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How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

That we are intelligent enough to realize legislation won't stop anybody from getting a gun if they really want one????
Another conservative suffering from paranoid delusions! By the same logic, we should not have any laws!

Does the fact that murder, arson, rape and robbery happen despite that fact that we have laws against them mean that we should not have those laws?

The fact is that like those other crimes, having laws that prevent psychologically ill people from owning guns will severly reduce the instances of guns crimes being committed by those people.

Like those other laws, it would not make a perfect world, but using the perfect to undermine the good is no answer.

Wrong. Those other crimes you speak of do have laws that deter many people from breaking those laws. But if you are a suicidal nut case, are you prepared to obey new gun laws in this country?

Or perhaps you have plans on knocking over a convenience store. Armed robbery with the possibility you may need to shoot and/or kill someone. Do you think the criminal will reconsider because we have a new law that says he's supposed to have a background check?

Very few guns are purchased by the criminal from a gun shop. Fewer (less than 1% ) are purchased from a gun show. But these are your targets for solving this problem?

A very large percent of the mass murders that have been committed in the last few years are by people who have a documented history of psychological illness. Laws requiring a registry of these people and background checks for both commercial and private gun sales would severely reduce the incidence of both mass murders and single murders.

It's already been proven in numerous countries that gun laws do work!

No, it hasn't. You get half-stories at best.

The killer in Oregon had guns that were purchased by his mother. She sounds like just as much of a flake as he was. In the church killing, that gun was purchased by his father. Sandy Hook, again, not his guns.

So kooks do get their hands on guns, and in many cases, are not labeled a kook in the first place. Perfectly legal to purchase firearms.

So, if a law would only reduce the number of mass murders rather than absolutely eliminating all mass murders you are against it? By the same logic we should do away with all laws!

Not at all, just provide me with some proof that any of these suggested measures would do that. I can provide plenty of proof that they won't. Just look at the cities and states across this country that have the most stringent gun laws in the nation.
Joe, you just better hope that there is no HELL, for you surely are a candidate for eternity. Maybe you are right, but what if you are wrong?

So my choices are burning in hell for all eternity or kissing God's ass for all eternity. (Seriously, the Bible God is like a needy girlfriend.) Those aren't great choices, guy.

Frankly, you are the one who seems angry all the time at people who disagree with you. Didn't your Bible-thumping friends tell you anger is a sin?
Why isn't shooting in Oregon a hate crime?
hy didn't President Obama call the Oregon shootings a hate crime, even though victims were asked if they were Christian before they were murdered? Is there a selective process to determine where the hate is different? Think Fort Hood vs. South Carolina. It feels like the war on Christians is gaining.
You know Joe(of course you do, assholes always know themselves) 9 people in Oregon, who were in their pursuit of happiness, had an ANGRY LIBERAL approached them and in a LIBERAL BIGOTS way, asked them if they were Christians, then shot them dead. I guess you could say those children were aborted outside the womb, and as the fucktard you are, you don't give a damn.

You Tell Em I'm Commin ,And Hell's Commin With Me
Japan woke the sleeping giant, you liberal keep up your WAR ON CHRISTIANTY and you might not like the results, that happened also to Japan.

What 'War on Christianity'? You are seriously suffering from paranoid delusions!

I'm both a liberal and a Christian! There is no 'War on Christianity' by liberals.

What there is, is a bunch of Satanic assholes, like yourself, that have done their best to pervert the message of the gospels to spread hate, persecution and support murder.
I'm both a liberal and a Christian! There is no 'War on Christianity' by liberals.
Do you believe in a woman's right to choose?
Joe, you just better hope that there is no HELL, for you surely are a candidate for eternity. Maybe you are right, but what if you are wrong?

So my choices are burning in hell for all eternity or kissing God's ass for all eternity. (Seriously, the Bible God is like a needy girlfriend.) Those aren't great choices, guy.

Frankly, you are the one who seems angry all the time at people who disagree with you. Didn't your Bible-thumping friends tell you anger is a sin?
Didn't your Bible-thumping friends tell you anger is a sin?
[big-uh-tree] /ˈbɪg ə tri/
noun, plural bigotries.
stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot

Ah yes, the liberal BIGOTRY, shows its ugly face once again.

So you aren't going to answer the question, then? Didn't your bible thumping, inbred pals tell you that Anger is a Sin?

Or are you one of these Christians who treats the Bible like a Software Agreement- you just click "I agree" without reading it.
Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia | EUTimes.net
The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
Bombing Suspect's Name Listed On Classified Gov't Watch List
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Boston Bombing Suspect, Listed On Classified Government Watch List
Before you start thumping your chest in a bigoted way, you better understand who is doing the killings, you tard. Do to Political Correctness and the ability to keep your head up your ass, you liberals are going to die because of your PC ways. Unfortunately other innocent people are going to be hurt too, and since you are sociopaths, you don't give a rats ass, as long as your liberal agenda moves forward.
Joe, you just better hope that there is no HELL, for you surely are a candidate for eternity. Maybe you are right, but what if you are wrong?

So my choices are burning in hell for all eternity or kissing God's ass for all eternity. (Seriously, the Bible God is like a needy girlfriend.) Those aren't great choices, guy.

Frankly, you are the one who seems angry all the time at people who disagree with you. Didn't your Bible-thumping friends tell you anger is a sin?
Why isn't shooting in Oregon a hate crime?
hy didn't President Obama call the Oregon shootings a hate crime, even though victims were asked if they were Christian before they were murdered? Is there a selective process to determine where the hate is different? Think Fort Hood vs. South Carolina. It feels like the war on Christians is gaining.
You know Joe(of course you do, assholes always know themselves) 9 people in Oregon, who were in their pursuit of happiness, had an ANGRY LIBERAL approached them and in a LIBERAL BIGOTS way, asked them if they were Christians, then shot them dead. I guess you could say those children were aborted outside the womb, and as the fucktard you are, you don't give a damn.

You Tell Em I'm Commin ,And Hell's Commin With Me
Japan woke the sleeping giant, you liberal keep up your WAR ON CHRISTIANTY and you might not like the results, that happened also to Japan.

What 'War on Christianity'? You are seriously suffering from paranoid delusions!

I'm both a liberal and a Christian! There is no 'War on Christianity' by liberals.

What there is, is a bunch of Satanic assholes, like yourself, that have done their best to pervert the message of the gospels to spread hate, persecution and support murder.

War on Christianity still alive and well in America | Human Events
War on Christianity still alive and well in America
They are taking the 10 commandments in front of a court house and removing it, but then in colleges and many businesses, they are building Muslim Prayer rooms for Jihadists. Maybe if you removed your head from your ass, you might actually see what is going on, but since you did confirm that you are liberal "Christian"(oxymoronic) you will probably have your head removed from your shoulders by an Islamic Fundamentalist and you will never see it coming. The term shit for brains = head up ass.
Before you start thumping your chest in a bigoted way, you better understand who is doing the killings, you tard. Do to Political Correctness and the ability to keep your head up your ass, you liberals are going to die because of your PC ways. Unfortunately other innocent people are going to be hurt too, and since you are sociopaths, you don't give a rats ass, as long as your liberal agenda moves forward.

Political correctness didn't kill anyone.

A crazy person with a gun he never should have had access to did.

frankly, when I see as many crazy people on USMB as we do, like yourself, I understand why we have so many mass shootings.
They are taking the 10 commandments in front of a court house and removing it, but then in colleges and many businesses, they are building Muslim Prayer rooms for Jihadists. Maybe if you removed your head from your ass, you might actually see what is going on, but since you did confirm that you are liberal "Christian"(oxymoronic) you will probably have your head removed from your shoulders by an Islamic Fundamentalist and you will never see it coming. The term shit for brains = head up ass.

Guy, last year, Islamic Terrorists killed all of 21 Americans.

33,000 Americans were killed by guns.

I'm honestly a lot more worried about a nut with a gun than a Jihadist.
Before you start thumping your chest in a bigoted way, you better understand who is doing the killings, you tard. Do to Political Correctness and the ability to keep your head up your ass, you liberals are going to die because of your PC ways. Unfortunately other innocent people are going to be hurt too, and since you are sociopaths, you don't give a rats ass, as long as your liberal agenda moves forward.

Political correctness didn't kill anyone.

A crazy person with a gun he never should have had access to did.

frankly, when I see as many crazy people on USMB as we do, like yourself, I understand why we have so many mass shootings.
Who has been the president of the US for the past 6 3/4 years? Didn't he say that the oceans were going to lower and the planet heal? Why didn't HE and Dirty Harry Reid, and Blinkie Nancy Pelosi, during the 1st 2 years do someone about all the gun violence? Because it was more important to take OUR freedom to choose away and pass the Unaffordable Unhealth Care Act. You dumbasses keep voting for hope and change, and more people have lost hope and have no change in their pockets, which is why they are killing each other.
They are taking the 10 commandments in front of a court house and removing it, but then in colleges and many businesses, they are building Muslim Prayer rooms for Jihadists. Maybe if you removed your head from your ass, you might actually see what is going on, but since you did confirm that you are liberal "Christian"(oxymoronic) you will probably have your head removed from your shoulders by an Islamic Fundamentalist and you will never see it coming. The term shit for brains = head up ass.

Guy, last year, Islamic Terrorists killed all of 21 Americans.

33,000 Americans were killed by guns.

I'm honestly a lot more worried about a nut with a gun than a Jihadist.
last year 340,000 unborn and born babies(9000+ not kidney bean sized) were executed and parceled out by abortion "Doctors" from Planned Unparenthood. When there is immorality pushed by liberals to the point there is no sanctity of life, then whether in or out of the womb, lives don't matter.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

How come every time we want to talk about gun violence prevention foaming mouth retards disrupt the conversation?

Because they are mentally ill and worried that news laws might put them in jeopardy of losing their boom-sticks.
last year 340,000 unborn and born babies(9000+ not kidney bean sized) were executed and parceled out by abortion "Doctors" from Planned Unparenthood. When there is immorality pushed by liberals to the point there is no sanctity of life, then whether in or out of the womb, lives don't matter

If the woman the fetus is inside doesn't care what happens to it, i see no compelling reason why I should be.

I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me how you are going to stop women from getting abortions.

Because every country that has tried to ban abortion has FAILED MISERABLY, including this one.

You see, I'm gonna let you in on a dirty little secret. Women were having abortions before Roe v. Wade. There was always someone who could "Take care of that" for you.

Now if you guys were really, really concerned about fetuses becoming babies, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions- family and medical leave- paid, universal health care, comprehensive sex education without religious bullshit attached.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

When their is a drug overdose involving prescription medication, how come people do not cry - Ban the prescription drug and fine the manufacturer of the drug heavily?

How come when someone kills another person or persons with a motor vehicle involving alcohol ; how come people are not screaming ban "this alcohol company" and fine whatever manufacturer of vehicle the DWI suspect was driving?

I could go on........Shadow 355
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

How come every time we want to talk about gun violence prevention foaming mouth retards disrupt the conversation?

Because they are mentally ill and worried that news laws might put them in jeopardy of losing their boom-sticks.
Maybe instead of just jumping right in, go back and read the WHOLE link. I said before that I would WILLING give up my guns, if the EVIL ones would give up their guns. But until that time, I will continue to carry concealed, and if and when a liberal wants to get in my face and do harm to me or my family, I will in a NY minute remove that liberal from society.

last year 340,000 unborn and born babies(9000+ not kidney bean sized) were executed and parceled out by abortion "Doctors" from Planned Unparenthood. When there is immorality pushed by liberals to the point there is no sanctity of life, then whether in or out of the womb, lives don't matter

If the woman the fetus is inside doesn't care what happens to it, i see no compelling reason why I should be.

I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me how you are going to stop women from getting abortions.

Because every country that has tried to ban abortion has FAILED MISERABLY, including this one.

You see, I'm gonna let you in on a dirty little secret. Women were having abortions before Roe v. Wade. There was always someone who could "Take care of that" for you.

Now if you guys were really, really concerned about fetuses becoming babies, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions- family and medical leave- paid, universal health care, comprehensive sex education without religious bullshit attached.
You arrest the doctors that perform the abortions.
last year 340,000 unborn and born babies(9000+ not kidney bean sized) were executed and parceled out by abortion "Doctors" from Planned Unparenthood. When there is immorality pushed by liberals to the point there is no sanctity of life, then whether in or out of the womb, lives don't matter

If the woman the fetus is inside doesn't care what happens to it, i see no compelling reason why I should be.

I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me how you are going to stop women from getting abortions.

Because every country that has tried to ban abortion has FAILED MISERABLY, including this one.

You see, I'm gonna let you in on a dirty little secret. Women were having abortions before Roe v. Wade. There was always someone who could "Take care of that" for you.

Now if you guys were really, really concerned about fetuses becoming babies, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions- family and medical leave- paid, universal health care, comprehensive sex education without religious bullshit attached.
Back then those who liberal women that screwed like rabbits paid for their OWN abortions, today, We the People are FORCED to pay for them now. I could care less what a liberal woman does, but she should pay, not me. When a homosexual gets HIV, he should pay for his medicine not me. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, liberals cant because they are TOO STUPID.
You see, the thing about you anti-Abortion nuts is you don't realize what rubes you are.

So you think that respecting and wanting to protect LIFE makes people 'nuts' while seeing no problem with people who demand the right to kill a baby at ANY stage of pregnancy, who - like Pelosi- just declared the fact that the infant is a human being capable of surviving outside the womb does not matter and should not effect legislation that allows doctors to deliver all but a baby's head out of the mother, ram a pair of scissors into the baby's head - killing it, then chopping that baby up and selling the pieces?! You, I suppose by this much already, don't see any problem with Obama's argument that the mother/doctor should have the right to murder a living, breathing baby that is out of the womb, having survived a failed abortion attempt, because doing so was the mother's original intent...and you call people who are against THAT 'nuts'?!

Thank you for that opinion, 'Joseph Mengele'. Have a nice day....
Another conservative suffering from paranoid delusions! By the same logic, we should not have any laws!
Does the fact that murder, arson, rape and robbery happen despite that fact that we have laws against them mean that we should not have those laws?
You fail to recognize the issue.

The laws against murder, etc are not there to prevent murder, etc -- they are there to allow the state to punish those that violate the rights of others.

Gun control laws are there to prevent certain people from getting guns and/or committing a crime with them.

It is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law; any such law so enacted needlessly restricts the eights of the law abiding makes no sense whatsoever.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
How come every time we want to talk about gun violence prevention foaming mouth retards disrupt the conversation?
Because anti-gun loons, arguing from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, are, in effect, only able to foam at the mouth.
Better question's why do the ban gun people eventually trail off in their calls for gun bans? Shouldn't it be a continuous chorus? Seem to only hear it immediately after an incident, but then it goes away. Crocodile tears for political motive perhaps?
Better question's why do the ban gun people eventually trail off in their calls for gun bans? Shouldn't it be a continuous chorus? Seem to only hear it immediately after an incident, but then it goes away. Crocodile tears for political motive perhaps?
Good question -- i asked the same some time ago.

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