How could Trump hire Manafort

Trump hired Manafort to wrangle delegates in the Republican primaries because Cruz campaign was doing a good job of picking up unbound ones. Manafort knew the ends and outs the primary system very well and improved that for Trump in the few months he was part of the campaign.
View attachment 209184
Yeah he hires the best people.
Just one of his 4,229 lies as of Aug 1.
Ben Carson, Rick Perry, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Ivanka Trump( what does she even do?)
On and on
This is the most incompetent administration in American history.

Yet it was Obama that devastated the democrat party all over the nation...LMFAO
Which has NOTHING to do with what I said.
You’re way too stupid for me to waste any more time on.
Who the hell is Keith Boykin? Is that how the crazy angry incoherent left gets their news, like a freaking blackboard in big block letters like they remember in grammar school? Big block letters doesn't win an argument. Hypocrites on the left enjoy peace and prosperity but they turn to Keith Boykin for their dose of hatred. No surprises here.
Maybe the left is so desperate for an issue that they turn to an inane argument but Manafort is still considered innocent. Does that offend the angry incoherent left?
How could Trump hire Manafort. Trump said he only hires the best of the best. Manafort was the worst of the worst.
He was broke and easily corruptible by domestic or foreign interests.
It would take very little research to find out all of this.
There’s talk that Manafort had four mistresses.

Birds of a feather flock together.
How could Trump hire Manafort. Trump said he only hires the best of the best. Manafort was the worst of the worst.
He was broke and easily corruptible by domestic or foreign interests.
It would take very little research to find out all of this.
There’s talk that Manafort had four mistresses.

Birds of a feather flock together.
Photos indicate that Hillary, Bill and Harvey Weinstein were "birds of a feather". Manafort was just a lawyer.
How could Trump hire Manafort. Trump said he only hires the best of the best. Manafort was the worst of the worst.
He was broke and easily corruptible by domestic or foreign interests.
It would take very little research to find out all of this.

So why didn't you tell him since you obviously knew?
Trump will not listen to me or anyone else. He thinks he knows it all and he does not!~
That's why Manafort lasted such a short time. Manafort hung on through Clinton and Bush, but Trump saw what he was right away.
Why have so many of Trump's appointees lasted such a short time.
He has a way of picking the worst of the worst.
Lighten up lefties. Bill Clinton hired Sandy Berger to be national security adviser and he turned out to be a thief stealing documents from the National Archives. Barry Hussein's A.G. approved the shipment of over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and then resigned and was never prosecuted.
Manafort is just one of many Trump scandals. No President has had as many scandals including Nixon.
Huh?? You’re pointing the finger at Dems about manafort? Are you mad or is it just your reaction to critique now a days, just say, “no, you did!”
Manaforte is caught up in a democrat witch hunt to get Trump and it is obvious and dirty as hell...and anyone going along with it is also filthy as hell...
Chinese spy in Di Fi's fucking office with Di Fi's husband enriching himself in China and no investigation required????
You suck as an American if you can stand by that.....
It's a Repug investigation into a repug administration run by repugs appointed by other repugs. Dems don't have the power to start an investigation into anything.
Wow, great comeback
Thank you it shows how morally vacant and dishonest you are when it comes to political wrong doing....anything else you have to say is a waste of my time....if we had found a Chinese spy in Trump's campaign he would be fighting impeachment right now....but Feinstein just rolls along with her rich husband....who enriched himself in China...if there was that kind of evidence on Trump he would be gone already....but you snake right passed that news to attack Trump for are a fool and a tool....keep it up so the smell of victory in November will be that much sweeter...
Sure man, keep diverting. When it gets hot point your finger at somebody, anybody else. Nice tactic but very transparent.

If Feinstein did something illegal then bust her. I have no problems with that... stupid diversion
Manafort was well connected within republican circles. The most likely explanation is that Trump needed a campaign manager, Manafort was recommended by someone and Trump was like "alright whatever" because we should all know that Trump doesn't really do much, just says a lot of stuff.
More likely trump knew of Manafort’s money laundering and Russian contacts and figured he’d be very helpful to him and Putin.
Yet it was Obama that devastated the democrat party all over the nation...LMFAO

:04: Thanks obama
Obama did not devastate the Democratic party. In fact it was just the opposite. Obama set the bar so high, the Democrats did not have a candidate to motivate their base like Obama.
Obama scared the hell out of white males that they were losing their privilege.
Obama did not devastate the Democratic party. In fact it was just the opposite. Obama set the bar so high, the Democrats did not have a candidate to motivate their base like Obama.
Obama scared the hell out of white males that they were losing their privilege
Obama did ruin the democrat party and he scared the hell out of everyone not just white way that the white house and the senate and congress turns to the GOP with only white male voters...stop being a fool....
Apparently no one really knew who the real Manafort was because he was so well dressed. So what does tax evasion have to do with Russian meddling in our election, or should we say exposing emails and text messages that purportedly never existed on servers that didn't exist.....?
Obama did not devastate the Democratic party. In fact it was just the opposite. Obama set the bar so high, the Democrats did not have a candidate to motivate their base like Obama.
Obama scared the hell out of white males that they were losing their privilege
Obama did ruin the democrat party and he scared the hell out of everyone not just white way that the white house and the senate and congress turns to the GOP with only white male voters...stop being a fool....
White males were the major demographic to elect Trump.
Hillary could not motivate all those who voted for Obama to come out and vote at all. If they had come out in the same numbers as they did for Obama, Trump would have lost.
Obama's approval rating in February of 2018 was 63%, Trump's was 40%.
Obama would have kicked Trump's ass.

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