How concerned are you about cyber security in the upcoming elections?

How concerned are you with cyber security in the upcoming elections?

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  • Moderately concerned

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After working the polls as election judge supervisor for 18 years, I am most concerned with the shear numbers of voters that get removed from the voter rolls in targeted areas that actually throw elections. Republicans employ every dirty trick & constantly create new ones to deny US citizens the right to vote. I have personally seen them set up voter registration tables in inner cities only to trash all the registration cards instead of turning them in to the election board. Then it's to late when those people discover they didn't actually get registered to vote. They also "accidently" loaded the previous election voter rolls in 2 presidential elections in large cities to remove anyone who moved since last election because poor people are forced to move way more than most.
Is anyone here worried about Russia hacking the elections again? Or do you feel comfortably secure? I'm just interested to know what people think. I've tried to make a poll as well as a discussion in case one way is preferable to you over another.

Why you think the DNC is rigging the nominations again?
Ooh, that opinion has a bite to it huh? :p Thanks for sharing!
Is anyone here worried about Russia hacking the elections again? Or do you feel comfortably secure? I'm just interested to know what people think. I've tried to make a poll as well as a discussion in case one way is preferable to you over another.
They didn't hack it last time, why would we be concerned this time?

Your evidence to prove this negative is ---- where again?

I'd be more concerned about Soros doing something with the machines he sold the US, that may have a backdoor in them.

Russians are probably worried about Russia, and it's almost winter-time.

When did Soros start selling voting machines?

You mean Diebold? The company whose CEO vowed to do whatever he could to get George Bush elected? The company that got indicted for bribing government officials to sell business in "a worldwide pattern of criminal conduct"?

That guy was Wally O'Dell.

O'Dell / Soros. Know the difference.

Sooooooooooooo no answer. To either.

Is anyone here worried about Russia hacking the elections again? Or do you feel comfortably secure? I'm just interested to know what people think. I've tried to make a poll as well as a discussion in case one way is preferable to you over another.
They didn't hack it last time, why would we be concerned this time?

Your evidence to prove this negative is ---- where again?
What could they possibly hack?

You'll note that the OP says nothing about "voting machines".
After working the polls as election judge supervisor for 18 years, I am most concerned with the shear numbers of voters that get removed from the voter rolls in targeted areas that actually throw elections. Republicans employ every dirty trick & constantly create new ones to deny US citizens the right to vote. I have personally seen them set up voter registration tables in inner cities only to trash all the registration cards instead of turning them in to the election board. They also "accidently" loaded the previous election voter rolls in 2 presidential elections in large cities to remove anyone who moved since last election because poor people are forced to move way more than most.
Thank you for sharing this perspective. It's a different angle than I've heard so far. You are a democrat but more concerned with other polling issues. I appreciate that! And it's great hearing from an election judge.
I think there is a good possibility that some places that are vulnerable will be hacked. A US hacker has demonstrated a few years ago how it can be done while being witnessed by a few election officials. One woman who thought hacking was not possible was in tears when she saw it happen.

However I ceased being too concerned because I'm resigned to the fact that bad things happen in many phases of the election process.
What did the hacker hack into?
The particular voting machine for that state used a thumb drive to save the election results - just data. The hacker put a program on the data drive that changed the data before the drive was pulled out.
After working the polls as election judge supervisor for 18 years, I am most concerned with the shear numbers of voters that get removed from the voter rolls in targeted areas that actually throw elections. Republicans employ every dirty trick & constantly create new ones to deny US citizens the right to vote. I have personally seen them set up voter registration tables in inner cities only to trash all the registration cards instead of turning them in to the election board. They also "accidently" loaded the previous election voter rolls in 2 presidential elections in large cities to remove anyone who moved since last election because poor people are forced to move way more than most.
Thank you for sharing this perspective. It's a different angle than I've heard so far. You are a democrat but more concerned with other polling issues. I appreciate that! And it's great hearing from an election judge.
I was a republican until 2004 when I discovered how targeted 10% get removed from the rolls by fraud in key cities in key states, the 9/11 & Iraq lies surfaced. Now I don't align myself with any group!
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Is anyone here worried about Russia hacking the elections again? Or do you feel comfortably secure? I'm just interested to know what people think. I've tried to make a poll as well as a discussion in case one way is preferable to you over another.
Russia? NO
Russia did not change one single vote from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' in 2016

China? NO
China did not change one single vote from 'Hillary' to 'Trump' in 2016

Barak Obama declared to the world that there was no way Russia or anyone else could hack into our Election processes and affect the election.

- He was attempting to make the case for it being possible while arguing the election would be much safer if his administration had control of all state election processes.

:wtf: YIKES! I am so glad they failed.

Hillary and the Democrats rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, violated both election and campaign Finance laws, stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, stole his nomination, screwed his supporters, gave his nomination to Hillary Clinton, and during the campaign Hillary illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help and attempting to help her win the 2016 election.

Can you imagine how much of a landslide Hillary would have won by if she and Barack Obama controlled all of the state election processes?!

I am not worried about anyone hacking into our election system and processes.

I am more concerned about more cheating from the Democrats on the scale that we saw from Hillary and the DNC in 2016

I am more concerned with the millions of illegal immigrants voting, as one Democrat candidate declared they would be part of the upcoming Blue Wave.
I think there is a good possibility that some places that are vulnerable will be hacked. A US hacker has demonstrated a few years ago how it can be done while being witnessed by a few election officials. One woman who thought hacking was not possible was in tears when she saw it happen.

However I ceased being too concerned because I'm resigned to the fact that bad things happen in many phases of the election process.
What did the hacker hack into?
The particular voting machine for that state used a thumb drive to save the election results - just data. The hacker put a program on the data drive that changed the data before the drive was pulled out.

draws breath..

I'm not concerned at all!

I just voted no

MAGA! :2up:.

Me too. The idea that some of our enemies "hacked" the 2016 election in order to put a strong pro-American, pro-military, anti-globalist President in office, is well.....ummmm......retarded.

How would it have been in the Russian's or Chinese's interest to help put in office someone like Trump? Look at the stock market. Look at the economic growth numbers, the employment numbers, the tariffs against China, the rounding up of MS-13 members, the elimination of ISIS, the 200 dead Russian mercenaries in Syria, and everything else Trump has done in two years. If they really wanted to destroy this country, they would have wanted Hillary to win.

Anyone who doesn't understand this is not playing with a full deck of cards.
Is anyone here worried about Russia hacking the elections again? Or do you feel comfortably secure? I'm just interested to know what people think. I've tried to make a poll as well as a discussion in case one way is preferable to you over another.
No tinfoil in my possession. My hats are made of leather & mesh.
Is anyone here worried about Russia hacking the elections again? Or do you feel comfortably secure? I'm just interested to know what people think. I've tried to make a poll as well as a discussion in case one way is preferable to you over another.
They didn't hack it last time, why would we be concerned this time?

Your evidence to prove this negative is ---- where again?
What could they possibly hack?

You'll note that the OP says nothing about "voting machines".
Noted. What does cyber security protect in the upcoming elections that has anything to do with the votes in said elections?
I think there is a good possibility that some places that are vulnerable will be hacked. A US hacker has demonstrated a few years ago how it can be done while being witnessed by a few election officials. One woman who thought hacking was not possible was in tears when she saw it happen.

However I ceased being too concerned because I'm resigned to the fact that bad things happen in many phases of the election process.
What did the hacker hack into?
The particular voting machine for that state used a thumb drive to save the election results - just data. The hacker put a program on the data drive that changed the data before the drive was pulled out.
So the hacker just walked up to the voting machine like a Ninja and wasn't seen by anyone. I see. In my precinct each voter is escorted to the voting machine by a poll worker.

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