How CONSISTENT Are GOP-Congressmen/women???

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
Shouldn't NO!! = NONE????


"In a letter to soon-to-be House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Democrats urged Republicans to stick to their principles opposing government-run health care and give up their own congressional health care plan.

“You cannot enroll in the very kind of coverage that you want for yourselves, and then turn around and deny it to Americans who don't happen to be Members of Congress," wrote Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY). “If your conference wants to deny millions of Americans affordable health care, your members should walk that walk

Let's SEE those boot-straps!!!!!!!!

Because employment compensation is exactly the same as handouts in entitlement or turning the government into a resale provider for insurance


Slink back into mommy's basement and light up another bong, you retard
Because employment compensation is exactly the same as handouts in entitlement or turning the government into a resale provider for insurance., they're FORCED-into taking it, huh?????



Weak.....really, weak......​

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