How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

Ban Liberals from America, and America would be a better place. Everyone then would be for Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. People would be living their lives, in or out of the womb, people would cherish the sanctity of life, people would be willing to work for a fair wage and TRUST could be by a handshake, not pages upon pages of rules or regulations. People would respect other peoples rights, not infringe upon them their immoral ways. I say, give liberals 2 years to leave America, then if they don't, put them on TRIAL as traitors to the country and the constitution, and if found guilty, once again give them a choice to leave or face the firing squad. At one time traitors to the country were executed, but now they are in the RAINBOW HOUSE.

I got a better idea. Considering that CONSERVATIVES brought us the last three wars and the last five Recessions, all while promising you that they will impose their morality on others and never do, maybe we should ban them from America.

Strikes me if anyone betrayed this country, it was the people who sold us out to the big corporations.
Who has been president for the past 6 3/4 years, who promised shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready? Who was the president who won the Nobel Peace Prize and just bomb "Doctors without borders in Afghanistan? Who said "now is the time that the oceans will lower and the planet will heal" yet the middle east is on fire? Who was going to redistribute the wealth but it went to his liberal elite cronies, while putting more people in poverty since the (5 trillion dollar) war on poverty started and 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry? How is it that liberals are for the poor people, yet liberalism has made more of those people poor? Dipshits are Liberals, which are a cancer in the world, and needs to be eradicated.
It wasn't conservatives that did it, but LIBERALS (R) and (D). Shame you are too stupid to know that difference. You can change the appearance of someone with cosmetic surgery, but you cant change how stupid a person is, when they continue to be LIBERAL.

Guy, I was as right wing as you were, until your Boy Bush left me with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a job that paid 25% less than the job I previously had.

Unlike you, I am capable of rethinking things in the face of... you know... evidence.
Who has been president for the past 6 3/4 years, who promised shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready? Who was the president who won the Nobel Peace Prize and just bomb "Doctors without borders in Afghanistan? Who said "now is the time that the oceans will lower and the planet will heal" yet the middle east is on fire? Who was going to redistribute the wealth but it went to his liberal elite cronies, while putting more people in poverty since the (5 trillion dollar) war on poverty started and 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry? How is it that liberals are for the poor people, yet liberalism has made more of those people poor? Dipshits are Liberals, which are a cancer in the world, and needs to be eradicated.

Except that isn't really true, and it's kind of a rant. Hey, here's a novel idea. Turn off the hate radio and try thinking for yourself.

Bush fucked everything up, and your complaint is Obama hasn't fixed the problems fast enough?


It's easier to break things than fix them.
It wasn't conservatives that did it, but LIBERALS (R) and (D). Shame you are too stupid to know that difference. You can change the appearance of someone with cosmetic surgery, but you cant change how stupid a person is, when they continue to be LIBERAL.

Guy, I was as right wing as you were, until your Boy Bush left me with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a job that paid 25% less than the job I previously had.

Unlike you, I am capable of rethinking things in the face of... you know... evidence.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
I don't believe you ever were Conservative, you might of been wishy washy moderate(liberal lite) but never Conservative.
Wrong analogy.....

If Liberals demand guns be banned after a shooting then AIRLINERS need to be banned after 9/11/ TERRORISTS did not kill all those people - AIRLINERS did! :rolleyes:

Fat People? Ban all forks.
9/11/01? Ban all Airliners.
Knife attack? Ban all knives
Gun attack?/ Ban all Guns
Stupidity / Hypocrisy? Ban all Liberal politicians!
Who has been president for the past 6 3/4 years, who promised shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready? Who was the president who won the Nobel Peace Prize and just bomb "Doctors without borders in Afghanistan? Who said "now is the time that the oceans will lower and the planet will heal" yet the middle east is on fire? Who was going to redistribute the wealth but it went to his liberal elite cronies, while putting more people in poverty since the (5 trillion dollar) war on poverty started and 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry? How is it that liberals are for the poor people, yet liberalism has made more of those people poor? Dipshits are Liberals, which are a cancer in the world, and needs to be eradicated.

Except that isn't really true, and it's kind of a rant. Hey, here's a novel idea. Turn off the hate radio and try thinking for yourself.

Bush fucked everything up, and your complaint is Obama hasn't fixed the problems fast enough?


It's easier to break things than fix them.
Bush inherited a mess from Clinton(but didn't complain) and tried to fix the mini recession from MCI/WorldCom, Enron, DotCom bubble burst. Then when the Trade center towers went down because of a Clinton Official(Jamie Gorelick) built the wall between the CIA and FBI, so critical information couldn't be shared, and 9/11/2001 happened. Then in 2004 when Bush Admin Officials found that Fannie Mae and Feddie Mac were in trouble and a housing collapse was going to happen, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters, stopped them from preventing the collapse, and in 2007 your life dramatically changed. All because of your libtard politicians, but since libtards wont take personal responsibility for their actions, but blame R's, you dumbass, goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiots, just jump off the cliff like lemmings for your liberal political hacks. You sir are an idiot, and I apologize to idiots for comparing a liberals intelligence to you. A box of rocks is smarter than a liberal.
"[The Second Amendment] has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word 'fraud,' on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime."
--- Former Chief Justice Warren Burger, The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, December 16, 1991

The late Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger also wrote about the Second Amendment in Parade magazine (Jan. 14, 1990). The Chief Justice cites no evidence to back his claims. None of the points and evidence displayed on these pages is refuted by his article.
The means justify the ends. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
"The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriate d weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly..." p.36
Ever wonder what weapons Saul is talking about?

i guess that dumbass never read the second amendment far enough to see this>>>>------> "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed".

and modern day libertards can not read it as they were never taught proper English, reading or spelling, to a libertard the 2nd Amdt. is like a vampire facing a cross..., come to think of it, they hate crosses without being a vampire. :lmao ... : :up:

i guess that dumbass never read the second amendment far enough to see this>>>>------> "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed".

and modern day libertards can not read it as they were never taught proper English, reading or spelling, to a libertard the 2nd Amdt. is like a vampire facing a cross..., come to think of it, they hate crosses without being a vampire. :lmao ... : :up:
Is it a fact the Second Amendment was created to protect US against the government?
By the way, here is the rarely reported official take on the Second Amendment Quote on the right to arms.

“The concept postulates that the Second Amendment was intended to provide the means by which the people, as a last resort, could rise in armed revolt against tyrannical authorities.”
What keeps the libtards of the government from going the extreme and FORCING U.S. to relinquish our 2nd amendment rights is that if the libtards do , they know that the 200,000,000+ Citizens will rise up and put them down. When Hitler took the guns away from his citizens 6,000,000 Jews paid for it. When Stalin took away the guns from his citizens, 11,000,000 Ukrainians died. When Mau Zedong took the guns away from his citizens, 22,000,000 Chinese ended up dead. If Obama takes the guns from his people, how many Americans will end up dead? I wont give him a chance and many others feel the same way. When government fears the people, there is liberty...(Quotation) | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
Wrong analogy.....

If Liberals demand guns be banned after a shooting then AIRLINERS need to be banned after 9/11/ TERRORISTS did not kill all those people - AIRLINERS did! :rolleyes:

Fat People? Ban all forks.
9/11/01? Ban all Airliners.
Knife attack? Ban all knives
Gun attack?/ Ban all Guns
Stupidity / Hypocrisy? Ban all Liberal politicians!

As I recall, conservatives were in charge at the time. We had a conservative President much more concerned with pissing off China and Russia than "swatting Mosquitoes" (which he called terrorists). After the attacks, the Bush administration banned flights (except of course for Saudi nationals including members of the Bin Laden family). Then? He went on a holy "Crusade" (His actually word) against the Iraqis, who, had nothing to do with the attacks.

No one is talking about "banning all guns". Thus far, responsible background checks and closing loopholes in sales is all anyone is talking about.

Personally? I'd like to see all automatic weapons banned and NO CIVILIAN GUNS allowed in public spaces where large amounts of people congregate.

i guess that dumbass never read the second amendment far enough to see this>>>>------> "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed".

and modern day libertards can not read it as they were never taught proper English, reading or spelling, to a libertard the 2nd Amdt. is like a vampire facing a cross..., come to think of it, they hate crosses without being a vampire. :lmao ... : :up:
Is it a fact the Second Amendment was created to protect US against the government?
By the way, here is the rarely reported official take on the Second Amendment Quote on the right to arms.

“The concept postulates that the Second Amendment was intended to provide the means by which the people, as a last resort, could rise in armed revolt against tyrannical authorities.”
What keeps the libtards of the government from going the extreme and FORCING U.S. to relinquish our 2nd amendment rights is that if the libtards do , they know that the 200,000,000+ Citizens will rise up and put them down. When Hitler took the guns away from his citizens 6,000,000 Jews paid for it. When Stalin took away the guns from his citizens, 11,000,000 Ukrainians died. When Mau Zedong took the guns away from his citizens, 22,000,000 Chinese ended up dead. If Obama takes the guns from his people, how many Americans will end up dead? I wont give him a chance and many others feel the same way. When government fears the people, there is liberty...(Quotation) | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

Nothing in the Constitution even REMOTELY advocates rebellion against the government or insurgency.

And IN FACT the Constitution gives the COMMANDER IN CHIEF board and sweeping powers to quickly dispatch anything like that.
Wrong analogy.....
Fat People? Ban all forks.
9/11/01? Ban all Airliners..
As I recall, conservatives were in charge at the time.

What does it matter WHO was 'in control'? If Liberals believe guns are responsible for deaths and should be banned then the equally DUMB statements should apply: Forks are at fault for creating fat people and should be banned. Airliners were used as weapons of mass destruction and should be banned. When this idiotic way of thinking is pointed out 'the bit dog yelps'
Wrong analogy.....

If Liberals demand guns be banned after a shooting then AIRLINERS need to be banned after 9/11/ TERRORISTS did not kill all those people - AIRLINERS did! :rolleyes:

Fat People? Ban all forks.
9/11/01? Ban all Airliners.
Knife attack? Ban all knives
Gun attack?/ Ban all Guns
Stupidity / Hypocrisy? Ban all Liberal politicians!

As I recall, conservatives were in charge at the time. We had a conservative President much more concerned with pissing off China and Russia than "swatting Mosquitoes" (which he called terrorists). After the attacks, the Bush administration banned flights (except of course for Saudi nationals including members of the Bin Laden family). Then? He went on a holy "Crusade" (His actually word) against the Iraqis, who, had nothing to do with the attacks.

No one is talking about "banning all guns". Thus far, responsible background checks and closing loopholes in sales is all anyone is talking about.

Personally? I'd like to see all automatic weapons banned and NO CIVILIAN GUNS allowed in public spaces where large amounts of people congregate.
Every time I have gone to get a new weapon, I have had to do a background check. Automatics weapons cannot be sold to anyone without a FFL license(you dumbasses didn't know that) and since We the People can only buy semi-automatic weapons with a background check, you don't see Law Abiding Citizens out there killing others. You only see liberal bad guys ruining the lives of people who just wanted to be left alone and in their pursuit of happiness. Your libtard politicians DO want to ban all weapons, make it very difficult for a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN to own one, then like the other liberals who have killed millions, they can conquer US. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
As I said before George H W Bush(liberal (R)) Bill Clinton (Liberal(D)) George W Bush(Liberal(R)) and Barack Hussein Obama(Very Liberal (D)) all have called for the NEW WORLD ORDER. You can be a sheeple and be slaughtered in the purge of the NWO, or step up and defend yourself from being a VICTIM. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
"How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA"

Liberals preying upon people's raw emotions 'in the moment' in an attempt to push their agenda. When common sense, facts, and statistics are put up against this emotional plea there is no contest.

To effectively end such a ploy only 1 question needs to be asked:
- What Law could have prevented this tragedy?

I don't believe you ever were Conservative, you might of been wishy washy moderate(liberal lite) but never Conservative.

Naw, man, I was pretty right wing. Listened to Hate Radio every day and nodded my head, 'Yeah, Rush".

Then a 1%er showed me the true meaning of Christmas.

You see, the thing about you anti-Abortion nuts is you don't realize what rubes you are. You've been waiting, what, 45 years for them to ban abortion, and thing that got aborted was your middle class lifestyle.

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