How dare that Trumpstain compare George Washington to traitors who attacked this country.

George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.
Another drone who knows nothing about history.

Washington WAS a traitor to the British Crown, you ignorant child.
Is there a statue of washington in Britain? Do you know who won the revolutionary war? Take a guess you pseudo-intellectual.


Trafalgar Square

Ok...but Trafalgar square is a place of museums. There are statues of five other u.s. presidents there as well including Ronald Reagan, John F Kennedy, FDR, Abraham Lincoln and Eisenhower. That's where those Confederate statues all over the South museums... private museums.
Didn't look to me like that statue was in a museum.
We'll use your imagination, Chum. It could have been in a courtyard of a museum.
Right now it's all the left has because they are not in power.

Show me one lefty assembly or speech that was disrupted similar to what we have seen when someone on the right speaks or marches.

January 8, 2011 - Giffords is shot in the head, one of 13 wounded by Jared Lee Loughner at a "Congress on Your Corner" event at a Tucson grocery store. Six people are killed during the shooting rampage. Authorities say Giffords was the main target.

Representative Gabrielle Giffords and 18 Shot Near Tucson
You mean people who liked being governed by Great Britain?
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
So you feel Washington was a traitor, Benedict Arnold was a hero and this country would have been better off if the founders hadn't declared independence from a government over 3,000 miles away who demanded gold and goods from it's "colony"?

Wow, I'm sure those thoughts are shared by most Republicans. And this is why your kind must be defeated. You want this country to be subjects of a foreign power. Perhaps you would be happier over there than over here?
Benedict Arnold was one of the main reasons Washington won many of his campaigns... the guy got kicked in the teeth by Washington at promotion time and the rest is history.....and you are right dean,the far right must be defeated BUT, so must your kind the far left.....both of you assholes are destroying this country with your "be like me and accept what i accept" bullshit or fuck you......
So you are defending Benedict Arnold? You felt he was a mistreated hero?

Next, you'll be telling us the positives of slavery and why gays need to be killed.
im telling you history dipshit....prove arnold wasnt one of Americas best generals back then and i will apologize to you,but if you cant you apologize to game?...
The best general was a traitor?
George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.

Are you going to provide a link and a quote to what President Trump said. Or are you just blowing shit out of your ass again?
I could show you that right in the center of your butt, there's a hole and if you don't want to believe it, you won't, even with your thumb stuck right in it. Why should I post the same thing over and over again. Something that is all over the news on every channel except Fox? Trump said that among the Nazi's there was "fine" and "good people". And that they were quietly and peacefully protesting but it was the left that showed up with clubs and black body armor.

Here is the video of quiet, fine and good people that Trump watched:

Watch this right wing b!tch cry like a little girl. Hilarious.

Fuck off.

A. Liberals climbed on-board the "traitor" train because they discovered they couldn't justify the slavery train, being they almost realized they'd have to take down monuments from American Indians to FDR.....................Hilarious, liberals trying to pass off as patriots. Wholly Toledo what HACKS.

B. I say almost, because they're going after the monuments as well, including burning Abe Lincoln's head. What FUCKS. Turns out the only criterion is they're white.

And therefore, the OP has no merit. And therefore, any dignified American loving white human, and for that matter black, Mexican etc. (which there were) were perfectly RIGHTEOUS to protest the left's actions and words in Charlottesville. And at this rate, there's going to be many more. The left will NOT destroy our history, our country, our monuments, our culture, our sanity, our Constitution, our freedom, nor the white race they intend to destroy.
Last edited:
Fuck off.

A. Liberals climbed on-board the "traitor" train because they discovered they couldn't justify the slavery train, being they almost realized they'd have to take down monuments from American Indians to FDR.....................Hilarious, liberals trying to pass off as patriots. Wholly Toledo what HACKS.

B. I say almost, because they're going after those monuments as well, including burning Abe Lincoln's head. What FUCKS.

And therefore, the OP has no merit.
They don't know who burned the Lincoln statue. I bet it was one of your kind. After all, he did free the slaves.
George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.

Are you going to provide a link and a quote to what President Trump said. Or are you just blowing shit out of your ass again?
I could show you that right in the center of your butt, there's a hole and if you don't want to believe it, you won't, even with your thumb stuck right in it. Why should I post the same thing over and over again. Something that is all over the news on every channel except Fox? Trump said that among the Nazi's there was "fine" and "good people". And that they were quietly and peacefully protesting but it was the left that showed up with clubs and black body armor.

Here is the video of quiet, fine and good people that Trump watched:

In other words you don't have any quote from President Trump comparing Washington to "traitors that attacked this country", which makes the entire premise of this thread a lie.
Right now it's all the left has because they are not in power.

Show me one lefty assembly or speech that was disrupted similar to what we have seen when someone on the right speaks or marches.

January 8, 2011 - Giffords is shot in the head, one of 13 wounded by Jared Lee Loughner at a "Congress on Your Corner" event at a Tucson grocery store. Six people are killed during the shooting rampage. Authorities say Giffords was the main target.

Representative Gabrielle Giffords and 18 Shot Near Tucson

That wasn't disrupted by a rightwinger of any kind. He was mentally deranged, and a lefty.
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
So you feel Washington was a traitor, Benedict Arnold was a hero and this country would have been better off if the founders hadn't declared independence from a government over 3,000 miles away who demanded gold and goods from it's "colony"?

Wow, I'm sure those thoughts are shared by most Republicans. And this is why your kind must be defeated. You want this country to be subjects of a foreign power. Perhaps you would be happier over there than over here?
Benedict Arnold was one of the main reasons Washington won many of his campaigns... the guy got kicked in the teeth by Washington at promotion time and the rest is history.....and you are right dean,the far right must be defeated BUT, so must your kind the far left.....both of you assholes are destroying this country with your "be like me and accept what i accept" bullshit or fuck you......
So you are defending Benedict Arnold? You felt he was a mistreated hero?

Next, you'll be telling us the positives of slavery and why gays need to be killed.
im telling you history dipshit....prove arnold wasnt one of Americas best generals back then and i will apologize to you,but if you cant you apologize to game?...
The best general was a traitor?
i dont know about the best,but one of the better ones at that some research like you tell everyone else to do....

this is from the History channel....

When the Revolutionary War broke out between Great Britain and its 13 American colonies in April 1775, Arnold joined the Continental Army. Acting under a commission from the revolutionary government of Massachusetts, Arnold partnered with Vermont frontiersman Ethan Allen (1738-89) and Allen’s Green Mountain Boys to capture the unsuspecting British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga in upstate New York on May 10, 1775. Later that year, Arnold led an ill-fated expedition on a harrowing trek from Maine to Quebec. The purpose of the expedition was to rally the inhabitants of Canada behind the Patriot cause and deprive the British government of a northern base from which to mount strikes into the 13 colonies. With the enlistments of many of his men expiring on New Year’s Day, Arnold had no choice but to launch a desperate attack against well-fortified Quebec City through a blizzard on December 31, 1775. Early in the battle, Arnold received a grave wound to his leg and was carried to the back of the battlefield. The assault continued, but failed miserably. Hundreds of American soldiers were killed, wounded or captured, and Canada remained in British hands.

By the later part of 1776, Arnold had recovered sufficiently from his wound to once again take the field. He played a crucial role in hindering a British invasion from Canada into New York in the autumn of that year. Correctly predicting that British General Guy Carleton (1724-1808) would sail an invading force down Lake Champlain, Arnold supervised the hasty construction of an American flotilla on that lake to meet Carleton’s fleet. On October 11, 1776, the American fleet surprised its foe near Valcour Bay. Although Carleton’s flotilla drove the Americans away, Arnold’s action delayed Carleton’s approach long enough that, by the time the British general reached New York, the battle season was near an end, and the British had to return to Canada. Arnold’s performance at the Battle of Lake Champlain rescued the Patriot cause from potential disaster.

Despite his heroic service, Arnold felt he did not receive the recognition he deserved. He resigned from the Continental Army in 1777 after Congress promoted five junior officers above him. General George Washington (1732-99), the commander in chief of the Continental Army, urged Arnold to reconsider. Arnold rejoined the army in time to participate in the defense of central New York from an invading British force under General John Burgoyne in the fall of 1777.

In the battles against Burgoyne, Arnold served under General Horatio Gates (1728-1806), an officer whom Arnold came to hold in contempt. The antipathy was mutual, and Gates at one point relieved Arnold of his command. Nonetheless, at the pivotal Battle of Bemis Heights on October 7, 1777, Arnold defied Gates’ authority and took command of a group of American soldiers whom he led in an assault against the British line. Arnold’s attack threw the enemy into disarray and contributed greatly to the American victory. Ten days later, Burgoyne surrendered his entire army at Saratoga. News of the surrender convinced France to enter the war on the side of the Americans. Once again, Arnold had brought his country a step closer to independence. However, Gates downplayed Arnold’s contributions in his official reports and claimed most of the credit for himself.

Meanwhile, Arnold seriously wounded the same leg he had injured at Quebec in the battle. Rendered temporarily incapable of a field command, he accepted the position of military governor of Philadelphia in 1778. While there, his loyalties began to change.
George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.

The people in charge of the country at the time had a far different opinion of his actions
You mean people who liked being governed by Great Britain?
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
Washington represented a new type of government. One that didn't want its people being ruled by Kings and Queens. You want to dance around that and call him a traitor? Have at it, douche bag. But reasonable people outside of Trump's half-retarded base are going to to look at that rhetoric with the disdain it deserves. You think Washington was a traitor? Shout it in the streets. That is your right in this country.
George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.

The people in charge of the country at the time had a far different opinion of his actions
You mean people who liked being governed by Great Britain?
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
Washington represented a new type of government. One that didn't want its people being ruled by Kings and Queens. You want to dance around that and call him a traitor? Have at it, douche bag. But reasonable people outside of Trump's half-retarded base are going to to look at that rhetoric with the disdain it deserves. You think Washington was a traitor? Shout it in the streets. That is your right in this country.

Washington not only turned on his country, he took up arms against it.


noun [ C ] uk /ˈtreɪ.tər/ us /ˈtreɪ.t̬ɚ/ disapproving

person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country, social class, beliefs, etc.: "

traitor Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.

Are you going to provide a link and a quote to what President Trump said. Or are you just blowing shit out of your ass again?
I could show you that right in the center of your butt, there's a hole and if you don't want to believe it, you won't, even with your thumb stuck right in it. Why should I post the same thing over and over again. Something that is all over the news on every channel except Fox? Trump said that among the Nazi's there was "fine" and "good people". And that they were quietly and peacefully protesting but it was the left that showed up with clubs and black body armor.

Here is the video of quiet, fine and good people that Trump watched:

In other words you don't have any quote from President Trump comparing Washington to "traitors that attacked this country", which makes the entire premise of this thread a lie.

In other words, you found that hole and stuck your head into it and now it's stuck. Like I said, every TV and political Radio station is replaying Trump's words. Go talk to them. It's not my job to teach the unlearn-able.
George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.

Are you going to provide a link and a quote to what President Trump said. Or are you just blowing shit out of your ass again?
I could show you that right in the center of your butt, there's a hole and if you don't want to believe it, you won't, even with your thumb stuck right in it. Why should I post the same thing over and over again. Something that is all over the news on every channel except Fox? Trump said that among the Nazi's there was "fine" and "good people". And that they were quietly and peacefully protesting but it was the left that showed up with clubs and black body armor.

Here is the video of quiet, fine and good people that Trump watched:

In other words you don't have any quote from President Trump comparing Washington to "traitors that attacked this country", which makes the entire premise of this thread a lie.

What's funny, Trump's words, you keep saying "prove", led the Joint Chiefs of Staff to issue comments. Isn't that hilarious?

Commanders of the Marines, Air Force, Navy, and Army all publicly b!tch slap Donald J. Trump
George Washington didn't attack this country. He helped found it.
Yea, he owned slaves. Not every creation is perfect at the moment of creation. Sometimes it takes time and tweaks to get it right. But the founders laid the foundation.

Robert E. Lee and other traitors of that ilk, attacked this country. They tried to kill the promise of what Washington founded.

How dare Donald Trump compare George Washington and other founders favorably with traitors.

Bad enough when Republicans work to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
And when they collude with Russians to undermine our elections.
But to supports Nazi's is simply over the top. Are they sure they should be in this country? Perhaps it's not the right fit and they should move on to another country that's a better fit.

The people in charge of the country at the time had a far different opinion of his actions
You mean people who liked being governed by Great Britain?
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
Washington represented a new type of government. One that didn't want its people being ruled by Kings and Queens. You want to dance around that and call him a traitor? Have at it, douche bag. But reasonable people outside of Trump's half-retarded base are going to to look at that rhetoric with the disdain it deserves. You think Washington was a traitor? Shout it in the streets. That is your right in this country.

Washington not only turned on his country, he took up arms against it.


noun [ C ] uk /ˈtreɪ.tər/ us /ˈtreɪ.t̬ɚ/ disapproving

person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country, social class, beliefs, etc.: "

traitor Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Do you live in America? Are you an American citizen? If so, and you think Washington is a traitor to England, then clearly your loyalty lies with that country. So I'm sure you're on the next plane back to the land of Kings and Queens.
The people in charge of the country at the time had a far different opinion of his actions
You mean people who liked being governed by Great Britain?
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
Washington represented a new type of government. One that didn't want its people being ruled by Kings and Queens. You want to dance around that and call him a traitor? Have at it, douche bag. But reasonable people outside of Trump's half-retarded base are going to to look at that rhetoric with the disdain it deserves. You think Washington was a traitor? Shout it in the streets. That is your right in this country.

Washington not only turned on his country, he took up arms against it.


noun [ C ] uk /ˈtreɪ.tər/ us /ˈtreɪ.t̬ɚ/ disapproving

person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country, social class, beliefs, etc.: "

traitor Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Do you live in America? Are you an American citizen? If so, and you think Washington is a traitor to England, then clearly your loyalty lies with that country. So I'm sure you're on the next plane back to the land of Kings and Queens.

Yes, I"m American, yes I live in America.

What country did Washington have citizenship in when he helped start the rebellion?

I linked to the dictionary definition or traitor, and you still don't get it.

Just how slow are you?
You mean people who liked being governed by Great Britain?
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
Washington represented a new type of government. One that didn't want its people being ruled by Kings and Queens. You want to dance around that and call him a traitor? Have at it, douche bag. But reasonable people outside of Trump's half-retarded base are going to to look at that rhetoric with the disdain it deserves. You think Washington was a traitor? Shout it in the streets. That is your right in this country.

Washington not only turned on his country, he took up arms against it.


noun [ C ] uk /ˈtreɪ.tər/ us /ˈtreɪ.t̬ɚ/ disapproving

person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country, social class, beliefs, etc.: "

traitor Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Do you live in America? Are you an American citizen? If so, and you think Washington is a traitor to England, then clearly your loyalty lies with that country. So I'm sure you're on the next plane back to the land of Kings and Queens.

Yes, I"m American, yes I live in America.

What country did Washington have citizenship in when he helped start the rebellion?

I linked to the dictionary definition or traitor, and you still don't get it.

Just how slow are you?

Oh I get it. You're slandering the name of one of the founders of this nation. Apparently, you don't think too highly of him and you're butt hurt that he fought against the nation of his birth. Perhaps you should fly across the pond since you think so highly of England, bloke.
You know exactly what I meant.

He was a British subject, and turned on his king.

How is that NOT being a traitor?
Washington represented a new type of government. One that didn't want its people being ruled by Kings and Queens. You want to dance around that and call him a traitor? Have at it, douche bag. But reasonable people outside of Trump's half-retarded base are going to to look at that rhetoric with the disdain it deserves. You think Washington was a traitor? Shout it in the streets. That is your right in this country.

Washington not only turned on his country, he took up arms against it.


noun [ C ] uk /ˈtreɪ.tər/ us /ˈtreɪ.t̬ɚ/ disapproving

person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country, social class, beliefs, etc.: "

traitor Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Do you live in America? Are you an American citizen? If so, and you think Washington is a traitor to England, then clearly your loyalty lies with that country. So I'm sure you're on the next plane back to the land of Kings and Queens.

Yes, I"m American, yes I live in America.

What country did Washington have citizenship in when he helped start the rebellion?

I linked to the dictionary definition or traitor, and you still don't get it.

Just how slow are you?

Oh I get it. You're slandering the name of one of the founders of this nation. Apparently, you don't think too highly of him and you're butt hurt that he fought against the nation of his birth. Perhaps you should fly across the pond since you think so highly of England, bloke.
Oh I get it.
Obviously not

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