How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

...The Right counts a cum wad on the lip of a vagina as a life form and can't wait till another unwanted child is born so when it steps out of line they can execute it or send it to fight one of their oil wars.
That's right... keep deriding the spiritual beliefs of millions upon millions of your countrymen... you just can't help yourselves, can you?

Such talk and such disrespect is going to come back and bite you in the ass in November 2016, and, deliciously, your arrogance prevents you from believing that possible.

Afterwards, however, you'll be asking yourselves: "How did it get away from us? How did we lose it? What did we do wrong?"

While the rest of the country laughs its ass off at your foolishness, and the payback that comes with arrogance, and your great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Some folks never learn.

Talking that way about the profound beliefs of so many of your countrymen... you are your own worst enemy.

Simply delicious.



You people can't even decide which one of your clowns you want to nominate. I suggest you learn to say, "Madame President!"
Attacking gun owners and the NRA is barking up the wrong tree... Go after real criminals it's more effective.

Spineless progressives just talk... No actions.

See hope and change
Attacking gun owners and the NRA is barking up the wrong tree... Go after real criminals it's more effective.

Spineless progressives just talk... No actions.

See hope and change

Actually we do one helluva lot more than the Right. You people still haven't gotten over the Democrats implementing ObamaCare. I suggest you learn to live with it instead of taking it to the supreme court attempting to repeal it. Like's now the law of the land. I might mention that the Republicans began to hate social security within weeks after the law was passed under goodness, here we are about 80 years later and it's alive and well.

'Course the Republicans would like to take us back to the days of county poor houses. Know why? They never needed one. Maybe that's why the only thing Republicans want is tax cuts and a big military. That's where our enormous debt came from.

Rule Number One!!! If you ain't gonna cut the spending, don't cut the taxes!
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Attacking gun owners and the NRA is barking up the wrong tree... Go after real criminals it's more effective.

Spineless progressives just talk... No actions.

See hope and change

Actually we do one helluva lot more than the Right. You people still haven't gotten over the Democrats implementing ObamaCare. I suggest you learn to live with it instead of taking it to the supreme court attempting to repeal it. Like's now the law of the land. I might mention that the Republicans began to hate social security within weeks after the law was passed under goodness, here we are about 80 years later and it's alive and well.

'Course the Republicans would like to take us back to the days of county poor houses. Know why? They never needed one. Maybe that's why the only thing Republicans want is tax cuts and a big military. That's where our enormous debt came from.

Rule Number One!!! If you ain't gonna cut the spending, don't cut the taxes!
You do realize that if a Republicrat gets in the office of the president, you will have a Congress to pass a law to repeal ObamaUnHealthCare, a Senate to ratify the repeal and a president who can sign that repeal? As for Madame President, it will be hard to do your job when you are behind bars, as my picture shows. You libtards just better hope that America can survive the next 1 1/3 years until a new president comes to office, as if and when the collapse of the market happens, the rioting on the streets will increase 10 fold, inner cities will be on fire, and guns will become like gold. Oh well, back to work, as some people need to make the MONEY so you libtards can steal it for your political hacks.
CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man
The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse, CNN altered a photo of Chris Harper-Mercer, the Oregon shooter, to make him look white.
“On the left is the selfie Christopher Mercer uploaded to his social media,” the Conservative Treehouse reports. “On the right is how CNN presented the same selfie in broadcast stories about him. Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast?”

CNN also did not show photos of Mercer’s mother, who is black.
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Black lives matter, unless it is a black man or 1/2 black man(like Obama) who takes the lives of White Christians who were just living their lives in peace. There has been a call for war from the liberals like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan where blacks need to kill whites. Mega Racist Louis Farrakhan Shouts "White People Deserve To Die" And "Allah Akbar!" In Latest Sermon (Video)
You won’t want to watch it but right around the 3 hour and 15 minute mark is where Farrakhan says Whites are going to die.
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Why is the liberal lickspittle lapdog media not giving out all the information? Doesn't fit the liberal agenda. By the way, if this guy is considered "WHITE" by the liberal media, then Obama is "WHITE". So we still don't have the 1st black man in the presidency.
Attacking gun owners and the NRA is barking up the wrong tree... Go after real criminals it's more effective.

Spineless progressives just talk... No actions.

See hope and change

Actually we do one helluva lot more than the Right. You people still haven't gotten over the Democrats implementing ObamaCare. I suggest you learn to live with it instead of taking it to the supreme court attempting to repeal it. Like's now the law of the land. I might mention that the Republicans began to hate social security within weeks after the law was passed under goodness, here we are about 80 years later and it's alive and well.

'Course the Republicans would like to take us back to the days of county poor houses. Know why? They never needed one. Maybe that's why the only thing Republicans want is tax cuts and a big military. That's where our enormous debt came from.

Rule Number One!!! If you ain't gonna cut the spending, don't cut the taxes!
You do realize that if a Republicrat gets in the office of the president, you will have a Congress to pass a law to repeal ObamaUnHealthCare, a Senate to ratify the repeal and a president who can sign that repeal? As for Madame President, it will be hard to do your job when you are behind bars, as my picture shows. You libtards just better hope that America can survive the next 1 1/3 years until a new president comes to office, as if and when the collapse of the market happens, the rioting on the streets will increase 10 fold, inner cities will be on fire, and guns will become like gold. Oh well, back to work, as some people need to make the MONEY so you libtards can steal it for your political hacks.

If I were you I'd be ashamed to mention politics and money in the same paragraph. Your billionaires and fake funds for them to pump money into is the only reason you ever win anything...that and figuring ways to keep poor people away from the polls. Most people see that during the last six presidential elections you sucked. Maybe that's why you lost the popular vote in five of them....ya think?

Like I practicing "Madame President"
Attacking gun owners and the NRA is barking up the wrong tree... Go after real criminals it's more effective.

Spineless progressives just talk... No actions.

See hope and change

Actually we do one helluva lot more than the Right. You people still haven't gotten over the Democrats implementing ObamaCare. I suggest you learn to live with it instead of taking it to the supreme court attempting to repeal it. Like's now the law of the land. I might mention that the Republicans began to hate social security within weeks after the law was passed under goodness, here we are about 80 years later and it's alive and well.

'Course the Republicans would like to take us back to the days of county poor houses. Know why? They never needed one. Maybe that's why the only thing Republicans want is tax cuts and a big military. That's where our enormous debt came from.

Rule Number One!!! If you ain't gonna cut the spending, don't cut the taxes!
You do realize that if a Republicrat gets in the office of the president, you will have a Congress to pass a law to repeal ObamaUnHealthCare, a Senate to ratify the repeal and a president who can sign that repeal? As for Madame President, it will be hard to do your job when you are behind bars, as my picture shows. You libtards just better hope that America can survive the next 1 1/3 years until a new president comes to office, as if and when the collapse of the market happens, the rioting on the streets will increase 10 fold, inner cities will be on fire, and guns will become like gold. Oh well, back to work, as some people need to make the MONEY so you libtards can steal it for your political hacks.

If I were you I'd be ashamed to mention politics and money in the same paragraph. Your billionaires and fake funds for them to pump money into is the only reason you ever win anything...that and figuring ways to keep poor people away from the polls. Most people see that during the last six presidential elections you sucked. Maybe that's why you lost the popular vote in five of them....ya think?

Like I practicing "Madame President"
Bet it scares the begeezus out of you libtards, knowing that all that has been done can be revoked, legally. You might actually have to go back to work as the gravy train of FREE stuff wont be available. Liberals are the dumbest people on Earth and they vote Dumbocrat.
Attacking gun owners and the NRA is barking up the wrong tree... Go after real criminals it's more effective.

Spineless progressives just talk... No actions.

See hope and change

Actually we do one helluva lot more than the Right. You people still haven't gotten over the Democrats implementing ObamaCare. I suggest you learn to live with it instead of taking it to the supreme court attempting to repeal it. Like's now the law of the land. I might mention that the Republicans began to hate social security within weeks after the law was passed under goodness, here we are about 80 years later and it's alive and well.

'Course the Republicans would like to take us back to the days of county poor houses. Know why? They never needed one. Maybe that's why the only thing Republicans want is tax cuts and a big military. That's where our enormous debt came from.

Rule Number One!!! If you ain't gonna cut the spending, don't cut the taxes!
You do realize that if a Republicrat gets in the office of the president, you will have a Congress to pass a law to repeal ObamaUnHealthCare, a Senate to ratify the repeal and a president who can sign that repeal? As for Madame President, it will be hard to do your job when you are behind bars, as my picture shows. You libtards just better hope that America can survive the next 1 1/3 years until a new president comes to office, as if and when the collapse of the market happens, the rioting on the streets will increase 10 fold, inner cities will be on fire, and guns will become like gold. Oh well, back to work, as some people need to make the MONEY so you libtards can steal it for your political hacks.

If I were you I'd be ashamed to mention politics and money in the same paragraph. Your billionaires and fake funds for them to pump money into is the only reason you ever win anything...that and figuring ways to keep poor people away from the polls. Most people see that during the last six presidential elections you sucked. Maybe that's why you lost the popular vote in five of them....ya think?

Like I practicing "Madame President"
Bet it scares the begeezus out of you libtards, knowing that all that has been done can be revoked, legally. You might actually have to go back to work as the gravy train of FREE stuff wont be available. Liberals are the dumbest people on Earth and they vote Dumbocrat.

Like I said....we must be smarter than you. We've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Pucker up now and practice saying "Madame President!"

Your party has wasted more money trying to find something to start a scandal about concerning Democrats in power than you spend in campaigns. Your entire party in Washington tried continuously for eight years to remove Bill Clinton from office and he finished with a 65% approval rating. Sounds like you're not very savvy.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
To answer that question,
Have you also wondered why there was no call for further gun bans after the muslim shot and killed the four marines in Chattanooga?
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
To answer that question,
Have you also wondered why there was no call for further gun bans after the muslim shot and killed the four marines in Chattanooga?
Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia |
The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
The more you dig the more you find out. The civil war has been started by the left(and muslims) I conceal carry, all the time now, I wont be a sheeple, but will go down with a fight. Just a shame those who go to GUN FREE ZONES, end up dead by liberals who break the law by bringing a gun to kill people.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
To answer that question,
Have you also wondered why there was no call for further gun bans after the muslim shot and killed the four marines in Chattanooga?
Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia |
The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
The more you dig the more you find out. The civil war has been started by the left(and muslims) I conceal carry, all the time now, I wont be a sheeple, but will go down with a fight. Just a shame those who go to GUN FREE ZONES, end up dead by liberals who break the law by bringing a gun to kill people.
has to be a lie.
there is a video of his father claiming that the child had 13 guns, and the father didn't even know. How if the father is clueless can someone in another country know before it happens?
the father wouldn't lie to cover his ass and to try to further disarm the U.S now would he?
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Its the same mentality that makes some people freak out about voter ID laws swearing that they will work but swear up and down that background checks will not.
The gun is a tool. The people using them are the weapon.

Perhaps they should start kicking people with the mindset to kill out of the country. Ban them.

Don't hold your breath though because people in power will try to ban the gun. Not the people using the gun.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

The gun is the tool. The people with the mindset to use the gun to murder or assault are the weapon.

Hell, I agree. Lets let every nation have nuclear weapons. When they use them, will you still think that weapons don't kill people....people kill people?
Depends on whom you ask, doesn't it?

Oh, and they're oftentimes FAR beyond the kidney-bean stage, when they're slaughtered and harvested, like some kind of sick medical-parts variant on Soylent Green.

No, it doesnt'. Right Wingers arent' against abortion because they really give a fuck about babies. the fact they try to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry children to give tax cuts to rich people is proof enough of that.

The whole anti-Choice movement is the rich playing on the stupidity of misogynists and Christians (as if there's a difference) who just can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady-parts.
You don't get out much. No Republican friends to show you they have feelings too. Automatically making erroneous assumptions.
The gun is a tool. The people using them are the weapon.

Perhaps they should start kicking people with the mindset to kill out of the country. Ban them.

Don't hold your breath though because people in power will try to ban the gun. Not the people using the gun.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

The gun is the tool. The people with the mindset to use the gun to murder or assault are the weapon.

Hell, I agree. Lets let every nation have nuclear weapons. When they use them, will you still think that weapons don't kill people....people kill people?

You are trying to compare a gun to a nuke. Just like the idiot you are. No comparison idiot.

The gun is the tool. The person willing to use the gun is the weapon.
I'm still waiting for ONE person to tell me why preserving the loopholes in the background check laws are vital to protecting gun rights.
not allowing someone to purchase a gun because they failed the background check is a violation of their gun rights.

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