How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

People can still be committed to mental institutions.

It's extremely rare and a person would have to be almost totally out of their mind for a judge to chance it. Plus we are not setup for it like we once were expecting hundreds of these people in a community to be institutionalized.

Remember organizations like the ACLU are just frothing at the mouth for repeat of those days.
Not at all and I never said people didn't need help. Of course back then, private charities and churches provided those in need. The problem with that is that people depended on each other and faith to get by instead of government. You can't buy votes when people don't depend on you as a politician or party.

and the problem was, churches were TOTALLY INADEQUATE TO THE TASK, which is why we established government programs. Jeezus H. Christ, are you fucking stupid, or what?

Incidently, the first Food Stamp Program was established in 1939. SO unless you are like a WWII veteran, there was never a time in your lifetime when these programs didn't exist.

I was listening to the radio a few years ago when social safety nets was the subject. A person who escaped Cuba called to chime in.

He said as a child, Castro would visit all children while they were in school. He would instruct the class to close their eyes, hold out their hands, and as God for some candy.

After some time, he asked the children to look into their hands to see if God had granted their wish. Then he asked them to do the same thing, but instead of asking God, ask Castro. He then had his henchmen walk the aisles of seats and provide the children with their treats.

This brainwashing technique was to indoctrinate the children into believing that government was the highest power--not God or religion. Government will always provide, but God will disappoint every time.

The callers comparison was Castro to the Democrat party. Take religion out of society and depend on government to provide.

Wow. So Castro actually had the time to visit each and every classroom and do this shit.

Castro exists, God doesn't. So that was probably a valuable object lesson.
It's extremely rare and a person would have to be almost totally out of their mind for a judge to chance it. Plus we are not setup for it like we once were expecting hundreds of these people in a community to be institutionalized.

Remember organizations like the ACLU are just frothing at the mouth for repeat of those days.

We weren't set up for it back then. These institutions were horrible places, which is why decent people insisted they be closed.

Guy, you must be about 19 and you heard about the "Good Old Days" from someone who was just making shit up.

Okay, here's the thing. I AM old enough to remember what happened when the courts ruled you can't just lock up your crazy uncle. And what happened was all those good Christian People you insisted were out there just let their crazy Uncle live out in the street and self medicate with Mad Dog 20/20.

Meanwhile, attempts to create outpatient clinics met with no success because your hero, Ronnie Ray-gun, was too busy cutting taxes for rich people to actually care about that.
Not really because nobody has ruled that government can take away our firearms. The Collective Rights Theory was ruled constitutional in the early 1900's, but they applied it to sawed-off shotguns.

Actually, Miller v. US ruled that the government had the right to regulate who could have weapons and what kind of weapons they could have under the whole "Well-Regulated Militia" thing.

There weren't many crazy people on the street because back then, we used to commit people. Let me explain:

When a police officer or family member believed that a person needed help due to mental anguish, they were taken into custody and brought to a hearing. The hearing was so a judge could determine if the subject was mentally capable of safely interacting in society.

If the judge deemed that said person was incapable of properly taking care of themselves, they were institutionalized by the ruling of the judge.

Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

I think your view of America in the Good Old days comes completely from old movies. The ones where the only Negroes were servants.

Meanwhile, in the real world, these hospitals were just horrible places where people were warehoused. Those who were too much trouble were lobotomized to make them more manageable. They often lived in pools of their own filth.
You're lucky you were born with a light complexion...personally I'm sorry you were. Is the tree an oak or a maple?

Are those the days Republicans want to return us to?

Actually the only thing I'll say about that is whatever they do, whatever they say, where ever they are or who ever they're self serving. They'd 10 times rather give the upper 1% another tax cut than to feed 25,000 hungry school children.

Where are these 25,000 hungry school children at? Never heard of them.

When I was a kid, we didn't have any hungry school children. But then again, we didn't have this size of government. I forget now who used to feed the children.........let me think............OH YEAH, I know, the parents.
You must have been living in the land of Milk and Cookies. They didn't need vaccines. There were no lynchings. Old people didn't eat cat food. Crazy people weren't on the streets. No wonder you want to return us to those days.

There weren't many crazy people on the street because back then, we used to commit people. Let me explain:

When a police officer or family member believed that a person needed help due to mental anguish, they were taken into custody and brought to a hearing. The hearing was so a judge could determine if the subject was mentally capable of safely interacting in society.

If the judge deemed that said person was incapable of properly taking care of themselves, they were institutionalized by the ruling of the judge.

Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

Old people are still eating cat food because of the cost of drugs and the fact they depended on SS to be a sound retirement plan. But SS is quickly running out of money and not increasing payments to keep up with the cost of living.

"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan
Cat food is more expensive than hot dogs.
Awww, sorry Joe. You don't like National Review?

Well there are plenty of other sources that report these gun laws are impotent.

The National Review is a shit racist rag.


Australia had 226 deaths by firearms in 2012

The United states had 33,636

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control
America has 33,000 unborn baby deaths a month, but you don't see Abortion on Demand being stopped. Come on Joe, why are you so adamant on gun control, but not on "Abortion" control. Liberal compassion kills.
Not really because nobody has ruled that government can take away our firearms. The Collective Rights Theory was ruled constitutional in the early 1900's, but they applied it to sawed-off shotguns.

Actually, Miller v. US ruled that the government had the right to regulate who could have weapons and what kind of weapons they could have under the whole "Well-Regulated Militia" thing.

There weren't many crazy people on the street because back then, we used to commit people. Let me explain:

When a police officer or family member believed that a person needed help due to mental anguish, they were taken into custody and brought to a hearing. The hearing was so a judge could determine if the subject was mentally capable of safely interacting in society.

If the judge deemed that said person was incapable of properly taking care of themselves, they were institutionalized by the ruling of the judge.

Along came liberalism and that put an end to people being committed. The liberals protested that these institutions were crime-less prisons and that they violated these individuals of their Constitutional rights. The institutions had no choice but to unlock the doors, and those people are still roaming our streets today and getting access to firearms.

I think your view of America in the Good Old days comes completely from old movies. The ones where the only Negroes were servants.

Meanwhile, in the real world, these hospitals were just horrible places where people were warehoused. Those who were too much trouble were lobotomized to make them more manageable. They often lived in pools of their own filth.
Now they live in their own pools of filth on the streets, where "NORMAL" people walk to their work. I know because in Washington DC between Union Station and the NoMa Metro Station, there are about 10 such people living under bridges using moving blankets for warmth. Across the street is CNN affiliate DC, and not once have I seen them out there doing a piece about life under the Obama Admin. But you wont see that, for the liberal lickspittle media, isn't about journalism but for moving the liberal agenda farther upon US. Liberal compassion kills
America has 33,000 unborn baby deaths a month, but you don't see Abortion on Demand being stopped. Come on Joe, why are you so adamant on gun control, but not on "Abortion" control. Liberal compassion kills.

Kidney bean sized fetuses aren't people, and we don't hold funerals over medical waste.

These 9 people killed in Oregon have people who are going to miss them.

The contents of a medical waste container, not so much.
America has 33,000 unborn baby deaths a month, but you don't see Abortion on Demand being stopped. Come on Joe, why are you so adamant on gun control, but not on "Abortion" control. Liberal compassion kills.

Kidney bean sized fetuses aren't people, and we don't hold funerals over medical waste...
Depends on whom you ask, doesn't it?

Oh, and they're oftentimes FAR beyond the kidney-bean stage, when they're slaughtered and harvested, like some kind of sick medical-parts variant on Soylent Green.

...These 9 people killed in Oregon have people who are going to miss them...

...The contents of a medical waste container, not so much.
The contents and potential of a wasted soul, well... maybe... depending on whom you ask.
What those slaveholders who shit in a chamberpot did was create the foundation for the greatest country in the world.

Nice Jingoism, but not really. America would suck if progressives like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and others hadn't made us a modern state.

The US Constitution is not a living document. It doesn't change because leftists like you and Obama don't like it any longer.

No, but it open to interpretation, which is why we have courts.

The Constitution is the main law under which we live and it's going to stay that way.

You do realize the bizarre interpretation of gun ownership as a right is of recent vintage. The Second Amendment has been interpreted to be about Militias through most of our history.

Not really because nobody has ruled that government can take away our firearms. The Collective Rights Theory was ruled constitutional in the early 1900's, but they applied it to sawed-off shotguns.

More recently, the SC decided that the Second guaranteed citizens rights to bear arms as the Constitution outlines. But they also ruled that legislation could prohibit some from that right such as felons, children and mentally disabled people.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Apparently the more recent ruling decided that the comma was actually considered as an "and" Therefore reading "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state and the right of people to keep and bear arms.

what are you talking about? no private right of gun ownership was expressed until scalia wrote the opinion in Heller.

As I recall, previous justices laughed at the concept.

Now they live in their own pools of filth on the streets, where "NORMAL" people walk to their work. I know because in Washington DC between Union Station and the NoMa Metro Station, there are about 10 such people living under bridges using moving blankets for warmth. Across the street is CNN affiliate DC, and not once have I seen them out there doing a piece about life under the Obama Admin. But you wont see that, for the liberal lickspittle media, isn't about journalism but for moving the liberal agenda farther upon US. Liberal compassion kills

Guy, we didn't have a homeless problem until your boy Reagan decided to slash governmetn programs.
Depends on whom you ask, doesn't it?

Oh, and they're oftentimes FAR beyond the kidney-bean stage, when they're slaughtered and harvested, like some kind of sick medical-parts variant on Soylent Green.

No, it doesnt'. Right Wingers arent' against abortion because they really give a fuck about babies. the fact they try to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry children to give tax cuts to rich people is proof enough of that.

The whole anti-Choice movement is the rich playing on the stupidity of misogynists and Christians (as if there's a difference) who just can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady-parts.

The contents and potential of a wasted soul, well... maybe... depending on whom you ask.

Well, I don't ask religious nuts about their unproven superstitions. You can't really prove ANYONE has a soul, much less a fetus.

But again, unlike the Gun Nuts, you anti-choice nuts aren't getting all that much for bending over and taking one in the bunghole from the 1%. At least the gun nuts get to keep their penis surrogates.
America has 33,000 unborn baby deaths a month, but you don't see Abortion on Demand being stopped. Come on Joe, why are you so adamant on gun control, but not on "Abortion" control. Liberal compassion kills.

Kidney bean sized fetuses aren't people, and we don't hold funerals over medical waste.

These 9 people killed in Oregon have people who are going to miss them.

The contents of a medical waste container, not so much.
You sure do have an issue with babies that go past the 5 weeks. Those are no longer kidney bean sized "PEOPLE", but maybe we should hold funerals for those, as then more people would be aware of the LIBERAL COMPASSION that constantly kills people. You don't see CONSERVATIVES(Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) out there taking the lives of other people, in or out of the womb, but liberals who do "IF IT FEELS GOOD, JUST DO IT" , without a care in the world. When there is no "SANCTITY" of life, then more liberals wont care to take other peoples lives. Just look at the inner cities, where black on black murder is on the rise. Who has been President for the past 6 3/4 years? If liberalism is the utopia, why are more people killing each other?
You sure do have an issue with babies that go past the 5 weeks. Those are no longer kidney bean sized "PEOPLE", but maybe we should hold funerals for those, as then more people would be aware of the LIBERAL COMPASSION that constantly kills people. You don't see CONSERVATIVES(Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) out there taking the lives of other people, in or out of the womb, but liberals who do "IF IT FEELS GOOD, JUST DO IT" , without a care in the world. When there is no "SANCTITY" of life, then more liberals wont care to take other peoples lives. Just look at the inner cities, where black on black murder is on the rise. Who has been President for the past 6 3/4 years? If liberalism is the utopia, why are more people killing each other?

so other than blurting out some unsubstantiated claims, do you actually have an argument here?

I don't have any issues with fetuses that go beyond five weeks. It's really NONE OF MY BUSINESS what a woman does with her lady parts.

Now they live in their own pools of filth on the streets, where "NORMAL" people walk to their work. I know because in Washington DC between Union Station and the NoMa Metro Station, there are about 10 such people living under bridges using moving blankets for warmth. Across the street is CNN affiliate DC, and not once have I seen them out there doing a piece about life under the Obama Admin. But you wont see that, for the liberal lickspittle media, isn't about journalism but for moving the liberal agenda farther upon US. Liberal compassion kills

Guy, we didn't have a homeless problem until your boy Reagan decided to slash governmetn programs.[/QUOTE]
So, instead of doing something about it, by getting the liberals off the streets, you just point a finger at the past, and do nothing to solve the problem. Typical of a liberal to blame others, instead of taking actions to remedy the situation. As I said before, when all the GUNS are out of the hands of the BAD GUYS, then I will willingly give up my guns, but that wont happen, because for liberals, it is better for the liberal politician to put guns into the hands of the bad guys, to push the liberal agenda UPON, US. Two found guilty of murder of border agent in 'Fast and Furious' scandal
Two found guilty of murder of border agent in 'Fast and Furious' scandal
Calif. Lawmaker Yee Is Caught Selling Guns
More proof that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Although in this case it’s a gun "outlawer" with the illegal weapons. Specifically, Democrat California State Sen. Leland Yee of San Francisco who was also a candidate for California secretary of state until his unfortunate encounter with the FBI.
Joe you are an idiot.
Depends on whom you ask, doesn't it?

Oh, and they're oftentimes FAR beyond the kidney-bean stage, when they're slaughtered and harvested, like some kind of sick medical-parts variant on Soylent Green.

No, it doesnt'. Right Wingers arent' against abortion because they really give a fuck about babies. the fact they try to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry children to give tax cuts to rich people is proof enough of that.

The whole anti-Choice movement is the rich playing on the stupidity of misogynists and Christians (as if there's a difference) who just can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady-parts.

The contents and potential of a wasted soul, well... maybe... depending on whom you ask.

Well, I don't ask religious nuts about their unproven superstitions. You can't really prove ANYONE has a soul, much less a fetus.

But again, unlike the Gun Nuts, you anti-choice nuts aren't getting all that much for bending over and taking one in the bunghole from the 1%. At least the gun nuts get to keep their penis surrogates.

The Right counts a cum wad on the lip of a vagina as a life form and can't wait till another unwanted child is born so when it steps out of line they can execute it or send it to fight in one of their oil wars.
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Depends on whom you ask, doesn't it?

Oh, and they're oftentimes FAR beyond the kidney-bean stage, when they're slaughtered and harvested, like some kind of sick medical-parts variant on Soylent Green.

No, it doesnt'...
Automatic gainsay is not effective counterpointing.

...Right Wingers arent' against abortion because they really give a fuck about babies. the fact they try to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry children to give tax cuts to rich people is proof enough of that...
Attempting to stop the killing of unborn babies is not the same as insisting that parents be responsible for their own children.

...The whole anti-Choice movement is the rich playing on the stupidity of misogynists and Christians (as if there's a difference)...
Misogynists and Christians are one-and-the-same?

No wonder Americans are turning away from the Democratic Party in disgust.

...who just can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady-parts...
Or, that's the way that you-and-yours would like to rationalize it.

In truth, it's far more about stopping the killing of unborn babies.

...Well, I don't ask religious nuts about their unproven superstitions. You can't really prove ANYONE has a soul, much less a fetus...
The catalyzing agent for godless, soul-less statism... another reason for turning away from the present-day Democratic Party.

Keep it up... you do good service, recruiting, for Republicans, with such talk.

...But again, unlike the Gun Nuts, you anti-choice nuts aren't getting all that much for bending over and taking one in the bunghole from the 1%. At least the gun nuts get to keep their penis surrogates.
You appear to be in need of psychiatric intervention.
...The Right counts a cum wad on the lip of a vagina as a life form and can't wait till another unwanted child is born so when it steps out of line they can execute it or send it to fight one of their oil wars.
That's right... keep deriding the spiritual beliefs of millions upon millions of your countrymen... you just can't help yourselves, can you?

Such talk and such disrespect is going to come back and bite you in the ass in November 2016, and, deliciously, your arrogance prevents you from believing that possible.

Afterwards, however, you'll be asking yourselves: "How did it get away from us? How did we lose it? What did we do wrong?"

While the rest of the country laughs its ass off at your foolishness, and the payback that comes with arrogance, and your great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Some folks never learn.

Talking that way about the profound beliefs of so many of your countrymen... you are your own worst enemy.

Simply delicious.


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