastions of corruption(Ferguson, Baltimore, NYC ,, etc etc etc) you want to be a victim go for it.

Actually, no, we don't want to be a victim of you gun nuts, that's the point.

And sorry, Holder shouldn't be held accountable for Bush's lame attempts to track the milions of guns that ccross the border
Nobody said to ban guns nor the NRA.

And....lots of you fuckers said you wanted to ban Muslims. You are in upside-down backward land again.

These sorry excuses for human beings are so wound up with FOX News sound bites, they're to ignorant to pay attention to what is being actually said....No where is there a dialog from anyone demanding that guns be banned and these Neo Nuts know this.....everyone is advocating stricter gun LAWS!!! And advocating that we make mental illness public enemy number one in this country.

But you can not penetrate the minds of these neo nuts, they're too far gone to be reached and truly no one gives a fuck about em!!
Let's see....

Liberals want legislation that prevents people with psychological illnesses from owning guns.

Conservatives say that liberals want to take their guns away.

Think about it...

What does that say about conservatives?

What I've known since Reagan...they're nuts! I quit the Republican party after very active participation over a thirty year period when they began to cut taxes for the wealthy and never cut their spending a god damned dime. The difference....Democrats spend for programs which benefit every day Americans and Republicans spend for tanks the military doesn't even need. In 2013 the congress tried to force 3000 Abrams tanks into the military and the commanders refused them.
Dems spend... Enough said. Dolt
I am concerned everyday when I see in the Rainbow House a candidate for the funny farm. 1 day he is against homosexual marriage and the right to buy guns, then the next time he is for homosexual marriage and banning guns. I guess which ever the way the wind blows is how he will show his support. Not much of a spine, which is typical of many liberals that I know.

No one was discussing Gay Marriage in this thread. My position is that it should be legal, I'm not entirely good with the Courts doing it, but I'll count it as a win.

Okay, here's the thing. I'm for banning guns, because there's no good reason for an average civilian to own a gun. A gun in the home is far more likely to cause a tragedy than prevent one.

This is something I've changed my mind on because I see the gun nuts and the homophobes and the anti-choice religous nuts are the ones who helped the 1% dismantle the middle class in this country and fuck the working man.

So ban the guns, bake that wedding cake and pay for those abortions, bitches.
No wonder the country is so eff'd up... Control freaks like you.
Ban Liberals from America, and America would be a better place. Everyone then would be for Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. People would be living their lives, in or out of the womb, people would cherish the sanctity of life, people would be willing to work for a fair wage and TRUST could be by a handshake, not pages upon pages of rules or regulations. People would respect other peoples rights, not infringe upon them their immoral ways. I say, give liberals 2 years to leave America, then if they don't, put them on TRIAL as traitors to the country and the constitution, and if found guilty, once again give them a choice to leave or face the firing squad. At one time traitors to the country were executed, but now they are in the RAINBOW HOUSE.

I got a better idea. Considering that CONSERVATIVES brought us the last three wars and the last five Recessions, all while promising you that they will impose their morality on others and never do, maybe we should ban them from America.

Strikes me if anyone betrayed this country, it was the people who sold us out to the big corporations.
Who has been president for the past 6 3/4 years, who promised shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready? Who was the president who won the Nobel Peace Prize and just bomb "Doctors without borders in Afghanistan? Who said "now is the time that the oceans will lower and the planet will heal" yet the middle east is on fire? Who was going to redistribute the wealth but it went to his liberal elite cronies, while putting more people in poverty since the (5 trillion dollar) war on poverty started and 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry? How is it that liberals are for the poor people, yet liberalism has made more of those people poor? Dipshits are Liberals, which are a cancer in the world, and needs to be eradicated.
Ya, Him(Barry: the messiah) and his progressives were going to heal the whole world, the seas were going to, and so on... Well, the world is fire, and getting worse by the day.

Let's face it... Barry is NOT the messiah, thankfully some of us never fell for the trick. Those that did though the jokes on you.

Embrace the suck
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
Dumb fuck. That is not what is said. What is being said is that there are people that we need to prevent from having guns, plus, we do not need a lot more guns on the street.
Buy more guns and ammo...

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