How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

Maryland Patriot said:

But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
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To answer that question,
Have you also wondered why there was no call for further gun bans after the muslim shot and killed the four marines in Chattanooga?
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Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia |
FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
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The more you dig the more you find out. The civil war has been started by the left(and muslims) I conceal carry, all the time now, I wont be a sheeple, but will go down with a fight. Just a shame those who go to GUN FREE ZONES, end up dead by liberals who break the law by bringing a gun to kill people.
To get US back on the issue of GUN CONTROL, maybe we need "MUSLIM" control and keep guns out of Muslim's hands who want to harm US? Otherwise with the increase of Muslim's terrorizing in the US will increase.

Maybe now would be a good time to point out that GOP Candidate for President Carly Fiorina is for allowing people on the no-fly list to purchase firearms. So that means that Osama Mohammed Abdullah Atta Bin-Laden Zarkawi would be able to buy as many weapons as he (or more likely his radical Islamic mullah backers) can afford. Then he could walk over to the nursery school across the street and start target practice.

Thanks Carly.

At least she's not responsible for giving them weapons. Does the phrase Fast and Furious mean anything to you?
...The Right counts a cum wad on the lip of a vagina as a life form and can't wait till another unwanted child is born so when it steps out of line they can execute it or send it to fight one of their oil wars.
That's right... keep deriding the spiritual beliefs of millions upon millions of your countrymen... you just can't help yourselves, can you?

Such talk and such disrespect is going to come back and bite you in the ass in November 2016, and, deliciously, your arrogance prevents you from believing that possible.

Afterwards, however, you'll be asking yourselves: "How did it get away from us? How did we lose it? What did we do wrong?"

While the rest of the country laughs its ass off at your foolishness, and the payback that comes with arrogance, and your great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Some folks never learn.

Talking that way about the profound beliefs of so many of your countrymen... you are your own worst enemy.

Simply delicious.



You people can't even decide which one of your clowns you want to nominate. I suggest you learn to say, "Madame President!"

Nah, I don't think Carly has much of a chance.
Not really because nobody has ruled that government can take away our firearms. The Collective Rights Theory was ruled constitutional in the early 1900's, but they applied it to sawed-off shotguns.

Actually, Miller v. US ruled that the government had the right to regulate who could have weapons and what kind of weapons they could have under the whole "Well-Regulated Militia" thing.

There weren't many crazy people on the street because back then, we used to commit people. Let me explain:

When a police officer or family member believed that a person needed help due to mental anguish, they were taken into custody and brought to a hearing. The hearing was so a judge could determine if the subject was mentally capable of safely interacting in society.

If the judge deemed that said person was incapable of properly taking care of themselves, they were institutionalized by the ruling of the judge.

Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

I think your view of America in the Good Old days comes completely from old movies. The ones where the only Negroes were servants.

Meanwhile, in the real world, these hospitals were just horrible places where people were warehoused. Those who were too much trouble were lobotomized to make them more manageable. They often lived in pools of their own filth.

In some places, yes they were. But how are they living now out on the street? There's not much you can do with them now except for the liberal plan of making it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns. But what can you expect, that's how you liberals try to solve problems.
It's extremely rare and a person would have to be almost totally out of their mind for a judge to chance it. Plus we are not setup for it like we once were expecting hundreds of these people in a community to be institutionalized.

Remember organizations like the ACLU are just frothing at the mouth for repeat of those days.

We weren't set up for it back then. These institutions were horrible places, which is why decent people insisted they be closed.

Guy, you must be about 19 and you heard about the "Good Old Days" from someone who was just making shit up.

Okay, here's the thing. I AM old enough to remember what happened when the courts ruled you can't just lock up your crazy uncle. And what happened was all those good Christian People you insisted were out there just let their crazy Uncle live out in the street and self medicate with Mad Dog 20/20.

Meanwhile, attempts to create outpatient clinics met with no success because your hero, Ronnie Ray-gun, was too busy cutting taxes for rich people to actually care about that.

Oh really? Well if it was Reagan's fault, why didn't Bill Clinton ever address the problem with these people when he had a Democrat Congress to work with? Why didn't Obama? Oh, that's right, he was too busy spending close to a trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs that never became ready at all.

You libs with your Reagan and GW. The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say anything was your fault.
Not at all and I never said people didn't need help. Of course back then, private charities and churches provided those in need. The problem with that is that people depended on each other and faith to get by instead of government. You can't buy votes when people don't depend on you as a politician or party.

and the problem was, churches were TOTALLY INADEQUATE TO THE TASK, which is why we established government programs. Jeezus H. Christ, are you fucking stupid, or what?

Incidently, the first Food Stamp Program was established in 1939. SO unless you are like a WWII veteran, there was never a time in your lifetime when these programs didn't exist.

I was listening to the radio a few years ago when social safety nets was the subject. A person who escaped Cuba called to chime in.

He said as a child, Castro would visit all children while they were in school. He would instruct the class to close their eyes, hold out their hands, and as God for some candy.

After some time, he asked the children to look into their hands to see if God had granted their wish. Then he asked them to do the same thing, but instead of asking God, ask Castro. He then had his henchmen walk the aisles of seats and provide the children with their treats.

This brainwashing technique was to indoctrinate the children into believing that government was the highest power--not God or religion. Government will always provide, but God will disappoint every time.

The callers comparison was Castro to the Democrat party. Take religion out of society and depend on government to provide.

Wow. So Castro actually had the time to visit each and every classroom and do this shit.

Castro exists, God doesn't. So that was probably a valuable object lesson.

Yes it is, the Commie promoted that government is the highest power to turn to, just like Democrats do every day.
Maryland Patriot said:

But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
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To answer that question,
Have you also wondered why there was no call for further gun bans after the muslim shot and killed the four marines in Chattanooga?
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Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia |
FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
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The more you dig the more you find out. The civil war has been started by the left(and muslims) I conceal carry, all the time now, I wont be a sheeple, but will go down with a fight. Just a shame those who go to GUN FREE ZONES, end up dead by liberals who break the law by bringing a gun to kill people.
To get US back on the issue of GUN CONTROL, maybe we need "MUSLIM" control and keep guns out of Muslim's hands who want to harm US? Otherwise with the increase of Muslim's terrorizing in the US will increase.

Maybe now would be a good time to point out that GOP Candidate for President Carly Fiorina is for allowing people on the no-fly list to purchase firearms. So that means that Osama Mohammed Abdullah Atta Bin-Laden Zarkawi would be able to buy as many weapons as he (or more likely his radical Islamic mullah backers) can afford. Then he could walk over to the nursery school across the street and start target practice.

Thanks Carly.

Her's a dumbass
How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA
There you go.
Let's see....

Liberals want legislation that prevents people with psychological illnesses from owning guns.

Conservatives say that liberals want to take their guns away.

Think about it...

What does that say about conservatives?
Let's see....

Liberals want legislation that prevents people with psychological illnesses from owning guns.

Conservatives say that liberals want to take their guns away.

Think about it...

What does that say about conservatives?
It says they understand that liberals aren't content with adding laws to "prevents people with psychological illnesses from owning guns" and do not plan to stop there.

Please note too that it is not necessarily illegal for people with psychological illnesses from owning guns and so you cannot prevent those people for whom it is not from getting guns.
Let's see....

Liberals want legislation that prevents people with psychological illnesses from owning guns.

Conservatives say that liberals want to take their guns away.

Think about it...

What does that say about conservatives?

That we are intelligent enough to realize legislation won't stop anybody from getting a gun if they really want one????
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure... let's see if you're still laughing on the morning of November 9, 2016.

...You people can't even decide which one of your clowns you want to nominate...
Good thing for me that I'm not a Republican then, eh?

...I suggest you learn to say, "Madame President!"
Anything is possible.

Carly might pull ahead of Trump, after all, but I'm not holding my breath.
Let's see....

Liberals want legislation that prevents people with psychological illnesses from owning guns.

Conservatives say that liberals want to take their guns away.

Think about it...

What does that say about conservatives?

What I've known since Reagan...they're nuts! I quit the Republican party after very active participation over a thirty year period when they began to cut taxes for the wealthy and never cut their spending a god damned dime. The difference....Democrats spend for programs which benefit every day Americans and Republicans spend for tanks the military doesn't even need. In 2013 the congress tried to force 3000 Abrams tanks into the military and the commanders refused them.
Let's see....

Liberals want legislation that prevents people with psychological illnesses from owning guns.

Conservatives say that liberals want to take their guns away.

Think about it...

What does that say about conservatives?
I think Liberalism is a psychological illness.
So, instead of doing something about it, by getting the liberals off the streets, you just point a finger at the past, and do nothing to solve the problem. Typical of a liberal to blame others, instead of taking actions to remedy the situation. As I said before, when all the GUNS are out of the hands of the BAD GUYS, then I will willingly give up my guns, but that wont happen, because for liberals, it is better for the liberal politician to put guns into the hands of the bad guys, to push the liberal agenda UPON, US.

ah, a daily dose of your special kind of crazy.

Guy, the problem is, the only time you care about the sad state of mental health in this country is wh en some nut shoots something up and they threaten your Penis Compensation.

Only time you care about "children" is when some woman decides she doesn't want to have them.

I'd be more impressed with your concern if the ulterior motives weren't so... obvious.
So, instead of doing something about it, by getting the liberals off the streets, you just point a finger at the past, and do nothing to solve the problem. Typical of a liberal to blame others, instead of taking actions to remedy the situation. As I said before, when all the GUNS are out of the hands of the BAD GUYS, then I will willingly give up my guns, but that wont happen, because for liberals, it is better for the liberal politician to put guns into the hands of the bad guys, to push the liberal agenda UPON, US.

ah, a daily dose of your special kind of crazy.

Guy, the problem is, the only time you care about the sad state of mental health in this country is wh en some nut shoots something up and they threaten your Penis Compensation.

Only time you care about "children" is when some woman decides she doesn't want to have them.

I'd be more impressed with your concern if the ulterior motives weren't so... obvious.
I am concerned everyday when I see in the Rainbow House a candidate for the funny farm. 1 day he is against homosexual marriage and the right to buy guns, then the next time he is for homosexual marriage and banning guns. I guess which ever the way the wind blows is how he will show his support. Not much of a spine, which is typical of many liberals that I know.

I am concerned everyday when I see in the Rainbow House a candidate for the funny farm. 1 day he is against homosexual marriage and the right to buy guns, then the next time he is for homosexual marriage and banning guns. I guess which ever the way the wind blows is how he will show his support. Not much of a spine, which is typical of many liberals that I know.

No one was discussing Gay Marriage in this thread. My position is that it should be legal, I'm not entirely good with the Courts doing it, but I'll count it as a win.

Okay, here's the thing. I'm for banning guns, because there's no good reason for an average civilian to own a gun. A gun in the home is far more likely to cause a tragedy than prevent one.

This is something I've changed my mind on because I see the gun nuts and the homophobes and the anti-choice religous nuts are the ones who helped the 1% dismantle the middle class in this country and fuck the working man.

So ban the guns, bake that wedding cake and pay for those abortions, bitches.
I am concerned everyday when I see in the Rainbow House a candidate for the funny farm. 1 day he is against homosexual marriage and the right to buy guns, then the next time he is for homosexual marriage and banning guns. I guess which ever the way the wind blows is how he will show his support. Not much of a spine, which is typical of many liberals that I know.

No one was discussing Gay Marriage in this thread. My position is that it should be legal, I'm not entirely good with the Courts doing it, but I'll count it as a win.

Okay, here's the thing. I'm for banning guns, because there's no good reason for an average civilian to own a gun. A gun in the home is far more likely to cause a tragedy than prevent one.

This is something I've changed my mind on because I see the gun nuts and the homophobes and the anti-choice religous nuts are the ones who helped the 1% dismantle the middle class in this country and fuck the working man.

So ban the guns, bake that wedding cake and pay for those abortions, bitches.
Ban Liberals from America, and America would be a better place. Everyone then would be for Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. People would be living their lives, in or out of the womb, people would cherish the sanctity of life, people would be willing to work for a fair wage and TRUST could be by a handshake, not pages upon pages of rules or regulations. People would respect other peoples rights, not infringe upon them their immoral ways. I say, give liberals 2 years to leave America, then if they don't, put them on TRIAL as traitors to the country and the constitution, and if found guilty, once again give them a choice to leave or face the firing squad. At one time traitors to the country were executed, but now they are in the RAINBOW HOUSE.
Ban Liberals from America, and America would be a better place. Everyone then would be for Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. People would be living their lives, in or out of the womb, people would cherish the sanctity of life, people would be willing to work for a fair wage and TRUST could be by a handshake, not pages upon pages of rules or regulations. People would respect other peoples rights, not infringe upon them their immoral ways. I say, give liberals 2 years to leave America, then if they don't, put them on TRIAL as traitors to the country and the constitution, and if found guilty, once again give them a choice to leave or face the firing squad. At one time traitors to the country were executed, but now they are in the RAINBOW HOUSE.

I got a better idea. Considering that CONSERVATIVES brought us the last three wars and the last five Recessions, all while promising you that they will impose their morality on others and never do, maybe we should ban them from America.

Strikes me if anyone betrayed this country, it was the people who sold us out to the big corporations.
Ban Liberals from America, and America would be a better place. Everyone then would be for Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. People would be living their lives, in or out of the womb, people would cherish the sanctity of life, people would be willing to work for a fair wage and TRUST could be by a handshake, not pages upon pages of rules or regulations. People would respect other peoples rights, not infringe upon them their immoral ways. I say, give liberals 2 years to leave America, then if they don't, put them on TRIAL as traitors to the country and the constitution, and if found guilty, once again give them a choice to leave or face the firing squad. At one time traitors to the country were executed, but now they are in the RAINBOW HOUSE.

I got a better idea. Considering that CONSERVATIVES brought us the last three wars and the last five Recessions, all while promising you that they will impose their morality on others and never do, maybe we should ban them from America.

Strikes me if anyone betrayed this country, it was the people who sold us out to the big corporations.
It wasn't conservatives that did it, but LIBERALS (R) and (D). Shame you are too stupid to know that difference. You can change the appearance of someone with cosmetic surgery, but you cant change how stupid a person is, when they continue to be LIBERAL.

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