How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

It's what I remind people of all the time before a presidential election: think of the SC nominations.

The current members know quite well what our founders wanted and didn't want. What they didn't want was a tyrannical government that was able to easily overpower the public. I know you are waiting and praying for the Commies to slip into the most powerful court in the land, but that may have to wait a while.

Guy, I really don't care what some slaveholder who used to shit in a chamberpot wanted 200 years ago. We live in the modern world and we need a modern state. So, yeah, if the way to end the gun nut insanity is to stack SCOTUS with sane people, that's what we need to do.

Hilarious might not even make it to the primaries. Her long-time legal advisor recently suggested she get her criminal defense team up and running. I guess he thinks she's in pretty hot water.

Right. Frankly, I've been hearing this song for 25 years now from you guys. Whitewater, the Travel Office, Vince Foster, Benghazi... you had the goods on Hillary and you were going to take her down.

But it never happens.

What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world. The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer. The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You're lucky you were born with a light complexion...personally I'm sorry you were. Is the tree an oak or a maple?

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It's what I remind people of all the time before a presidential election: think of the SC nominations.

The current members know quite well what our founders wanted and didn't want. What they didn't want was a tyrannical government that was able to easily overpower the public. I know you are waiting and praying for the Commies to slip into the most powerful court in the land, but that may have to wait a while.

Guy, I really don't care what some slaveholder who used to shit in a chamberpot wanted 200 years ago. We live in the modern world and we need a modern state. So, yeah, if the way to end the gun nut insanity is to stack SCOTUS with sane people, that's what we need to do.

Hilarious might not even make it to the primaries. Her long-time legal advisor recently suggested she get her criminal defense team up and running. I guess he thinks she's in pretty hot water.

Right. Frankly, I've been hearing this song for 25 years now from you guys. Whitewater, the Travel Office, Vince Foster, Benghazi... you had the goods on Hillary and you were going to take her down.

But it never happens.

What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world. The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer. The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You're lucky you were born with a light complexion...personally I'm sorry you were. Is the tree an oak or a maple?

Are those the days Republicans want to return us to?
It's what I remind people of all the time before a presidential election: think of the SC nominations.

The current members know quite well what our founders wanted and didn't want. What they didn't want was a tyrannical government that was able to easily overpower the public. I know you are waiting and praying for the Commies to slip into the most powerful court in the land, but that may have to wait a while.

Guy, I really don't care what some slaveholder who used to shit in a chamberpot wanted 200 years ago. We live in the modern world and we need a modern state. So, yeah, if the way to end the gun nut insanity is to stack SCOTUS with sane people, that's what we need to do.

Hilarious might not even make it to the primaries. Her long-time legal advisor recently suggested she get her criminal defense team up and running. I guess he thinks she's in pretty hot water.

Right. Frankly, I've been hearing this song for 25 years now from you guys. Whitewater, the Travel Office, Vince Foster, Benghazi... you had the goods on Hillary and you were going to take her down.

But it never happens.

What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world. The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer. The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You're lucky you were born with a light complexion...personally I'm sorry you were. Is the tree an oak or a maple?

Are those the days Republicans want to return us to?

Actually the only thing I'll say about that is whatever they do, whatever they say, where ever they are or who ever they're self serving. They'd 10 times rather give the upper 1% another tax cut than to feed 25,000 hungry school children.
It's what I remind people of all the time before a presidential election: think of the SC nominations.

The current members know quite well what our founders wanted and didn't want. What they didn't want was a tyrannical government that was able to easily overpower the public. I know you are waiting and praying for the Commies to slip into the most powerful court in the land, but that may have to wait a while.

Guy, I really don't care what some slaveholder who used to shit in a chamberpot wanted 200 years ago. We live in the modern world and we need a modern state. So, yeah, if the way to end the gun nut insanity is to stack SCOTUS with sane people, that's what we need to do.

Hilarious might not even make it to the primaries. Her long-time legal advisor recently suggested she get her criminal defense team up and running. I guess he thinks she's in pretty hot water.

Right. Frankly, I've been hearing this song for 25 years now from you guys. Whitewater, the Travel Office, Vince Foster, Benghazi... you had the goods on Hillary and you were going to take her down.

But it never happens.

What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world. The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer. The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You're lucky you were born with a light complexion...personally I'm sorry you were. Is the tree an oak or a maple?

Are those the days Republicans want to return us to?

Actually the only thing I'll say about that is whatever they do, whatever they say, where ever they are or who ever they're self serving. They'd 10 times rather give the upper 1% another tax cut than to feed 25,000 hungry school children.

Where are these 25,000 hungry school children at? Never heard of them.

When I was a kid, we didn't have any hungry school children. But then again, we didn't have this size of government. I forget now who used to feed the children.........let me think............OH YEAH, I know, the parents.
What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world.

Nice Jingoism, but not really. America would suck if progressives like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and others hadn't made us a modern state.

The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer.

No, but it open to interpretation, which is why we have courts.

The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You do realize the bizarre interpretation of gun ownership as a right is of recent vintage. The Second Amendment has been interpreted to be about Militias through most of our history.
Where are these 25,000 hungry school children at? Never heard of them.

When I was a kid, we didn't have any hungry school children. But then again, we didn't have this size of government. I forget now who used to feed the children.........let me think............OH YEAH, I know, the parents.

When were you a kid? I was a kid in the 1960's, and we had hungry kids who needed food stamps.
You keep making all these claims about when you were a kid that are kind of unbelievable. You had no shootings, you had no crime, you had no hungry kids until the government effed that up.

You must have had a really sheltered childhood.
Where are these 25,000 hungry school children at? Never heard of them.

When I was a kid, we didn't have any hungry school children. But then again, we didn't have this size of government. I forget now who used to feed the children.........let me think............OH YEAH, I know, the parents.

When were you a kid? I was a kid in the 1960's, and we had hungry kids who needed food stamps.
You keep making all these claims about when you were a kid that are kind of unbelievable. You had no shootings, you had no crime, you had no hungry kids until the government effed that up.

You must have had a really sheltered childhood.
When I was a kid I used to hunt refrigerators with a 12 gauge and a .22. I didn't shoot anyone. You would get a D in Ag if you were caught without a knife on your belt.
The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer.

Actually it is. That is why it has an amendment process. Anything can be changed with the right numbers voting for it....
Where are these 25,000 hungry school children at? Never heard of them.

When I was a kid, we didn't have any hungry school children. But then again, we didn't have this size of government. I forget now who used to feed the children.........let me think............OH YEAH, I know, the parents.

When were you a kid? I was a kid in the 1960's, and we had hungry kids who needed food stamps.
You keep making all these claims about when you were a kid that are kind of unbelievable. You had no shootings, you had no crime, you had no hungry kids until the government effed that up.

You must have had a really sheltered childhood.

Not at all and I never said people didn't need help. Of course back then, private charities and churches provided those in need. The problem with that is that people depended on each other and faith to get by instead of government. You can't buy votes when people don't depend on you as a politician or party.

I was listening to the radio a few years ago when social safety nets was the subject. A person who escaped Cuba called to chime in.

He said as a child, Castro would visit all children while they were in school. He would instruct the class to close their eyes, hold out their hands, and as God for some candy.

After some time, he asked the children to look into their hands to see if God had granted their wish. Then he asked them to do the same thing, but instead of asking God, ask Castro. He then had his henchmen walk the aisles of seats and provide the children with their treats.

This brainwashing technique was to indoctrinate the children into believing that government was the highest power--not God or religion. Government will always provide, but God will disappoint every time.

The callers comparison was Castro to the Democrat party. Take religion out of society and depend on government to provide.
The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer.

Actually it is. That is why it has an amendment process. Anything can be changed with the right numbers voting for it....

Correct. But it doesn't change because some group of people believe it's simply outdated. The founders knew well ahead of time that things would change in our country and yes, the Constitution needed to be changed along with it.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the mainstream Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.
Background checks are a drop in bucket when it comes to stopping gun violence. Most murders in the US are not committed by convicted felons and most of the mentally disturbed are either not in the care of mental health professionals or they are protected by privacy laws.

There are over 300 million guns in the US. One third of the population either owns a gun or lives with someone who does. A huge number of guns are sold in garage sales, gun shows, and individual sales. So any restrictions on retail sales may reduce slightly the total number guns sold but will do little to restrict access to the huge cache of guns in the US. As long as we have the 2nd amendment, gun control laws will have little or no effect on gun violence.

People often point to the success of gun control laws in Australia but often we ignore the fact that Australia has no 2nd amendment.

The second amendment was written during a time when state-of-the-art firearms were muskets and cannons...weapons capable of firing three or four times a minute. Do you actually believe that men like Jefferson and Adams would have wanted young, reckless, wild dumbasses to have a weapon which could fire 150 rounds of 9 mm death in 60 seconds? If you do my friend you have a real problem with your logic.

By the way....Jefferson put in writing that the constitution should be reviewed every twenty years and rewritten to accommodate current times. I'll bet the NRA would shit if Americans did that.
My point is that gun control laws that would actual make a major difference in gun violence is not possible with the 2nd amendment as the courts are interpreting it. Yes, we might be able to get some form of background check into law and maybe even registrations but as long as there are 300 million guns floating around the country and people can buy any kind of firearm manufactures can build, meaningful reductions in gun violence is just not going to happen.
What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world.

Nice Jingoism, but not really. America would suck if progressives like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and others hadn't made us a modern state.

The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer.

No, but it open to interpretation, which is why we have courts.

The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You do realize the bizarre interpretation of gun ownership as a right is of recent vintage. The Second Amendment has been interpreted to be about Militias through most of our history.

Not really because nobody has ruled that government can take away our firearms. The Collective Rights Theory was ruled constitutional in the early 1900's, but they applied it to sawed-off shotguns.

More recently, the SC decided that the Second guaranteed citizens rights to bear arms as the Constitution outlines. But they also ruled that legislation could prohibit some from that right such as felons, children and mentally disabled people.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Apparently the more recent ruling decided that the comma was actually considered as an "and" Therefore reading "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state and the right of people to keep and bear arms.
Guy, I really don't care what some slaveholder who used to shit in a chamberpot wanted 200 years ago. We live in the modern world and we need a modern state. So, yeah, if the way to end the gun nut insanity is to stack SCOTUS with sane people, that's what we need to do.

Right. Frankly, I've been hearing this song for 25 years now from you guys. Whitewater, the Travel Office, Vince Foster, Benghazi... you had the goods on Hillary and you were going to take her down.

But it never happens.

What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world. The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer. The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You're lucky you were born with a light complexion...personally I'm sorry you were. Is the tree an oak or a maple?

Are those the days Republicans want to return us to?

Actually the only thing I'll say about that is whatever they do, whatever they say, where ever they are or who ever they're self serving. They'd 10 times rather give the upper 1% another tax cut than to feed 25,000 hungry school children.

Where are these 25,000 hungry school children at? Never heard of them.

When I was a kid, we didn't have any hungry school children. But then again, we didn't have this size of government. I forget now who used to feed the children.........let me think............OH YEAH, I know, the parents.
You must have been living in the land of Milk and Cookies. They didn't need vaccines. There were no lynchings. Old people didn't eat cat food. Crazy people weren't on the streets. No wonder you want to return us to those days.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the mainstream Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.
Background checks are a drop in bucket when it comes to stopping gun violence. Most murders in the US are not committed by convicted felons and most of the mentally disturbed are either not in the care of mental health professionals or they are protected by privacy laws.

There are over 300 million guns in the US. One third of the population either owns a gun or lives with someone who does. A huge number of guns are sold in garage sales, gun shows, and individual sales. So any restrictions on retail sales may reduce slightly the total number guns sold but will do little to restrict access to the huge cache of guns in the US. As long as we have the 2nd amendment, gun control laws will have little or no effect on gun violence.

People often point to the success of gun control laws in Australia but often we ignore the fact that Australia has no 2nd amendment.

The second amendment was written during a time when state-of-the-art firearms were muskets and cannons...weapons capable of firing three or four times a minute. Do you actually believe that men like Jefferson and Adams would have wanted young, reckless, wild dumbasses to have a weapon which could fire 150 rounds of 9 mm death in 60 seconds? If you do my friend you have a real problem with your logic.

By the way....Jefferson put in writing that the constitution should be reviewed every twenty years and rewritten to accommodate current times. I'll bet the NRA would shit if Americans did that.
My point is that gun control laws that would actual make a major difference in gun violence is not possible with the 2nd amendment as the courts are interpreting it. Yes, we might be able to get some form of background check into law and maybe even registrations but as long as there are 300 million guns floating around the country and people can buy any kind of firearm manufactures can build, meaningful reductions in gun violence is just not going to happen.
You offer some good beginning solutions and then say they won't make any difference? Why offer them? Why help the poor? There will always be poor. Why feed children, they will only get hungry again. Why..............well, I sure you get the point.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the mainstream Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.
Background checks are a drop in bucket when it comes to stopping gun violence. Most murders in the US are not committed by convicted felons and most of the mentally disturbed are either not in the care of mental health professionals or they are protected by privacy laws.

There are over 300 million guns in the US. One third of the population either owns a gun or lives with someone who does. A huge number of guns are sold in garage sales, gun shows, and individual sales. So any restrictions on retail sales may reduce slightly the total number guns sold but will do little to restrict access to the huge cache of guns in the US. As long as we have the 2nd amendment, gun control laws will have little or no effect on gun violence.

People often point to the success of gun control laws in Australia but often we ignore the fact that Australia has no 2nd amendment.

The second amendment was written during a time when state-of-the-art firearms were muskets and cannons...weapons capable of firing three or four times a minute. Do you actually believe that men like Jefferson and Adams would have wanted young, reckless, wild dumbasses to have a weapon which could fire 150 rounds of 9 mm death in 60 seconds? If you do my friend you have a real problem with your logic.

By the way....Jefferson put in writing that the constitution should be reviewed every twenty years and rewritten to accommodate current times. I'll bet the NRA would shit if Americans did that.
My point is that gun control laws that would actual make a major difference in gun violence is not possible with the 2nd amendment as the courts are interpreting it. Yes, we might be able to get some form of background check into law and maybe even registrations but as long as there are 300 million guns floating around the country and people can buy any kind of firearm manufactures can build, meaningful reductions in gun violence is just not going to happen.
You offer some good beginning solutions and then say they won't make any difference? Why offer them? Why help the poor? There will always be poor. Why feed children, they will only get hungry again. Why..............well, I sure you get the point.
I said registrations and background checks wouldn't make any major difference in gun deaths. We won't see any major change until we actually pass laws to get rid of most of the guns and restrict sales and that want happen as long as the courts throw out any such laws because of the 2nd amendment.
What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world. The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer. The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You're lucky you were born with a light complexion...personally I'm sorry you were. Is the tree an oak or a maple?

Are those the days Republicans want to return us to?

Actually the only thing I'll say about that is whatever they do, whatever they say, where ever they are or who ever they're self serving. They'd 10 times rather give the upper 1% another tax cut than to feed 25,000 hungry school children.

Where are these 25,000 hungry school children at? Never heard of them.

When I was a kid, we didn't have any hungry school children. But then again, we didn't have this size of government. I forget now who used to feed the children.........let me think............OH YEAH, I know, the parents.
You must have been living in the land of Milk and Cookies. They didn't need vaccines. There were no lynchings. Old people didn't eat cat food. Crazy people weren't on the streets. No wonder you want to return us to those days.

There weren't many crazy people on the street because back then, we used to commit people. Let me explain:

When a police officer or family member believed that a person needed help due to mental anguish, they were taken into custody and brought to a hearing. The hearing was so a judge could determine if the subject was mentally capable of safely interacting in society.

If the judge deemed that said person was incapable of properly taking care of themselves, they were institutionalized by the ruling of the judge.

Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

Old people are still eating cat food because of the cost of drugs and the fact they depended on SS to be a sound retirement plan. But SS is quickly running out of money and not increasing payments to keep up with the cost of living.

"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan
Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

People can still be committed to mental institutions.
Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

People can still be committed to mental institutions.

yes, but holding them for any length of time is another story.
and where the heck did you come from? good to see you, I think. lol

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