How did Canada manage to get it right?

Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why?

"Canada and the United States are, in many respects, similar countries. With the coronavirus outbreak, the two North American nations had comparable risk profiles, sharing (for example) similarly aged populations and similar distance from the earliest hot spots in Europe and East Asia.

Yet the outbreak has been dramatically worse in the United States than its northern neighbor.

Per capita, the United States has about twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as Canada and about 30 percent more deaths. Canadian testing rates have been consistently higher, especially during the critical early stages of the North American outbreaks: In mid-March, the Canadian testing rate was roughly five times higher than the American one."
In anticipation of Trumplehead idiocy--------deflection---------disparagement of the source-------- don't bother unless you can factually refute the reporting.
"There are a number of factors that have enabled Canada to perform at a higher level than the United States, including more consistent pre-virus funding for public health agencies and a universal health care system. But one of the most important seems to have been a difference in political leadership."
Why has Canadian leadership not spent wasted time on trying to find a scapegoat for their failure like Trump? Because they didn't fail.

California has roughly the same population of Canada. California has slightly more than just half the deaths. Texas has 80% the population of Canada, yet only one-fourth the number of deaths.

What did California and Texas do better than Canada?
Universal health care - no copays, no extra-billing. No question this played a huge part in the willingness of Canadians to go for testing early and often.

Sure it did. That's why Italy, Spain, Britain, France, Ireland, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Sweden all have more deaths per capita than the United States

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